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Everything posted by theghost

  1. the last two paragraphs I understand, the rest where really hard to understand. Anyways, yes it really does sound like if she likes you...there is an 80% chance she likes you, from what you have said... I think you should make a move on her.
  2. if you really want to flirt with him, ask him what he likes in a girl, and maybey he wills tart describing you... If you just want to start a conversation, just talk things that you both are concentrating on, guess whats in his head and talk about it, don't bring out a random subject (althought thats not a bad idea now and then). If you are looking at the movie list, and him which one he likes, and tell him which one you like, etc. Don't worry about it, guys are easy to talk to.
  3. It helps a lot if you tell us... The setting Things about him Things about you Friends Events you might had with him Can you colaborate a bit more?
  4. I can't quite get it either, my I think she might be older than him... Or she was very aggressive.... I wouldn't mind getting rape by a girl, unless she wan't attractive.....but yet again it wouldn't be called rape. I'm really having some troubles picturing it. I saw this one show....looong time ago, when the married couple didn't have sex for month, until the wife got piss, and in the morning she tied up her husband, and she had sex with him, then he file a divorced and a law suit.... thats what this reminds me of. For your friend, I tihnk you should talk to him, ask him a lot of questions, but not at the same time. Make him comfortable, tell him that he didn't do anything wrong, try to make him open up to you.
  5. I remember when me and my gf went to pic up her brother, and I went to pickup my cusin cus they are in the same class....and as my gf went to go get them I was sitting outside, and this girl kept staring at me, and when I sllowly turn to see her, she turn really fast away, she couldn't made it anymore obious...she did that about 3 times, and I could see her with the corner of my eye, If my gf would of seen that too, she would of killed me too lol
  6. haha, thats funny....yes your are probably going to just waste your money... If you know most diet products do NOT make you loose weight, all they do is enhance your energy, so your body feels hyper, and thereforeeee making you walk faster, work faster, etc. Thats why some people get results with them... In the end, to modivate yourself to loose weight is the best solution, and the best part, its free... As for the patch....it probably does something your your hormones to make you more active, who knows what else does things do. Diet and exersice is the key...no matter what everyone tells you.. If you do either one of them is good, but if you do both at the same time, you will be amazed from the results...trust me, it worked for me, and I was able to keep the weight off for years. read this... link removed
  7. No no, I have a friend thats a girl, ans she told me a while back, that she doesn't like when guys leave her letter at her mailbox, and not say nothing in person. I mean at first when you want to tell her you like her its hard, but when you do, it doen't matter what way...e-mail, letter, txt msg, etc. she is gonna expect you to tell her something in person. Knowing how I am, I would of probably done the same thing you did. Anyways, what do you work in? Buy the sound of it, it seems you work in some food place... You might want to ask her to join you for lunch and you guys can talk, and then once she is feeling comfortable with you, you can ask her is she ever read the letter..... then you can go on from there....
  8. I want to give my gf oral soon, but I don't know if I'm gonna be those guys that give it once a year. Yes I like that idea of cleaning yourself before a guy goes down there. *takes note of that*
  9. so the tongue thing is just a genitic thing? ok, so I'm worry about the taste. Does it taste good, bad? or just like nothing. My gf saids that my cum doen't taste good, but she doen't mind...is that the same thing? Why couldn't it taste like icecream...damn...
  10. I know that you don't want to get back with her right now, but you could help her with herself, keep her safe. Take some burden of her shoulders, just be friends with her, see how it goes on in the future, by the sound of it, its not her fault, and she needs someone to talk and show her emotions to, at first she probably won't show anythig, but if you open up she will too. Good luck, and sry to hear about all of this.
  11. hey, I never gave oral to any of my ex's. But my current gf, gave me oral, and i felt so good, I want to return the favor. what does it taste like? she saids my precum taste salty, does her 'juice' taste salty too? What are some good ways to give her oral? Also I got one very important question. I ask my friend about this, and he said to have a good tongue, he can do waves, twists, bend his tongue, and other things that I can't describe. I in the other harnd can only do the basic tongue movements, up, down, left, right....How can I improve my tongue? is this just genetics? or can I learn this with practice?
