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Everything posted by kamurj

  1. kamurj


    My problem is this. About four years ago my Dad remarried an old sweetheart that had his child many, many years ago without his knowledge. Both of them later married and had other kids but then found each other again. I know have a half-sister, a full-sister, and a step brother. And my step-brother shares the same mother as my half- sister. My brother has a different Dad and I have different mother. My brother and I are four years apart and I have been attracted to him. A couple of nights ago my brother and I were sitting around talking and one thing led to another and him and I did some pretty serious making out. We came very close to sex but I stopped the whole thing. We both know it was wrong and I have no itention on it happening again but now I feel guilty. I feel guilty and ashamed because of what we did and because I'm attracted to him. I don't know what to do. Any advice???
  2. kamurj


    I'm in a long distance relationship, and I only see my boyfriend about one weekend a month. How do I tell him that I'm a virgin and I want him to be my first?
  3. kamurj


    Do you want the truth? Do you want me to be honest? You need to let her go. You cannot force her to love you. If she has fallen out of love with you, like she says she has, she isn't going to love you again by talking to a counselor. I know this is harsh. I know you want to believe there is a way to make this work and make her love you as much as you love her. But if you make her stay with you, she will keep cheating on you. If she does end up staying with you because you made her, she will resent you. She will constantly be mad at you, she wont talk to you and you will be more unhappy than you would be without her. I know the prospect of life on your own, with out her is very scary. Who will you be friends with, what will you do, where will you live, what will your friends think of you, what will your parents think of you. Truthfully, people will be very supportive of you. If you have any of your own friends, they will take you out and help you get over this. Life does go on. I know you've heard this before but you will survive. It will be hard for a long time, probably a year or more. But you need to leave and once you do, get out. Don't stay at home and sulk. Get out, do something, anything! You cannot stay with her hoping for the off chance that she might love you again. I can promise you, she wont. She has already had her time to fall out of love with you. Now you need your time to fall out of love with her. Please believe me on this. From all the stuff she has told you, it screams that she wants out. It blatently says that if you do go to counseling, she won't try. She doesn't want to be with you anymore. You need to let her go. As hard as it will be, it will be better for you in the long run, and your life will be happier.
  4. I have been hanging out with a large group of friends for about a year now. Me and one of the guys in the group ended up becoming very good friends and being very flirtatious. After about 6 months of this he gave me an ultimatum saying either date me or we cannot be friends anymore. Well of course this pissed me off so I tried not talking to him. That didn't work, I drove myself nuts not being able to talk to him. So I decided to try dating him. Everything was great in the beginning. He really is the nicest guy imaginable. He does everything for me. But that's just it. We've been dating for 5 months now and its driving me nuts. I'm not attracted to him at all. He always wants to hang out with me and I can't seem to get a minute alone. When I do have a "girls night" he gets mad that he can't come along. He is just really clingy and really really likes me. My problem is the friends. We still hang out with the same group of friends. From the beginning when I decided to date him, they were all really happy about it but kept saying "whatever you do, don't hurt him". Now I don't know what to do. I know neither of us are willing to stop hanging out with our group of friends just because we break up. And I don't want to make it awkward for us or for our friends because we break up. I wish it could be a mutual break up but it never is. Is there anyway to do this without completely destroying him. Is there anyway to keep the awkwardness to a minimum with our group of friends.
  5. kamurj


    I recently found out my wife is cheating on me. She says she is in love him more than she cares for me. we have been together 8 years.engaged 1.5 years ago and married 6 months ago. I cant live without her, i never knew someone could hurt me so bad. she says she has been withhim now almost a year and he knows her very well. I dont dance much and I encouraged ehr to go out with her friends w/o me because I was afraid of dragging her down. she met him there. oh god i dont know what i am going to do this is sooo hard. I thought we would be together forever. she ismy first and only love. I told her I still love her though her feelings for me have died off and we need to try. But she says she may not be able to stop talking to him. what did I do wrong Ihave loved her so much! i gave her everything i am so stupid . god this hurts so much. she says she will try for me to be with me and see a marriage counselor but she admits she doesnt "love" me like him. and she still wants to be with him. am I being stupid and setting myself up for another big fall wanting her to try? I am trying to act strong but everylittle thing about my life is part of her. this is so terrible. If she is really happy with him like she says should I let her go?
  6. i been with this person for 12 years but he is still married and has children. he don't want to lose his child because of a divorce so he said he can't leave till she is 18. i want someone home with me, i want to do things to gether on a daily basis. i want a life, not to be the second hand rose. i have threaten to leave, told him it was over, told him i wouldn't wait but i love him and i am still here. i feel as though life is to short and by the time he makes his move we won't beable to enjoy our self. when i say i gave up my life for you he says he gave up everything for me.i am never right it always get turned around and its me. i am willing to throw away everything. i don't want another holiday alone just with my family. i want him there not just for 5 minutes. what should i do. email removed
  7. Thank you for the advice. It helps to hear someone else's opinion because its hard to think with all of it happening to me.
  8. I'm so sorry this has happened to you, and I understand how hard it must be. IT sounds like you're wife is as broken hearted by this as you. A while ago I thought I was losing interest and falling out of love with my other half, and it took us nearly splitting up to realise how mych I love her. If she does love you and is feeling restless, then it will pass, as long as you try not to be too clingy. If you want to know the truth, then you have to try and create your own happiness, and not be too dependent on her. Give her the space to sort her head out. If she doesnt feel the guilt of breaking your heart, and see's you being strong for her, it'll will give her the thinking time she needs to work out how she really feels, and what she really wants. I know its difficult, but be strong. I know it seems as though if you do go your separate ways you won't be able to cope, but you'd be surprised how well the human mind copes. I myself have got over my wife cheating on me, and although is was hurrendous and difficult it has made us stronger. I wish you the best of luck. Its not going to be easy, but be strong. Its completely true, "what doesnt kill us makes us stronger"
  9. kamurj

