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Natalie Garcia

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Everything posted by Natalie Garcia

  1. For the women who are stuck in a marriage to an unappreciative, inconsiderate, and uninspired man, boredom has become a way of life. It’s a lifeline wrapped around them so tautly that it threatens to choke their once vibrant dreams. There are many reasons why married women feel completely drained and disinterested in the marriage. First, many women have moved away from the traditional roles of a wife and homemaker. As society progresses, so too have women’s roles moved from being primarily a housewife to being out in the world and having a career. An overwhelming sense of responsibility can cause a woman to lose sight of her passions and interests; she may simply have little or no time for her husband in her life. Second, expectations and standards have risen for men. Many couples find themselves unable to communicate fairly, or men don’t share the same respect for their wives as they used to. This can lead to a marriage in which women feel taken for granted and break down inside, slowly dying away any love they have left. Third, women often enter into marriages with financial goals and hopes, only to find that these never get fulfilled. An inability to come to agreement on money matters can cause a tremendous lack of trust in the relationship and leave a marriage in shambles. Fourth, when a married couple has children, the woman’s priorities tend to sharply shift towards the children and away from her partner. This can create a situation where he feels neglected and many deep-seeded issues can rise to the surface. Finally, some couples inevitably fall into patterns of complacency and dullness. Of course, any relationship will evolve and progress over time, but if romance isn’t kept alive on both sides it tends to die-out quickly and become more of an obligation than anything else. It’s not easy to overcome all of these issues, but it can be done. One key piece of advice is regular date nights where the focus is solely on the other. Planning fun activities or having a special evening out can help to revive the spark between a couple. Communication is also essential, even if topics such as finances seem mundane. There is hope for any marriage that has fallen victim to boredom, but it requires a willingness from both parties to change and put in the effort. Otherwise, the marriage will forever remain a stagnant affair.
  2. In today’s uncertain times, effective negotiation in all your relationships is essential to sustaining healthy, peaceful bonds. From collective bargaining agreements with coworkers and haggling with vendors to settling disagreements with family members, friends and romantic partners, understanding the nuances of persuasion can pay huge dividends. No matter what your walk of life, embracing these proven negotiation strategies will help preserve and promote harmonious, productive unions. Starting with an open mind is key. Listen to opposing points of view without getting defensive or airing grievances, and be sure to ask follow up questions. Do not dismiss any proposal, no matter how farfetched it may sound. Negotiation involves discovering creative solutions both sides can be comfortable with. Communication is always a two-way street. Make sure everyone involved is engaged and speaking, and that both parties have enough time to express themselves in the most clear and concise way possible. Compromise is great, but everyone should feel that their ideas are adequately heard and taken into serious consideration. Assert yourself. No one ever got what they wanted by hesitating. As long as nothing outrageous is being demanded, stand up for your opinion. Whether it’s a workplace dispute or an argument with a loved one, conveying confidence is paramount to arriving at a positive resolution. Speak in specifics. Be concise and address the exact items in contention. Avoid vague words and stay away from generalities. Instead of saying “I don’t think this is fair”, communicate the exact part you disagree with in exacting detail. This will save time and ultimately get closer to a beneficial result. Be aware of the power of timing and be prepared to bargain well. You can’t expect to come to an accord if neither side will concede. Try to meet people half way. If it’s a contested issue, going in with a spirit of cooperation and willingness to yield can be helpful. Lead with a discussion about shared interests. Loosening the tension and setting a more pleasant atmosphere can deliver good results. Remember, agreements stem from mutual respect not capitulations. When it comes to heated disagreements, negotiate in private. Agreeing to talk privately is of utmost importance. The urge to air your thoughts in front of a large audience often makes things worse. Going off in anger or retorting in public might cause serious repercussions that cannot easily be undone. It never hurts to consult an expert. Even when there is a lot of animosity, enlisting a third party can be helpful. Neutral mediators provide a different perspective often make sounder decisions than anyone engaged in unproductive bickering. End on a positive note and remember the details of the agreement. All the goals should be laid out and the difference of opinion should be noted. Celebrate the achievement of coming to an understanding and acknowledge where each side had to compromise. Effective negotiation in all your relationships needn’t be a dreaded, unbearable task. When conducted calmly and thoughtfully, resolutions can be reached that satisfy everyone. With practice and skill, everyone ensconced in a disagreement can learn to arrive a productive outcome, and go onto enjoy stronger, harmonious ties in the future.
  3. I loved being a mother, but there were times when I felt like I was an utter failure. Times when it seemed like everything my husband did was perfect. As if he was a better mom than me; his experience and patience sank the notch in my self-esteem even lower. Low enough to make me feel worthless and weak, unable to keep up with him or be as great a parent as he was. I wanted to love every moment with my children, but his stellar parenting felt like a heavy burden, one that quickly brought me down and left me feeling inadequate and out of sync. It's easy for couples to feel competitive about parenting, especially when one of them is excelling beyond the other. This can turn into feelings of envy, making all the positive parenting moments seem to dim compared to his inexperience. But just because your partner is more successful in this area doesn't make you any less of a parent. It's healthy to appreciate your own successes, while also giving recognition where it is due. This helps you build a strong relationship with your partner, so that you can both thrive as parents. Take time to identify where your strengths lie and celebrate those differences. Maybe you're naturally more patient, or better able to understand how your children are feeling in any given situation. You can use this to complement your partner’s characteristics, and find ways to collaborate even when you're feeling overwhelmed. At times, it can feel daunting to reach out for support, but communicating openly with your partner is essential. Being honest about your emotions helps set the stage for an environment that welcomes problem solving and collaboration. Rather than letting jealousy and insecurity take over, express yourself and your feelings to your partner when needed. Doing so should reassure you that the two of you are in this together, rather than competing over who’s the best parent. Acknowledge their efforts and reward his stellar parenting. Offer a round of applause, recognize his dedication and congratulate him for his successes. He may not require the credit, but it’s important to let him know that you value and appreciate his work. Look out for each other and help your significant other whenever possible. Offer to take on tasks that are easier for you, or be a sounding board for potential solutions. Even the smallest things can mean a lot for your spouse’s parenting skill set; it'll show them that you care about what they're doing and that you both want it to succeed. Refocusing the lens on yourself can also be incredibly rewarding. Self-care should be first and foremost when times are tough. Create time and space to admire the little things that you do that make you a difference. Doing something as simple as writing out a few accomplishments and successes of your own can make all the difference in helping you gain some perspective. Also remember that there is no “one size fits all” approach to parenting; your parenting style is a direct reflection of who you are and what your family believes in—not your partner’s. Being aware of the negative thoughts and feelings that arise when your partner’s parenting seems flawless can help you manage those feelings in a healthier way. Don’t underestimate the power of your own capabilities, respect your partner's methods, and focus on your own unique parenting narrative. Together these steps can help ensure that your parenting relationship is one that long lasts, despite your different approaches.
