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  • Paula Thompson
    Paula Thompson

    Understanding Our Desires and the Exploitation of Vulnerability

    We often feel overwhelmed by the amount of choice that today’s world offers. As the marketing and advertising arms of corporations compete for our attention, it seems as if something should be out there that is perfectly suited to our desires and needs. Yet, for many of us, we find ourselves unable to make a selection that feels valuable and meaningful. The whole process can engender feelings of hopelessness and confusion. In reality, part of our difficulty is that we have such trouble understanding what we want - and those in charge of selling us things know our infirmities only too well.

    The capacity to understand our real desires is an important factor in truly enjoying life. When we question our deepest wants and needs, at a fundamental level, we unlock a whole new world of possibility that was previously unknown. Every decision we make, whether it be the most mundane or life-changing, has its basis in which of our desires will be fulfilled. Seeking to differentiate between what we ‘think’ we want and what we can ‘truly’ have can help to enrich our lives in better and more meaningful ways.

    At this same time, while we are responsible for deciphering our own preferences, we should be aware of the marketing strategies used on us to stimulate consumerism. For example, marketing and advertising campaigns of products or services may use psychological tactics to increase their focus on the uncertainties and deficiencies we have. From False scarcity like limited time offers and limited quantities to the illusion of exclusivity to appeal to our vanity, companies over several decades have studied our psychology to develop tactics that could make us buy their products. Of course, product satisfaction will differ on a case-by-case basis. In other words, individuals should remain aware of the way that marketers subtly manipulate consumerism in our society.

    It is possible for us to avoid the pitfalls of being taken advantage of. By recognizing what we are actually looking for, whether it be love, knowledge, a connection with the divine, or using our passions to enrich our lives, we can discern whether what is being offered serves our true interests or not. Furthermore, we have the power to resist the urges of material possessions by questioning the sales pitches of business and gaining an intrinsic understanding of our views on money, values, and purpose.

    As we connect with our inner psyche and come to understand what we wish to attract into our lives, we tap into a power that transcends understanding. This can give us the ability to manifest our dreams and aspirations, from money to relationships, education, and more. Our power lies within us and it is up to us to determine how our emotions, thoughts, and ideas determine what we spend our resources on.

    Part of our difficulty is that we have such trouble understanding what we want - and those in charge of selling us things know our infirmities only too well. Yet, when we are informed of the psychological tactics used by companies, we can become conscious of our decisions and move closer to fulfilling our truest desires. Through this process, we explore our potential and make better choices that reflect our individual values and worth.

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