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Natalie Garcia

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Everything posted by Natalie Garcia

  1. I remember it like yesterday. The allure of loving someone unavailable was too strong to resist. There I was, standing in a crowded room, when my eyes found his. We had chemistry. It crackled like electricity between us as our eyes locked and stayed there, unwilling to move away. On one level, I knew he wasn't available and should stay far, far away. “He's married,” a voice in my head whispered. But I was captivated. His attention made me feel older and wise, sexy and desirable. I was the envy of all my friends, the girl with the enigmatic, older love interest. I tumbled into the trap that ensnares so many of us women. Like a moth to a flame, I ignored the danger and jumped right in. Little did I know I was headed for heartache and destruction. Being in a relationship with an unavailable man – be it because he’s married, having commitment issues, or emotionally scarred from past relationships – should send a warning sign flashing in your head; if only this were true. In reality, when we meet someone who appeals to us and makes us feel alive, whatever common sense we might have had takes a vacation. The same happened to me. We had a roller coaster ride of emotion and attachment. He feted me with attention and shower me with love, pushing me higher and higher on a wave of giddiness. But no matter how close we seemed to get, something inside him kept him from truly committing to me. He wasn’t like other men, which only made him more desirable and appealing. After a few months, the pain began to outweigh the pleasure and I knew it was time to break off the relationship. I was in emotional trauma. What I thought was an enrapturing dream was more of a waking nightmare. I felt violated, betrayed and unimportant. How could I, an otherwise independent, strong woman,
  2. It can be tough to reach a place of self-discovery and acceptance when you're uncertain of your own sexuality. It's a frightening journey, as many of us feel as though we differ from society’s standards. You’re not alone in this struggle; take courage in knowing many people are going through the same thing. If you find that you've become interested in or attracted to someone of the same gender or if you’re wondering if you fall under the LGBTQ+ umbrella, it’s essential to take some time to explore your feelings. We all want to understand why we are feeling what we are feeling, and this is especially true for those questioning their sexual orientation. As human beings, it is common for us to want to label ourselves and make sense of what is happening on the inside. So, before you leap to any conclusion, it is possible that your innermost thoughts have been unintentionally influenced by what you see, hear, and think around you. In other words, you might be thinking that you're lesbian, even though you may not be. Taking time to process these emotions and think more deeply about yourself is a healthy and reasonable way to do so. One way of going about it is to slowly and gradually reveal information about yourself to a trusted friend or family member. If you keep speaking with them, eventually, you will have discussed your concerns in detail and what exactly it is that you are searching for. This safe environment will give you the support you need to work through your feelings which can help you gain clarity. You can also search online for support groups, community organizations, counsellors, and therapists near you. Because there are many people in similar circumstances, it can be helpful to attend support groups and share your story. Not only will it provide you with resourceful information, but it could help you understand, not only your situation, but the journey of others as well, allowing for some much-needed endurance and companionship. It is normal to battle with confusion, anxiety, and fear when coming to terms with our sexuality and identity. But do remember who you are: you are you, no matter your sexuality or identification. Nobody has more power over you than you do and nobody has the right to appreciate or degrade your choices. Rationalizing with yourself is the leading factor when it comes to accepting your orientation, and as long as you cherish and take pride in yourself, you will discover what path is best to take. The rainbow of possibilities we experience should be explored, accepted and cherished. Suppose someone doesn't echo your chosen path? No matter; nothing should change your loving and embracing yourself. And finally, try to prevent any self-doubt or censure settling in. It is not helpful to compare yourself to the expectations of others and their opinions; don’t let anyone else define you. You must always remember that your own exploration is what matters. Bigotry continues to exist in the world, however, that isn’t any reason for you to put yourself in a constraining or unclear state of being. Remember, never be afraid to be who you truly are and accept yourself entirely, 100%. Welcome the possibilities, seize the day and do what you think is best - that is the real power of self-love. No matter what the outcome of your exploration is, remember to love and accept yourself.
  3. In today's uncertain world, it is easy to become caught up in fatalistic thinking and search for solace and guidance from those who promise to offer us simple answers that explain away the complexity of life. We often cling to comforting fables and proverbs that provide us with a false sense of security in our circumstances. “Everything happens for a reason” is a popular expression that gives us the ability to brush off any incident or experience as predetermined and our own actions as inconsequential. Unfortunately, this type of thinking can become an obstacle to making meaningful changes in our lives. The truth is, our actions do matter and we are able to improve our circumstances if we approach our lives with a realistic outlook. This means, first of all, rejecting fatalistic thinking and recognizing that no matter how hard life may seem, we have the power to shape our future. Our lives are not predetermined and only we who can decide our fate. This idea can be difficult to accept, especially if we have been led to believe that our present circumstances are a result of a divine design. To be able to challenge these preconceptions, we first need to recognize the limitations of our current beliefs and be willing to step outside the comfort zone and take responsibility for our own lives. Achieving a realistic outlook requires more than a change in mindset, however. It requires daily practice and effort to view our lives objectively. All of us have bias which may blind us to our limitations and deter us from accurately assessing our existing situations or taking action to improve them. It also takes becoming aware of our own motivations, surrendering control to ourselves, and putting trust in our own judgement. Instead of depending on others to tell us what decisions to make, or expecting a higher power to show us the way, we must learn to rely on ourselves and draw wisdom from our own experiences. We can use our past successes and mistakes to help us reach a better understanding of our purpose in life, and actively pursue what bring us joy and fulfilment. To get back on track and stay there, we must also develop a system to keep ourselves accountable. Setting goals for ourselves, creating habits around our tasks, and consistently working towards our objectives can enable us to remain focused on our journey. Moreover, having people we could confide in, who could remind us of our goals can be very helpful. Having supportive friends and family members who understand our struggles and can lend us a hand when necessary can boost confidence and increase our resilience, enabling us to stay the course despite all the life’s upheavals. Having a realistic outlook on life is all about being conscious of our reality and embracing it with courage and optimism. Refraining from attaching ourselves to uncontrollable external events allows us to focus on creating positive change within our reach. It enables us to discover our individual strengths and to take risks in order to achieve results. This is, in essence, the key to finding true purpose in our lives and to residing in a place of joy and contentment.
