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Everything posted by radiotone

  1. This is probably the strangest part of me that i just can't figure out. My views on sex is very.. complicating. Most people think since i'm a guy i'll just lust over women and just think about having sex with random chicks EVEN if i have a girlfriend. But i don't do that. sex to me is very.. intimate. and i'm so grateful i have a girlfriend who thinks the same. we both agreed that we wouldn't have sex until after marriage. and that just helps out so much in my mind. but the thing is, we're in a long distance relationship. before, we talked a lot about our sexual feelings for eachother. (how much we think about that stuff about eachother and how much it turns us on). This was before we even met. We talked 'dirty' on the phone and told eachother how much it turned us on. and it'd come to a point where she'd say something that REALLY turned me on, that it seriously almost gave me a heart attack. my heart was racing, and i just had this uncontrollable feeling on the phone. it was the worst if we were online. then we met, and that's where we started fooling around. the weekend i stayed with her, we fooled around alot. pratically all we did in a sense. sometimes we went 'too far'. as in it looked like we were about to have sex right there and then. in the end, she ended up.. well.. this is really personal so i don't want to say flat-out but she just made me orgasm. we didn't have sex though. and i did the same to her.. until it happened... after i did 'that' to her. i got this terrible overwhelming feeling. through out the whole time, she had to pretty much 'guide me' through the whole experience of me making her orgasm. and i felt really stupid. yet i was so turned on. afterwards, i was so turned on that there was nothing i can do cause she was already done. and i just felt reeally really depressed (???) i don't know why. she tried cheering me up cause i told her i didn't know where to touch and everything. but her trying to cheer me up didn't work. just seeing her in that "aroused" state where all she wanted was for her to orgasm is very.. i don't know. it doesn't make any sense at all. i don't understand why i felt that way. I just layed in her bed and tried to figure it out. i felt alone. i felt as if i was used. but i KNOW i wasn't cause she loves me. i just don't get it. i don't get this feeling when i am in the mood or anything. it sorta happened earlier that same weekend too when we were on the couch and i made her orgasm there. i got up and i just felt.. like shit. could it be the guilt that we said we wouldn't experience anything like sex until after marriage? i can't explain what i felt. does this many any sense to anyone? she said afterwards we DID get carried away a bit that we should definitely cool everything down. and that made me feel better. and i guess it was just the fact that we talked so much about sexual feelings that sorta lead us to explode like that. i don't know. can somebody help me or give me insight? thank you
  2. i've been in a long distance relationship for almost 9 months now. it's been rough but now it's going to get rougher. since the phone bills have been so high lately, me and my girlfriend have decided to just talk for half an hour every weekday. because if it gets too high again, my dad is going to take out the long distance plan from the phone. so for about a few weeks now, me and my girlfriend have been talking for half an hour every week day. i recently became sick, with a cold and cough, and i haven't been feeling too well. i have switched classes in high school and now i have a lot more work to do. i HAVE to pass these classes to graduate so i'm stuck with all of this work. i've had the worst week so far. every damn school day is a bad day. i'm constantly coughing and getting so easily pissed off at everything. the ONLY good part of my day is when i get to call my girlfriend. yet it feels like we only talk for only 10 minutes since we always used to talk for so long on the phone. i feel so happy when i'm talking to her at night. she always brightens things up, unless she's sad or had a bad day and i'm the one who brightens things up for her. but just tonight, i'm feeling a lot worse (more sick) and i was just DREADING hanging up the phone at our usual time. and i mean seriously DREADING it. i miss her SO much when i'm not talking to her. i miss the comfort in her voice, the way she laughs, the way she says random things and that sweet little giggle she does when i say something funny. ha, sorry but i just love her so much. and tonight i just COULDN'T get off the phone. i ended up staying on the phone for an hour. well, i guess it's been hard for me to cope with this long distance. with the work and the unhappiness in school. and me being sick. she's been trying to make me feel better about the whole thing. we listen to a song EVERYDAY when we come home from school. and that comforts me. but the way i acted on the phone tonight was strange. it was like i wanted to say something but i didn't know what. and whenever she said something that sounded unusual by the WAY she said it, i get paranoid. (??) i actually started to make her worry and i feel so bad about it right now. it's just i want her to know all of my love i have for her yet i can't express it in words. cause i want to SHOW it to her. and it just frustrates me sometimes. obviously this feeling isn't new since we've been in this relationship for 9 months. but it's one of those days where it REALLY shows up. i don't know. it's just hard for me right now to deal with our shortened conversations on the weekdays. i'm planning to see her soon (hopefully) on valentines' day. i just need advice on how i should cope with this is anybody going through this? thank you
  3. me and my girlfriend have been having frequent fights. it came to a point where she just is so tired of it. and it really depresses her. she believes everything she says, no matter how innocent it is, just drags on and on to a fight. how often do long distance relationship couples fight? we both have confidence problems, she's not good with words about her feelings, and she feels they are explained only through affection. there have been times where i get so mad, she figures that i just want to end it all. but i don't. i really don't know what's wrong between us. if only we just forget about everything stupid and forget all of these stupid conflicts, we can REALLY get along. we're not those couples where we are just too different. i've been with her two times and i feel we only just have to go through this distance obstacle. i don't want to lose her yet i don't want to make her unhappy with all of these fights. it feels like there's this secret grudge between us that is preventing us from really getting along. and it comes from what happened last year. with me breaking her trust. she hasn't forgiven me but i really don't know what to do. i feel like she's out to get me sometimes and then other times we REALLY feel we're in love. what should i do?