    What to do?

    im the same... and i know how it feels to be jealous. I know its really difficult to not impose it on your partner, i'm the same. I also have a problem with my partners previous sexual relationships and drive myself insane when I think about it. You have to realise that if he is the one, and he loves you, and he tells you he does, that you have to try and keep telling yourself to trust him and at the end of the day its you he's with. I'm considering seeing the doctor, to help me deal with my illogical thinking. I'm hoping it'll let me relax a bit and enjoy my relationship. Some anti-anxiety drugs can really help. Good luck.
  10. I just do not like my husbands friends it is either they are trying to give him advice about us that is not even needed and it ends up making us argue about things they we were not suppose to argue about at all.He had a friend who wanted to break us up and I was the only one who saw that.What makes me be angry about it is when ever he has a friend we argue a lot.AM I wrong for being angry.
  11. I met my wife in college about 7 years ago. She is really my first real relationship and the first person I have ever even slept with. I love her so much. Though our relationship has notably got from hot to cold in the last few months. This being my only relationship I thought this was perhaps normal. As I thought most relationships loose their heat after a while. We were so passionate when we started. Just a few weeks ago however she tells me she needs to talk. she proceeds to tell me that not only is she not happy anymore she doesnt or never did love me "as a wife should love a husband" and thinks that our relationship was just her on the rebound from her previous. She says she has felt this way many years now but has been afraid to tell me. we just got married 5 months ago. She said she felt that after we were married things would change and she would feel what she thought was the loveshe felt for me when we started. Im so confused and hurt. our wedding our marriage and last 7 years and apparently has meant nothing. She is definitely more experianced with relationships than I am she is older than me by 6 years (she is 31 I am 25) and again she is the only one I have ever been with. However this is her longest relationship and her first marriage too. we talked and she said she will give it some time to see if herfeelings change. But I cant help thinking its already decided in her mind and she has gone so far as to say that is what she is afraid of too. She is very broken up by this or seems to be. I just cant tell anymore. Is she wrong, maybe she does love me but is just having trouble being married? or just experiance the "familiarity" or restlessness that comes with a long relationship?
  12. kamurj


