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  • Natalie Garcia
    Natalie Garcia

    Cultivating Joy for Improved Mental Health

    Joy is an often underrated emotion, but it is one of the most powerful and beneficial feelings for your well-being. Joy has been found to have unique effects on both the body and mind, from improving physical health and reducing psychological distress to making positive social connections. Yet many people find joy to be elusive or short-lived. Here are some tips for infusing more joy into your life and letting its healing magic work its way through you.

    Take the time to celebrate the small successes. Too often we focus on what still needs to be done and overlook the little successes in between. It’s important to give yourself some credit, even if it’s something minor like taking that extra step to tidy up after dinner or finally sending a long overdue email. Acknowledging the effort that went into whatever achievement will help to increase your sense of satisfaction and make you more motivated to take on other tasks.

    Make time for activities that bring you joy. It can be hard to carve out the time for activities we love, especially when life is so busy, but prioritizing joy is key. That could mean scheduling a walk in the park as part of a lunch break, finding a way to turn your commute into something more creative and satisfying, or setting aside thirty minutes of solo dance time. When you tap into activities that bring you a sense of contentment and even fun, you are de-stressing and doing good things for the soul.

    Focus on the present moment. Paying attention to the here-and-now has profound effects on both mental and physical states of being. Numerous studies have linked mindfulness with reductions in stress, improved optimism, and greater brain health. This type of self-awareness can be cultivated with regular practice and encourages joyous thoughts, sensations, and emotions along the way.

    Spend time in nature. Our relationship with the environment is such an important aspect of our overall joy — and yet it’s easy to take for granted. Take some time to get outside and enjoy the sunshine and fresh air, or go for a stroll around a park or trail. Revel in the moment and appreciate the beauty around you, from the birdsong and blue sky to the greenery and plants. Let nature’s energy lift your spirits and find your joy.

    Connect with friends and family. Building strong relationships is an integral part of a healthy life, providing a crucial social support system as well as opportunities to just have fun. Reach out to those you are close to, plan meaningful hangouts, and check in on each other — even over video chat — to share in the joy of having a strong support system.

    Joy can be a simple, transformative force; the more access we have to it, the happier and healthier our lives will be. Taking the time to cultivate more joy and let it linger can open us up to a world of possibilities.

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