  4. i'm such a complicated person. sometimes it really gets to me. even now i feel like i'm just making things WAY too complicated for myself but i don't know. i just need to let it out. i'm not a confident person at all. at least not right now. i feel no confidence in my writings, in myself and in anything. and i feel my girlfriend needs a confident person. and i just can't pull it off. i'm trying i'm just so lost with myself. i feel everything i want to do is what i shouldn't do. i'm afraid of myself. there's just so many conclusions i can jump to, i just don't want to face them. i have this friend. she's really a nice person. we've been friends for awhile now. she thinks i'm her best friend. and it makes me feel really good. good to know i'm useful in some sense of that. she's a kind-hearted person who just gets lost in a lot of things. she's 15 and i'm 17. yeah i know she's young and she's got a lot to learn about everything. but she has her head screwed in the right way and she's going to be okay with everything. i don't know why i'm telling you all this, it's just everytime i talk to her, i feel so guilty. cause my girlfriend would be totally mad if she found out. i've lied to her about this friend of mine before. i admit, the first time i met this friend of mine, i grew a crush on her but obviously it would never work out. yet i just can't stop talking to her. i mean a lot to her. and we're just good friends. but my girlfriend can't understand that. and i don't blame her. i only like that friend of mine as a friend. nothing more. yet i feel so guilty. this friend of mine is a really cool person. always fun to talk to and we always jokenly make plans with eachother as friends. to just hang out and have fun. i want to tell this friend of mine about how much this friendship i have with her means a lot to me but i'm afraid she'll think i'm developing feelings for her. i talk to her about my girlfriend a lot and obviously she knows we have problems. i love my girlfriend. she's just.. perfect to me. the ONLY main problem between us is my guiltiness. her inability to understand the simple things because she's afraid. this is a big difference to us. and i don't want to lose her at all. she's mean a lot to me. it's just i can't comfortably enjoy talking to her unless this guilty feeling goes away. i just don't know what to do. i thought all of it would go away, but i know it's making me worry easily about a lot of things. becoming less confident in myself and hating myself so much. i'm just lost. in everything. in being myself. i change myself to make everyone happy. i don't care about myself. and when i know it's hurting me, i still won't face it. i don't know from right to wrong. my girlfriend can put things so easily to me like it makes a lot of sense to me. she wants me to be myself but i'm always afraid of telling her "oh i like this". i don't know. i really don't can anybody understand this?
