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  • Olivia Sanders
    Olivia Sanders

    How Can I Break the Cycle of Negative Thoughts?

    Dear eNotAlone: I need someone to talk to, but I've exhausted all my options. It feels like my mind is stuck in a loop, always spiralling around the same chaotic thoughts. I don't know how to stop the cycle or where to even start. Nothing I've tried works and I'm emotionally drained.

    I feel like I'm being run in a circle and I can't seem to break free. Every day is a constant battle, and I just can't seem to make any progress. I'm so overwhelmed and lost, but I'm hoping there's still some way out.

    Please tell me what I can do to fight this cycle and escape the endless loop. Is there anything that can help me find my way back to a place of peace and contentment?

    * * *

    It can be incredibly difficult to feel as if you're stuck in a loop, especially when you've already tried different things to no avail. You likely feel like you're at a loss, unsure of how to break free from this cycle.

    The first step is to focus on yourself and make sure you're properly taking care of your physical, mental, and emotional health. Make sure to prioritize rest and relaxation time. Ensure that you're eating healthy and well-balanced meals. Exercise, meditate, and practice mindfulness. Make sure you create and maintain a daily routine and stick to it as much as possible.

    Another tip is to limit your exposure to noise and other stressors as much as possible. Make sure to take breaks from social media, turn off notifications, and limit the amount of news you consume. Instead, diversify your leisure activities and make time for meaningful conversations with people you trust.

    If all else fails, therapy can be a great tool for breaking free of cycles of negative thinking. A therapy session can provide a safe space to unpack any underlying issues and get to the root of why you're feeling this way. Your therapist can help equip you with the tools and strategies needed to better manage your emotions and address the issue at hand.

    Take it one day at a time and remember that it's okay to not be okay. Stay gentle and kind with yourself and know that you can make it through.


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