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  • Natalie Garcia
    Natalie Garcia

    Showing Love No Matter Budget: What to Do When Bride Excludes Poorer Relatives From Destination Wedding

    Many weddings are an opportunity for families, both near and far, to join together. But when a bride plans a destination wedding, it can become a complicated process when it comes to including those with lesser means. Just because a family member may struggle financially, doesn't mean she should be excluded.

    As the bride begins to plan her dream wedding, she must consider how to include poorer relatives. To do this, she needs to think logically, not emotionally. It can be easy to be overwhelmed with emotions when a loved one expresses hurt due to being left out; however, it is important for the bride to remember that she is trying to create something special and that involves having time and budget considerations in mind.

    The best thing the bride can do when considering options for more frugal family members is to encourage them to consider attending any local events associated with the wedding. If the wedding will have rehearsal dinner, pre-wedding parties, or receptions leading up to the main ceremony, there may be opportunities for poor relatives to attend without having to make substantial financial commitments. Of course, the bride should check with her planning partners or the venue in order to see what is already planned.

    It is also important to remember that travel services aren't the only way to celebrate a destination wedding. Alternatively, the bride can arrange a special event with her guests at home, inviting her nearest and dearest to join her in a formal ceremony. This can also serve as a moment to show her love and appreciation for those who cannot attend overseas.

    There is no denying that finances can be a roadblock for some families, but there are ways for the bride to recognize her less fortunate relatives even if they cannot be there in person. Send them a postcard of the wedding location or make them a physical memento with photos, postcards, and other souvenirs to commemorate your nuptials. Furthermore, if one's thoughts and well wishes are sent through the mail, it can be seen as a token representing a special connection between the couple, the bride's family, and the richer members of the family that can also serve as tangible evidence of the importance of all relations.

    Finally, the bride can use her wedding as an opportunity to start a conversation about financial status between family members. For example, if she knows Aunt Jane isn't able to make it, the bride can host an online "open house," where family members can share stories about their experiences leading up the wedding day. Hearing about others' experiences can help encourage empathy across generations and provide an opportunity for understanding.

    At first glance, it may seem impossible to include family members from different economic backgrounds, but with smart planning, the bride can ensure that everyone feels included, regardless of financial standing.

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