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Everything posted by donefor79

  1. First, ill reiderate i love people who talk about their weight and complain instead of being proactive. I think everyone should work out it just a great feeling u receive from like a half hour of effort. Besides that, our whole country is fat now it believe we are approaching a crisis of the majority of ppl being morbidly obedsed within the next 5-10 years. So ur not alone, but be different change ur life litterally!! Anyway, get out and be active that is the first step, enjoy walking, go for one, u like to play tennis get friend adn go to the park, want to ball it up, hit the courts, everyone thinks u have to go to the gym to be in shape but that is not the truth.....have fun and be proactive about it if urself conscience, but if not dont talk about it!!!
  2. I am a chronic mastabator...is this a real concern for older women?? like 25ish??
  3. Hey- If ur so self conscience about ur weight go do something about it, and u will not only not care about this topic but feel healthy have more energy and in better health than sitting worrying. In terms of weight, it all depends on how u carry urself, im not going to lie i do not like large women but some guys do....cool thing about dating everyone has someone out there for them!! I havent even seen the pic and im sure u look fine, anyone willing to make this comment on the internet has some sort of confidence, right?? holla
  4. U know what is awful about ur situation is there is 2 sides to everystory and somewhere in the middle of the 2 lies the truth. Parents should try to get as little involved as possilble, but when ur younger they feel a need to get there hands dirty. Unfortunately, u are out numbered and dont stand a chance, sorry to let u know. I faced a similar situation with my x, she was jewish and i am catholic her rents hated me. I felt like i was jesus geting curcified everytime i walked in their house. They didnt even give me a chance. So i didnt bother kissin ther feet to win them over, i was cold to them bc I was treated like 2nd class cause of my religion. I dont understand y it seems jewish rents are real particular their daughters marries a jewish guy....thats a lot of pressure i think!!! ?Anyway, good luck i hated going over there, i remember it vividly how cold i was treated...over time i laughed at them cause they were just too much to bare....i mean 2 yrs of stares and lack of conversations became humorous to me because i knew i had them, i was having sex with their daughter....so i had the upper hand!!!!
  5. I think that ur current b.f. has more patience and accpetence of he does of hanging out with ur x. Especially, knowing he tries to hook up with u. That would get me a little upset to say the least. I think also no offense to u bc i dont konw the entire situation just on what u said its is a lil disrespectful to due that to ur current b.f. Again, u may not want to hook up wiith him but he has obvious feeling for u. What I suggest is fisrt leave ur current b.f. because to me u are indecesive about ur relationship, also u have ur x that u want to take back, he seems to be on the way to getting crapped on. Sux for him, but if u like ur x and think u can iron out ur problems and he doesnt just want u back cause of jealousy factors than go for it. Usually best friends are great couples...l....good .uck 2 u
  6. U only need to get to the gym to lift!! U can run around the blcok or neighborhood!! Cardio should be done 3 to 4 times a week min. and in the first thing in the a.m. to gain the most results...on an empty stomach, also dont eat after lets say 7 pm, this will help u not store unused calories while sleeping!!!! And leave u with a nice empty stomach to burn a ton of calories in the am cardio session!!! Its hard to do, but u will get good results from that if u stick with it!!! I think that was about as much as I know about excersice nutritton or at least enough for the day!! I hope it helps!!!
  7. Miami should have a boxing gym in the area....i am sure. I think again martial arts is great in to do for cardio but training takes a while and again ur target heart rate u want to maintain. Ur calories should not exceed more than the avg. 2000 calorie diet and u have to realize a calorie is not a calorie, for instance a calorie of protein is burned off diff. than a calorie of carbs....all doing with how the body stores energy. Proteins are stored as muscle for long term energy and carbs are used for short term, but convert to fat if not burned. Hence the atkins diet.....i dont recommend a prolong no or even low carb diet the suggestion on carbing up in the morning is the way i would go to lose weight!! The main thing is consistency and diet.....let us know how ur doing with it!!!