  12. a hard question is...how many calories does you body burn? Its nearly impossible to record how many calories you burn. Its easy to record how many you consume, but not burn....That always baffled me.
  13. if I smile at everyone, wouldn't she think I'm interested in everyone? or just think I'm a very friend;y person?
  14. For some reason my friend doesn't want to register, so this is him talking not me ===================================== OK, one time I had a flat, and I didn't had a spare tire on my car, so I needed to go to my bud here and give me a ride back to my car, with a new tire. When I went to my buds house I took the bus way there, and ohhhhhh boy are there interesting ladies there, some are very hot and very cute. Anyways, so I was sitting there and I was just staring at this one girl a lot, through the whole ride, which was about 20 minutes. But I made sure she didn't notice me staring at her, so this question is for GIRLS... How can I make eye contact with a girl, and when she turns around to see me staring at her what should I do, should I keep staring until something happeneds, or I simply turn away really fast. My bud here said just to smile, but I'm not sure, I just want to say hi with my body language. Thanks for all your help, I'm off to my house, I'll be back tomorrow to check here with my buddy.
  15. Suck in your gut, and go ask her out you wuz, if she doen't understand that you can't afford to take her out on dates, etc. then I don't think shes for you. Yes it will be awkward, but it will be more awkward for her if you just forget about her rejecting you. Just ask her out man, it won't kill you.
  16. I herd is it fails, your eye sight will stay the same for ever, and your glasses can't improve your eye sight no more.
  17. If the girl is cute or hot, I stare. I don't stare too long, I don't want to look like I'm a pervert or something, which I'm not btw. I look at every girl, but I stare at the sexy ones, its perfectly normal, but if a guy is screaming and whiseling, then that is really rude. I normally think that I want to hook up with her sometime, but I have a gf atm so I just think shes cute, I usually compare my gf with other girls, I don't know why. So in conclution, this is really not a problem.
  18. seriously seriously, watch a religious porn movie or something, or a movie with romance and religion and a bit of sex in there. Maybey it works.
  19. how old are you guys anyways? If he is around the age of 13 is a posibility that the female may be stronger than the male. I just don't understand how she over power him. Anyways, you might want to make her confest....or even record it, it may be helpfull in the future in some way.
  20. marriage is more than that, is the love between two people.....NOT three.
  21. Are you confartable letting you wife sleep with another guy? I don't know what category this falls under....cheating?
  22. I never asked a girl out in my life, all my ex's ask me out. I'm shy too, and I think I might be afraid of rejection, I only ask on girl out and thats my current one, thats because I really liked/like her. Anyways, if you like someone then go for it, don't expect them to fall into your arm all of the sudden, and I doubt any guy will reject a girl.... Just make sure you don't come up too stron as mensioned before, because you might scare us shy guys aways.... Here are a few tips... I can't really tell you how to approach him, just think on your feet. I would suggest, ask for the time, or a place to go thats really easy to find that even he know where it is, the next time you see him ask him out, he will be more confortable with you, ask him if he wants to eat lunch or something... remember lunch is the best thing for first date, at least for me it was... anyways, during the date, ask for his name, how far he lives, don't ever ask him where he lives, and ask him a little about himself, and if he is not a conversation person, make sure you answer your own questions too, like if you ask him how far he lives, then you also tell him how far you live. remember this first date is the most important one, make sure you make him laught, and giggle a little when he says a joke or something, flirt a little, make coments on him about his clothes, hair, etc. GoodLuck, let us know how it goes.
  23. you can try to make him like you...by one, don't show any signs that you like this guy. Then eventually he would wonder why you don't act as if you like him, then he will start to like you a bit. So basictly treat him as a stranger, and small flirt with other guys, but don't flirt too much, that would make him a bit jealous (I don't know, thats how we are) also if you flirt too much, he might think you are just some girl looking for any guy. It wouln't hurt to say hi to him once in a while, so he still think he has a chance.
  24. you should talk to your wife about this, and you should start using your hand buddy.
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