  4. It’s a common story. We fall in love, get married, and then life happens. Before long, the spark that ignited our relationship is lost, and we are left feeling disconnected and hurt. For many couples, there’s little understanding of why their relationship altered or if it’s even possible to rekindle it. The biggest challenge to reigniting your marriage is recognizing the underlying issues. Relationship problems don’t tend to fix themselves, and they can actually worsen over time if they aren't addressed. First and foremost, open communication with your partner is key. While confronting deep-seate, marital issues may seem difficult, it is better than staying silent and letting them linger. Often, individuals struggle with showing affection as a result of trust issues stemming from past experiences. No matter what caused your feelings of disconnect, one of the first steps to reigniting your marriage is rediscovering how to display kindness and compassion to your partner. Actions always speak louder than words, and small gestures—such as a hug, an unexpected kiss, or simply spending quality time together—can go a long way in reminding your partner how much you care. It’s essential that each party take the first step in expressing affection. Sometimes, conflict can be invigorating and help to establish greater understanding between two people. Disagreements are inevitable in a marriage; however, during these times, it’s important to remember that utilizing active listening and taking accountability for your emotions are critical elements of working through arguments productively. Respect your partner’s opinions, even if they differ from your own. Silence and avoidance of conflict can be detrimental to a marriage, so take a deep breath and approach any battle of words in a respectful manner. When you are dealing with a higher level of resentment, often therapy is necessary to assist in rebuilding a stronger, more satisfying marriage. Speaking to an unbiased third party can provide great insight and facilitate reflection within yourself. This can allow both individuals to recognize and conquer any unaddressed resentments and work together to build a relationship based on emotional safety and acceptance. At the core of a strong marriage is emotional closeness. Making a conscious effort to nurture your intimacy can go a long way in reigniting your marriage. Whether it’s taking a new class together, making a romantic dinner for your partner, or simply having meaningful conversations about your day-to-day lives, creating fun, successful shared experiences is essential to keeping your bond tight and long-lasting. When you are feeling like you have lost your husband and don’t understand why, remind yourself that regaining the spark requires mutual effort and dedication. Each person must be willing to open up, work through the issues, and rebuild your trust and connection. reminence and desire ignites a marriage— reignite yours today.
  5. Every single heartbreak is a wound that pierces deeply. You try to put the pieces back together until you come to the realization that it won’t ever be the same again. But if you want him back, there are some things you can do; some steps you can take to win his heart once more. When trying to reconnect with your former flame, it’s important to remember that although you have feelings for him, it takes two people to make something spark. Be patient and mindful of your approach—while there are some steps you can take to make him see what he’s missing, don’t look down on yourself if it doesn’t work out. The effort you put in will pay off, and if it doesn’t, it doesn’t mean you do not deserve love and respect. The first step is to understand why the relationship ended. Were there any issues that were never worked out? Or was it a mutual but heartbreaking decision? Should you decide to reach back out and make another attempt at the relationship, it’s important to think about what led to its demise in the first place and be honest about it. Once this understanding is clear, give your privacy as individuals to both agree on a scenario where you can meet. Refrain from showing up at his doorstep or tagging along to places he frequents expecting, hoping, or pushing for things to happen. Have the courage to reach out and ask him out, to meet him in a frequency that’s comfortable for both of you. Get to the core issues that ended the relationship by talking it out. And if either of your feels like there’s an opportunity to make things work, save it. Try to put yourself in his shoes as much as possible. Rekindling an old flame requires empathy, understanding, and patience. Respect his decision to part ways and make sure that he can feel the same respect when you talk. Allow each other space and don’t be pushy. Perseverance is key here and try not to get affected by his words or actions. Be persistent in healing the wounds between the two of you. He’s been hurt as well and time is the only way for both of you to heal. Make sure to also give yourself time to heal alongside him. Don’t be too demanding on either of you. Some feelings need time to be acknowledged, worked through, and nurtured. Last, but definitely not least, it’s essential to approach the situation from the mindset of personal growth. Winning the heart of your former lover takes tons of patience, care, and understanding. If you’re determined to win him back, make sure it’s for the right reasons and that both of you are willing to work through it together. Just two steps forward and one step back should do the trick!
  6. You’re lonely. Everyone faces moments when they feel overwhelmed with their own thoughts and cut off from the people around them. It’s a feeling that can sneak up on you in the night hours, like a tempest that casts a heavy blanket of silence around you. Loneliness can be paralyzing, even heartbreaking. But it doesn’t have to stay that way. There are strategies for improving your sense of well-being and connection, even when life’s curves and surprises leave you feeling isolated. You don’t have to go through this alone—in fact, you have more options than being alone. Here’s how to start making progress on your journey away from loneliness. Reach Out If anyone has ever told you “it’s always best to reach out,” there’s truth in that statement. Whether it’s a friend, family member, or classmate, find someone you feel comfortable talking to about your struggles. It can be hard to make the first move, but remember—you are not a burden. In fact, by reaching out for help, you’re taking a brave step towards healing and self-care. Plus, there’s no rule that says you need to be one hundred percent vulnerable right away; start small and work your way up to bigger conversations. Pick someone you trust, as having support and understanding is crucial on your road to recovery. Then, watch how your connections can change overtime. You’ll be surprised to see how developing relationships create exciting opportunities. Make Connections Finding a community of other like-minded people can yield a big payoff. An engaged network offers diverse perspectives, and ultimately strengthens your individual sense of belonging. Social media is a great place to start. Not only can it help you find hobby boards and interest groups, but it also allows you to connect with people all over the world who share similar backgrounds and experiences. Building connections does not depend on physical proximity; technology allows us to extend our reach beyond geography. And if building those connections online feels too daunting to you at first, know that there are plenty of ways to get the ball rolling in your real-world context too. Think about the individuals in your surroundings; look for friends in your workplace, people in your classes, or neighbors you’ve yet to meet. Don’t underestimate the validating power of a welcoming smile or kind conversation. Through investing in new settings and exploring personal interests, you can rediscover relationships or stumble across new ones. The possibilities are endless! Put Yourself First Being with yourself doesn’t have to be daunting. While socializing and connecting can help alleviate feelings of loneliness, it’s important to take time for introspection. Exercising self-care practices like journaling, meditating, and engaging in creative endeavors often leads to less intense “lonely” times. Take the time to do something positive for your mental wellbeing, like getting enough sleep or going on a walk. Through sparkle and stillness, challenge yourself to reframe moments of loneliness so they become moments to center yourself and recalibrate your thoughts. When emotions come alive, practice mindfulness and remain curious. Engaging in tender awareness can be a way to heal, express emotion, and learn to cope with hard times. Finally, support your chosen path with tangible commitments: treat yourself to a movie, sign up for a yoga class, dedicate a few hours a week to volunteering, or whatever else genuinely interests you. Making little efforts over time will prove to be beneficial. The journey is just beginning; it will be covered with both successes and disappointments. As loneliness often leaves us with an overwhelming sense of helplessness, it’s crucial to remember that there are still powerful steps we can take together. Everyone has something to offer, so don’t forget to offer yours.