  5. my girlfriend is going through a stressful time. she has this drama club after school and she definitely hates it. they make her stay 4 hours after school and she's been absent from school a number of times last week due to her being sick. so now she has a bunch of projects to do. she's a senior in high school. so am i. currently now, she's feeling sick. coughing, sneezing, headaches and all of that. and she says this week is going to be very busy. she said there might be days where we wouldn't be able to talk on the phone at all (she lives 4 hours away) and if we can, it'd only be for a very short while i love her and i ABSOLUTELY want her to feel a lot better because she's been feeling sick for awhile. i just don't know how to act or what to say when i'm talking to her on the phone. i'm afraid since i have no work to do and i tell her all i've been doing is been sitting on my butt doing nothing, she might get mad a bit. cause she has a lot of work to do. all i want her to feel is to just know that the time where she's talking to me, is a time where she can just lay back and relax and forget about everything. she loves me and she does know that, but i just don't want to add more stress to her life. what are some things i should do and not do when she's like this? thank you
  6. well i found out something that i've been assuming for awhile with my girlfriend last night. we met on the internet almost a year ago and that's how we met. we grew to eachother and started a relationship together. 8 months now. well, whenever we talked on the internet - she was so comfortable with feelings and she always let her deep emotional feelings out. i'm the kind of guy who likes to speak from the heart anytime. if i have something emotional to say, i say it. so we started writing letters and she was the same way. talking about her emotions and just telling me all of these deep emotions. then we started to talk on the phone... and she's not like that at all. she doesn't say the same things she does on her letters or online. which led to me being confused cause i took it the wrong way, thinking "well maybe she doesn't feel that way anymore". well one night, on the phone, i asked her if she still feels those feelings. and she says that she's uncomfortable saying those feelings outloud cause she's not used to it. but she does mean it. she thinks it sounds corny when she says it then another night, i asked her if she still feels like that and she said no last night, i asked her again and she said she still does. she comes from a family that doesn't discuss their feelings. they're not open with their feelings and they can't express them. i can understand that but the way she put it, worried me "i HATE it when i talk like that. it sounds like some cheesy movie and i feel corny and stupid" then i sorta worried about it. but obviously i KNOW she means everything she says and that she doesn't think i'm corny if i say my feelings. i'm just wondering now because we're in a long distance relationship. and i worry a lot sometimes. what if i worry that she's not feeling the same and she can't exactly express how she feels? i always assumed she was like that but i found out she still is last night. i'm not freaking out about it, but do you think it's possible for someone like me being an emotional spoken kind of person to have a long distance relationship with a girl who is uncomfortable saying her feelings unless she's writing them down or typing it up? and plus she's sarcastic and i'm sensitive. i'm not going to leave her for that. i just need advice on dealing with her i just want some people's opinion, thank you. oh yeah, and another thing. is there anyone out there dealing with a girlfriend/boyfriend who acts immature sometimes? does it bother you alot or have you learned to deal with it? my girlfriend acts immature sometimes (laughing about fart jokes, penis jokes, and innuendo) and i don't know, it's kind of a pet peeve for me thank you very much
  7. i've been with my girlfriend (who lives 4 hours away) for 8 months. we've been through a lot but for some reason i really can't understand what makes a relationship, a relationship. it's happened everytime i enter one. i always assume one day, my girlfriend is just going to turn things around and end it right there. and whenever she finds something about me she doesn't like, like a pet peeve, i assume she's going to hate me or find someone else who doesn't have that pet peeve and she'll go for him. i react that way everytime she playfully picks on me cause of her pet peeve. i just don't know why i take things so seriously. it's like everyday i expect the worse to come and some days very GOOD things happen or very BAD things happen. i just don't know. it's like i always thing there's some kind of grudge she holds for me. it may have been to what has happened in the past, but we're both over that. it's like she can easily hate me.. if that makes sense. which makes me paranoid, not act like myself. paranoid i might say or do something wrong and i'm paranoid OF THAT cause then she'll notice something and become bothered by it i spent a weekend with her and ever since i got back i've been feeling like that. i just don't know. she's going through a stressing time i guess and it just sounds like she's passive and doesn't care. but i KNOW she does. and i end up arguing with myself. i just don't get it. it's like sometimes i'm so afraid of her. like she can bring me down so easily with sarcastic comments but it doesn't happen all the time... i really don't understand any of this. at all