  4. Do you ever find yourself staying up late to study or finish assignments? Does your late night takeaway and Netflix session find it’s home in your bedroom? Unfortunately, we may be sabotaging our sleep without even realising it. The effects of working, eating, and studying in your bedroom could be causing irreversible damage to your sleep schedule. Your bedroom should be a sanctuary for relaxation, sleep, and intimate time spent with your partner. When we are working, eating, and studying in our bedrooms, we create an association between this space and being in a more active lifestyle. It is easy to understand then why, when it comes to sleep, our bodies start to feel wide awake instead of tired. Symptoms such as insomnia and fatigue can arise from the habit of working, eating, and studying in the bedroom. It’s not hard to imagine why, when our brains are already associating the bedroom to activity – when trying to fall asleep our brains become overwhelmed and energised. Reeling back the curtains and opening all the windows can help to mentally and physically reset the feeling and associations within the bedroom. On top of other mental associations that can occur, those with electronic devices in their bedroom might find they struggle with turning the lights off and settling into sleep. With the electromagnetic field that smartphones and laptops produce, our bodies become confused as to when it’s time to sleep and wake up. Not allowing our bodies natural melatonin production to work properly can disrupt our precious sleep cycle. Similarly, having food in your bedroom could stop us from digesting properly, meaning the body will be too energised to restful sleep. Creating a focused and calming space is vital, and physically removing activities and devices can help with this task. Even if it’s just while you are trying to catch some quality shut-eye, cutting out work, studies, and food from your bedroom can literally change your life! Cultivating a routine and making lifestyle changes to support sleep is something we should all be aware of and aim to do. Ensuring that any blue light and electromagnetic radiation associated with phones and laptops isn’t in the bedroom should be a priority and will help us to get a deeper and more restful sleep. If heading to bed feels like a battle between energised brain and fatigued body, think about what you can take away from the bedroom. Making sure that our bedroom is a designated space for pure relaxation and sleep is the key to stepping into some seriously sweet slumber.
  5. The rich and the poor have often been held up to be complete opposites of each other, but new research suggests that they may share more in common than previously thought. A team at the University of California, Berkeley set out to answer what many have pondered- are rich people really less ethical than their lower income counterparts? The team conducted experiments using tasks such as go/no-go games and Prisoner's Dilemma designed to measure moral judgment and ethical decision-making. What they found was startling; the wealthy perform less ethically on many tasks than their poorer counterparts. Rosalyn Everett, Professor of Psychology at UC Berkeley, commented on the implications of the study's results. “It seems that the rich may be overconfident, or feel a sense of entitlement, which may lead them to pursue their interests even if those interests come into conflict with their moral values.” In other words, the study suggests that the richer a person is, the more likely they are to act unethically or disregard their morals. Easton Severn, another member of the research team, highlighted the importance of understanding how wealth can influence our behavior. "We find ourselves in an era of rising wealth inequality, so it’s important to recognize the way in which money can influence our moral decision-making," he said. Understanding the power of money can help us all make more ethical decisions in our own lives. Wealth may also be affecting ethical behaviour in the corporate world, making unethical decisions appear 'normal' or socially acceptable. With unethical behaviour being commonplace in many industries, it can be difficult for individuals to stand up against unethical actions, particularly when they are in the minority. The team's research provides an interesting insight into the influence of wealth and ethical decision-making. It's easy to assume that wealth is simply the result of ethical conduct - hard work, smart decisions, honest dealings - and that this could lead to some kind of karmic reward. The reality, however, appears to be far more complex, with the distribution of wealth playing a key role in ethical decision-making. As society becomes increasingly unequal and millionaires threaten to outnumber the middle class, this could have major repercussions for the ethical behaviour of both individuals and corporations.
  6. Relationships can be complex and sometimes it can take time to recognize certain behaviors in our significant other that breach into an unhealthy or dangerous form. In recent years however, proactive solutions have been developed to help people get a clearer perspective of their partners before their relationships reaches such a point. One such solution is a simple test that can help identify potentially abusive partners early on. The test was created by Dr. John Gottman. He is a psychologist who has studied the dynamics of couples and marriage together with his wife, Dr. Julie Gottman, for over 40 years. He has found that through observing couples, he could improve relationships and even predict which couples are more likely to stay together in the long run. The pair developed the “Gottman Relationship Checkup” to assist those in getting a better insight into their relationship. In a nutshell, the checkup involves answering a series of questions about the relationship (200 to 300 questions), with the responses being analyzed by the Gottman Institute using computer algorithms. This will then be followed by an assessment of areas where the couple needs to improve and how they can apply Gottman principals to do so. Through this, couples can begin to understand the behaviors of their partner and thus, decide whether or not these are healthy dynamics. What exactly is a “Warning Sign” of an Abusive Relationship? These may include gaslighting, a lack of acknowledgment or respect, displaying signs of possessiveness or the idea of “my way or the highway”, formulating ultimatums, power plays in communication, and any verbal abuse. These behaviors can spawn from insecurity and low self-esteem, but either way, if your partner expresses any of these, it might be time to address it as early on as possible in order to ascertain if it’s something that you’re willing to accept or not. It is important to be aware of the signs of an abusive relationship in order to stay safe and protect yourself from harm. All relationships are different, but any kind of abuse, physical or psychological, should not be tolerated. Hence, a tool like the “Gottman Relationship Checkup” could be the perfect answer for those who want to be more conscious of any potentially abusive partner in their lives. Although this test could provide much needed clarity on the general health of your relationship, it is important to mention that there is no replacement for establishing open and honest communication with your partner as this is the most successful way to resolve any ongoing issues. Questions can cause boundaries to form and may, thus, be hard to delicately navigate. With this being said, the “Simple Test” can give you the context to make a decision, if the boundaries cannot be broken down in an amicable manner. Through providing guidance, the test helps couples identify which of their negative behaviors may be just a ‘minor irritating’ and which may be stemming from a potential need to harm, as well as suggesting ways to allow couples to work on their existing patterns as a pair. This simple test is an effective measure that can notify individuals if their partner could potentially be abusive. It therefore provides couples with a good indication of what to watch out for and how to recognize red flags early on in the relationship. Whether we find it difficult to acknowledge or not, testing for unhealthy behaviors is the first step in creating a healthier relationship with ourselves and with others.