  8. I think if she wants not to speak with u, that is her dilemma to deal with. U chase her and call her u will be disrespecting her wishes....i say that so eaily in type...i think that is what u are suppose to do, I would probably call in few days about a week from inciddent and see what she says. U dont want to be w someone who doesnt want to be with u, but u two did date for a while and its worth a call for reassurance purposes. Good luck, i know i was a confused person at during that period and feel ur confusion. Keep us updated, and let me know what u did with the situation......
  9. wow i just read my last reply sorry for the typos i feel like an idiot after reading that again...hope u get the pt. though
  10. I dont like ur "illusions" theory more or less for the word. Illusions I associete with magic acts, which are meant to fool the audience. So since u are making an illusion u are essetially lying to urself......that is not something that could feel postive about. What I believe u might like better is expecting and holding ur partner accontable, that is part of communicating and a solid relatiionship. I mean those quotes u stated were the typical easy outs. I know my x girlfriend and I had a good discussion and when I was done with our convo I knew y and didnt make illussion or fall to them. In fact, I held her to hers and she held me to mine. Its we have different expections for ourselves and goals and desires in our case.....in short of course. Again, those expectations are created from what I hold myself too and what she held herself too. Even we broke up we had a good convo, and who know what will happen, but I know y i broke up with her and wont involve myself till i can provide my wholeself to the next person i date....bagage is awful, u may not agree, but i think u are not giving urself or the other person a chance if u have issues w. ur x's. My opinion again, just goes back to wthat i expect of myself and in turn what i would expect from someone else......looking forward to hearing ur response...intellegent convos are fun!!
  11. I was assuming u were not in soccer shape as right now?? Soccer players are pretty much never over weight. They have some tough conditioning. I dont think u need more than that for now, box for fun dont supplement it for cardio....my only suggestion. Again the maintaining that substained heart rate is what u need to lose weight. Also keep it simple to start with, free weights have worked for yrs. y get all complex and use an elpictical machine, u will burn jsut as many calories but less impact on the knees. Precor machines are fun tooo not as boring as a treadmill!! good luck!!
  12. Well stated if she is the "one" she shouldnt make u feel down and out. Instead she should lift u up and make u beter. I dont know, just becareful I know its tough but u gotta do it. U see how many ppl on this site are dealing with the same issue....its not easy!!! Keep ur head up, and try to keep occupied
  13. Boxing awesome, the only problem is if ur not training hard enough u might not elevate ur heart in the prolonged amount of time u need to keep it there to burn fat. Also, as stated in the previous response its all about diet. I would just start simple if u are out of shape, extra weight is not good on the ol' joints especially the knees. A simple weight training program with cardio 3 to 4 times a week will get u in shape, and most important ur diet. Try a low carb diet to loes the intial pounds they will shed quickly!! good luck
  14. I am going through a break up right now, that was a good view point to have. U are right u got love urself!!! I know that when I let this girl take control of me, and made me a person im not. That means i never had enough confidence in myself to tell her to leave, until going through counseling sessions and missing my finally semester at college....i got myself together and that is one thing im working on, that is myself....no better advice than that. That is the only thing u can change and improve, the lord knows u cant change anyone else!!!
  15. U have to use weights, martials arts is good because u use a lot of ur body weight and throw punches. That will get u lean but to burn fat even better get a good weight traing program. Man, u are falling for the girl myth too, if u lifth u will bulk up. That is a misnomer to say the least. Every athlete lifts weights these days, its part of playing sports. What sport are u playing, look it up online and u will im sure find a good weight program to accompany it...even martial arts might have one....check it out ....if not steriods work well....jk
  16. I read a really good article in Men's Fitness bout x's and can u be friends with them or not. It seems they and I tend to agree u cant be friends with ur x most of the time. I mean as the article stated, lots of times u keep x's around for other motives such as monitoring there dating scene or lack of, hoping u can still have sex with them, or simply trying to be the first to find someone else before letting go....it seeems all to be hurtful, even the sex if u are really close....aanyone agree disagreee???