  7. We all make difficult choices in life. Whether the decisions have to do with our relationships, career, or taking huge chances, they are all equally troubling when we try to weigh out the pros and cons. An enormous conundrum arises when these type of decisions are intertwined with a relationship that may be struggling or on the rocks. In this article, we will be looking into the case of deciding to sleep with a married man and the feelings associated with this tougher than average decision and the path it may lead you down in terms of personal growth and healing. Many people find themselves in situations that are not necessarily beneficial for them, yet still engage in them whether by choice or out of impulsivity. Sleeping with a married man is one of those scenarios. Whether it's an isolated incident or, even worse, a habit, engaging in such a flirtatious display of love can often ruin a relationship in more ways than one. Having said that, we may not be able to see the beauty in it at first but learning from our mistakes can be one of the best and most meaningful self-development journeys one could ever commit to. The feeling of guilt can blur our vision of clarity and reality when faced with such an unpredictable action. Often times we know what our heart does not want to hear. In the wake of a difficult choice like sleeping with a married man, we go through a rollercoaster of emotions. Right after making this decision, we might feel regret, disbelief, and worry. We immediately start over-analyzing the effects of our decisions, searching for ways that it could help or hurt us. But the truth is, we cannot know until it is too late. The process of feeling these emotions and trying to navigate these waters is no joke. Coming to terms with the idea that we made a bad choice is just the beginning. Allowing ourselves to wallow in the swim of emotions and taking time to process the situation may give us some insight into why this decision was made in the first place. Self-reflection will allow us to distinguish the belief from the feeling we've attached to our choices. In understanding yourself and the person you’re engaging with, it’s important to identify what exactly is causing you to make the decision. Are you seeking solace or comfort in this particular other person? Tracing back the roots of your behavior must be done with compassion and understanding before you can truly begin to understand yourself and how to move forward. You could also create a list of what you truly value from a relationship and analyze if it aligns with your behaviors and intentions. Having a great group of friends allows us to find those moments of reflection and to bring out the best in us. Friends should not be judgmental but inquisitive and supportive in order to develop your sense of understanding. Explain what happened in the situation, seek advice on learning from your mistake, discuss the boundaries you need to instill in yourself, and be open to honest dialogue and different perspectives. Finding closure in a difficult situation is not a single over night event but rather a pathway to arrive at self-awareness, understanding your choices and mistakes, and coming to terms with the results. We do not get to control all the aspects of our lives. We can try to weigh out the pros and the cons but that only gets us so far. For example, in the case of sleeping with a married man, the outcome is in no way certain. However, you may use this experience to work towards your own personal development and growth. You may even discover something very valuable—like what type of love you really want in your life, or as deep as who you really want to be. No matter what, know that you are strong and powerful. If we root our decisions and actions in understanding, compassion, and values, we find more meaningful ways to pursue our goals and grow. With commitment to change and thoughtful decisions, you will find the freedom that comes from healing and personal development.
  8. It may feel like you’re walking on broken glass when a relationship ends unexpectedly, leaving you in shambles even after it has been officially severed. It can be hard to process what exactly happened and why, and you may feel as if your entire world is crumbling around you. All the ballads about breakups and makeups may provide us with some perspective and motivational encouragement, but how do you actually make it through a seemingly impossible time after a breakup? The initial shock of what has happened may leave you emotionally paralyzed and it may take days or weeks until you realize that it’s actually over. Denial may set in as the brain attempts to protect itself from the pain of the harsh reality. But even after the grief has passed, it can still be hard to move on and create a path forward. One thing to remember is that you should never be ashamed of your own emotions during this time; there are no right and wrong ways to cope with a breakup. One of the best remedies is to focus on yourself. Take this moment to build strong relationships with your friends and family, rediscover your passions and newfound dreams by going out and exploring new things, and invest in yourself by developing new skills. Think of how you want to be spending your free time and prioritize activities that you enjoy. But don’t forget to treat yourself with love and care! Remind yourself that even though the situation may seem dark now, there will eventually come a silver lining down the road. Most importantly, never forget that you are resilient and that you can get through it. Although it may seem helpful in the immediate aftermath of a breakup, it’s best to temporarily put away any reminders of the past relationship. This includes items such as photos, gifts, and physical reminders that can hit you with waves of emotion. You’ll likely have fond memories of your time together, but you must let go of the former relationship in order to let your future one-self flourish. Support can also be critical in helping to heal, whether it’s listening ears through a friend, professional counseling, or engaging with other support groups. It’s crucial to express your inner workings and struggles in a safe environment where heathy outlets and guidance can help to lift you up. Talking through your experience and expressing it outwardly into the world can help to manifest closure, creativity, and productive expression through writing and art. Lastly, don’t rush the recovery process. It’s okay to take as much time as you need, and to reach out for support when you need it. Every individual experiences their breakups differently and no two breakups are ever the same. Even if you had felt ready to move on years ago, you may still experience nostalgia, loneliness, and periodic bouts of sadness. Trust your body and mind to manage the process on its own, and know that you can rebound. Breakups can leave you mentally and emotionally drained, and you may momentarily wonder if life and happiness can ever return. But when rebuilding yourself, remember to focus on the beautiful things you can experience in the future and be grateful for the blessings that you have today. Don’t despair– hope has a way of pulling us through the struggle and encouraging us to keep our chin up.
  9. Where does one turn when faced with the ultimate denial – a termination of hope? How does one reconcile with the idea that the pursuit of something so coveted, so cherished, is a fruitless endeavor? That any further steps taken are futile, and yet more time should be spent among the ghosts of what could have been? It’s easy to become so enveloped in the nameless, faceless void that we forget to appreciate what was, what might still be. When our dreams prove too ephemeral, beyond our reach even at arm’s length, it can become a suffocating experience. Stifled by the impossibility of it all, we risk miss out on the joy of living life with our feet still firmly planted. It’s an unthinkable fiasco, but with every sorrowful twist of fate comes glimmers of potential. Opportunity shifts with the seasons, no matter how dark and cold the northwestern winter night. At times, we must relearn how to find beauty in life even when everything seems bleak. To settle into a state of comfort with how life has presented itself to us, where we choose to remain in acceptance rather than resisting the cosmic order of everything. This journey is personal, and poses different questions, verges, and pathways for each of us. How do we prepare, accepting defeat but also cherishing the wins? Like a driftwood branch buffeted about the ocean’s currents, we too can unmoored, only to once again find an anchor for ourselves. The truth may be harsh, but it is entirely ours - and ours alone. Coming face to face with our own story, woven as it is from dead ends and stalled ambitions, can bring forth healing and solace. It can be a sigh of respect for the past that heralds our entering a new age of blossoming growth. It’s important to allow yourself to feel whatever emotion comes naturally in embracing your circumstance and accepting the unalterable reality. Give yourself the freedom to express without worrying over judgement or triteness; to experience inner battles between the past and present without masking your true self. Doing so can be frightening. But it helps to remember taking such a leap believing help is near. Once we confront and accept our current circumstance, we can then look to the future with a clearer perspective. This can help us approach our predicament with a greater sense of peace and comprehension. It is okay to feel loss and suffering in recognizing which paths were closed off, never to be traversed by our footsteps. Such a mindset can help reinvent oneself and one’s story, perhaps reconciling who we are today with whom we hope to become. Living in this world unencumbered by pre conceptions can open up possibilities and lead to a calmer, more tranquil life. In the stillness, one can work earnestly towards maintaining this sense of serenity. After all, despite the disappointment, there is always some light amidst the shadows. All we need is to take the time to search for it.
