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Everything posted by donefor79

  1. If u feel u lost control of ur life, take a step back and analyze what ur doing....i have didnt and went through a sort of simalar ordeal, u dont have to go and hook up with someone, that honestly will confuse things, i did that too. Than if u do decide to get back together somehow that will mangage to creep in and ruin things for u. I suggest u take a look at urself, i wish somoeone said that tto me a while back. I mean u should not have to chase a girl around, play games with them, do dumb things, and go nuts over them. If they love u they should respect u and ur feelings. I mean that is if u are in a serious relationship. I know i have datred girls and not cared about them at all, and that makes life easy. Seriously though realize u come first, u think she is up at night thinking of u? Or is she going out and having fun? Dont get caught up in the middle, that is a dangerous grey area u are in, if ur not together do what u want!!!
  2. I see ur pt. but to play devils advicate, dont u think with out hopes and dreams life would be dull. I am a guy and I think u need to find that person that does that to u, that person u think is perfect to u cause ur right in reality they are not perfect. But to u they are and what they say and do seems right, im not saying its always perfect but I think everyone is perfectly flawed in someway to someone...no one is the best for everyone, that is y we all like different people w. diff. ideas...gotta respect them for thier views. I mean if u never dreamed about things what would u reach for???
  3. I think u are playing games with not only urself but him. Of course he is going to get jealous and ask questions, any x i thinik would. Especially when u try to hype up going out and hooking up. If u gottta go through that to keep him interested, do u think its going to work out if u did get back together. Probably not cause the jealousy wont be there, unless he changed i wouldnt get caught up in the games. Just live ur life and act urself, if he doest respect that than his whole prespective is wack, and doesnt deserve u. Sorry if that was a lil hurtful just how i see that situation.....
  4. I hear ya about that person u cant seem u cant cut off nor want to, but do u feel they appreciate u still and ur efforts?? I dont feel like I am at all appreciated and feel like im stuck on a traadmill going no where fast!!! I have to cut this off some how some way. I dont have to physically see her ever again....she live 200 plus miles away!! Yet its soooo hard!! Haahaha I am pathetic, but at least i know it!!! Well, I am going to just not expect anything from her anymore, if she wants to make some sort of effort than i will take it from there, but damn i feel like a retard right now reflectinng on chasing her around like she wants me to, and than just keep in touch to keep a lil hope alive so i am miserable. I thnk she might be a miserable person, and as they say misery needs company right....i mean she does some really hurtful things....i think reading some of these postings made me feel like i can get over this, and just gotta get out her little game and ill be home freee!!! wish me luck, ill update u!!
  5. Whats up- I think the time of this in b/w stage is done for with my ex. I have been nothing but trying and willing to keep in touch. I guess we have but i feel if i didnt try it would be done with!! Now i prolonged the unaviodable!! I cant stop talking to someone its sooooo hard...any tips??
  6. I agree totally with what u have to say. I enjoyed the entroverting and extroverting part of ur response that is so true. I know what I need to do, but I can't cut it off completely with her yet. It is so strange of a situation. I dont know how things are going to end up, but I probably end up on the short end of the stick. I came up with a new philosophy to deal with her....expect nothing so anything seems amazing..hahahah!!!! thanks again, i cant believe u read that all....
  7. I am going through an in b/w period with my g.f. and really think things are coming to an end. What is the best way to go No contact after 2 yrs together?? I always seem to give in!!!! thanks
  8. Hey- I couldnt help but respond to this one!! I am living an identical issue in my relationship. My g.f. lives in boston and i live in jersey. She is from jersey but went to grad school in boston and is now planning on staying there. I hate long distance relationships. I think its so hard not to question things, its not always trust. It helps if the other persion gives a little makes a call or a card or email...something to let u know they care still. Lets face it being far apart is tough, and no matter how close u two maybe questions pop up in ur head. At least they did in mine, especially when ur g.f. and just like mine go out more away than when they are home!! How can u not wonder?? I believe if the persion is a good and reasonable human being, they should not try to play any sort of games in a long distance relationship. I mean it seems to me the littlest head game turns into a HUGE fight cause u start questioning stuff and than she will start quesitoning things. Again my personal exp. I think if u cant be upfront w/ ur signifanct other in a long distatnce relationship u are goiing to end up hurting that persoin...what do u guys think?? Good luck to you, I know i struggle time to time...just try to do your own thing and dont focus on her all the time....that was my promblem . I put her ahead of me..... lata
  9. What's up everyone! I would like to share my experience with everyone and ask them their honest opinion on what i should do or what i did wrong w/ my relationship. First off, I was dating my x for 2 years during her's and mine sr. and jr. year in college. Dating in college is always a challenge because of the social atmosphere that is always present in my mind, but try dating someone 200 miles away and in thier last yr. of school. I went to Rutgers Unv. and she went to Umass, and these two schools are approx. 4 hours from each other. However, her parents house was 2 miles down the street from mine. So during the summer things were always amazing b/w us. We would spend non-stop time together, and I wouldnt have had it anyother way. However. when we were apart things came questionable. I maybe was a lil over parinoid and jumped to conclusions. I am not going to lie about that, but she didnt ease the situation at all. We made one simple rule to keep when were away. It seemed so simple yet some reason she didnt want to keep to it. All I asked was when she got home from where were ever she was at night to call me and let me know everything was ok. Is that a big dieal?? I didnt think so at all, but I remember numerious sleepless nights were i would wonder what she was doing. She would forget to call, and say she smoked pot or passed out....anyway we worked our way throught that. To share a lil leason i learned from that ordeal was that you cant overextend urself. I was constantly going there, leaving sometimes at 9pm and not getting there till 3 am after working all day. I would constantly send flowers, and cards and emails etc. etc. and receive no appreciation in return. So I just gave up, and it is funny during that period is when she treated me the best. Strange right> Anyway, that was the first year or so. The next year would be even more difficult. My x wanted to continue her eduation, and i was so supportive she was really intelleget. I did what i thought was right and let her pick her school of choice, it is her life not mine. But it was a lil hurtful when she decided to go to back up to MASS. and stay in boston. I thought she could have picked a school a lil more local. But as I stated before that wasnt my place, I wanted what was best for her. So here I went again through a long distiance relationship that was hell. See my g.f. I came to found was very sheltered and couldnt experiene things like gioing out while at home. In turn, I think this is why she move so far away and acted like she did. Next thing I know my sweet little g.f. is promoting for capt. morgan which i felt was not apprioatte but again held back my pain. Its funny cause we live soooo close to NYC which is known for being the best nightlife in the world, and I was all about going to clubs when i was younger. However, I am 25 yrs. old now and trying to move past all clubs, lounges and bars are cool but clubs to me are something u do when u are younger. She though never had the exp. and became a little to into herself for me. I laughed at her most of the time cause I did what she was doing when i was 20-22 not now. But whatever, that is childish to argue over and I held that back from her. Well, next thing I know she drops out of grad. school and instead of coming home cause she was there for school she decides to stay there. I thought that was soooooooooo hurtful we dated for 2yrs plus and now she permenately distanted herself from m, but wanted me to keep dealing with the relationship. I had enough and ended it. But we still talk and have that common bond...how do u get rid of that feeling i have no clue...any advice? I think i did the right thing what do u guys think??
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