  17. Im not being mean just unsure, when u say butterflies is that cause she enjoys the sexual releam and gets around and that is digust u or do u mean she makes u nervous. If it is the later, and i hope it is cause if she gets around i would hate to be u if u get in a relationship, u will second guess things a lot. Anyway back to assumeing the nervous butterflies, everyone gets them, she does to probably. Just be urself, dont try to act or overpursue...cool calm casual wil always keep u in the game.....good luck
  18. Read dopestars post link, def. some good insight on how to deal with giving space to someone. Regardlesss of the circumstances u should never let someone control ur life that much where u are depress and dont want to do a thing. I did it to myself and it was awful experience, x's can be shady, decietful, and down right scumbags if they know u are down about them. I dont know at least that is my esperience. It's sad but u have to stoop to their level read that article sounds like it may helpl, good luck keep ur head up!!!
  19. Im not saying u could handle me under the sheets but obviously he is satisfied or hasnt hit puberty....jk
  20. Oh I was trying not to mention that the dead sox resemble her, since she became a fan when she moved there 6 months ago. Both have no class, are second best, and are not good in the clutch......Go Yanks!!
  21. Bro, lets be real if she is first of playing games with u. Second, she has cheated on a boyfriend before, y do u think u might be different. I mean that because think about those two actions combined and u know she is looking out for heself. She is obviously scared of lossing u and wants u around but dont get caught up in the games. Let her explain herself to u, if u think its b.s. it probably is. I never liked cheating g.f. at all or just cheating period. Its just a the wrong thing to do to anyone.
  22. donefor79


    If u cheated on her and she knows forget about it, ur relationship is tainted with mistrust and decietfulness. Even if she doesnt know, u think she might be cheating on u cause u did it. U are young trust me ull meet tons of girls especialy in about a yr. if u go to college. But, not to be mean u cant say i love her and cheat on her, not if she is the "one".
  23. U are 14 years old, damn they start younger and younger. Anyway, u should take that as a compliment that u are good sexually and meet his needs. If u are worried about him wacking the ol' one eye, than maybe u should help him out more often...funny topic oh youngin, but look at it as u are good in bed caue there are 2 types of girls in bed, a bucking bronco, or a girl that is awful and lays there like a star fish....u i guess are a bronco, good for u!! hahahha
  24. I have been chasing my x like a dog chasing their tail and getting no where fast, besides dizzy and all disorientated. I just realize that reading these posts. I mean in my situation my x lives a few hundred miles away, i hated it during the relationship and i sure am not going to like it now. I dealt with it for 2 yrs., and tried to remain as sane as possible. We had a great relationship, but when she decided to stay were she was at after dropping out grad schoool i should have said thanks and hung up. Instead we talked yellled fought didnt talk than talked...did it alll. I think after the past few months i woke up and gave up i gave it all into our relationship im sure i made mistakes i did try though. She chose a lifestyle (living in the boston area) instead of New York City Area over me...she lost in both ways.....NYC is the awesome., and she lost a someone she still loves now and through away a relationship cause her first few months were fun up there.....i always said no matter where u live u can have fun its who u surround urself with....i wish her the best if she ever reads this, and knows that i still care about her, but u cant keep dragging someone along and telling them u will be comeing home and than dont. Enjoy, i assume u found someoine butt than again u call all the time and talk...poor guy i guess doesnt compare......anyway guys thats my story learn and try to step back and ask the hard questions. Also listen to urself and people who will be honest with u even if it hurts...i know i needed a wake up call, and my friends gave me one.......thanks fellas!
  25. Just realize u are going to have probably a lot of regrets u make in ur lifetime, the key to becoming successful with anything from work to girls, is realize that u just have to learn to live with them sometimes, and that if u focus on them u bring urself down all together. In this situation, u made a mistake, u regret it all u can do is ask her for her forgiveness. Its in her hands, and if it doesnt work, realize that is not the fist misteke u made in ur life and wont be ur last. U do have to respect her though, especially if u made the mistake, but sounds like she is still interested if u see each other. I would just be slow with getting back together... sometimes guilt can make u get back w. someone u dont want to be with....im not saying that is ur case just remember dont dwell on any regrets u have in life, u will never be the strongest person u can be.....
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