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Everything posted by CarrieB123

  1. I know its nice to keep in touch, but if you are fighting on the phone, and then you see eachother after a fight that sux. So try keeping the cov's light if you do have them, and be very friendly(even if your faking it) such as "hi honey, how was your day, mine would have been better if you had been in it... (kissy kissy smochy smochy)
  2. I think as we get older we forget what it feels like to be "young" and I often find myself advising others to do differently than I did to keep them out of trouble or heartach, so please dont be offended by ppl here making "your too young" comments, we were all your age at once and maybe we're a bit jealous of the years you have ahead of you, and also alittle scared for you because we know what those years are like. Also I remember when I was 12 and my two best friends were 13 they both had their periods and I hadn't gotten mine yet, they were fooling around with boys and I wasnt doing much of that but I remember them telling me "you are so lucky, you should have sex before you get your period, cause you cant get pregnant" and on thinking back on them saying that I get a shiver down my spine thinking about how stupid their "thoughts" were. And I can happily say I didnt have sex then, but when I did I was still very young 14, and I think my body wasnt ready because after having sex with my "first love" I went home and peed blood for almost 24 hours, until my (grife stricken) mother took me to the doctor, who admitted me into the hospital for 3 days 2 nights, the doctors never completely figured out what had gone wrong, and the only thing I knew was that it was very painful. Oh and here is the kicker, while I was going through all of this my "first love" wouldnt take my calls, and he never came to see me. I will never forget that ordeal.
  3. Is this on the phone? Because if it is, maybe you should not talk on the phone, and then you could miss eachother and appreciate eachother when you do see eachother. Just a thought.
  4. Are you using pads or tampons? And as for discomfort (cramps and such) try some Tylenol.
  5. I would say its normal, from time to time I think about my h/s "sweetheart" I even have had sex dreams with him, and I see him every once in a while, more times than not, I thank the heaves that we didnt last, but sometimes I think "what if"... So yes its normal, espically with all the guilt you have.
  6. You will be fine, getting your period is just another part of life! As for having sex with this guy, do you want to? Or are you just curious about the act of sex, if thats it I would say wait until you find someone you care about.
  7. LOL, Sorry but seriously I laughed out loud, did people really say this to you and if so why? Also, do you think its possible that you just like her now because you see her with your boss, and that makes you a bit jealous?
  8. Maybe you could just say "Thank Nobody" then you wont offend anyone. Just a thought.
  9. This is not a joke: But Luciana were you cheated on by a b/f or husband with a stripper? You dont have to answer, but I think it might put all of your anger and hate into perspective.
  10. Ewww, me neither, I will turn away rather than have to stare one of them in the eye. Now give me a buff body, or a cute butt, or a guy in just a pair of white boxer shorts and I can stare for hours!!!
  11. Sorry if I am being pushy I dont mean to be, and I think its great that you are on here searching for reasons. And I think she is saying it to you to be a "good wife" to be giving and aware of the fact that she cant provide herself for anal sex. She also might be saying it to get a reaction from you, I dont mean she is playing games, but maybe just curious about how important anal sex is to you.
  12. I have only read bit's and piece's of this thread, but I think you should maybe check out some of these strippers before posting such an outrageous lie like this... PERFECT BODY'S AND FACES, I dont think so! Most times I think the strippers make men realize what they have at home and appreciate their women a bit more!!!
  13. Well its good you see that, and I am glad you are not planning on doing it because your right it will cause problems down the road. And I am sure her procedure was not a welcomed operation, so you should stand strong by her side, and never ever ever mention the term "anal sex" to her. Just my opinion.
  14. What do you think it feels like? Thats probably what it feels like. Next question, doing it with another women, most likely it would ruin your marriage, if not ruin it, put a damper on it. Why would your wife really want you to do that?
  16. I agree with DN, don't even give him the satisfaction of a call or message. As the song goes "You say it best when you say nothing at all" I know it's a love song and the other lyrics don't fit your situation, but its true allot can be "said" with absolutely no words!
  17. Maybe he is just not a fan of PDA (Public Display's of Affection). Alot of ppl are like that, and alot of ppl are offened by seeing others make out all over the place. So unless you see some hidden reason for his actions, such as another g/f I would say just keep you private life with him just that way, private.
  18. It is quite possible that his 1st wife got all of the same lovin' and attention that you got "IN THE BEGINNG" but it faded between him and her and it sounds like the same is happening between you two. I hope this is not the case, but its very possible. Do you think he could be cheating? Did alot change after you two got married?
  19. I am a child of divorce, I was 9 and my brother was 11. We spent weekends and holidays with my dad, he came to our sporting events and was there as much as possible, my parents never fought and over all it was a very healthy divorce. Even with all the positive/healthy aspects of their divorce looking back the worse thing that "occurred" was my brother and I didn't show my mom very much respect, to put it honestly we "walked all over her" and I don't blame her at all for it but I think it could have been prevented. She should have put her foot down immediately, and punished us more, not being so worried about being our "friend" or the "good parent" Best of luck!!! TELL THEM AGAIN AND AGAIN, that it has nothing to do with them, and that you both love them very much. Go to a lawyer and get child support, and visitation worked out. And take time for yourself!
  20. That's for the complement goddesss38. I should do a men's version!!! Something like buying a car, or playing a ball game!!!!
  21. That would be very admirable but hard, if she decides to date someone else while they are "begin friends" it might make things worse for him.
  22. Well ppl come on here for support, not to be judged and treated poorly, I myself often use "tough love" but I think you are just trying make ppl angry. And you dont know this man she is talking about or his situation, and LuciaSeia didnt ask for a rasie of hands, for "ppl who think this guy is a loser" what she said was:
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