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Everything posted by hurtbylove

  1. Well, you won't find the archetype you are looking for here.. The people on enotalone are generally looking for support, or at least care about other people on some level. The "playas" and "heartbreakers" would never post here. They don't have the need to. Some people are better at controlling their emotions than others. Maybe they are just never involved to begin with.. It's not just men that do this.. It is very true that people are selfish (not really a bad thing) and looking out for themselves.
  2. It's ok, the coming days may be dark but it'll get better. This will be a good experience for you, even if it seems really bad now. At least you are the type of person who is able to come out and say your feelings. Imagine if you had years later wondered about this girl and what if you asked? Now you know, now try your best to move on. Though this window is closed, there are still many more to try
  3. J hit it on the head. you deserve someone better basically means the opposite. "You're not good enough for me" People are inherently looking out for their own best interests. You don't give up something good.
  4. Hey, I was in your shoes too kind of.. My ex now fell for someone else and broke up with me to be with him. I confronted her many times about it and many tears were shed on my part. He was always just a friend, but I knew in my heart.. Don't apologize for anything, if she knew what was right she would just be with her new guy and leave you alone. I know it hurts and it may hurt for a while longer. Don't let her put you down ok? It's not fair and not right. I think it's best for you to stay away from her a while.
  5. I understand where tea is coming from. For girls to be with guys.. it's a big deal. Not so much so for the guy, the more girls he sleeps with the more of a pimp he is. I think it is a difficult choice for a girl to decide whether the person she is with is worthy of giving herself for. I know there are many guys out there just to add another tally to their kill-list and not really in it for meaningful relationship. I usually don't mind the past of my future gf's. As long as she wasn't promiscuous I don't care too much. But I would honestly still rather not know What is in her past is in her past. She didn't know of my existence before I appeared in her life and I can only judge her on her actions while she is with me.
  6. Well, taking someone's virginity is a big deal. That person will likely remember it forever and it's a big step. Another school of thought is that, well no other guy has been there before and it's more pure I guess. Honestly most guys, if they were getting some, wouldn't complain about if she's been with a guy before or not
  7. That's not the way a mature relationship communicates. I saw a huge warning sign there. Communication is 2 ways. You put the issue out there and she throws it back in your face. There is something called compromise. Don't let her pin this all on you. She may be 32, but she is acting very childish.
  8. I don't know. If one of my friends was cheating on his girl, it would depend on how well I know her. I have my friend's back before the girl. Whatever the case, you will have lost your friend. Yes, he was doing something bad, but it's not my business. On another note, if you get into a relationship with your friend's now ex. There will be much animosity. I would be infuriated. I wouldn't go there. At all. There are just too many girls out there that won't cause that much drama.
  9. I hope it works out for the best... Otherwise it just seems like you're going around the same trap again. I don't know what to say this time. Maybe people do change, but then again, old habits die hard. Honestly, from an outsider perspective, he does have you wrapped around his finger. You still aren't strong enough to break away from him. This event tonight will just reinforce what he knew all along, that he can screw up, cry a little and that it'll all be ok. I will give this advice, the water isn't clear yet, and there may be storms yet to come. Be very wary.
  10. Why do girls play with their hair around you? It could be some light flirting going on. Playing with their hair is sexy I think
  11. It sounds like your needs are definetly being neglected and the balance is unfair. You don't sound unreasonable at all, you are trying your best to support this family and further your career. You see her staying where she is, not really trying. It must be very frustrating to see that. How old is she? How long did you guys have a relationship before marriage? Have you consulted her about this issues? Communication of course is key. It's bad for you to harbor all these feelings of resentment without her "knowing" even if she should know. Tell her the things that you wrote here, and ask her to change.
  12. It's very dangerous territory. If you are able (I think few are) to put feelings aside easily, then what do you have to lose? But I believe that people need time for themselves to get over their past relationship, especially if it's that fresh, to heal. It really could become an emotional rollercoaster though, be wary
  13. I'm really not sure about your approach. It's way too slow. I think for good effect you should have started to let her know that you like her. This emailing about other stuff is just beating around the bush. Just ask her out.
