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  1. I believe that there are exceptions. When I met my husband, he was still married. The women he was with was aone night stand turned baby truned wedding. Neither cared for each other, but they figured it was the best thing to do for the child. My husband was supporting them the best way he knew how. once they officially separated he and I moved in together. She knew. They remained married for about 2 years, she refused the divorce because she needed his medical insurace. After the divorce only the child would have it. Anyhow, the divorce finalized, he and I got married. His son and I have a great relationship, I love him to death, and his ex and I have become good friends. We get along very well. So with every rule there is exceptions.
  2. lonelygrl


    Ok, first off I admit I do get a little jealous, but who doesn't? Ok, In my husbands job he has to work with women. I realize that and that is fine with me. How ever in his office it has mostly been all males, until recently. They got a new female. Well come to find out she used to be friends with a girl I knew. And the girl I knew was extremely permiscuous, married, single it didn't matter. So this girl now has been calling my husband after business hours, so I got upset and said something about it. He said it was work. That was that. More recently my husband was transferred to a new office. So I figured, ok now she has no reason to call him. Wrong. The other night he got a call, pretty late. I could here her voice, and here her ask him "where were you this morning?" When he was off the phone, I asked who called? He said oh it was some new guy from another office. I knew he was lying, and it made me sick to my stomach. The next morning I got the number from his cell phone and called it, just to be sure. And I was right. I am not totally conviced he is cheating, but that little bit of jealousy I was feeling turned into full out suspicion because he bold face lied. Am I just being a hot headed women or do I have every right to be angry and hurt?[/color]
  3. I understand your dilema. You love your kids. But the fact is that, your kids can sense when something is wrong. your wife cheated, that is that, if she did it once she will do it again. She may love you in some way but not the way you deserve. Your kids would be better off if you were separated and happy whether then together and miserable.
  4. Sometimes you just need to let go and let fate. Life is pretty crazy, but I truly believe that what was meant to be will be. All you can do is let her know that you are there, and you love her, and then just back off and give her time. We women are a strange breed, I don't even think we can explain ourselves.
  5. I am 24 for, my husband is 33. We met 4 years ago. Our relationship seemed great, we progressed like any normal relationship would. Late 2003 he decided to move from where I was born and raised(where we met), to a city on the opposite side of the country to be near his 6 year old son. I loved him and would do anything for him, but to me it was a pretty big sacrafice. I left behind all of my friends and family. I guess to him it wasn't such a big deal. Once we moved and got settled,things started to change a little. His attitude was different, we didn't talk very much, sex was scarce. One minute things were good, the other not so good. But regardless we decided to get married early 2004. We have now been married a year, and things are the same, even a little worse at times (especially the sex part.) We have talked a number of times, and right after we talk things are good. But a while later back to the same. I realize his new job just flat out stinks, but is that really a good enough excuse to neglect your wife and family? He took me away from home, I left everything behind to be with him. I take care of his son, (not mine), I have the kid more then both his parents do. I don't want a silver medal or anything, just a little appriciation at times. A little acknowledgement. For what ever reason, I haven't made too many friends. He has made plenty from work and what not. He goes out and I stay home. Lately I have been very depressed. I miss home, I miss my familly, friends. I don't doubt that my husband loves me, but I am not so sure I can do this anymore. I feel so alone. I don't know what to do. Part of me wants to leave, part of me wants to go out and have an affair, but a big part of me loves him, and that makes it difficult. Am I pathetic or what?[color=red
  6. Sometimes when you look too hard for something you can miss it . Just hang out, go places. Don't actively look for a girl, the moment you stop looking, she will find you. At least that is what I have learned from my experience. Hang in there, she is out there, just wait and see.
  7. It is definitely OK. You both are adults, and able to make you r own decisions. Who cares what anyone else thinks. If you two like each other, go for it. My husband and I are 8 years apart, and there is really no difference. Age is nothing but a number.
  8. My husbands first marrage was what used to be called a shotgun wedding. She got pregnant the first time they slept together, so he figured the right thing to do was marry her. They both were un happy, and decided a divorce was best. (I heard that from her aswell.). So our marriage has been different from the beginning. We have been married a little over a year now, and since then our sexual relationship has become inactive. When we were dating we were crazy, we'd go to the adult video stores and rent movies, like I said before, we would make love 2-3 times a day. I realize that people can get stressed, but that is no reason to take it out on your family. I have talked to him before, many times, he just says "I'm sorry, I'll try harder". I go through boughts of depression, he asks whats wrong I tell him, he says the same thing. It's old, and I am too young to have and 80 year old sex drive
  9. First of all I am not a doctor. But in my opinion you are not suicidal. When I was 14 I did the same things. My mother actually put me in a mental hospital. I think that being a teen is rough, and parents seem to have forgotten that. I don't know what you have been through or what all you are going through now, all I can tell you is, you need to find someone you can talk to. And do your best to find another way to deal with your emotions. Most likely you are not who you are mad at, so why hurt yourself. A lot of times cutting is a cry for help, even if you may not see it as that. The fact that you are here asking for advise show's you need help. I am sure there is at least one adult in your life you can trust and talk to. For your sake, I hope you find someone soon. Life is precious, and even though it seems like you'll be a kid forever, you won't. Adulthood will be here for you know it. Hang in there.
  10. I met my husband 4 years ago, while serving in the Navy. We were stationed together. At the time when we met he was married with a 4 year old son. We did have 1 sexual encounter before I knew about that though. When I found out I broke it off. When we returned home from our cruise, I just assumed he would go home and that was that. But he called and told me they were divorcing and she was moving back home with his son. Our relationship grew from there. Our sex was great, and quit frquent, sometimes 3-4 times a day. Even when our ship was out to sea. We were inseperable. In late 2003 we moved to the town where his ex and son were. We got married early 2004. Now I am lucky if we even have sex once a month. He used to hold me, and just look at me, kiss me, tell me how much he loved me. Now It's a quick kiss, I love you, good night. I feel as though I have to fight for his attention. If I don't aggressivly persue sex, I just have to do with out. I don't know what it is. Is he not attracted anymore, do I not turn him on?
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