  10. It can be hard to move on after an emotionally tough breakup, especially when your former significant other meant a lot to you. All of a sudden, it can feel like your whole world has gone upside down and you don't know how to keep living without them. You may feel lost, as if a huge part of your life is gone and you're just not sure what to do next. The road ahead may seem unpredictable, full of unknowns and hard decisions. It is important to remember that it's okay to feel scared and unsure. That's just the natural response when something major turns up in your life suddenly and dramatically disrupts your emotions. The first step towards being able to move on after a breakup is to acknowledge the way you are feeling and to allow yourself to experience the grief and sadness that occur when saying goodbye. Crying, screaming, and/or raging can all be healthy ways to engage with your feelings and help you find closure. It also helps to talk about these emotions with trusted friends and family members. They can act as a source of encouragement, comforting you during this difficult time. What comes next is the hard part - rebuilding. This process can be overwhelming, but should still be undertaken. Ella Wheeler Wilcox writes, "With every broken bond, some life within us dies. 'Tis only by our steadfast faith in God we stand." The rebuilding process can involve taking back control of your own life and embracing the power of self-love. This includes engaging in activities that will bring you joy and fulfillment, such as taking a painting class, joining a book club, signing up for yoga lessons, creating a garden, etc. Think of activities that you've always wanted to do but were never able to find the time and start there. Gratitude can also play a key role in the healing process. Making a list of things you're thankful for in your life can help you gain some perspective and bring with it a newfound sense of purpose. Additionally, try not to self-isolate too much after the end of the relationship. Make an effort to be around people you trust and who care about you, as staying connected to supportive relationships can add quite a bit of comfort and perspective to your life during this transitional phase. If knowing what to do next still feels intimidating, try to think of small steps you can take. Working up to larger milestones can help to make the idea of regaining control seem much more manageable. Lastly, it is okay to rely on professional support if it is what you need. Consider speaking to a therapist or counselor if will help make you feel better. It may seem like the future is uncertain right now, and that's okay. Before long, you will be able to find the strength to move on and take back control over your life. Just remember to take things one day at a time and kindly remind yourself of your worth - the pain of loss will eventually lessen and you will be ready to create a beautiful life for yourself.
  11. We’ve all been there. It starts with a little ache in the chest, that makes you feel like you can’t get yours breath right. Perhaps it’s accompanied by ringing in the ears and a twitch in the eye. You feel overwhelmed, not just by life but in life. You want to run away, to escape this feeling of confusion and frustration, but you don’t know where to go. We need to talk about what it’s like to feel so overwhelmingly confused, anxious, and frustrated that you can’t make sense of it. It’s a feeling that can be paralyzing and, if left uncared for, all consuming. We need to understand the origins of why we feel like this before we can make sense of the solutions. Where does this overwhelming confusion come from? Often, it starts with the fear of making a mistake. People fear the consequences of taking action, even small steps, and so they don’t move forward. Success requires difficult decisions and, for someone who is consumed with fear, following through is like jumping off a cliff without a parachute. Fear and anxiety can also cause us to overthink our reality. We replay conversations or scenarios in our head, searching through the past to find answers that don’t exist. We get stuck on details that don’t matter, creating anxieties that don’t exist. This thought process can lead to perfectionism and paralysis, making it so that no one course of action seems right. The first step in understanding why we’re so confused and overwhelmed is to recognize the fear and the anxieties that are keeping us stuck. But recognizing the fear is only half of the battle. The other half is understanding the solutions to this paralyzing feeling. The first solution to help you through this feeling is to create a plan. Start with small steps - something that you can easily take and complete. Don’t look at the entire project, instead focus on one task and get that done. Baby steps are essential. Once you start to progress on the path to success, you will begin to build confidence and the fear will recede. Another way to tackle the flood of confusing emotions is to connect to those around you. Having a support system is key to staying motivated and on track. Reach out to your family and friends, they are often the best source of encouragement and understanding. Also, look into therapy or talking to professionals if available to you. Finally, it’s important to remember there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Everyone has their own connection to the world and should approach their problem differently. Find what works for you and go with that. No one else can tell you the answers, but you can take the steps to discover them. In life, it is often easy to fall back on feeling overwhelmed and confused. But when you walk away, you do yourself an immense disservice. Instead, remember to recognize the fear and replace it with the courage required to build yourself up.
  12. Life can be an unpredictable roller coaster, and despite the best intentions, periods of tumultuous change are often unavoidable. The feeling of being overwhelmed with the complexities of navigating these personal transitions can seem insurmountable, leaving us confused and drained of motivation. Whether this is a result of career changes, a relationship crisis, or a spiritual realization, goal setting and self-reflection can be exactly what you need to get back on track. That doesn’t mean it will be easy. As life twists and teeters in new directions, feelings of worry and anxiety with the unknown can threaten our mental stability, leaving us feeling lost, anxious and dispirited. But even in these moments, it’s important to remember that life is evolving for a reason — and so are we. Drawing on strength from within is the best way to connect with the world around you. By taking a moment to pause and recognize the emotions and experiences of your life path, you can gather the tools needed to overcome any challenge. Reflecting on your purpose — in particular, the times when everything was going well — can provide the inspiration and courage to move forward. It won't help to avoid the issue; instead, the discomfort is essential so that you can understand it, cope with it, and push past it. One of the most difficult aspects of this process is relying on yourself to make decisions that will lead to a better life. Chances are, you’re not perfect and you’ve made plenty of mistakes along the way. However, these errors provide an opportunity to identify patterns, good and bad habits, and areas for improvement. Fear of the unknown can make it hard to take chances on ourselves and open up to great possibilities in the future. However, without the willingness to make moves, life has a way of stalling out and becoming humdrum. But how can we move forward if we don’t know the direction we’re heading? Taking small steps and staying patient with the process can be essential. Writing down potential changes and goals — everything from making better lifestyle choices to pursuing a different job — can be a great start. While it may not be incredibly easy, setting boundaries and learning to let go of resentment, guilt or obligation can help to make room for positive growth. At times, this kind of transformation may require outside help. Seeking out a responsible mentor or support group to talk and work through these issues can be very helpful. People who are experienced in walking the same path and have dealt with similar situations can provide valuable insight into the state of mind and the steps required to start a new journey. If this doesn’t sound like a feasible option, there are books, websites and other resources full of effective advice and guidance. It can be overwhelming to find yourself in unfamiliar places, without clear answers and a roadmap for success. Having patience, perseverance, and a sense of humor about the situation is key to getting the results you want. After all, growth requires pain, and returning to one’s source of strength is the best way to stay resilient in the face of life's many surprises.