  7. As a busy mom, there are many things to juggle when it comes to looking after your son. One of the most stressful aspects is finding – and keeping – a reliable in-home caregiver. It can be hard to know when you’ve found the right person for the job until it’s too late. If you’re in the process of interviewing potential caregivers for your son and have noticed some signs that their attitude may be less than desirable, it’s important to take steps to improve the situation before it becomes worse. Favoring a proactive approach means you can head off any issues before they become out of hand. To do this, it’s important to establish clear boundaries with your potential caregiver before they even begin working with your son. When they arrive, discuss expectations in detail. Make sure they understand how you want them to interact with your child, what type of discipline strategies can/can’t be used, and how often they need to update you on their progress. You will also want to ensure they are properly trained in any safety or medical protocols that need to be followed in case of an emergency. You’ll also want to set expectations regarding the caregiver’s overall attitude. Talk to them about being gentle and kind when interacting with your son, and emphasize the importance of cheerful demeanor. Explain that you understand stress and exhaustion can happen (especially considering the unique demands of the job) but reiterate that this attitude cannot influence how your son is treated at any time. If you have these conversations early on, it can help keep your caregiver’s attitude in check and set a positive tone for their time with your son. One of the best ways to tell if a caregiver’s attitude is slipping is by asking your son directly. If he seems hesitant around the caregiver or is suddenly spending more time alone rather than with them, it could signal a problem. Older children may also be able to communicate via text if they feel uncomfortable talking face to face. After hearing him out, give your caregiver a chance to speak up and explain themselves. It may not be intentional or malicious in any way - they could be tired or overwhelmed - so it’s important to give them an opportunity to explain themselves. If they genuinely seem apologetic, then you can use the issue as a learning experience and talk together about how both of you can work together to make sure similar incidents don’t happen in the future. It’s important for all caregivers to understand that their role is to be loving, supportive, and have a positive approach when interacting with your son. As parents, we must always be willing to intervene when any sort of attitude adjustment is needed to make sure our children are being treated with kindness and respect.
  8. When you first enter a relationship, it can be hard to know what conversations are necessary to have. While every couple is different, here are the conversations that every new couple needs to discuss. Finances Once you enter a new relationship, it’s time to talk about finances. Even if both of you have well-established financial plans, it’s important to discuss objectives, joint account options, debt status and long-term goals. A failure to communicate about money could open up multiple avenues for conflict in the long run. Expectations Whether you’re planning to move in together or just starting out on dating, it’s crucial to communicate expectations from the relationship. Talk about what kind of goals you’re pursuing and the roles each of you will take within the relationship. Talking about expectations helps avoid any surprises down the road. Common Interests New couples should take some time to find out each other’s likes and dislikes. Whether it’s a shared hobby like cooking or a one-off activity like rock-climbing, it’s important to find out how you can do things together. Common interests are the basis of an enjoyable, healthy relationship. Careers The two of you don’t necessarily have to match career-wise, but talking about career aspirations helps you understand where your partner is coming from. Discuss where you’d like to end up professionally and how you plan to get there, as this can prove important for both of you in the future. Family It’s important to know about each other’s family history, too. Where did you both grow up and what were your childhoods like? How close are you now with your respective families? You don’t have to spill the beans about any family drama from the past, but having a basic understanding of your future partner’s background helps form a strong bond between the two of you. Communication Finally, discussing communication is extremely important within a new relationship. How will the two of you phrase disagreements in a respectful manner? What kind of boundaries will you establish when it comes to calls, text messages and spending time with one another? Answering these questions and establishing rules early on will pay off later. At the start of any new relationship, it’s important to make sure that all of these conversations are discussed. The topics may seem overwhelming, but addressing them up front will help ensure a relationship that’s free of controllable miscommunication and misunderstandings going forward.
  9. Technology has become such an integral part of our lives that it is no wonder couples are starting to turn to it to help their marriage. Whether it's the tools to help streamline tasks and communication or the ability to stay connected with friends and family, technology can be used to help manage all the aspects of our marriages. One way to use technology to help manage marriage is to use it to manage day-to-day activities. For example, using a grocery list app and shopping together can help manage schedules, budgets and daily errands. This is especially important for couples who both have busy lives; having the extra assistance of a technology tool can save time, energy and resources for when couples can actually spend quality time together. Using technology can also help couples stay connected when life gets hectic. Could be messaging, texting, or video chatting when miles apart: technology can help out spouses stay in touch despite any geographic obstacles. Where couples once had to rely on traditional mail to stay connected, today they have a variety of options, from dedicated apps to Skype. This makes it easier to stay involved with each other’s lives and stay connected even while only miles or continents apart. Technology can also be used to help couples anticipate and prevent marital problems. With the different available tools, like personalized relationship calendars, couples can easily set and keep track of dates, schedule events, and record messages for special occasions. Some tools provide reminders of special moments, others monitor relationship patterns, and all give couples the opportunity to enter important information that can help them identify any issues that might be causing tension in the relationship. Basic tech tools can also prevent the small stuff from ballooning into something bigger. Ever have an argument because one person forgot to do something? When the couple starts using electronics like shared calendars, to-do lists or reminder apps, these potential moments of conflict decrease significantly. Use of these tools is not just practical, but can also help keep preferences, details, and needs better sorted, organized and remembered in the long run. Making use of basic tech tools can help couples navigate their marriage with ease. Making sure to remain mindful of each other's needs and avoiding everyday sources of stress can preserve the health of the marriage and help couples better understand each other’s thinking and expectations. Technology can be used to facilitate those everyday conversations that can be easy to permit to fall prey to life’s hustle and bustle. There are some precautions couples should consider when using technology. One should always consider privacy and security, and be informed of the safety measures and any tracking applications available. Encryption and two-factor authentication are essential security measures for anyone who wishes to use tech within their marriage. Technology can become an excellent resource for couples to take advantage of, however ahead of diving in one should make sure it doesn’t jeopardize the safety and comfort level of themselves or their partner. Technology is increasingly becoming a staple in helping couples manage their marriage. From staying connected to preventing arguments, making use of tech tools can help couples keep their relationship balanced, healthy and happy. While there is a certain level of risk associated with technology, if used mindfully it can become an incredibly useful tool to support the marriage. Tag: Technology, Marriage, Communication, Safety
  10. Everyone needs shut-eye. But can sleeping in different beds benefit your relationship? Surprisingly, sleeping in separate beds could be just the thing to get your relationship back on course. When couples are constantly frustrated by one another’s tossing, turning, snoring and other nighttime idiosyncrasies, sometimes sleeping apart is the best—and only— solution. Not sleeping together may actually be the best way to save your relationship from further distress. After all, it’s not always easy to make sense of life's daily demands when your body is fighting for rest. Beyond just snoring compatibility, people often have different sleep styles. In some relationships, one partner is a night owl, while the other prefers to hit the hay early. Some couples thrive in the same bed, but for many, sharing a bed can create friction and negatively affect the connection between them. When couples are forced to snuggle up each night, positions, side of the bed preferences and temperature can lead to arguments and an increase in overall irritability. “Little things can lead to big things," cautions relationship expert Dr. Jane Greer. "If you're in the same bed, you can expect that problems with sleep can lead to bigger issues in the relationship.” When a couple chooses to sleep together, small miscommunications can manifest into larger resentments in a short time. On the other hand, sleeping apart could provide the opportunity to move from detached exhaustion back to meaningful engagement. Taking some space from each other can bring clarity and ease back into the relationship. It can also provide couples with the freedom to rediscover their individual identities. Sometimes distance makes the heart grow fonder. Making the effort to meetup before bed—without the physical distraction of being in the same bed—invites conversations to start over dinner or a cozy movie night. It creates an opening for talks beyond the typical evening routine. This can give couples the chance to rediscover what brought them together in the first place. Moreover, research by Sleepfoundation.org shows that higher-quality sleep benefits couples both physically and emotionally. Better sleep makes couples more available to their partners and to themselves. When rested, couples tend to be more open, responsive and affectionate. Lack of sleep, on the other hand, leads to mood swings, tantrums and confusion. So, if your relationship needs a little spark, consider this approach to sleeping arrangements. Though it may take some getting used to, there’s much to be gained from separate beds. From feeling more rested and refreshed to creating a better foundation for communication, sleeping in separate beds could be the very thing to bring you closer together.