  8. well last night, i attacked my girlfriend on the phone with these wild accusations and things i said that pretty much sums up my whole jealousy. things like "i bet you look at that guy all the time, and think ooh his body is better than my boyfriends" or something stupid like that. well that lead to a whole conversation like that and as always, being the butthead i am sometimes, i let tension build up. i started to get more paranoid and we attacked eachother with accusations like that (long distance relationship indeed) once my mind goes on that track of mind, i start thinking badly and accuse her of being shallow. cause it leads all the way back of reading her online journal entries about how hot a guy was and she did it a lot. but the thing that pissed me off the most last night, was how i thought that since she has innocent pictures of guys from movies and t.v up on her wall and thinking they're "silly". - SHE'D freak out if i had innocent pictures of girls from movies and t.v on MY wall and thinking THEY'RE "silly" or something i attacked her with that and she didn't say anything. we argued again and then she said she wanted to tell me something. that she felt bad that i don't know about this particular crush she had. and she told me about him a spanish guitarist guy (like me). and she went on how she saw him play flashy solo-like guitar stuff in school. and how she liked that about him. AND i remember me talking about MY crushes awhile back, and SHE freaked out saying "ooh, they better be bitches" and i told her "well they're nice" and she freaked out. AND last night, I said about her spanish crush "well he's a douchebag" and she said that he wasn't. that he was nice kid ???? i don't know WHY that bothers me it's been bothering me ever since. all we talked about last night was insecurites i had about her not thinking i'm sexy or exciting or not boring. and suddenly i felt this huge depression hit me. thinking thoughts like how much i don't excite her. and pretty much putting myself down. how i don't impress her. and i just don't know why it's depressing me it still is. it cut into my school work today and i want it to stop. to make things fair, she had to worry about things i told her about my ex-girlfriend and it makes me feel like i'm a douche for getting depressed about this crap. but since i'm her first boyfriend, it makes me feel like she's going to get bored of me one day and i think so many thoughts. it makes me so mad for thinking it. i can't think rationally i'm so scared too. and i feel this constant anger/sadness am i just being childish??? help....
  9. now this topic may not be too serious but it's been on my mind a lot. my girlfriend says a lot of things about me tend to remind her of her divorced dad. she completely hates him. cause he cheated on her mom and he's pretty much weird as she puts it. but a lot of things that i like or how i'm like says it reminds her of her dad. i don't want to though. i don't want her to think that i'm like her dad. that i'm a constant liar and will cheat on her. i'm afraid she's going to think that and want someone else cause THEY don't remind her of her dad. we were talking on the phone last night and we just had a fight. so out of nowhere, i burped. and we both started laughing like crazy, then she said "that burp sounded stupid" innocently. and all of a sudden i was shot down from happiness, well not really, i was just bothered. and i asked her "do all my burps sound stupid" and she said "oh god i knew that would get to you" and we talked about how she feels like she shouldn't talk at all cause i'm always sensitive. and.. i don't know what to feel should i just lighten up and forget about the whole thing? or seriously talk about it with her?
  10. Well, it happened YESTERDAY!!!!!! haha we finally met. oh man, it was so amazing and it was reeally great too. we drove for almost 4 hours and i finally ended up with her. i knocked on her door, she answered and there she was! i was stunned. completely had no way to coming up with words to say. just seeing her there. looking so beautiful with her nervousness. we hugged and continued to hug. it felt really good to have her arms around me finally. then we sat around and just talked about all the things we did on the phone and went upstairs to her room and she showed me around with my hand into hers. then we layed down on her bed for about 3 hours straight just holding eachother and taking everything in. after that, we went downstairs to answer the phone. i gave her two christmas presents and forgot to unwrap one of them so i just gave it to her. she was really happy. throughout the whole visit, we both were reeally tired haha. so we didn't do everything or say everything we wanted to say and do. and plus i only had a couple of hours. she's definitely not any other girl i've met. she's so sweet and great and so herself. she doesn't care how she comes out, she just does. she's just... herself. and i love her. i just can't put what i felt into words. well after that, we took pictures of eachother and she showed me baby pictures of herself (including giving me 2 of them to take home). and after that we just dreaded me going back home. i layed my head on her lap and kept telling her how much i didn't want to go. and i didn't want to go at all. and then her mom came home and i met her. and then my parents came by and they all met eachother. talked about the town and the drive. it was really cool. the thing is though, my parents know that we're a couple. but her mom doesn't know we are. i mean she MUST have the slightest idea but doesn't know yet. so when i had to go, we snuck in some last minute kisses and hugged eachother and then i went. the drive back home was long. at first i couldn't stop smiling cause i just spent hours with someone i completely love. but as it dragged on, i looked outside and saw myself going further and further away from her. and it made me sad. i came home and it didn't feel like home at all. it felt just far away from her. and it made me cry to think about it. so right now, i'm just waiting until the time when i get to call her.. haha sorry i sound like such a love-sick guy babbling on about things but i wanted to let it out. and right now, i'm just worried in a way. the distance and everything. worried about what SHE thought about the day with me. like if i did something that made her uncomfortable, or if i wasn't all i was cracked up to be. i know this long distance realtionship is going to be hard and not easy, especially now since we met. and i know i'm going to post some things about us that we go through, heh. but i love her so much and i'm going to try my hardest to make sure we end up with eachother again very soon. any advice as to how me and her can work through this? we've never been in this situation before.. thank you for reading
