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Everything posted by Santa

  1. Modernise. Its the year 2004. Times have changed - this isn't the old days when men were bold and went out and had jobs and asked women out all the time, and women stayed at home all day and made cakes and cleaned. To be honest, you can't have it both ways - women have become more manly, and men more womanly, if you get what I mean. Where i'm from I would say that yes males my age are passive, but the girls are more 'forward'. I have lots of female friends, and to be honest most of them have asked out more boys than I have girls. The times they are a changing.
  2. This reminds me of a situation where i went out with this girl, but because I knew she liked me, I didn't make any effort, and expected too much too soon. Had i not known if she liked me or not, I would of tried so much harder to be nice to her etc, but i took it all for granted, and she thought I was a very mean person lol.
  3. If they act nervous around you, or mean towards you, this can be a good thing. Eye contact is good too. Body language too.
  4. TBH, this issue is debatable. All I can really say is that she likes you, so do something about it. To be honest aswell, lots of people think different things about this length business thingy. Theres a term called 'eye sex' which is the non-official technical term for this. Univeristy students sometimes go around town doing this and then boasting about how many times they accomplished this, and who with, to their friends. One of my girl mates noticied this girl was stairing at me, and she told me that shes probably imagining me naked. Sounds a bit extreme, and I doubt it, but shes a girl, and thats her take on eye contact. Either way, its always a good thing, and if people have problems with it, they are the one with the problem, because they should know to look away!
  5. I dont understand bballstar184_6's comment... It means a lot. Means she notices you, and is thinking of you. Shes looking back because she wants to let you know its a 2 way thing. The reason she sometimes turns the other way is because she looses bottle. It's all good man, it's all good.
  6. A girl can like you without talking to you.. I think. To be honest, from my life expeirance, and looking for things, I have come to the conclusion, that it is possible a girl finds you attractive, but unless she thinks she has a chance, or really likes you, or is open or whatever, she wont display these signs so easily. I know in my case a fair few girls don't even try with me, and give up without me even knowing. I know this because like when friends that are girls have told me before that i'm out of their league, im usually shocked, as they showed none of the signs. So its kind of hard to tell. However, if they display the following signs, they either like you, or are flirts: Body language - ie openess, turning body towards you, copying your movements etc. Theres lots of info on here on many different posts. Eye contact - ie look into your eyes alot, or looking at you at a distance (ie accross the room). Thing is, if they are shy they will either look down or away at 45 degrees. Being near you - ie when they just have to lean over you to pick up that paper or something, or they stand uncomfortably close. Getting your attention - ie wlaking infront of you alot etc Flirting verbally with you - ie complimenting you, joking etc And most importantly a general feeling. Subconsciously, you should be able to detect if they like you.
  7. It is true. One time, I knew this girl and I thought she had weird eyes, because her eyes were big and black whenever we talked, and I didn't really see her any other time. I was saying to my friend about this, and he didn't see the same eyes as I did, if you know what I mean. However a fair bit later, I came accross some information saying about this dilating thing, and I worked out that is exactly what it was! I couldn't of been making it up, because I wasn't looking for it before, I just noticied it. Then a bit later, I actually went out with this girl, so it proves its right.
  8. Thats the best way to do it mate. If you get rejected, you havn't lost anything. If you spent time getting to know them, and then they rejected you, you've waisted time, and you know you tried your best and failed, which is worse than just asking them out. Good luck mate! Remember, don't think about it, just do it! Open your mouth and just say it - once you say the first word, its so much easier.
  9. 1.) Tall or short Not too short, and not too tall. Just a bit shorter than me. 2.) Blonde, brunette, red head Brunette, maybe Blonde 3.) Green, brown, blue, or hazel eyes Hmmm I would say brown seeing as most girls have brown eyes, but the other colours are more unique. 4.) Make up or no make up A little. Rather none than lots. 5.) Very slender (not much shape, not curvy) or hourglass. In between 6.) Small or large breasts In between 7.) Tan or not Tan 8.) What's your favorite part of the female body? (Try not to be crude! lol ) Face? 9.) Please add anything else that you think I might find helpful.