  11. When a family member or friend comes out, it is usually a difficult and momentous occasion for both parties. It is a moment that deserves to be treated with respect and acceptance. After all, it reflects an individual’s very difficult decision to express who they truly are and live authentically. So when faced with a friend or family member coming out, how responbile are we as supporters to respond? When the news is met with shock, disbelief, or a lack of support, it can be incredibly hurtful. This situation was recently faced by a woman, whose daughter came out to her and her friend and received a reaction she did not expect. “My daughter came out to me and my best friend, who snorted in disbelief. I am completely caught off guard. How should I have reacted?” she asked. It can be confusing to be thrown into a situation like this. Feeling strongly about something and not knowing how you are allowed to express it only amplifies the already difficult emotions. The best thing this woman can do is show understanding and compassion for her daughter by maintaining an open dialogue. A response such as “I understand this may be difficult for you to process, but I want you to know that I accept and respect your decision” would be appropriate. On the other hand, the woman’s best friend needs to be addressed. Having any kind of negative response - shock, disbelief, judgement - can be incredibly damaging to a person who is just beginning to process their truth. The woman needs to remind her best friend of the importance of being respectful and accepting of her daughter; rather then reacting with amusement or uncertainty, she nourishes the relationship by expressing admiration for her daughter's bravery and reinforcing support for her authenticity. Furthermore, it is imperative for the woman to distinguish her own feelings about her daughter’s identity from the feelings for her best friend. While it may feel tempting to impose these feelings on her best friend, it is important not to take her own internalized feelings out on her best friend. Everyone works through situations like this in different ways and in their own time, so it is important to provide support without pressure or judgement. Finally, it is necessary to remember why her daughter chose to come out to her and her best friend in the first place: she trusts them both and values the fact that they are a significant part of her life. This requires patience and understanding; to move forward in building a healthy and respectful relationship, it is important that the woman documents how her daughter was met with an unsupportive reaction. Expressing this to her friend is key in emphasizing the importance of respect, receptivity and acceptance. No matter the relationship, it is important to embrace an open dialogue when dealing with moments of growth and processing. Although it may not always be easy, showing support and respect to a loved one in this difficult time can make all the difference in their development of identity and ensured worth. respect and acceptance don’t stop with coming out - they continue every day.
  12. Our emotional intelligence is an important factor when it comes to building and maintaining a healthy relationship. Often our emotional intelligence can dictate how smoothly a relationship runs; from how we handle disagreements with our partner, how we take feedback, and how effective our communication is with them. Difficulty managing emotions can be detrimental for relationships as it can lead to misunderstandings and even trust issues further down the line. It's important then, to understand what kind of actions emotionally intelligent people never do in order to cultivate healthy relationships with their loved ones. Here are 10 things emotionally intelligent people don't do when it comes to relationships: Don't Blame Their Partner for Everything – Emotionally intelligent people understand that during a relationship, both individuals are equal partners who have a responsibility to make things work. As such, they don’t play the blame game, but instead focus on understanding better ways to manage conflict or difficult conversations in order to make progress. Don't Play Mind Games – No one wants to win over their partner by see-sawing between being sweet one day and then cold and distant the next. This kind of tactic only serves to create insecurity and mistrust in the relationship. An emotionally intelligent person would rather focus their energy on communicating honestly and respectfully. Don't Ignore Red Flags – Emotionally intelligent people don’t put up with chronic bad behaviour. Instead, they immediately recognise any red flags in order to protect themselves and others from unnecessary stress or harm. Don't Suppress Their Feelings – Being emotionally self-aware means that intellectually intelligent people avoid burying their feelings. They don’t take out their frustrations on their partner, instead knowing that communicating openly is key to creating balance in their relationships. Don't Gossip About Their Relationship– All relationships have ups and downs, but emotionally intelligent people don’t share that kind of information publicly. Doing so can easily put a strain on the bonds of respect between both of you. Don't Make Quick Judgements – It’s natural for humans to jump to conclusions, especially when something seems like it could be bad news for them. Fuelled by emotion, their judgement can lack clarity, which is why it’s essential for emotionally intelligent people to remember to step back and take some time to unpack their thoughts before reacting. Don't React Out of Fear – Emotional intelligence means being aware of your own motivations. If someone you care about does something that triggers intense worries about being judged or abandoned, it can stop you from seeing things clearly. Emotionally intelligent people practice self-awareness so they can separate fact from fear, allowing them to calmly address any difficult situation. Don't Misinterpret Their Partner's Intentions– Misunderstandings can quickly arise when emotion is involved. Emotionally intelligent people take a step back, acknowledge their thoughts and feelings, and objectively assess the facts to make sure they can accurately interpret what their partner meant before responding. Don't Avoid Difficult Conversations– While it may seem easier to sweep difficult problems under the rug, this approach doesn’t fix anything. An emotionally intelligent person will be honest and open by tackling difficult conversations directly so that they can be vulnerable and transparent with their partner. Don't Take Traditional Gender Roles Too Seriously – When a relationship is driven by traditional gender roles, this can create resentment in the relationship. Emotionally intelligent people know that nurturing healthy communication, listening, trust, and respect are all key elements of a successful relationship regardless of gender. These ten things emotionally intelligent people never do demonstrate how emotionally mature we need to be to nurture a healthy relationship. Communication is key, but it requires reflection on a personal level too; it's not enough to simply communicate, but also take responsibility for how we respond and how we empathise in any given situation. The more we understand ourselves and our purpose in our relationships, the more balanced, supportive and vibrant they become.