  11. well i suppose the next time i post a messege in this website, i shall have already met the girl i've been talking to for seven months online. i'm heading up there on saturday and i'm finally going to be with her. i would just like to say thanks to everyone who gave me advice on my relationship with her. thank you so much. i've always and will always put everything into good use in my relationship with her. i'd just like to say that i know how i feel about her. and i know some of you disagree or disapprove of this relationship i have with her. but i know the consequences and trust me, i know what can happen. i know i love her and i know i really really care about her. this whole relationship we had wasn't easy at all. it wasn't easy at all me and her worked so hard to get through these months and finally still be able to feel so much for eachother right now. with only one day standing in front of us - to the day we'll be with eachother. i'm quite nervous and excited and i know i will have so much fun and feel so many feelings i've never felt before. again, i know what i'm in to. i know the consequences. i choose to follow my heart. and my heart leads to her indefinitely. please don't respond with negative comments right now, i just know i'm going to meet someone i love on saturday. someone who loves me and believes in me. someone who's still with me after moments of hell and problems. it was really hard. and we worked pretty damn hard to get to this position. i had no way to get to her until now. and now.. it'll only be us thank you all for the advice and comments (both positive and negative) wish me luck i'll shall enjoy my visit to her and i love her, very much.. thank you
  12. i've been posting questions and all of that about my relationship with a girl i met online for 7 months. i'm finally going to meet her on saturday and i know i should of met her sooner. there's just some things about the whole thing that just scares me. last night when we were talking on the phone, the whole conversation started really nice. to finally be talking to her and i mentioned about my little meeting we have planned on saturday. then all of a sudden, we started having a full conversation about us meeting (how we'll be nervous and how to overcome it). then out of nowhere, i start getting really nervous about her being with me. the problem with me is my insecurity with myself sometimes. just how i act towards her. it's happened before on the phone when we're just talking. i'll do or say something to her and her response just tells me that what i did or said was stupid. even though she didn't say that. this is a real problem for me. everytime i take one little thing the wrong way, i start over reacting and have all of these thoughts on how she might not love me. sometimes it gets so out of control, i get so quiet. i really don't know why it happens. i start to get scared on how i might take something wrong that she says (she's sarcastic) and it'll hurt me. but then again maybe that won't happen. it's just before we went through a lot of problems with her trusting me and in the middle of all of that - in retaliation of me lying to her - she said a lot of things that hurt me back a few months ago. hurt me so much, it still affects me. she said she was sorry and was just so outraged that i lied to her. and i do believe i deserve it. i was thinking maybe it could be that (??) does this make any sense? should i just forget about the whole thing and just wait until saturday when i meet her? or should i bring it up? it just makes me so quiet on the phone and so stressed out cause i don't know what it is i'm thinking or worrying about really. and she picks that up and it brings her down.
  13. maybe some people can help me understand why people become sarcastic i suppose. i don't know if it's just me or how i take things seriously, but i always tend to do that when i talk to my girlfriend. i know, from everyone, that i take things way too seriously sometimes. or how i can't take a joke. there's so many examples of this. like earlier, my girlfriend was starving on the phone and was really hungry. and i said "well maybe you should get something to eat, i don't want you to get sick" and she said "you just want me to go" and then i said "i think you're mixing up me caring about you and me wanting you to go" and she responded by saying "do you get these lines from movies?" and she laughed (???) i mean, being the dork that i am, i was a little hurt. cause i was being serious and i cared about her and it felt like she just shoved it in my face and said "is that a line from a movie" and then i told her it bothered me and she says that i can't take a joke and that she's a sarcastic person (??) i don't understand. i don't get why people have to be sarcastic. i mean, i'm a respectful person and i don't say things like that cause i know people really mean stuff like that when they say it. people have told me i take things too seriously. what can i do to overcome it? it just bothers me sometimes and now i'm afraid of bringing it up to my girlfriend next time it does happen i'm just a nice guy i guess. and i feel stupid for asking this but i just don't understand. any advice to knock some sense into me? thank you
  14. hello my girlfriend has been asking me a lot about my past and such. i've gone out with two girls (one serious) and it always bothers her. sometimes she asks me questions about what they did with me in terms of being with me. she also knows how much i felt for them and i always tell her that i don't feel ANYTHING at all for them anymore. and that i mean what i say to her, and i do. very much sometimes it bothers her so much and i try to comfort her. i feel really bad when it happens and i always don't know how to feel or act when she does ask me questions like that any advice?
