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Everything posted by Santa

  1. Its only embaressing because you think it will be. Trust me, if you ask her and she says no, I doubt anyone will laugh at you, or your world will collapse! Think about what happens when you ask a friend to do something - when they say no do you get embaressed?
  2. No they don't. I don't think I ever have been... Its always been girls making the first moves on me etc.
  3. If he has some interest in you, asking him out will make him instantly like you a lot more. However, I kind of think that you want to hear that you can't fail or something. Sorry to say this, but aksing him out isn't going to make him like you if he didn't at all before. Just so long as this guy isn't a bad guy, I would encourage you to ask him out. TBH, I think girls asking me out is probably what its like when a guy asks a girl out. Men guys would love for a girl to ask them out, but also many girls would love for a guy to ask them out too.
  4. You know some guys dye their hair blonde... Look at Cisse! link removed
  5. I too kind of know how you feel, and can relate to these posters, especialy the asking a friend for their number. OK so you missed out big time (I was in a similiar situation, yet luckily this girl stayed after school on the last day for some reason, so I got the chance and it was good), but there is still hope if you know a way to contact her, or you know someone that might be able to. Pehaps if you have a girl thats her friend or a friend of her friends or something you could ask her to get her number for you. Trust me, if you are determined enough theres always a way - believe me, one time I tried to get this girls number, but I found out she didnt have a phone and a friend of mine phoned this girl, and the girl i wanted to speak to just happened to be near this girl at the time... And thats also happened the other way around, i've bumped into a girl in town that a mate of mine wanted to ask out, so i phoned him up. Theres always a way! If there isn't just move on or wait till you go back in a few weeks.
  6. You should of asked him on a date or something... I would say that he either doesn't know if he likes you or not, but hes never really seen you in that light before as such. Sorry to say this, but I don't think he was totally in to you when you told him, otherwise he would of said something. He might change his mind though.
  7. Coffee shops do exist in the UK, I know loads of them - starbucks etc. U don't have to be a certain age to go in, infact i've seen lots of young people including myself in there... Infact you could probably meet someone in there...
  8. Hasn't been mentioned yet which i find odd, but how you look.
  9. This might sound bad, but when im around my mates and we are drinking. We have fun when we arnt drinking etc, but when we do drink, we do crazy stuff thats so hilarious at the time... I don't mean like vandalism etc, just stuff like prank phone calls, or my mate falling into a river one time when he tried to jump from one side to the other - we had that on tape too! I guess we are just in such carefree and happy moods it makes it seem funnier than it is.
  10. The other night I kept dreaming about soccer, which I hated, because I kept loosing. I kept waking myself up and trying to dream about something else, but all my dreams seem to came back around to soccer. I had very little sleep that night, and to be honest, im not sure why I didn't want to dream about the soccer.. surely dreaming about loosing at soccer isn't as bad as getting hardly any sleep?
  11. Go for it mate, its a win/win situation. Just open your mouth and it'll all come out, trust me. However, asking for someones number isn't really that good in my mind... I ask lots of girls their numbers, but just out of curiosity, not because im asking them out etc, and i guess they realise this, so if you ask her for her number, she may not understand and think your just being friendly... You could either say "hey wanna go on a date sometime?" in person or over the phone, but in person I guess would look better and is easier. I highly doubt she will refuse to give you her number, because well if shes like me, I wouldn't associate asking someone out and getting someones number as the same thing... Good luck.
  12. Hi, can you explain the follow to me: 1. Do girls 'cum'? If so what is it? Like for guys its spunk (sperm ejaculation), but from bio class, I don't think girls release anything apart from an 'egg'? Im guessing cumming for girls isnt actual pysical just mental orgasm. 2. Going 'wet' I guess means like your body lubricates itself, but again what with? It may sound stupid but where does this stuff come from biologicaly? And whats it made up of? Thanks.