  10. Thats 3 questions. a) Don't be her friend. if she says lets me friends, say "no". b) Flirt with her, and generally be around her. She probably already notices you, seeing as you have done stuff together... c) By asking her for a date.
  11. Personally I don't think much about it, and never really mention it again, because I know what it's like to be rejected, and how I would want them to act. Nearly every girl that has asked me out, or got a friend to ask me out, I have turned down, simply because I didn't like them alot. I'm a very picky guy, and find it extreamly hard to find girls i'm attracted too. The last girl that asked me out... Well i didn't even bother to find out who she was, because I knew if I liked them, I would of approached them. However, if I found someone I liked, and exchanged eye contact etc with them, I would love for them to appraoch me and ask me out. My advice would be to make eye contact or something before asking - give the guy a bit of time to make up his mind.
  12. Nah there's loads of products for men like shampoo. Im sure Lynx do something. Just go to the super market and look around.
  13. Email is a very cowardly way of asking someone out. She will probably think you are a coward, and that you wouldn't be able to talk easily with her in the relationship. Also she might not know if your telling the truth, or having a joke or whatever, so may not reply etc. However, if she really really really likes you it wont matter how you ask her out. My advice would be to do it in person.
  14. I disagree slightly about the status thing. Girls (or boys) come and go, but you will always be there. If you do something that makes you look like a weirdo or a freak, and everyone will hate you or whatever, your lives going to be so much harder. However, in your situation, I wouldn't worry to much, as you two dating, or you asking him out or whatever probably wont ruin anything. If he looks at you like you say, he probably likes you, and I doubt he would turn you down. If he does, say to him that he isn't as cool as he makes out, or otherwise he could go out with you and everyone would accept it. He is 13, so to be honest, hes basically a kid, and he might not be mature enough to date etc, and even if he is, im not sure he would know how to aks you out etc.
  15. I've seen this posted before a few times... But it's still powerfull.
  16. Yeah, like when they say sorry about 20 times in a row. It is cute.
  17. He could be gay (the guy in the last post). As for the other one, go for it!
  18. I think this is the right forum, if not, please move it. It's my birthday on Sunday, and I want to celebrate. I was originally going to have some mates over tonight, but things have changed and they could only stay for a few hours, so theres no real point. However, I thought that maybe if I do something tomorrow (sunday - the actual day of my Bday), things might be better. However, on monday, i need to be up early, because its the start of the week etc, and I don't need a hang over. Basically, if I drink in the afternoon, will I get a hang over the next day, or will it get out my system before the end of the day? Seems to me hang-overs happen after drinking the night before, and the hang over comes when you sleep drunk, so if its lunchtime, we wont sleep till later. Thanks.
  19. Sorry mate, but if she hasn't got back to you, chances are she doesn't want to date you. If she wanted to she would of said yes... good luck.
  20. Slim chance of her never thinking of you like that before, so needs to decide. Big chance of her not liking you. Your 12 mate, don't worry about it. She probably way to young to even like boys.
  21. Ask Jordan out! Telling us what you want isn't going to make it happen, only you can make it happen. Treat him like a guy friend and just ask him to do something with you like you would with a guy friend. Just so long as your subtle it wont backfire, and even if it does backfire, well nothing will happen. You doing nothing wont make him like you more or less. You doing something will let you go out with him. Also, if he is going to ask you out, he will be thinking exactly the same as you. If you think he's going to ask you out, just is shy or whatever, you know you have to make a move. Don't wait for him to make a move, because you'll be waiting forever. If you think he will make a move, you know you are safe to make yours, and you should do it soon before he looses interest. Ask yourself this question: Do you think he likes you? If the answer is Yes, ask him out, because if he is ever going to ask you out, he probably would of done it by now, but is too shy, and is going throughthe exact same as you. If the answer is No, move on. If your not sure, ask him out. It really is that simple. Good luck.
  22. Don't worry what others think. Trust me, just do it, and if others give you funny looks or say something just go "so what?" or somehting, and they wont say anything after a day or so. Just be brave and confidant. Good luck.
  23. How much do polar bears weigh? Well its enough to break the ice.
  24. LOL I would guess the reason he doesn't want the others to know about you is because he doesn't want them to know hes almost a peado...
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