  15. wow, it seems everything should be going well it really depresses me. not that i'm saying anything or something, i mean to me - being a guy and being in a situation like that (online relationship) it just sounds to me he's in a mood where he's sorta thinking about things and just sorta busy with what his job has to offer him. i know sometimes i go unappreciative about the little things my girlfriend does for me, and it's the distance indeed. my advice is to just give him a bit space and let him go through it. if he really sounds distant, then bring it up gently. tell him how you feel and how he makes you feel. i really hate it how people just go unappreciative of things. i know i have. and it makes me feel like a bad person. but it's just the distance and everything. (sorry to compare you to my situation) all of that just hit me when i read your post i really hope everything works out for you never give up. it clearly shows that he means a lot to you never let go of that good luck
  16. hello there ah well it's been such a rough road to get to where i want to be right now and as i've said before, i'm going to go see the girl i've been talking to online for seven months on saturday. yes, i know all of you would agree that i SHOULD have tried seeing her much earlier but that's okay. i'm finally seeing her. we went through a lot of stuff and problems together and still we're seeing eachother on saturday. we've learned A LOT from eachother through the internet and the phone. and i also know that all of you agree that people are different in person. and i DO keep that in mind, so all i'm asking is for some people's advice on meeting her ( i know i've mentioned this before in another post - and i read the advice from the kind people who responded - i did not forget) so i'm just clarifying all of this now, since back then i wasn't so sure if i was going to see her. yet now it's official and i've been thinking about how i should act. i reeally really care for this girl, Heather. i feel so much for her, more than anyone and i am really looking forward to meeting her. if there's anyone out there who've experienced meeting people they met online, is there any advice? i really really really really really hope everything works out between us we've been through a lot of problems and i just want to meet her and enjoy being with her. But, there ARE drawbacks and such, and i always keep that in mind. but i'm going for it. and i reeally hope everything works out oh yeah, and how should i act if i want to get close to her? i mean, she's never had a guy been reeeally close to her, and i'm afraid of doing something wrong if i reeally want to get close to her. thank you all
  17. i apologize if i'm doing something wrong here with the post but i just like to ask someone who's registered here if they're willing to talk to me about relationships i'm sorta in a mold about things and i have really no one else to talk to about it and i'm just wondering if anyone can let me pm them i just need to talk to someone about relationships and feelings i'm sorry i'm so vague but i was just wondering thank you
  18. well, it's true. In about a couple of weeks i'm going to go visit the girl i've been talking to for about 6 months! I'm sure some of you know what kind of crap we went through but i'm just so glad it's happening but now, i don't know what to think haha. I know all of you said that it's important to visit someone you've met on the net as soon as possible, and well for us - it's been 6 months. 6 months of things we went through and we grew a lot onto eachother. For all those people who went to visit people they met online, i'm just asking - what kind of state of mind should i be in? i mean i'm REEALLY excited it's happening NOW finally, but what if something happens and she doesn't like who i am in person. i just keep that in mind and it's been making me nervous for awhile. and if we feel 10 TIMES more after we meet for eachother, like we're meant to be, it's going to be hard going through another couple of months without being with her even though i'm sure i'm going to visit her again soon if everything goes really well. i know i can make it but it seems like there's always a possiblity of something 'bad' happening. i'm so nervous too, how do i act around her? i know i should be myself but i don't want to do something stupid or anything. we've been talking about visiting eachother for so long and now that it's finally happening, i want everything to go well how should i feel? thanks -