  13. Being in any kind of relationship can be challenging, particularly when it comes to having a friend who claims to “hate” your personality. It's easy to internalize negative opinions and feel discouraged, but it's also important to take a step back and look for healthy ways to move forward in your relationship. Though hate is a strong emotion, it doesn't mean there aren't any solutions to explore. Deciding what to do in this situation may become a frustrating balancing act, as each of you will confront diverse fears, hopes, and values that must be addressed. It requires complex communication, self-reflection, and active understanding of how other people may hold beliefs and perspectives that vary from yours. When you're stuck in a no-win situation with a friend who has clearly expressed dissatisfaction, first identify the source of those feelings. Ask yourself if there are any values or feelings of yours that the other person might be responding to, even in an indirect way. Understand that their response to your behavior may be their own way of trying to adjust to a changing dynamic in the relationship. Oftentimes, when people can't make sense of things they said, they respond with strong emotions. If this is what’s happening in your case, try being patient and understanding until both of you can reach a better understanding. If your friend is sufficiently candid, it’s possible to explore the issue together. You may both benefit from discussing different aspects of the relationship that you each think need adjusting or clarifying. Equally, it's worth considering how you are both communicating to one another. Try starting with these three steps: 1. Understand what your own needs are. 2. Understand where your friend is coming from. 3. Show respect for each other's views. It's also important to respect yourself. If you feel that your friend does not have your best interests at heart, take some time to think about why this may be. It's important to remember that deep-seated feelings of hurt can block your ability to communicate effectively. If there are underlying issues in the relationship, address these by taking a few moments to talk about things beyond the surface level. Developing a sense of respect and trust for each other despite differences of opinion builds the foundation for a stronger, more secure friendship. This can ensure both of you remain open to constructive criticism, new ideas and ways of solving problems together. In the end, being able to establish a balance between two distinct perspectives is key to moving forwards in any relationship. Aim to find a middle ground where you can discuss things objectively and honestly. The goal should be two-way understanding that enables your friendship to last, while also respecting your individuality.
  14. It is not uncommon to feel conflicting emotions when faced with the prospect of a divorce. On the one hand, there is a sense of freedom, a release from a stale relationship, and a new lease on life. On the other, a sadness, a feeling of loss, and a need for closure. In the situation and user question posed in the Enotalone forums, a woman is struggling to how to reach closure in her relationship with her ex-husband. Her sentiment is echoed by countless others who find themselves in a similar situation. Closure is undeniably needed to enable people to move forward and heal from a tumultuous marriage. But it can be extremely difficult to close the door on a relationship that once meant so much. Here are some tips for those needing closure following their divorce. The first step is to allow yourself to feel whatever emotion it is that you’re experiencing. Acknowledge your sadness and don’t feel guilty for having these feelings. The more guilt you feel, the longer it will take to move on – this isn’t healthy nor productive. Acknowledge your worth and remember that the disappointment felt takes no away from the person you have become. Second, practice self-care. Exercise, yoga, meditations – whatever activity or activity that puts your mind in a good place, do it. This is essential for clearing the mind for a fresh start. Third, accept the good times and bad of your relationship. It's easy to focus on what went wrong in a relationship, but there were once good moments. Learn to accept the good, the bad and the ugly - all the experiences help you to grow and move forward. Also, it is important to let go of any anger, hate and resentment you are feeling towards your former spouse. Holding onto such feelings can be detrimental to your health and happiness – they only serve to keep you stuck in the past. Let it all go. Finally, forgive your ex-husband. Forgiveness isn’t an easy task, but it has free you both. Having an open heart to forgive, allows you to move beyond the bitterness and anger. It doesn’t mean that you condone their behavior, but it enables you to be free from the hurt and pain. Although achieving closure may not always be easy, it is often invaluable when attempting to start anew. Remember to take the time for yourself and trust in the new possibilities for your future. With perseverance and a positive attitude, closure is possible.
  15. Paranoia can be a difficult and emotionally draining experience. The lingering worry of being wronged or hurt by others can be unbearable, causing us to feel paralyzed by fear. That fear can lead us to become overly cautious of our surroundings and hyperaware of what is going on around us, leading to exhaustion and a lack of energy from not being able to trust anything or anyone. Unfortunately, paranoia isn’t something that can be easily reasoned away—it takes a heightened sense of understanding and compassion to navigate around this type of anxiousness. A person dealing with paranoia may find themselves stuck in a perpetual cycle of fear and doubt—constantly jittery and on edge, so much so that it affects their daily life and relationships. Those suffering from paranoia generally want to avoid confrontations and other stressful situations, though those same feelings of dread may prevent them from seeking help or developing new habits and mindsets that could help ease the burden of anxiety. The good news is that while paranoia can be crippling, there are ways to manage the experience and regain a sense of control and normalcy. Some steps to managing paranoia include shifting focus away from rumination, exercise and staying active, seeking counseling, and engaging in hobbies that bring joy and relaxation. Of course, it is important to understand the root cause of the paranoia and work through it, rather than brush it aside or deny its existence. One key element to managing paranoia is learning to recognize guilt and how it can manifest itself. Feeling guilty for something one has done can be an underlying cause of paranoia, and can manifest in a variety of ways. For example, if one carries guilt for a mistake they made and fear repercussions from someone, it can lead to an imprisonment of sorts whereby the individual constantly fears being outed and judged by others. In cases such as these, being faced with the situation of guilt can unearth tough emotions and intensity. This can result in feelings and actions of avoidance or feelings of helplessness and worthlessness, depending on a variety of factors. Acknowledging the guilt and trying to move forward can be an important first step in healing from the paranoia. Finding small moments of strength and courage can help the individual to identify moments of peace that can build upon each other until more trust is established. Gradually, one can start to engage in activities and experiences that once were shrouded in fear and the ability to take risks returns. The ultimate goal in dealing with paranoia is to become guilt-free and thrive instead of being tortured. With the right guidance and attunement, one can find the inner peace and acceptance needed to move forward and progress towards healing. Developing a sense of trust to oneself and others is essential for managing paranoia and becoming resilient to life’s ups and downs. In the end, it’s important to remember that everyone is on their own journey, and all one can do is take each step forward with patience and grace.
  16. Maybe it’s the modern woman who is painted in society as perfected only when she is completely hairless. Or maybe it’s an absurd but entirely human impulse that women have been catering to for generations. Whatever it is, it is painfully clear that leg-shaving has become an integral part of a woman’s beauty routine today and women would often feel incomplete if they don’t abide by it. But what happens when a happily married woman no longer cares to shave her legs? This situation is quite common among married women, especially those who are homemakers and who do not tend to leave the house often. When intimate relationships develop, often these daily routines start to become obsolete, and this is especially true when it comes to leg-shaving. It could also be that the woman in question prefers to show the natural beauty of her skin and doesn’t care much for the hair that grows on her legs; after all, beauty lies in the eye of the beholder and everyone has different opinions about what beauty is. The problem however comes when such a married woman no longer shaves her legs because of a lack of desire or inclination towards it, and her husband does not seem to approve of it. This could mean discord within the marriage, or at the very least, tension between the two that may be hard to talk about openly and honestly. This can also lead to arguments and disputes which can escalate further and affect the overall atmosphere of the home. To tackle this issue, it is important to begin by understanding and acknowledging that the woman’s opinion matters too and that any marital disagreement should always be discussed maturely. If the husband is not particularly happy with his wife's decision, then he should openly communicate his concerns. While it might be easy to get offended in such a situation, it is important to remain patient and understanding while having a heart-to-heart conversation with your partner. Both parties should make efforts to understand one another's point of view and look for solutions together. Another way to find a resolution to this debate is for the couple to set up ground rules about leg-shaving that both partners can live with. For instance, if the wife is ok with shaving her legs once or twice a week or just when leaving the house, then her husband can find that acceptable and both would have established a good middle ground. With such an agreement, the wife won't feel like she’s compromising her own wishes. It is also essential to remember that even though there are certain values and expectations a partner might have about the relationship, that does not necessarily need to come at the cost of a woman’s own identity. She shouldn’t feel like she has to give up something she nearly enjoys doing (or not doing) just to make her partner happy. There needs to be a level of compromise and mutual understanding so the couple can decide together how they want to coexist. Also, in case of such minor issues, it is arguably better to have these conversations soon, before it builds up and becomes a major disagreement instead. In a nutshell, allowing yourself to keep qualities you cherish the most is important for any relationship, even the strongest of marriages. Open and honest communication within the marriage is key to find agreeable resolutions, along with mutual respect and understanding. After all, it is only by putting yourself first can you truly know your own value and develop the courage to accept yourself legitimately.