  13. Dating apps are becoming an increasingly normal way for people to connect with one another, but just how are they changing our psychology? With a few swipes of the smartphone and a clever caption, the dating app world has opened up a whole new avenue of possibilities. But while this all seems exciting, relationships formed via apps aren’t without their potential pitfalls. For starters, we often get to portray ourselves as a more attractive version of ourselves than we truly are. We can more carefully curate our responses, introduce more thoughtful pauses between conversations, and play to the person’s known interests. we have time to ‘make ourselves better’ through the construction of a curated persona. Along the lines of presenting ourselves outside our authentic selves, many of us search for validation through the virtual likes and thumbs up of others and often feel discouraged or rushed into forming connections that we would not necessarily form in person. The difficulty of online relationships, such as those formed via dating apps, is that it can become easy to shift our identity to suit the needs and desires of what we think someone wants to see, leading us to imagine that we are positioned a certain way and that certain needs of the other person are being fulfilled in a particular way when in reality, that may not be the case at all. This can lead to immense frustration on both sides; neither person feels satisfied, and often neither can quite put their finger on why. Then there is the instantaneous gratification aspect of dating apps. It can be difficult to say no to the promise of connection when it’s right at our fingertips. Heck, ‘the one’ could be a few swipes away after all! Yet, if we rush too quickly into things, we run the risk of being so focused on the promise of something big that we forget to really get to know who it is we are talking to. We end up feeling an overwhelming sense of letdown once the initial thrill of connection wears off. Finally, there’s the simple fact that the act of dating feels so much more ‘real’ when it is face-to-face rather than over a computer screen. Meeting up for drinks or dinner suddenly brings up issues like laughing at the same jokes and whether a hand flirtatiously grazing a knee was intentional or not, creating a unique kind of tension that doesn’t exist through digital interactions. To summarize, dating apps can create a whole host of psychological issues, from feeling unrealistically inadequate or creating deep hopes only to be tragically let down. We often have to learn not to rush too quickly into things without getting to know the person behind the profile and even then, the act of creating a real connection is much harder because there is no physical proximity involved. That said, dating apps are a good way to get out there and open the door for possible connections, so long as people approach them with caution.
  14. Joy is an often underrated emotion, but it is one of the most powerful and beneficial feelings for your well-being. Joy has been found to have unique effects on both the body and mind, from improving physical health and reducing psychological distress to making positive social connections. Yet many people find joy to be elusive or short-lived. Here are some tips for infusing more joy into your life and letting its healing magic work its way through you. Take the time to celebrate the small successes. Too often we focus on what still needs to be done and overlook the little successes in between. It’s important to give yourself some credit, even if it’s something minor like taking that extra step to tidy up after dinner or finally sending a long overdue email. Acknowledging the effort that went into whatever achievement will help to increase your sense of satisfaction and make you more motivated to take on other tasks. Make time for activities that bring you joy. It can be hard to carve out the time for activities we love, especially when life is so busy, but prioritizing joy is key. That could mean scheduling a walk in the park as part of a lunch break, finding a way to turn your commute into something more creative and satisfying, or setting aside thirty minutes of solo dance time. When you tap into activities that bring you a sense of contentment and even fun, you are de-stressing and doing good things for the soul. Focus on the present moment. Paying attention to the here-and-now has profound effects on both mental and physical states of being. Numerous studies have linked mindfulness with reductions in stress, improved optimism, and greater brain health. This type of self-awareness can be cultivated with regular practice and encourages joyous thoughts, sensations, and emotions along the way. Spend time in nature. Our relationship with the environment is such an important aspect of our overall joy — and yet it’s easy to take for granted. Take some time to get outside and enjoy the sunshine and fresh air, or go for a stroll around a park or trail. Revel in the moment and appreciate the beauty around you, from the birdsong and blue sky to the greenery and plants. Let nature’s energy lift your spirits and find your joy. Connect with friends and family. Building strong relationships is an integral part of a healthy life, providing a crucial social support system as well as opportunities to just have fun. Reach out to those you are close to, plan meaningful hangouts, and check in on each other — even over video chat — to share in the joy of having a strong support system. Joy can be a simple, transformative force; the more access we have to it, the happier and healthier our lives will be. Taking the time to cultivate more joy and let it linger can open us up to a world of possibilities.
  15. Living to a ripe old age requires careful attention to one’s lifestyle habits. While some factors may remain out of reach—such as genetics and luck—there is much we can do to promote longevity, vitality, and overall wellbeing. Drawing from their years of research, the experts at National Geographic have identified nine core habits found among people living in five “blue zones” around the world, where remarkable health and longevity records are held. Whether you’re looking to make small changes or a complete transformation in your daily life, here are nine blue zone habits that can help you optimize both your life and health span. Move Naturally In most blue zones, physical activity is woven into the fabric of everyday life, rather than being something that is concertedly tracked and fretted over. One habit to pick up is taking light strolls throughout the day to keep the body moving, rather than trying to fit in a hard workout all at once. This type of natural movement helps to break up sitting time, is easy on the joints, and can become part of a larger goal, such as window shopping for groceries before returning home. Choose Simple Exercise Exercise does not have to be vigorous and high-intensity—in fact, it’s often best not to overdo it. Many of the folks living long, healthy lives in the blue zones participate in simple forms of exercise like walking, gardening, and hoisting buckets of water around homesteads. Low impact, low stress-level exercise is the way to go for blue zone residents, and for you too. Mix It Up The importance of keeping active does not end at simply exercising—it’s important to try a plethora of activities as well. Doing something as simple as dancing with a partner, throwing horseshoes, or playing with kids or grandkids keeps the mind engaged, the joints lubricated, and the heart happy. If you don’t know where to start, it could be as simple as taking the family dog out on a walk around the park a few times per week. Move It Up Though mild, low-impact exercise is highly encouraged in all blue zones, this should be supplement by occasional heavier activities that get the heart rate up to a healthy level. These workouts may take on a dozen different forms, but includes things such as bear crawls, walking up hills or inclines, or jumping on a small trampoline or rebounder. Consume Healthy Proteins The red meat consumed in blue zones largely comes from animals who were grass-fed in the wild, and is said to contain multiple essential fatty acids and higher levels of conjugated linoleic acid compared to conventional meats. Stick to the appropriately portioned meats that appear in the diets of blue zone residents and opt for fish whenever possible. Sip Moderately Having an occasional glass of wine can be beneficial and can do wonders to improve social situations, but excessive drinking is another matter entirely. Avoid binging and keep level-headed if you decide to partake; the latest health and longevity research suggests that folks in the blue zones enjoy a glass of wine with dinner and never resort to excess. Remain Positive and Social Having face time with family, friends, and community members is profoundly important for both mental and physical wellbeing in the blue zones. Keep faith in a higher power to quiet the mind and stay close to friends and family to remain connected and positive. It’s also important to find a supportive, close-knit group to surround yourself with—this will create a feeling of belonging and contentment. Less Is More Eating only until you’re 80% full is a great way to control what you take in and also how satisfied you feel after meals. When it comes to snacks and desserts, its best to indulge sparingly—blue zone residents enjoy their sweets only a couple times per month, if at all. Take Time for Rest Resting is essential for activating the parasympathetic nervous system and allowing the body to properly revitalize and heal. Set aside hours to do activities such as taking a nap, reading, socializing, or meditating. Pay Attention To Your Plate Most blue zoners tend to get the majority of their nutrients from plants prepared in simple, homemade recipes. Enjoy colorful fruits and vegetables to get the micronutrients and fiber your body requires for optimal function. These nine blue zone habits offer chances for improving both your life and health span. By incorporating these practices into your regular routine, you’ll experience the joys of living a longer, healthier life and will start to witness its effects in as little as a few weeks.