  19. I've posted some problems i had with my girlfriend who i met on the net and who i haven't met yet and i'd say we're past those problems I'd just like to say to everyone who's going through these online relationships ( i know there's some of you out there ) that i can relate to the younger people. i'm only 17 and i feel that i really am in love with this girl who's only 4 hours away. and sometimes i feel so neglected of insight and careness from my family just cause of the situation it's hard to be taken seriously at times but i feel that sometimes reality just bites at you. i mean, yes i do know that i haven't met her and everything and that people feel that the feelings i have for her are not genuine just for that. but i'm not posting this to attack people who do, it's just the past couple of days i've been questioning everything. it's really hard for me to keep a steady mind about this relationship i'm in because i can't seem to go anywhere in my life. and i have to take a stand and get things done so i can finally meet my girlfriend. i really do love her, i'm not afraid of admiting that feeling just because some people might say i'm stupid for saying that. but i know how i feel. and the road ahead of me can take me anywhere. i'm just going to do my damn best to get where i want to be this girlfriend of mine is not just a typical girl, she's amazing in everyway. it's amazing how she puts up with some of the crap i give out. she really does care for me. and i just don't want to ruin it. any of it. i just hate the way i am sometimes and hate the way i think. i just get so lost sometimes in all of it. can anyone relate to that? atop of everything i'm going through another current problem. but i should be able to get through it. so i won't talk about it i just feel so lost and lonely about all of this i know how i feel and i just feel i can't be taken seriously just cause i'm young and we met online i know what i want and i can say i'm going to do my best to get there thank you [/u]
  20. i've been talking to this girl on the phone for awhile now and we always have fun talking about things. we've never met but we know how much we feel for eachother the thing is that i'm always the one telling her that i want to be with her. i know she does too but she doesn't really say any of that stuff to me. i really know she wants to but a week ago, i felt the whole relationship was one-sided i talked to her about it and she says that she chooses to express her feelings another way, rather then going on about it. she says if she goes on about that stuff - she'll feel corny. she told me she means it though and that i shouldn't think that she doesn't feel the same way. but sometimes i find myself in that position. having a hard time expressing my feelings or just bringing up things. she's never been in a relationship before or have had everything i feel about her told to her. how should i approach all of this? how can i make her feel more open to me and not feel corny about it? thanks a lot
  21. i'm sorry if this is long or anything but i'm just looking for some insight and advice on my relationship. well, right now i'd say the relationship with my girlfriend is now becoming evolved. i can definitely say we've been through a lot. i met her on the internet back in january and we've been friends and then we decided we felt feelings for eachother back in april. we've been together since. about 6 months now we've never met eachother but we've been talking on the phone for about 2 months now. i love her with all my heart, and i admit - there were times where i questioned myself to be with her. but now, i've realized i really did fall in love with her. because now every girl i see, reminds me of her. she affects me a lot and i really care about her. it's just now we've reached to that point in a relationship where we face problems we've never faced before cause this is our first real relationship with anyone. i know you might take some importance off for us never meeting but we plan on meeting eachother soon. we've been through a lot actually. trust and such. but now we trust eachother and we're overcoming a lot of problems and always talking them out. it's just the last couple of days i've been wondering if the hope i have for this relationship is strong enough to bring us together for the rest of our lives. this is our last year of high school and it's amazing to me how this far into the relationship - we still love eachother and yet we've never even touched eachother. through out the last couple of weeks, i've been delving into her character and mind and finding out things about her you never notice about someone until you're in a relationship with them. i'm kinda confused now too because the last few days we've been having shitty days. today, she just told me that she just doesn't like it at all how one day we're okay and the next we're in a shitty mood. she said sometimes she's worried if things are going down to hell. i'm completely optimistic in this relationship. and she is too. except this whole situation we have to face is so hard for us sometimes. the little things tear us apart that normally wouldn't if we were together. all i'm asking is just insight and some advice on this relationship to kinda clear my mind. i've been confused and so thoughtful about this relationship because we both never experienced this. i HATE to think that we might not work out, i want us to be together. i have so much hope for this relationship. and even if we don't work out - i just want us to be together before or if we grow apart which i REALLY don't want to happen. she and the relationship has changed me so much mentally and really made me think different about so many things all i'm asking again, is just some advice and insight on some people who've been here. i'm completely serious about everything and i just need to know someone who's feeling what i'm feeling right now. and how to make the best out of the situation me and her are facing. thank you so very much.
