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  1. Just goes to show you she's the type of person that doesn't compromise...being able to compromise and adjust to any situation is pretty crucial for a relationship to last for the long haul. She could have ordered something else or had the dressing on the side. She could also have just thrown caution into the wind and shared dishes with him to sample the cuisine. She could also have put the breaks on going, saying she wasn't comfortable with his choice. Him on the other hand should have had a discussion whether or not she would like to try Polish food instead of just throwing her to the wolves like that.
  2. You are not the only one in this predicament. Dating hasn't changed since when I was single decades ago...it sucked, the people sucked, there was so much disappointment, etc. I think taking a break to refresh/reset is a good idea. Before I met my husband I took over a year off from dating/looking for anyone. I had enough too. I always say you don't find love, it finds you. When I met my husband it was unexpected. So hang in there. It only take the one right?
  3. You choose however you want to end this relationship. This isn't about how she feels but how this has affected you. Either way you are still walking away.
  4. Update your appearance. It's hotly competitive out there so you want to stand out in some way and the easiest is to get a makeover and a new wardrobe. Looking sharp, gives you confidence and a little swagger. Not gonna lie cuz I do this too, but the majority of women check out the shoes.
  5. You need couples counselling. His behavior is out of him being resentful.
  6. He's 42 and doesn't know his purpose??? He's had 26 years to figure that out! I think this goes way deeper than a job he doesn't like.
  7. You started dating when you were teenagers...none of you had any life experiences dating others as adults. She's got that 7 year itch. She wants to see what else is out there. This insta-g thing was a real reality check. Your relationship is not what she wants anymore....this is so normal. Change is difficult, so this soft breakup is pretty much letting her ease out of those feelings of attachment.
  8. Getting hurt is just part of life. He will get over it and then life just goes on.
  9. I don't know why this is such a YOU problem....it's actually a him problem. You have way more to lose if you relocated...so he can make the big step to relocated to a place that would definitely give him more opportunity. But yes you two need to see each other to discuss the pros and cons of relocating. $HIT is getting real now. You both have to get serious about it because this is your future. It's not giggles, laughs and I miss yous over text messages anymore. This is something that should have been discussed before even launching yourselves into this. I wish you all the best, and hopefully can come to a resolution.
  10. People are visual and emotional creatures. People will fantasize about other people. There are very few people on this planet that don't or haven't. Whatever goes on in ones head is no ones business. And yes OP there will be a day when you are older you will catch yourself doing it to. Seeking it out?...ya most young men will. In the old days it was porn mags under the bathroom sink. It's nothing new. I'm sorry you find this distressing but it's part of life AND it has nothing to do with you. YOU cannot compare yourself to what he's looking at. His feelings for you remain the same. The pictures he looks at are just an extension of his sexuality. I'm a woman and I have always understood this. It doesn't mean you have to like it or accept it....just understand it.
  11. She's your ex for a reason. When it's over we are supposed to move on without them. All you are getting out of this is a butt hurt ego. None of this matters anymore. Be happy she's out of your life.
  12. What changed in your relationship in order for her to bring this all out? Have you ever thought that she just might be lying to you now to get back at you, or she's looking for attention or is jealous about something like you getting too close to a female coworker? What changed?
  13. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.... Anyways...it's obvious you two are still developing your relationship. Don't move in together if you are not comfortable with things. IMO you should wait at least another year of getting to know one another. As for communication, it's not that good if you are here talking about your concerns with us instead of her. She wants everything out in the open well then let her have it. Talk about it with her. Good communication isn't about telling stories or sharing opinions...it's about truth and honesty.
  14. Retroactive jealousy...look it up.
  15. If you are in a position where family can't help and no help from the government, start a Face Book Go Fund Me page. Get a new bank card...the bank should be able to reissue you one just over the phone if you have proper account info. they will mail it to you.
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