  16. Fights and disagreements with those you love can leave you feeling misunderstood and discouraged. It’s normal to struggle rebuilding love after a fight and it will take work to repair the damage that has been done. Here are some tips on how to rebuild a relationship after a fight and learn how to put out the flames. The first step to rebuilding love after a fight is to understand why it happened in the first place. Look for the root of the problem and ask yourself what was really going on under the surface. When fights happen, it is often between two people who feel like they have a lack of control in their lives. This could be caused by stress or even financial issues. It’s essential to get to the core of why the argument happened so that it can be addressed. After understanding the reasons behind the fight, it’s time to sit down and communicate openly. It’s important to put your own pride and anger to the side so you can talk about the problem without judgment. Ask questions that seek to understand the other person and make sure to really listen to the answers. Make active efforts to be vulnerable and honest with each other in order to rebuild a connection. Find ways to show your partner that you care. Acts of kindness can go a long way when rebuilding a lost connection. Do small gestures such as write a note, get them a cup of coffee, or give them a hug. More importantly, be kind to yourself and try to forgive yourself for your contribution to the fight. You can’t move forward if you are too hard on yourself. It's also important to make sure your physical needs are met. Fights can take an emotional toll and can leave you drained. Make sure you prioritize healthy activities that help to improve your physical and mental well-being. Take regular walks, practice meditation, eat healthful meals and focus on relaxation techniques. All of these things will help to re-energize your body and mind, which can support with your relationship healing process. Lastly, it’s important to keep an open, honest dialogue ongoing in the future. If a problem arises, breath and talk it out. Seek to really understand each other, confronting the hard issues head on. Listening to each other, being patient and compassionate, and taking responsibility for the part you played will all help you fall back into love after a fight.
  17. As teenagers navigate their identity, they must make decisions about what to value and how to present themselves. With social media becoming increasingly prevalent in adolescents’ lives, there has been a notable shift in the influence of gender ideologies as teens attempt to conform to society’s expectations of beauty. A recent study conducted by researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison explored the relationship between girls’ identification with ideas related to masculinity and femininity and the way they use social media for validation. By surveying 463 female high school students, the researchers found that those who identified more closely with masculinity ideology were much more likely to turn to social media sites for validation and appearances. Such behavior reflects a desire on the part of teenage girls to seek affirmation from external sources when attempting to craft their own personal identity and bolster feelings of self-esteem. The research suggests that adolescent girls are evaluating their attractiveness more harshly and may be at risk for developing an unhealthy relationship with their image and body. This problem is further exacerbated by the sheer number of images aimed at encouraging certain ideals of beauty that fill the screens of young women. In noting the presence of various gender norms and their influence on adolescent girls’ definitions of their beauty, the research further suggests that this could potentially have lasting implications. If young women are frequently making decisions based on the approval of external forces, there is a risk that this cycle of seeking validation devalues their own meaning and self-worth. Furthermore, even if the validation is positive, it is temporary and can never completely meet their need or desire for enduring and internalized self-approval. The commentary on gender roles and identity also serves as an important reminder that people cannot rely on others to shape their opinions of themselves. The confidence and comfort with oneself that comes from accepting one’s own beauty preferences is not derived from trends defined by others but instead from a personal evaluation of and respect for the self.
  18. The early stages of romance can be like entering uncharted territory – you know it is full of exciting possibilities, but there are hidden dangers as well. Too often, couples give up at the first sign of turbulence and never reach the other side, where greater joys and truer intimacy lay. Lasting closeness requires effort and understanding to manoeuvre through the minefield of the first few years of a new romance. To hit the ground running, start by looking inwards and understanding yourself better. What sort of relationship do you want? You may have been hurt in the past and going too fast could cause you to stumble. Make sure to keep reasonable expectations - we all make mistakes but don’t blur the lines between reality and idealism. Once you know what you want, focus on establishing a healthy connection with your partner. What can you do for them that will create a positive effect in the long run? Small kindnesses during the courtship stage can set the tone for the future. Express your love and appreciation - don’t wait for achievements or occasions to do so, as looking forward to little moments is what makes a relationship hum. Be supportive and mindful of how your partner feels and show that you’re invested in their wellbeing. Creating consistency in your relationship is also valuable. Rituals can add structure and comfort in otherwise chaotic beginnings. A favorite spot to take walks together, setting aside time to cook a meal together, or watching a TV series each week - these repeated acts become a safe haven for both partners. Sadly, without consistency, relationships suffer, and we fall into lazy patterns that make it more difficult to navigate other issues further down the line. When it comes to finding harmony, it helps to learn how to roll with the punches and accept that being in a relationship will bring changes. People change from day to day and so do our needs - what may have worked yesterday may not fly today. Learning how to find balance when things become unsteady is a useful skill that feeds into overall relationship satisfaction. For example, compromise becomes easier when both parties recognize their own position and work towards resolving the problem at hand. Finally, when in doubt, always remember to communicate. Negotiating is far more pleasant than accusing, and clarity brings peace of mind. Never expect your partner to fill in the blanks or know your thoughts or feelings - laying out your needs openly, especially regarding finances or commitment, sets the foundation of mutual respect. The journey of any new relationship is a trip around a wild rollercoaster. It takes courage, trust, and resilience to make it through the turbulence. Put in the work and attention now, and you will unlock the true joys of a lifelong connection.
  19. Siblings. Nothing unites and divides them so contradictorily. Brothers and sisters come from the same parents, share common experiences, look similar, even think alike at times. Yet, one of the most fascinating enigmas of biology is how two individuals, who have come from the same gene pool, end up as completely different personalities. Geneticists have exposed parts of this mystery and recognize fundamental aspects of nature that make siblings unique. Genes and biology influence key factors that affect our dispositions, aptitude, and personalities such as physical characteristics, senses, and intellect and heredity plays a role in determining these qualities. So, while siblings may share similar base features, these traits can manifest differently based on exposure to various conditions or environments. For example, siblings who were raised in separate households might express contrasting opinions and values. Though siblings enter the world with many similarities—same hue hair, facial features, DNA composition—variations brought on by genetic expression or exposure to distinct lifestyles distinguish them. Each individual harbors a certain genetic diversity, triggered by diverse combinations of genes. Also, random gene mutates may also produce wide-ranging reactions in each sibling. Developmental psychologists insist that there are three reasons siblings grow up to be different people. First, their environment shapes their values and the emotions. Experiences within the family, such as dominant parent – child relationships and parental attachment, have a direct bearing on their personalities, values, and behaviours for the long run. Secondly, the order in which each child was born influences the personality. Birth order often becomes an intrinsic factor of who a person is. Older children tend to be more traditional, responsible and independent as they must look out for their younger siblings and sometimes take on parental roles. The youngest often received the attention, love, but also neglect from their older siblings. As such, they are mostly self-motivated, rebel against rules and regulations, and focus on fun until it starts getting old. Meanwhile, the middle child seldomly feels like they fit anywhere. Finally, gender has been a definitive element in molding the identity of each person within the family. Boys and girls, due to their different hormones, display dissimilar behavioral patterns and girls usually tend to behave in a more supportive and sensitive manner as compared to their male counterparts. Almost every family has latent perceptions of how different siblings should develop, depending on their gender and birth order, that, again, molds each individual’s behavior accordingly. Therefore, genetics never fully determines who siblings become. Instead, the psychological environment within the family’s structure directly functions to scramble the identities and personalities of each child.