  22. it sure does sound like it's the START of something indeed. it sounds like she's intrested in you a lot and it's even better how she acts like that around you when she knows you like her i'd say keep things the same for now until you REALLY know she likes you and wants to start a relationship with you but you do have to keep the possiblity of her not being interested THAT way in your mind, cause you know how some women can be. don't let your attitude about the whole thing float away on clouds and stuff or else you might do something you'll regret and possibly ruin what you have with her. some of the bigger signs can probably be her asking you to hang out with her sometimes or asking you to call her all the time or her missing you when you're gone one day or just being completely interested and around you. once that happens, you'll feel that you should head on through and see if a relationship is possible for now, keep things the way they're going and as time goes by, she'll become more intrested in you and once she has you, you'll have her. but like i said, keep that other bad possiblity in mind to keep your thoughts and feelings down to earth and realistic good luck dude
  23. i really don't know how to state this problem or situation i'm in but i guess it's something to do with all of these strange feelings i get when i talk to my long-distance girlfriend on the phone. i love talking to her and hearing about the things she's doing and she listens, it's just that sometimes i don't think she takes me seriously. it feels so one-sided on the phone when i'm talking to her, like i'm nothing but a friend to her. i'm always the one mentioning how much i want to be with her, or how much i love her. or even telling her i love her. i don't know. has anybody else felt that? like the relationship is one-sided and that they feel they're not being taken seriously. it's just that i feel she's too easily distracted on the phone and just doesn't pay full attention. but it's not always like that. right now i just got off the phone and i left with a bad feeling. i know it's childish to feel this way, but when i was telling her 'i love you' a million times on the phone, right in the middle - she burped. she always does and i don't mind but right in the middle where i was telling her i love her? that hurt me a little bit. am i stupid for feeling that? i know she didn't mean anything by it, but i don't know. she puts up with so much with me and i know she loves me. i just don't know this bad feeling i get is like a mix of jealousy, depression and the feeling of being abandoned. i don't feel like this all the time, it's only during the weekdays sometimes after school, when we talk on the phone. i just can't escape the feeling. like i mean nothing to her when in reality i AM the most important person in her life. i've felt this way before in a way, in a past relationship. i seem to be the kind of person who gets jealous easily. it's sick and i shouldn't feel that way. like she doesn't pay attention to me a lot. so far, i've been trying to avoid feeling like that and it sometimes works but now it doesn't. i sometimes believe our problems that we faced in the past with her trusting me makes her feel like she shouldn't be all affectionate since maybe something like THAT might happen again. should i tell my girlfriend about these feelings? about how i feel like that? i'm just scared i might hurt her feelings, or she might think i'm taking her for granted - or even worse - get into a fight with her. i appreciate everybody taking their time to read about this feeling i have and advice and insight would really help me out thank you so much
  24. thanks for the replies i hate feeling this way why does she make me feel this way? she doesn't think i'd do anything for her anymore cause i wouldn't give up a friend anymore. i can't take it. she told me she would leave me if i didn't stop talking to her. it makes me so mad! i get into fits of rages how heather doesn't let me do things like that. i can't take it i want to talk to her on the phone, but she doesn't want to cause of her mom. i can't do anything else it tears me up. things are falling apart a bit with me and her whenever we fight about this. and me and kaitlin aren't talking anymore is that wrong? and plus kaitlin's only a freshmen and i'm a senior. we have no feelings for eachother. yet i can't just stop talking to her. i don't know why. i love heather and now i can't make her believe me. it just really sucks. she's so mad at me and she makes me feel like shit now cause she always mentions about taking a week's break from eachother. but i don't want to do that. i'm so torn apart by so many feelings i don't know what to do
  25. how do you win back someone's trust through the internet? how odd the question is i know, but i'm stuck in that matter. i've already posted my situation recently once on this forum and right now i don't feel like explaining the situation again cause i just ended another fight with her. but i just don't know what to do. everything i say, she doesn't believe me i mean, i did lie to her but i'm not anymore it's hard to get her to trust me now. she's reluctant to even though she says she wants to i'm hurt right now and i don't know what to do. i'm sorry for being so lacking in detail but i really feel like crap right now.. i just need help..and advice..
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