  17. “How did I not see it sooner?” You may have asked yourself that same thought on repeat as you sit and try to make sense of what happened. It started off as an ordinary relationship. Out with friends, sharing meals, having numerous conversations - all those times spent together were building the foundation of what it seemed like a relationship would be sustained by trust. How could something so strong turn into utter fragility? When words are not backed up, it makes for an atmosphere of mistrust - where it feels as though every word spoken could be easily torn down. And if there’s anything worse than feeling as though you can’t trust your significant other, it’s finding out they were lying to you the entire time. Before you can start working towards breaking the cycle of being lied to in your relationship, you must first accept that it has happened, and then understand why. Did they lie to cover up an affair? Did they lie because they didn’t trust you? Neither situation is right; you never deserve to be kept in the dark or even lied to in general. However, understanding why can give you some insight as to how to get to the underlying issues and really start to unpack what’s been happening. No matter the reason, a liar can come between trust and understanding in relationships; what had started so strongly may suddenly become slowly torn apart. It’s easy to become resentful. It’s just as simple to become overwhelmed. When someone lies in relationships, it can become very difficult to continue those relationships. This is because trust is a crucial element of any successful relationship, and when someone betrays your trust it's nearly impossible to hold on. All apprehension aside, it’s possible to get through this situation and begin to regain that much-needed trust. Not overnight, but with effort and understanding in the long-term. The key to repairing a relationship after a lie is communicating openly and honestly. It’s essential to create an environment which encourages your partner to be open and vulnerable; to show their truth. Without that, it’s almost impossible to move past something like a lie. Taking the initiative to start the conversation will require you to share your feelings, but it’s important to keep the end goal in mind. Establishing a space in which your partner feels safe enough to open up and talking through the issue without placing blame (on either side) is important. If everyone involved remains mindful that the goal is to begin to mend the relationship and move forward and communicate effectively, you will be off to a good start. At this point, you might find it difficult to trust your partner completely again; it’s worth setting boundaries both for your safety and sanity. Boundaries might include requiring full disclosure of anything that could impact the relationship, and withholding certain aspects of your life from them until trust is built up again. Depending on the situation and the goals set, consider setting guidelines within your relationship to rebuild trust, such as taking communication breaks, and checking in before making major decisions. Finally, don’t forget to take care of yourself, first and foremost. Utilize helpful resources such as counseling, support groups, and self-help books. Keeping an open dialogue with your friends and family is important to let them support you as well. Investing in your own wellbeing will help you to stay strong as time moves on. Relationships can survive after being lied to, but there needs to be an active initiative from everyone involve to work towards rebuilding trust. Connecting and communicating with patience, understanding, and acceptance is fundamental to creating and maintaining a safe space in which to heal.
  18. Many of us live every day remembering how life used to be in our previous relationships. We may think back on situations and feel a strong sensation of emptiness, disappointment and even regret. But it no longer needs to be that way. It’s never too late to free yourself from those feelings, confront the situation and once again find joy in the pursuit of your career, love and relationships. It's more common than you may think for people to face the challenge of being called by the name of an ex. This can cause embarrassment, confusion, frustration, and even distress for those affected. You may feel like you're constantly reminded of your past, or have trouble letting go of the memories, but it doesn’t have to be that way. It’s possible to break from the past so you can keep moving forward. No matter what stage of the relationship you’re in or if you’ve even moved on, these tips can help you overcome this stressful situation. The first step is understanding your feelings. Confront the situation by taking a moment to reflect and ask yourself why you feel such a strong reaction. If the feelings you’re experiencing don’t make sense, try to view the situation objectively. Chances are, there could be some misconstrued emotions clouding your judgement. Doing this can help you develop better coping mechanisms when confronted with awkward encounters. While systematic visualization and meditation can be powerful tools in overcoming unresolved emotions and trauma, sometimes it’s not enough. Speak to a trusted friend, family member, therapist or spiritual leader if the nervousness persists. Although talking about it can be uncomfortable, it’s the best thing you can do to get over it. Just remember that everyone has some sort of baggage. It’s not a sign of weakness to admit that you’re struggling; you’re being stronger by being honest and open with yourself. Another great way to move past unresolved feelings is focusing on your current relationship. Don’t allow your partner to suffer because of your past. The last thing you want is for them to feel neglected or jealous of someone else. Spend time getting to know each other through activities and meaningful conversations. Don’t let guilt from the past prevent you from developing a happy and healthy relationship. Finally, avoid negative thinking by replacing it with something positive. Don’t allow yourself to ruminate over hurtful moments and experiences with your ex. Instead, focus on the friendships and relationships you still cherish and the goals and dreams you have yet to achieve. Reach out to positive role models who can offer guidance and look for inspiration through books and lifestyle bloggers. By making conscious efforts towards inner growth and exploration, it’s possible to finally develop self-confidence and continue moving forward. It doesn’t need to take forever to free yourself from the pain and suffering caused by unresolved issues. Take these steps and, just like the sound of breaking away from your past, you too can reach new heights and find peace and solace on life’s journey.
  19. It was 3 years ago that I decided to take a break from college, and to this day I’m still unsure why. It was a decision that felt right in the moment, a decision made out of necessity. I had dreams, but it seemed like the world just wouldn’t let me achieve them. I often wondered what might have been if I had just persevered through the obstacles. I can’t turn back time, but I can find solace in the fact that I’m not alone – countless others struggle with the same feelings and anxieties as me. Even though I’m no longer on the path I originally intended, that doesn’t mean that I haven’t taken one step at a time towards reaching my goals. It doesn’t have to be all or nothing, either. Every accomplishment is worth celebrating, and every setback is just another lesson learned in life. The most important thing to remember is that it’s never too late to pick yourself back up and start heading in the right direction. Fear oftentimes prevents us from achieving the things we want, but you don’t have to succumb to it. Instead, take your setbacks as fuel to propel you even further forward. Every experience is an opportunity to become stronger and wiser. If this applies to you, too, start by finding a support system that can help you in your journey. Talk to a close friend, family member, or therapist, and ask for advice and encouragement. Consider all of your options and create a plan of action, including a timeline of goals. Whether that means enrolling back in school, changing careers, or starting a side hustle, set your sights high and take action to make those dreams reality. Know that you are capable of change, and that the road ahead is yours for the taking. You have the power within you to redefine the past and create the future that you deserve. There may be moments of doubt and fear along the way, but keep pressing on and don’t forget about the strength that lies within you. Your story won’t be written in one day and it surely won’t be easy, but as long as you don’t give up on yourself and take it one step at a time, you will soon find yourself back on the path of success.