  13. My hairs short all over but spiked up at the front. However after like a week, my short hair grows a bit, and my spikeyness at the front kind flows into my normal hair, for a nice blend. I think it looks smart, and I like it mostly. Some times I do slightly different things with it though. I wouldn't really change my hairstyle to anything else around nowadays, as I think messy hair etc looks really lame, and looks like you've made no effort. I like to look 'crisp' and 'smart' (smart like a soldier, not like computer guy) I guess.
  14. She probably likes you but has a BF. If she breaks up she will probably go after you. Your her next hcoice so to speak.
  15. Be yourself. I guess improving your image maybe aswell. I would say read some of the articles or past posts on this forum to learn if she likes you. I usually look out for signs like eye contact, staring, playing with hair, the way they act etc. You should just be able to feel it.
  16. How they are dressed, and what they look like. If they are fit or fat, good looking or ugly etc. What their best feature is, and what their worst feature is. Most importantly, how they are acting towards me - if they give me the eye or something they go onto my maybe list, if not then I probably wont remember them again.
  17. I don't think love at that age is love. I still dont think I will know what love is till im older, like 25. I would hate to fall in love, and would hate it even more to fall in love at like 15. Say you fall in love, and you stay with one person, your missing out on so much. I think its just your body going through growing up or something. Love in my opinion is when you settle down with someone and get married etc.
  18. Good looking girls, who arn't easy, and are kinda of shy. I find it easier with the more assertive girls, like the cheerleader kind of girl, who will just come out and tell you they like you, and that makes you feel good, but then if they are like that with others, it doesnt mean as much. So I guess I like shy/smart girls that are good looking the best, because I guess they would be a harder catch, and more likely to be loyal, and have more meaning to what they say, and probably wont mess you around. Girls that go around flirting all the time being loud arn't my type at all. Shallow yes, but looks as a fair bit to play with me, just so long as they arn't too good looking... I guess so I find them attractive but I still feel like I have a chance.
  19. If you don't want to be this situation, don't be so nasty to these guys in the first place, by leading them on like you have. My personal advice is that you should stop behaving like this, and show people some respect. Sorry.
  20. I have a similar question/thing: Basically I might ask someone out in school (same age but in the year/grade below). I get a fair bit of attention from girls, and as one girl told me "If you ever get turned down, it wont be because of your looks". I get alot of comments like this from girls, and girls seem to chat me up, and even ask me out sometimes, like at parties. Arrogant as it may sounds, this has given me the belief that my looks arn't going to be a problem normally. However, if I ask a girl out on a date, that I don't really know, and wont get to know, due to the grade differance, then I think they might not go on the date because they don't know me. Naturally, this isn't going to stop me from asking, but its made me curious if this is likely to happen. Then again, I didn't really know some of the girls in my grade, or even spoke to them and it was OK...
  21. Some people have things 'different' with their brains and don't like this kind of behaviour. I dont know how to say it best, with all this political correctness stuff, but like mental disorders, and mental illnesses. Im would say he is probably suffering from something or other, big or small. I know people with like Asbergers (I have no idea how to spell it) and they are exactly like this.
  22. Perhaps establish eye contact first, then go up to him and speak. To be honst, it doesn't really matter that much what you say, just so long as it ends up wit you asking him out or whatever you want to achieve. However, your 15, and he might be like 22, and if I was a 22 year old I would turn a 15 year old down, just by principles. If you were 16 it would be more OK, seeing as your not underaged etc, but 15 is a bit dodgy for an adult, and his mates will probably think hes weird. Good luck though.
  23. I agree with outlaw. Flirting will upset your partner, and upset the guy your leading on. I also don't see how you an accidently do it - just don't say those words or do those things. Think before you do.
  24. You should ask her out asap. Trust me mate, a day can make a big differance, as someone else might ask her out before you. Make the oppertunity to ask her out - if your going home or whatever, quickly stop and ask her out, it'll only take like a few seconds. Good luck.
  25. I've noticied that sometimes girls do this because they feel they are safe, because they already have a bf, and because they have a bf, it makes them more confident, and kind of gives the impression that because they have a bf, they must be good, and that your missing out. I have also noticied that this kind of works, as girls I never noticied before sometimes seemed more attractive when they got BF's, because I guess my opinion of them changed.
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