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  1. First off, thanks Day_Walker, that made complete sense. Muneca: I don't know if she has issues about commitment. SHe told me that she doesnt want to be alone anymore and she wants to be in love. Shes even told me that she loves me. We've talked about the loosing independance thing too, she knows I wouldnt do that, at least I hope, i've told her that. Thanks to both of you for your adivce. I've tried to move on before, but she just wants me even more at that point, till we get back to where we are now. Totally driving me nutts, I'd marry this girl if she'd get her act together.
  2. I have to understand something about the way women think, its totally driving me nutts. Hope someone can straighten this out for me. Ok, so you have this girl, totally stressed out in every part of her life right? No way she has time for a relationship. But she starts one anyways. Things go great for a while, almost too great and then she starts backing off because the stress of her life is too much. What's easier than getting rid of the new relationship? Ok, so here is where my question comes in. This girl has 3 kids, she's a single mom and really takes care of herself financially. She's not rich, but she's not poor. So in comes this guy, they hit it off so well that they get close. Close enough where she knows the guy is willing to take on all the responsibilities and emotional drains in her life. A guy that can step up and help make things easier. Most guys wouldn't take on 3 kids let alone want to be with someone with such a busy life. But this guy is one that doesn't require loads of attention. Just spending time with her and her kids is wonderful. So what makes a woman want to get rid of something because of the stress in her life, when that something can totally help relieve 50% of it? Is this some sort of secret women independence thing? It totally sucks.
  3. I think you may be over reacting. You're not there, so you have no way of knowing whats going on. From what you've explained, sounds like two friend going to have fun at a football game. I mean come on, if they weren't just friends, you really think they would bring his aunt and uncle along? I wouldn't. Even the fact that she is telling you about it means she isn't hiding anything from you. Unless she is sick and twisted and she likes to rub it in your face? But you would know her enough to be sure that she isnt I bet. Chill out man, dont worry about it right now. Worry about it when you get down there and all she wants to do is spend time with him and not you.
  4. Well first off, no one can make this desicion but you. But, if I were in that situation, what I would do is right down all the pro's and con's of getting back together with him. Don't think about it, write it down. Then read it over and over. You will find the answer right in front of you. This does take some deep thought though. And don't hold back, you are the only one reading it. Try that out and see if it helps. My opinion, move on, he hurt you inthe past, he may hurt you again. The other guy deserves a chance if you think there is something there worth trying. Robb x
  5. Don't know if he will be upset, but its better not to lie. Lieing just leads to more lies. He's going to find out. He'd rather hear it now than later...
  6. My suggestion, read it out loud, as if you were reading it to him, and then burn it. That would be closure to me.
  7. Ok, I just went through this and made the decision to walk away, just about 4 hours ago. Let me first say, I am crazy in love with this girl, much like you are yours. But he pain of not knowing was just too great. How can you sit there and wait, while the love of your life is confused? It hurts, doesnt it? Well this is what I did, I told her that I loved her, that I wanted to be with her, but I wanted her to be totally concentrating on me. If she chose to break us off, then I'll get over it. But, that I needed space and no contact until she did. THIS was very hard for me to understand. But right now is definatly not the time to be needy by staying in contact. I suggest just telling her flat out how you feel about her and then back off and let her make the decision. If she wants you, she'll come back when her minds made up. If she doesnt, at least you said what you wanted and you have closure. So far this is working for me, I even decided to take a little road trip to the coast to get my mind off it all. Hope I helped a bit, I sure know that I feel better.
  8. Did you just recently send him a picture? Guys are like that you know..
  9. Whats with these men?? lol I love the taste. If you have friends old enough to get into sex shops, they make different flavors of stuff that you can put down there. Spice it up already!! ;p
  10. You know, guys point of view here?? lol All you would have to say to me is "Get down there and lick my &^$*% you bad boy!!" I'd jump at the chance. But hey, thats me? lol My suggestion, is if you are not bold enough to say something like that to him just yet. Wait till he is on top, kissing you and then grab his shoulders and start pushing him down there. If he wants to do it, he'll be like RIGHT ON!.....serious
  11. We are in Idaho, he is in the "Navy". That should explain it? haha No oceans over here for him to be stationed at.
  12. I have so many issues going on in my life, a girl that loves someone else buts trying to get over him, keeps me in the balance until she does. I had major finacial problems that I am just now pulling myself out of. I have this one issue thats been hanging over my head. I'm not sure if this forum is the right place, but everyone here has been so nice and helpful, maybe someone can give me some good insight to this. First thing I want to explain, is that I am an awesome dad. I have a 4 year old son and a 9 year old daughter (not mine, but I've been her father for 6 years. I love my kids and would do anything in the world for them. Now when I split from thier mom almost a year ago, she was staying with 10 people in a 3 bedroom home (3 different familes). So I took her to court to get temporary custody of them till she got back on her feet. Things were very, very crazy between us. She denied me seeing my daughter, because she could, it was just hairy. So in desperation, she just married this guy that doesnt even live here, he lives about 8 hours away. This was in January. She turned her life around so quick when this happened and now the kids are doing just fine in thier own home. The problem is, this guy is in the Navy and is stationed away from here. He is getting ready to be transfered to California and she has been asking me for months to move her and the kids there. I feel very torn in this situation. The subject hasnt come up in months, but I feel as though she is going to make my life miserable until she gets her way. This woman hurt me worse than anyone ever has, she cheated on me twice. I dont care about her, I just want my kids to be happy. But on the other hand, I don't feel I can be happy with her around. My daughters real father is such a dead beat, he wouldnt care if she left with her. I actually want her to go, so I can get on with my life. I think I will still get to see the kids often enough, but I dont know. I am so confused. Does me wanting her to move make me a bad father?
  13. My first kiss was when I was 9, then the french when I was 13 or 14, cant remember.
  14. ditto ScorpGrl72... See? I knew you were sweet?? lol
  15. Are you seriously 16 years old? You sure as heck don't act like it. As a matter of fact, there goes your point proven. I bet know one would know that you have this grand outlook on life just by looking at you, because you look like a kid. If I blocked your age out to the left and just read what you wrote, I'd think you were my age. hahaha
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