  20. Millennials are often blamed for being the cause of the tensions between different generations. These generational gaps have existed since the dawn of time, so what is the source of this disconnect between millennials and the generations before them? The answer lies in our societal ways of thinking when it comes to generational labeling, which is encompassed by a range of ideas and events. Generational labels are often based on popular social trends, pop culture, technology, music or even government directions or initiatives. Generalizations can be easily formed with these labels, leading to biased and incomplete notions of age-based groups. Consequently, it can be hard to go beyond these labels and truly identify the values that form each generation and the reasons why our thinking differs from the rest. The millennial generation, born from the early 1980s up to the late 1990s, had their adolescent years during the rise of the internet, computers and mobile technologies. This was a revolutionary time for communication and information access, with young people then and now being exposed to more than any previous generations. This unprecedented access to knowledge has impacted millennials significantly in both their culture, language and values. It has enabled us to discover our own identities away from traditional social, cultural and career stereotypes. Yet for many, this paradigm shift has caused an internal conflict. Long-standing standards and expectations have remained in many social circles, while millennials face a barrage of new opportunities and expectations brought by these technological advances. This means they have to determine whether they should conform or diverge from older generations. Furthermore, with wider access to resources, millennials have been faced with more choices than ever before. Thanks to advancements in online skills training, education and career development, millennials are no longer restricted to the same linear career paths. With more availability of different job and career options, as well as more fluid transitions between multiple roles or entrepreneurial activities, the millennial generation has seen a marked shift away from prior expectations and norms. Some argue that this change has caused tension with other generations, who had access to fewer job options were put in a more limited of opportunities. The concept of ‘job hopping’ is one example of this tension. With the growth of the gig economy and the rising demand for contractors and freelance work, millennials are more prepared to choose shorter frames of employment, rather than long-term contractual obligations. At the same time, generational labeling continues to be used as a tool to create generalizations about an entire generation, rather than an individual basis. There is an underlying assumption that behaviors, beliefs, attitudes and social values are shared across a given age group, rather than allowing time and space for individual differences. With generalizations come oversimplifications, which can rob individuals of the chance to uniquely express their own traits and beliefs. This can further exacerbate the already existing disconnect between those of different generations. These generational gaps can and should be addressed through better understanding and appreciation of the unique experiences and influences within a given generation. We need to move past only considering the defining generational events and characteristics and instead focus on the individuality within every generation. In order to truly understand what someone is going through and what drives them, we must look beyond the labels, and dig deeper into their lived experiences and influences. What creativity, dreams, and ambitions really matter are the ones driven by personal interests and values, not the standardized labels of the generations that came before us. For instance, some millennials may want to pursue a more traditional path, while others may prefer to blaze new trails. People should also take into account that generational labels can be quite deceiving and any notion of “youth entitlement” is generally misguided. Millennials are just as motivated, driven and hardworking as preceding generations, if not more so.
  21. Codependency is an incredibly common issue among individuals of all backgrounds. Unknowingly, it’s often easier to place the emphasis on relationships or a need for approval in our lives, rather than learning to feel content with ourselves and within our own skin. During this process, self-worth can become completely depleted, as we constantly look outside of ourselves to feel validated. Codependency can manifest in numerous ways, including a strong reliance on approval from another person, placing the happiness of someone else’s above your own well being, needing continuous validation or physical contact, or always being overly helpful or judgmental when it’s not required. Though the challenge of overcoming codependency isn’t easy, it is possible to attain inner peace, happiness and a feeling of personal security without relying upon the approval of others. Here are some tips for healthier and more balanced living, where you can break ingrained cycles of codependency and begin to value yourself more fully. The path toward self-acceptance begins with understanding why the need for validation is so strong. Gently recognizing that this behavior has found its way into your life as a defense mechanism or a coping strategy will help you not to beat yourself up or place too much blame on yourself. Often, this evolution of behavior stems from past experiences, and accepting that past memories that have shaped your present will enable you to gently move on from them. Reconnecting with yourself is now where recovery begins; taking the time to be mindful and get to know yourself can begin the healing journey. Embracing the idea of self-love, rather than focusing on the need for someone else’s love can bring a perspective of calm and peacefulness. Spending time accessing your true feelings and discerning what has been suppressed is important: learning to sit with discomfort, rather than finding external means to avoid it. Dredging up these buried emotions can be painful; however, over time, acknowledging these areas that make us human can help to truly nurture the self and a feeling of peace can be accessed. Establishing clear boundaries is also an integral part of learning to be strong and independent, so that the cycle of codependency can be prevented from repeating itself. Practicing assertiveness, both within yourself and in external relationships can start to dissolve the imbalance of codependency, since it can be difficult to feel secure if status quo, expectations and the direction which relationships are heading are unclear. Learning to live without the need for constant reassurance enables us to focus on pursuing our own dreams and goals, without depending on if others approve or not. Doing things which elicit joy will bring up endorphins, which are naturally released from activities we find fun and pleasurable. Releasing any underlying guilt, such asthinking ‘I don’t deserve this’ or ‘I have to be responsible all of the time’ will help keep any codependent tendencies at bay. Setting realistic standards for yourself is the key — it’s understandable to want to strive for more than your best, but remember that perfection is an illusion and a goal that can never be effectively attained. Learning to appreciate yourself and be content with who you are and how far you have come is essential; once this recognition takes place, it is obvious that no one will complete you; you are already whole.