  20. Are you feeling like your relationship is stuck in a bad place? Does it feel like the end is drawing nearer with each passing day? It’s natural to feel lost and helpless when in this kind of situation, but the good news is that you still have a chance at repairing and strengthening your bond. All you need is the will and some open-mindedness to accept change and look forward to happier times. Epiphany hits us all differently—for some, it’s hearing words of wisdom, or realizing the paths we take lead us to a part of our lives where things don’t feel natural. Even if the relationship has gone wrong, there are plenty of ways to reignite the flame of love between yourself and your partner. The first and foremost thing you should do when trying to rebuild your relationship is think about how your partner would want you to act. Do act with kindness and attention, as this can go a long way towards diffusing any tension. Take it in turns doing things you both enjoy, to remind yourselves about why you two were attracted to each other in the first place. Rekindle those key aspects which made your connection to each other so powerful. Communication is key in any relationship, and it’s certainly instrumental when it comes to repairing a broken bond. Speak openly with each other, and make sure to listen to what each of you are saying. Mental understanding and emotional connection can come back faster if there’s communication within the relationship. You might be surprised at how saying “I love you” more often can make the entire dynamic shift into one of understanding, instead of quarrel and resentment. Have some patience! Not everything is going to work out overnight; but if you show some trust in the process, and are willing to invest your time and effort, then almost any relationship can come back from the brink. If these strategies seem like too much effort for you, consider taking advice from a third party, such as a professional counsellor. They can support both parties in the relationship, helping identify strains and introducing cues on how to respect each other moving forward. This outside perspective can help give closure to disagreements and help both parties gain a better understanding of their roles in the relationship. Lastly, it may be beneficial for the two of you to practice a few basic principles, such as generosity and humility. Having a strong union comes from having both individuals willing to sacrifice their egos and focus on building something lasting together. Collaboration rather than confrontation has to be the golden rule of the relationship. Relationships take hard work, and yours is no exception. There’s no secret formula to instantly transform the dynamic, but if holding onto the love that grew the connection previously is something still on the table, then it can be manageable, and even enjoyable. Doing these simple things can help you and your partner glue back your broken relationship; creating something far better than before.
  21. Breakups are often seen as a short-term phenomenon. But what happens when the hurt and pain remain long after the relationship has ended? What do we do when it feels like there's no way out of our own hurts and emotions? Most breakups involve a period of sadness followed by an eventual acceptance and sense of closure. In some cases, the sadness and hurt can linger for months, if not years. When these feelings don't seem to go away, it can be overwhelming and leave us feeling alone and without hope. The good news is that there are ways to help cope with the raw emotions of a breakup and ultimately walk away feeling empowered and ready for a new beginning. Here are 27 steps to make your post-breakup journey successful. 1. Accept that the breakup happened. It's natural to feel regret and sadness following a breakup. Instead of pushing away these feelings, accept that they are part of the process of letting go and healing. 2. Express your emotions in a healthy way. It’s important to give yourself permission to feel and express your emotions. Writing in a journal or talking to a friend can be helpful ways to express what you are feeling. 3. Take time just for yourself. Use this time to think about your feelings and reflect on who you were before the relationship. Reconnect with your own interests and activities. 4. Stop abusing yourself with negative self-talk. Remind yourself of all the positive qualities that make you unique and recall all of the things you have accomplished on your own. 5. Reconnect with your friends. Spend time with people who are positive and supportive and will remind you of how amazing you really are. 6. Do something that relaxes and rejuvenates you. Try activities like yoga, meditation, or even just taking a long walk. 7. Go ahead and cry. Crying is a normal part of grief and it doesn't make you weak or vulnerable. Allowing yourself to cry can be cathartic and help you process your emotions. 8. Break up with the past. Let go of the things that remind you of your former partner and remove yourself from any toxic environments they may have been connected to. 9. Forgive yourself and let go of any guilt associated with the breakup. Don't waste any more energy or time trying to figure out what you could have done differently to save the relationship. 10. Stay away from social media. Avoid stalking your ex online or creating new drama by posting hurtful comments. 11. Eliminate unhealthy coping strategies. Although it may seem like drinking, partying and other vices can help numb the pain, they will ultimately do more harm than good. 12. Ask for help and support when needed. Surround yourself with a supportive network of family and friends who will listen and understand what you're going through. 13. Have faith that life will get better. Give yourself permission to dream big, even if it scares you. 14. Get rid of negative people in your life. These people can drag you down and it is best to distance yourself so you can move on in peace. 15. Learn to be content in your own company. This will help you learn to love and appreciate yourself as an individual. 16. Create new routines and habits. Creating a consistent schedule will help provide much-needed structure and stability. 17. Live for today. Don't waste energy worrying about the future. Focus on enjoying the present and living your life to the fullest. 18. Set goals and focus on the positives. Celebrate small wins and motivate yourself to achieve new goals. 19. Enjoy the little things. Focus on things that make you smile and give you peace of mind. 20. Be thankful. List three things you are grateful for each day. 21. Rekindle old hobbies and activities. Doing things that make you happy will help take your mind off the breakup. 22. Create a vision board. Cut out images and words that represent your hopes and dreams. 23. Take time to reflect. Journal and meditate to help you get clear on your feelings, thoughts and emotions. 24. Appreciate yourself. Take time each day to be mindful and appreciate who you are. 25. Practice self-care. Invest in your wellbeing by eating healthy and exercising. 26. Find joy in everyday life. Spend time with animals or do things that bring you joy. 27. Reach out for professional help. A therapist or counselor can help guide you through this challenging time. It can take some time to heal from the pain of a breakup, but it is possible. With patience and practice, it is possible to move forward and find joy again. Just take it one step at a time and be kind to yourself along the way.