    Will my son prefer his caregiver to me? I work full-time and have a nanny to care for my son. I feel jealous of the close reltionship they share. Should I be? Will my son prefer her to me? What can I do to stay close to my child?
  13. when should i give upon a person that i care about whom is a junkie, a person that i gave many chances to straighten up because he said thats what he wanted to do(straighten up)but has not, all though pretending to be since we have gotten back together which was two years ago. the reason we broke up before was because of his drug problems and all that went with it (lieing , stealing , cheating). We stayed broke up for two years and he came to me begging and pleading and said he was going to change so i took him back, we have a baby now which is why ive even stayed with him this long . since we have been together he has continually used drugs and several times has stolen large amounts of money from me both before the baby was born and since he has been born. i stayed with him because he uses our child by telling me that he will take him from me and a couple of times he told me that he would take him and no one would ever see him again (the baby.)finally a couple of weeks ago i had to break up with him because i told him the last time money was missing that i would have no other choice but to and so he went through about a thousand dollars in a week(his money) while at the same time writing checks on me that i had no idea he was writing, he would also pretend on weekends especially on sundays that he was going to go help a friend do some work buti dont really believe that was true cause i cant believe a word that he says i mean not a word.so my problem is that i finally got the strength to break up with him but he acted like he did not want that to happen. but since it has happened he won't even try to even talk to me unless we see each other when im picking up my son at his grand ma's.and then its not really anything important that he has to say. and when ever i start to leave he says i love you like nothing ever happened ? now he does not say it, that was for the first couple of days and since we have broke up he has spent quite a few evening and nights at his friends' houses that i know have the same problem he does,but yet he says he is trying to change.I guess what i really want to know is how can he say he loves me when he knew what would happen if he kept on ? some friends and family are trying to tell me that the things he done,did and still doesnt have anything to do with the love for me, that he just has problems and that it is the drugs, but i beg to differ. cause when we got back together i told him more than once that the very first time i even caught wind that he was doing anything wrong (stealing , druggin, lieing cheating) that i would have to break up with him no matter what excuse he used. This time the excuse was i just could not stop. i gave him a chance just last week to talk to me about it and he refused , he said that he just did not know why he did it, then waited a couple of minutes and said he had to go. a couple of days later the baby and i took him a birthday card and he was not home so i went to where i thought he was and his car was parked there, his friends saw me and im pretty sure it is was him in the window pulling back the curtain to look outside and when i looked up he had gotten out of the window so i left the card in his car. 2 days later he called to tell me he was going to come see the baby the next day and gave excuses why he had not been to see him and why he could not see him that day and remarked on how bad he felt the day we took the card to him cause he wasnt there . he said he had left his car there and went up the road with a friend and when he came back he found the card in his car and that it made him feel awful cause he had missed seeing us but yet i know he was there. what is he trying to do ? i kinda got off track there. everybody is trying to say it is the drugs but i have came to the conclusion that drugs yeah that is one of his problems, but he knows the consequences and he has kept on, so i have know other choice with all the evidence but to believe he didn't and don't love me and that drugs is just one problem of his and that he is just rotten to the core whether he had this problem or not. i used to believe that if the drug problem was resolved that everything else would also stop but i do not really think so. any way i just wanted to see what someone else that didnt know me or him made of this saga.
  14. how long is long enough to date a person before marrying them? is it possible for a marriage to work when one person is really in love with someone else?
  15. First, ask if you and he can get together, or if you see him regulary then skip the first part. Then bring it up casually, and if he likes you he'll give a good reply. But don't be expecting him to, because you never know if he will for sure.
  16. how do you let your friend know that you have a crush on him shataria williams
  17. My fiance has a problem playing any card game with me that has the potential to be one-sided in my favor. An example: Last night I was attempting to teach her gin rummy. She didn't want to play an open hand for some reason, then when I started winning big, she got angry. At the time, I was holding three aces, waiting to see if I could obtain a fourth. She had the fourth one unbeknownst to me, and when she discarded it, I picked it up and melded all four aces. At that point, she suddenly quit, accusing me of trying to slaughter her. She said she refused to ever play rummy with me again, because I "play to kill." Now I wasn't rubbing anything in while we were playing and it was only a half of a hand of rummy when thisoccurred. We had a fight over it, then upon talking to her further, she said that her ex-husband used to do what she was accusing me of, belittling her all the time. I also find it strange that, when we are retiring for the night, if I happen to be the one to climb into bed first, she often will accuse meof ALWAYS trying to beat her into bed for the sole purpose of taunting her. (She is often tired and can't wait to get into bed, but she takes a little longer than I do to get ready.) I would greatly appreciate your input as to the cause and solution for these behaviors. Sincerely yours, Doug Parks.
  18. ok, first of all i am shy so........I have been working for this lady on and off for about 8 years at her house (groundskeeper)and over this period of time i have noticed that there might be something between us,but i am afraid to make a move. she treats me really nice, coffee as soon as i get there, lunch when she is home and little things like that. i have noticed that she cannt look look me straight to my eyes and seems that she gets nervous whan i am around. when i get to her house in the morning during the weekends she stay around to where i am working. i had left her for about a year and when i came back she told me that she didnt care about her garden as much and that she did nt come to it while i was gone, i had about 15 customers at one point and wasnt spending as much time at her house as she wanted me to , so she took off from work to talk to me and she said"you know i dont care about your customers and i have a reason to be mad at you because i love you , but we left it like that, then she cosigned for me to get a car, then i needed to buy a computer , which is the one i am using right now, but i she had lent me $500 , what she said was to forget about that money and to put it towards the computer and that she was going to put it on her credit card and to pay her as i could for it, the problem is that she is married and i am afraid that if i make a move it is not what i think it is, but i am desperate to find out,oh , one last thing she owns a house where her husband practices medicine but she had tenants in the second floor of the house, now, the tenants moved out and she asked me to move in ,she was asking $1200 for the apartment but told that she would give it to me for $500 which was what i was paying before. did i do good moving in or what, did the tenants moved out or did she kicked them out for me to move in, i need ur advice , please
  19. kamurj

    What to do?

    I am a really jealous person. Everytime my boyfriend even talks to another girl I get upset. I hate being this way. He promised me he would never cheat on me. What should I do?
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