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  • Natalie Garcia
    Natalie Garcia

    Step by Step Guide to Effective Negotiation in all your Relationships

    In today’s uncertain times, effective negotiation in all your relationships is essential to sustaining healthy, peaceful bonds. From collective bargaining agreements with coworkers and haggling with vendors to settling disagreements with family members, friends and romantic partners, understanding the nuances of persuasion can pay huge dividends. No matter what your walk of life, embracing these proven negotiation strategies will help preserve and promote harmonious, productive unions.

    Starting with an open mind is key. Listen to opposing points of view without getting defensive or airing grievances, and be sure to ask follow up questions. Do not dismiss any proposal, no matter how farfetched it may sound. Negotiation involves discovering creative solutions both sides can be comfortable with.

    Communication is always a two-way street. Make sure everyone involved is engaged and speaking, and that both parties have enough time to express themselves in the most clear and concise way possible. Compromise is great, but everyone should feel that their ideas are adequately heard and taken into serious consideration.

    Assert yourself. No one ever got what they wanted by hesitating. As long as nothing outrageous is being demanded, stand up for your opinion. Whether it’s a workplace dispute or an argument with a loved one, conveying confidence is paramount to arriving at a positive resolution.

    Speak in specifics. Be concise and address the exact items in contention. Avoid vague words and stay away from generalities. Instead of saying “I don’t think this is fair”, communicate the exact part you disagree with in exacting detail. This will save time and ultimately get closer to a beneficial result.

    Be aware of the power of timing and be prepared to bargain well. You can’t expect to come to an accord if neither side will concede. Try to meet people half way. If it’s a contested issue, going in with a spirit of cooperation and willingness to yield can be helpful. Lead with a discussion about shared interests. Loosening the tension and setting a more pleasant atmosphere can deliver good results. Remember, agreements stem from mutual respect not capitulations.

    When it comes to heated disagreements, negotiate in private. Agreeing to talk privately is of utmost importance. The urge to air your thoughts in front of a large audience often makes things worse. Going off in anger or retorting in public might cause serious repercussions that cannot easily be undone. It never hurts to consult an expert. Even when there is a lot of animosity, enlisting a third party can be helpful. Neutral mediators provide a different perspective often make sounder decisions than anyone engaged in unproductive bickering.

    End on a positive note and remember the details of the agreement. All the goals should be laid out and the difference of opinion should be noted. Celebrate the achievement of coming to an understanding and acknowledge where each side had to compromise. Effective negotiation in all your relationships needn’t be a dreaded, unbearable task. When conducted calmly and thoughtfully, resolutions can be reached that satisfy everyone. With practice and skill, everyone ensconced in a disagreement can learn to arrive a productive outcome, and go onto enjoy stronger, harmonious ties in the future.

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