  22. Sometimes, when a relationship ends, it doesn't feel like it's really over. There can be a deep longing to reunite with one's former flame and give the romance another try. If that's the situation you find yourself in, then you might have wondered – is there a chance to rekindle the love you once had, or is it gone forever? It's a difficult question, and not one that can be answered easily. Every relationship is different, and every person's experience of them is unique. However, there are a few key steps that can help in navigating the situation and determining what the best course of action is. First, it's important to be honest with yourself. Why did the relationship end in the first place? Are those issues still present? Do they need to be resolved before continuing? Have both people learned from the mistakes made in the past? If all these questions remain unresolved, then it's worth exploring them before taking things further. Second, it's important to consider the feelings of your ex. Even if it ended poorly, they still likely hold some sort of fondness for you. If communication is possible, you might want to ask them how they feel about exploring the possibility of getting back together. It may help to talk about things openly and honestly, so both parties understand where the other is coming from. If this isn't possible, then it's essential to respect their decision, even if it makes you unhappy. Finally, if the idea of rekindling the flame between you and your former partner does appeal to you both, then it's important to take things slowly. Allow yourself the time to get to know one another again and perhaps even repair the issues that led to the breakup. If it's meant to be, things will often heal with time. The decision to get back together with an ex depends on each person's individual circumstances. There's no one-size-fits-all answer to the question of whether or not it can work. However, if the feelings are mutual and both parties value and respect one another, then there's no reason why you can't give it another go.
  23. For those who find themselves in the situation where their partner leaves them for his/her children, a seemingly endless hollow is created that comes crashing in like a once-aveaging wave and can feel downright devastating. It is understandable for anyone in this situation to feel a sense of brokenness, pain, confusion and even anger. This article is meant to provide solace and perhaps healing. As already mentioned, there are intense and quite complicated emotions when a partner leaves one to be with their children. Initially, it could come as shock, followed by several stages of denial, anger, longing and regret. It can truly feel like the heart has been ripped from the chest and one has been thrust aside and forgotten. There is no sugar-coating it; it is an enormous loss. Perhaps the most difficult stage for those who were left for children is to work through the feelings of sadness and hurt. It is easy to allow ourselves to be lost in a stormy sea of these feelings. We become isolated and isolated emotions can cause us to feel both overwhelmed and numb; living not quite alive and yet still broken. Even though we think we want to sink into the darkness, it’s important to give ourselves permission to feel our emotions and safely release them. Releasing reactions such as fear and hurt–whether through writing, journaling, or talking with a trusted friend— may help in working through emotions in a healthy manner. It can be all too easy to stay stuck in the “blame bubble.” Shifting our focus to trusting in the power of love can sometimes redirect us away from negative thought patterns. Taking care of oneself and engaging in activities that give meaning to our days can also be comforting. Even if watching a film, playing an instrument, or cooking dinner feels completely mundane, it can provide moments of solace, a distraction from painful feelings, and demonstrate how life simply carries on in whatever form it takes. Moving forward sometimes requires a moment to both forgive and seek forgiveness. It is natural to experience resentful, angry thoughts and its sometimes helpful to attempt to make peace with the situation. Peace-making is a multi-faceted process, but crucial for it can facilitate a path to compassionate understanding. Additionally, absolving current and former relationships can pave a road to a brighter future and be healing. The journey of being left for one's children might be wrought with surprises and at times, hurdles and roadblocks. Yet, allowing time to grieve and supporting one another during these dark days helps bring moments of clarity, understanding, and self-love back into focus. It might even lead one out of the bleak depths they find themselves in and on to a journey of light and warmth.
  24. When it comes time to pop the big question of marriage, it can be a big undertaking and require a lot of consideration. The commitment of marriage is one of the biggest decisions a couple can make together; it should not be taken lightly. While it is natural to want to feel confident and sure about the decision, many people feel overwhelmed by the prospect and worry that it could all end in disaster. The following are some steps to take before saying “I do” in order to make sure that the decision is made with confidence. First, it is important to understand why you and your partner are thinking about marriage. Is it because of love or because it feels like the natural next step? Are you scared of being alone or worried about public perception? A clear understanding of the driving motivation for marriage will help determine if it is right for both of you. Second, it is crucial to take an honest look at your relationship. Talk openly and honestly with your partner and ask yourself, “Are you staying in the relationship out of habit, fear, or genuine love?” Also ask yourself if you are on the same page when it comes to things like communication, expectations, values, beliefs, and family. If any of these issues feel unresolved, it is best to seek counseling or a qualified therapist to help work through them before engaging in such a big commitment. Third, get to know each other even better than you thinks you know the other person. Before getting married it is advisable to really learn about your partner's family, friends, hobbies, dreams, habits, body language, and lifestyle. Even if the connection is strong, getting to know your partner's family perspective is important too. This can trigger conversations about different perspectives as well as what each of you expect in terms of support from one another or family members. Fourth, talk money. Have a discussion about financials such as raising children, debt, budgeting, long-term savings, and retirement plans. When two people from different backgrounds come together, it is important to establish shared economic goals. Finally, have a conversation about the possibility of a future divorce. It is wise to discuss the tough topics such as what may happen if the marriage does not work out, especially if there are children involved. Planning ahead and having a sense of reality can provide peace of mind if things don’t go as planned. Regardless of whether or not you decide to propose to your partner, taking these steps is an invaluable part of the process. Marriage is an important commitment and should not be taken lightly. Taking time to ensure that the partnership is healthy and mature before plunging headfirst into such a large decision will create a stronger bond and provide insight into if you and your partner are compatible. Before diving into a lifetime of romance, knowing and understanding the answers of the above questions can help guide your decision to say I do or not. Every couple’s journey is unique and requires thoughtful consideration. Regardless of the outcome, take comfort in knowing that it is always possible to create a healthy marriage for years to come.
  25. We live in a world of rules and regulations; we are taught from a young age to think about the consequences of our actions before making any big decisions. However, when it comes to matters of the heart sometimes the best option is to follow the impulse of the moment, no matter how scary that may be. This is a story about taking a risk and having faith that by doing so something beautiful can come of it. In the situation posed on enotalone.com, the user is considering reconnecting with an old flame. It can be a daunting thought to make a decision of this magnitude based on what ifs and memories of a relationship that may not have ended on the best terms. This question speaks volumes about the person asking it–they must be feeling an inner push towards taking a leap of faith and figuring out if this could work out. Love is a powerful emotion that can’t be explained away by pure logic. It takes a brave soul to go against their own instinct to “play it safe” and let themselves feel what they feeling without censoring their thoughts. Sometimes in life you have to let go of expectations and assumptions, and accept whatever the outcome may be. If things don’t go as planned, that doesn’t mean failure, it simply means that a new path must be taken. This brings us to what is perhaps the most important part of any undertaking–trust. Trusting oneself and trusting others enough to take a risk and see what will happen requires a special kind of strength. It requires believing that the world has infinite possibilities and understanding that some of them might not work out, but ultimately everything will be okay. This is the sentiment the user of enotalone.com should take to heart. Reaching out to their former flame would be an act of trust and faith in their ability to conduct magic with someone else. It doesn’t guarantee a happy ending, but it does open up the possibility that a good one exists. That might be all the reassurance the user needs to take the plunge and find out for themselves. It can be nerve-wracking to commit to a decision like this, especially when the stakes feel high. All that can be done is to throw caution to the wind and believe in the best outcome possible. Going into any endeavor with love in one’s heart is enough to make any leap of faith worth it.
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