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  • Natalie Garcia
    Natalie Garcia

    Every Conversation Newly Committed Couples Should Have

    When you first enter a relationship, it can be hard to know what conversations are necessary to have. While every couple is different, here are the conversations that every new couple needs to discuss.


    Once you enter a new relationship, it’s time to talk about finances. Even if both of you have well-established financial plans, it’s important to discuss objectives, joint account options, debt status and long-term goals. A failure to communicate about money could open up multiple avenues for conflict in the long run.


    Whether you’re planning to move in together or just starting out on dating, it’s crucial to communicate expectations from the relationship. Talk about what kind of goals you’re pursuing and the roles each of you will take within the relationship. Talking about expectations helps avoid any surprises down the road.

    Common Interests

    New couples should take some time to find out each other’s likes and dislikes. Whether it’s a shared hobby like cooking or a one-off activity like rock-climbing, it’s important to find out how you can do things together. Common interests are the basis of an enjoyable, healthy relationship.


    The two of you don’t necessarily have to match career-wise, but talking about career aspirations helps you understand where your partner is coming from. Discuss where you’d like to end up professionally and how you plan to get there, as this can prove important for both of you in the future.


    It’s important to know about each other’s family history, too. Where did you both grow up and what were your childhoods like? How close are you now with your respective families? You don’t have to spill the beans about any family drama from the past, but having a basic understanding of your future partner’s background helps form a strong bond between the two of you.


    Finally, discussing communication is extremely important within a new relationship. How will the two of you phrase disagreements in a respectful manner? What kind of boundaries will you establish when it comes to calls, text messages and spending time with one another? Answering these questions and establishing rules early on will pay off later.

    At the start of any new relationship, it’s important to make sure that all of these conversations are discussed. The topics may seem overwhelming, but addressing them up front will help ensure a relationship that’s free of controllable miscommunication and misunderstandings going forward.

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