  14. No, there is something you should do first before email. You should have some physical contact first. That way at least she has some way of putting a face to the email? You didn't quite make it clear how far you are with this girl.. If you have just been admiring from a distance and don't know her, I would really advise against it. Random emails from people in class becomes stalker/creepy like? Wait until next time you have class, strike up a conversation with her. When it's time for her to leave, the ask "hey can you write down your email address, (Phone is better) for me so I can contact you?" That's how I met my first girlfriend.
  15. Sometimes, (my thoughts) are that when a relationship has been going on for a long time, the spark is gone. The spark is really just that new feeling, butterflies etc. Sometimes people miss that and do stupid things for it, like give up what they have for something new. Unfortunetly, there are greater forces in life than pure logic, sometimes hearts just dictate what may seem like the "wrong" decisions. I feel like I've been on the receiving end of that one.
  16. Yeah, that's pretty much my problem. Honestly sometimes I think I have a lot of feminine qualities to me.. A couple ounces of aggression wouldn't hurt me at all.
  17. I prefer the sweet gentle kind actually. Not much for the wild animal sex.
  18. Much recommended to talk to her again. It'll give you a chance to get to see her again. If you like her then hopefully you will see much more of her in the future, so why not stay now. It is kind of awkward for your mom to know this girl already. Just means you have to tread more carefully, because you might get in trouble with your mom too if you mess something up Trust me when I say she will appreciate it a lot more when you have the guts to ask her in person rather than going to your mom for her number. ps. DBL I think you know what he means.
  19. If she is new to having sexual relations, just give her time to accommodate. Be gentle and don't do anything forceful, i'm sure it hurts. Sex isn't just about penetration, it's bonding between two people, and being close as well
  20. Know when to pick your battles also. Reporting to your supervisor about his bad behavior will get you no where. Remember that he is your boss and has many many ways of getting back at you. I didn't used to believe in astrology, but I'm a scorpio. We like to get jealous and we bottle things in a lot. Anger is a common emotion. Let's face it, a majority of relationships end up not working out. When my ex broke up with me, it shattered my heart. I felt many emotions, anger is a prevalent one, along with hurt. I thought of many times of seeking revenge, but in the end, this is the girl I loved. She had her reasons for doing what she did. I believe in karma now, you see injustice and it will be returned to the perpatrator. It may be a long time from now, but their time will come. I agree with scout and channel your rage into something positive. Anger is a very powerful force. Change all that negative energy into positive.
  21. I don't think this can go anywhere far. Only if you two were to try really really hard and are willing to do this. This relationship has just gotten off to such a bad start, the foundation isn't there. I think anything built on top of this will be unstable. He will likely always be resentful and untrusting. It's up to you, but I don't think anything good can come from this.
  22. what's holding you back? because it's driving you crazy i can see it
  23. From all the posts I have read before, things seem to be going fine. Are you still unsure about whether he likes you or not? Try asking him
  24. I think it's a similar, though less serious situation to what I have been thinking. What if my ex-gf decided to come back to me? I have been hurting for so long, but what if she decided to come back. The trust has already been broken, she left me at a time when I needed her most. I'm not sure I could ever fully trust myself with her again. People do change, but it is very hard. What you are embarking on is definetly a risk. You're not being silly and insecure, and there is good reason for you to be wavering. Unfortunetly, no one can tell you the future, I don't think even she can.
  25. Why does it matter what other people are saying? As long as it isn't a reason of healthiness or not being a good influence, I don't see why you shouldn't just let things be. No one can tell you what will happen tomorrow, just be happy for today. If you think you will part in the future, wait until then and decide. This is just an opportunity, like everything else in life, take it or it's gone forever. It does not matter if it is just teenage love, don't be afraid.
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