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  • Natalie Garcia
    Natalie Garcia

    Free Yourself from the Past - Moving On from Misunderstood Feelings

    Many of us live every day remembering how life used to be in our previous relationships. We may think back on situations and feel a strong sensation of emptiness, disappointment and even regret. But it no longer needs to be that way. It’s never too late to free yourself from those feelings, confront the situation and once again find joy in the pursuit of your career, love and relationships.

    It's more common than you may think for people to face the challenge of being called by the name of an ex. This can cause embarrassment, confusion, frustration, and even distress for those affected. You may feel like you're constantly reminded of your past, or have trouble letting go of the memories, but it doesn’t have to be that way. It’s possible to break from the past so you can keep moving forward. No matter what stage of the relationship you’re in or if you’ve even moved on, these tips can help you overcome this stressful situation.

    The first step is understanding your feelings. Confront the situation by taking a moment to reflect and ask yourself why you feel such a strong reaction. If the feelings you’re experiencing don’t make sense, try to view the situation objectively. Chances are, there could be some misconstrued emotions clouding your judgement. Doing this can help you develop better coping mechanisms when confronted with awkward encounters.

    While systematic visualization and meditation can be powerful tools in overcoming unresolved emotions and trauma, sometimes it’s not enough. Speak to a trusted friend, family member, therapist or spiritual leader if the nervousness persists. Although talking about it can be uncomfortable, it’s the best thing you can do to get over it. Just remember that everyone has some sort of baggage. It’s not a sign of weakness to admit that you’re struggling; you’re being stronger by being honest and open with yourself.

    Another great way to move past unresolved feelings is focusing on your current relationship. Don’t allow your partner to suffer because of your past. The last thing you want is for them to feel neglected or jealous of someone else. Spend time getting to know each other through activities and meaningful conversations. Don’t let guilt from the past prevent you from developing a happy and healthy relationship.

    Finally, avoid negative thinking by replacing it with something positive. Don’t allow yourself to ruminate over hurtful moments and experiences with your ex. Instead, focus on the friendships and relationships you still cherish and the goals and dreams you have yet to achieve. Reach out to positive role models who can offer guidance and look for inspiration through books and lifestyle bloggers. By making conscious efforts towards inner growth and exploration, it’s possible to finally develop self-confidence and continue moving forward.

    It doesn’t need to take forever to free yourself from the pain and suffering caused by unresolved issues. Take these steps and, just like the sound of breaking away from your past, you too can reach new heights and find peace and solace on life’s journey.

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