  22. Many weddings are an opportunity for families, both near and far, to join together. But when a bride plans a destination wedding, it can become a complicated process when it comes to including those with lesser means. Just because a family member may struggle financially, doesn't mean she should be excluded. As the bride begins to plan her dream wedding, she must consider how to include poorer relatives. To do this, she needs to think logically, not emotionally. It can be easy to be overwhelmed with emotions when a loved one expresses hurt due to being left out; however, it is important for the bride to remember that she is trying to create something special and that involves having time and budget considerations in mind. The best thing the bride can do when considering options for more frugal family members is to encourage them to consider attending any local events associated with the wedding. If the wedding will have rehearsal dinner, pre-wedding parties, or receptions leading up to the main ceremony, there may be opportunities for poor relatives to attend without having to make substantial financial commitments. Of course, the bride should check with her planning partners or the venue in order to see what is already planned. It is also important to remember that travel services aren't the only way to celebrate a destination wedding. Alternatively, the bride can arrange a special event with her guests at home, inviting her nearest and dearest to join her in a formal ceremony. This can also serve as a moment to show her love and appreciation for those who cannot attend overseas. There is no denying that finances can be a roadblock for some families, but there are ways for the bride to recognize her less fortunate relatives even if they cannot be there in person. Send them a postcard of the wedding location or make them a physical memento with photos, postcards, and other souvenirs to commemorate your nuptials. Furthermore, if one's thoughts and well wishes are sent through the mail, it can be seen as a token representing a special connection between the couple, the bride's family, and the richer members of the family that can also serve as tangible evidence of the importance of all relations. Finally, the bride can use her wedding as an opportunity to start a conversation about financial status between family members. For example, if she knows Aunt Jane isn't able to make it, the bride can host an online "open house," where family members can share stories about their experiences leading up the wedding day. Hearing about others' experiences can help encourage empathy across generations and provide an opportunity for understanding. At first glance, it may seem impossible to include family members from different economic backgrounds, but with smart planning, the bride can ensure that everyone feels included, regardless of financial standing.
  23. It isn't unusual for siblings to have disagreements, but when a bride threatens to uninvite a sister from her upcoming wedding it's definitely serious. The tension between the two can cause a lot of stress and drama in the family. Luckily, there are things that the family can do to prevent this situation from becoming a huge problem. One of the first things to remember is that the bride has every right to invite who she wants at her wedding. If she feels that her sister’s presence would cause too much drama, then she is within her rights to ask her to stay away from the ceremony. That said, it’s important to keep the conversation civil and remain respectful. The bride should avoid putting her sister on the spot and emphasize her wish to keep the ceremony drama-free. It’s also important to remember that everyone has a right to express his or her feelings. The bride should be allowed to express her concerns without being shut down by her family members. However, everyone should communicate in a respectful manner and allow each other to finish his or her thoughts before jumping in with an opinion. This can help maintain a healthy dialogue between the bride and her sister. Another helpful suggestion is to encourage the bride to explore other options instead of outright telling her sister not to come. For example, the bride might suggest the sister seats with another family member during the ceremony. This way, both the bride and the sister can have their needs met without making their relationship overly strained. No matter what the situation is, it’s important to take a step back and try to really listen to each other. Everyone’s words and feelings should be taken into consideration and respected. Don’t get caught up in the heat of the moment. Once the dust settles, both parties should come to some kind of mutual understanding about the appropriate way to handle the situation. Finally, the wedding day should be a happy and special one so whatever solution is chosen should reflect that. If the bride decides not to invite her sister to the wedding, it’s important to make sure the sister feels respected and valued. It might help to suggest alternatives like throwing the sister a mini celebration afterwards or simply writing her a thoughtful note. When the bride is threatening to uninvite her sister from the wedding, it can be a stressful situation for everyone involved. However, by taking a step back and listening to each other, families can work together to create a peaceful resolution that celebrates both of their relationships.
  24. Dealing with the fact that your best friend got married without you can be very hurtful. You may feel like you’ve been left out or overlooked and that they don’t appreciate your friendship. If you find out by watching their livestream, it just makes it harder to accept because you aren’t there to do anything about it. It’s important to remember that your best friend still loves and values you, regardless of how the wedding situation played out. Here are some tips to help you come to terms with it and move on. Acknowledge the disappointment. Don’t ignore the fact that you’re feeling down and disappointed. Acknowledge your emotions instead of pushing them away. Allow yourself to feel the sadness and frustration. This will make it easier for you to let it go and move on. Focus on happy memories. Reminisce about happy times you shared with your bestie. Think about the special moments that made your relationship strong. Doing this provides many positive feelings, so use it to remind yourself why you love your best friend and that things can still be great between the two of you. Send your best wishes. Reach out to your friend on their wedding day with a simple message letting them know you’re thinking of them. The idea is to show them that you’re still there for them, even if you couldn’t attend their wedding. Writing a card and putting your emotions into words can help put your mind at ease and let go of any bad feelings. Find ways to celebrate anyway. Since you can’t be there for the special day, create your own little celebration. Enjoy your favorite movie together over FaceTime, plan a girls’ night to toast the newlyweds, or send them a gift to congratulate them. These gestures will show your best friend that you care, and help you stay connected despite being apart. Talk it out. Dialogues can give you a chance to communicate your feelings and get clarity. It can be hard to state your viewpoint without an argument happening, so talk in private and be mindful of the words you’re using. Talk to your friend directly, expressing how you’d felt and why. More than likely, your friend didn’t do it to hurt you; they just had other factors to consider when planning the ceremony. The loneliest person in the room can still feel connected. Even though weddings can bring out sorrows in someone with absent friends, it’s comforting to remember that your connections with people don’t have to be physical nor restricted to a single event - you are connected to people through our love for eachother, no matter how far away we may be. Let understanding, caring, and support be what ties us together, beyond a single experience or moment. If your best friend got married without you, give yourself grace and permission to grieve. You can still share the joy of your best friend’s wedding from afar. Set aside time to express, understand and accept your feelings.
  25. For couples expecting a baby, the idea of juggling work, parenting, and family time can be daunting, especially if neither spouse gets parental leave. It can be difficult to manage not only your pregnancy but also to figure out how to maintain a job while caring for a child without extra help. The good news is that there are a few strategies both parents can utilize to stay afloat and make parenting work with both of them still employed. The most important thing is to create a support system. Utilize a wide network of family, friends, neighbors, childcare providers, and co-workers. One example of a support system could be having both sets of grandparents handle babysitting a few days a week. This working system can lighten the load of the parents and provide an extra sense of security knowing someone close is watching the baby. It can also help for both parents to keep flexible schedules. This could involve switching shifts so one person works during the day and another works in the evening, or taking turns every other week staying home with the baby. Having flexible schedules allows for more balance and freedom between both parents and their work. Depending on the type of work, there can also be accommodations like working from home or taking unpaid leave. During pregnancy, it can be helpful for an expecting mother to practice self-care. Despite trying to keep up with all the demands that come along with parenting, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is essential. Low physical exertion activities like yoga can help relax the body and ease tension that pregnancy may bring. Eating nutritious foods, going to prenatal checkups, and getting plenty of rest can make a big difference during pregnancy. Financial considerations are also key for couples with a newborn. Carefully managing the budget can prevent overspending and help plan for medical bills. Along with creating a budget, now would be a good time to start researching different childcare options and Shop around for health insurance that works best for the family. Lastly, couples should remember that despite not getting parental leave, they are still able to make things work and get through maternity as a team. Organizations like A Better Balance offer advice and tips to help navigate pregnancy. Taking the right steps to prepare financially and emotionally can have immense long-term benefits and pave the way for a smooth transition into parenting.
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