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  1. Are you saying that all poor girls should look forward to becoming a stripper to pay for university or college? Are you kidding me? There are perfectly normal ways to make money that do not involve taking your clothes off. There are part time jobs and student loans. So please before you try to rationalize strippers and how they make you feel down there, look at it from another point of view. Just because you enjoy that high doesn't make it right! Also just because my boyfriend decided that I am more important to him that some stranger doesn't make him any less of a man. In fact, it makes him more of a man than you. I totally disagree with you, it does strengthen the relationship knowing that your partner doesn't want to lose you and any respect they have for you over a STRIPPER, who is supposted to mean nothing to you.
  2. Thank you all for your opinions. I do not agree with most of them as I strongly feel that a man that watches adult entertainment while in a relationship is cheating on his partner. BUT that is not why I am here. I wanted to let you all know that my boyfriend has decided to honour my feelings and will not be going to that part of the party. There was never a trust issue here just a respect one. I am not saying that he should do everything I ask of him, that would be a very boring relationship, I am saying that if your partner gives you a valid reason why not to do something you should respect them enough to give up what they are asking you to give up. I have given up many things that he is uncomfortable with and I expect him to give up things that are important to me. Remember that when you are in a relationship you are in it with someone else. If you are not willing to bend sometimes you might as well be in a relationship with ourself. So to the guy who is older than everyone else in forum, Being older doesn't always make you wiser.
  3. As Luciana suggests, I am planning on getting even with him. I have a very good guy friend that my boyfriend is a little...let's say he is put off by this friend. I will be going out with him the night of the party. I will of course, tell my boyfriend about this outting. Nothing will happen between us, I have a boyfriend and he has a girlfriend, and if anything did it would end our relationship very fast, which I really don't want to happen. My goal: while he is at the party watching a stranger strip, I will be out with my friend. I then want him to have lots of fun while wondering how much fun I am having with this friend.
  4. I am not telling him what to do, please don't think that. I have never said that he can't do something or else... I am not his mom, because if I was that would be gross. Anyways, I really do trust him, I just don't understand why he feels that to be entertained at this party he should take part in this form of entertainment. He is also not going with a group of his friends. Remember, this is his friends brothers party. He will know his friend, his brother and father that is all. I feel like it is my job to entertain him in this way not some stranger who he has no emotional bond to. He says that he wants to see attractive women entertain him, that it is like seeing a pretty women walking down the street. I don't know about you, but personally I have never seen a naked women walk down the street. I have two more questions. First, if anyone (guy or girl) can explain to me why someone would want to see a women strip for entertainment only, that would be great because I just don't get it. Second, are there any guys out there that wouldn't go to this party when they have been dating someone for 4 years who so strongly disagrees with this form of entertainment.
  5. Well thank you all for your advice. I spoke to my boyfriend (and took your advice not to attack me) and now he is very upset with me. He really wants to go. Although I think this is a barbaric tradition I cannot make a choice for him. I tried to tell him how I would probably feel if he went but he told me it was an ultimatum. I didn't think it was. He can barely look at me and I think he thinks that I am trying to change him. I will let you know if he decides to go but I think that he will go. If it is alright to see someone naked outside of the relationship what will be next? Plain and simple I think that when in a relationship the other person needs to be a main concern in your life and not your penis.
  6. There is nothing in my boyfriends past that would make me think that he would cheat, just the opposite. I just think that there should be more in our relationship than being friends who have sex. Shouldn't there be things that we share with eachother and no one else? Shouldn't being naked be one of them?
  7. My boyfriend of 4 years just got invited to a bachler party where there is going to be adult entertainment. He really wants to go, but I hate knowing that he will be going and sees some strange women dancing infront of him wearing a total of zero clothing. I always thought that being naked was something you share with someone you care about not a person who's body means more to you than having an emotional relationship with them. Am I not good enough for him that he needs a stranger to satisfy him? or am I just crazy?
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