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  1. My opinion is Yes he probably did like you I mean talking to you for so long there was something there but hey distant relationships are hard to keep up I mean I can tell you exactly what happened (it has happened to me) for one you two started a long distant relationsip where the two dont live that close together sure you can go see each other but hey it gets old not having the person you so called love there with you instead you have to go out and travel a ways to see each other(who wants a relationsip like that anyway?) So over time plus distance he drifts away finding someone where he lives that he knows is always there and hes attracted to them so where does that leave you? Without him because in his eyes the relationsip probably wasnt serious with you so he figured you wouldnt be hurt and you would understand not saying you cant be friends because he did still call but didnt want to meet catch my drift? The only thing to do is be adult about it, examine the relationship as it WAS and not going to be, move on and you can still continue being friends just let him know that you have a feeling on whats going on and maybe he will confess if not then bring any of this up to him by asking then he may feel comfortable enough to tell you the truth. Its not a bad thing it didnt work Id rather have a man by my side one to guide me all the time and one I can love and he can love me, one I can lay down with every night and cuddle and watch tv instead of driving back and forth.
  2. Well if you have read my previous threads then you know what I have been going through in regards of my relationship with my bf. I just want to let everyone know that me and him are doing fine we are getting along alot better and the kisses and I love you's are slowly coming back. We actually talked all night one night just about things and I kind of threw in the fact that he never communicated with me and I wanted to know why and guess what he tells me but also I think we are on the road of fixing a relationship where both were lacking. I love it I mean its like the spark is slowly coming back and Im falling in love all over again and yes as far as him respecting me HE actually has been working on it and doing a great job and Im also giving respect back. I know its going to take some time but I believe we are starting to open the first part in fixing the relationship which is start communicating with each other. I just want to thank everyone for their help and opinions I absolutely love this site it was my shoulder to lean on when I needed one. The information and opinions you all give help out alot and I just want to say THANK YOU to enotalone and all of its members you guys are incredible and really smart.
  3. First you have totally skipped the part where you and your husband communicate, if you are wanting or even thinking about getting a divorce then obviously you arent happy with something and its not fair to him because you are his partner and are suppose to communicate instead he has no idea whats going on or even if something is wrong. I suggest you sit down and talk to him about it and explain why because it really isnt fair to him for you to keep this to yourself everyone deserves to be loved but its going to hurt him to know you havent spoken to him about this good luck.
  4. If this girl said for you to kill yourself over something that went on between YOU and HER FRIEND she doesnt deserve to be around you because personally you didnt ask her to step in and give her opinion did you? I would definitely get over her and wouldnt worry about if she thinks about you or not personally I wouldnt want her to think about me. She has done played with your heart by taking you back in pity then breaking it again so leave it be and if its on bad terms oh well at least you dont have to deal with it anymore.
  5. You could go talk to someone but hey why talk to someone and pay when you can really handle it yourself. Trust me I know where your coming from at the moment Im in a relationship but my heart breaks every single day because Im not sure if he wants to be with my anymore and I also have the fear of being alone I cant be alone plain and simple. The reality is you loved this person and still do but hey why continue to love someone who probably dont love you back? Would you rather still have him and him not be happy with you? NO because the pain is the same if not worse either way its going to hurt but soon you get over it. You have done went through the hard part by breaking it off and your lucky in my eyes because thats one step I havent been able to do. Instead of crying all the time and feeling the hurt turn it into anger and be angry release all emotions and dont allow nothing or nobody hurt you anymore including yourself. You say your alone but your not its a mental thought look at everyone around you that support you and you know that love you unconditionally look at all of these threads of people having trouble or going through difficult things your not alone. We sometimes tend to live our life a certain way I mean the same thing everyday and when something changes then its different but thats all you need is a change and when you let go of all the feelings you are having it will show on the outside and those dates you go on will no longer make you feel lonely. I hope everything works out for you just hang in there in the end theres only one person you have to please and its YOU so be happy about life and live the best life you can and let nothing including emotions stand in your way.
  6. I see where you would see that hes falling out of love with me I have felt that before you know got the vibe but why is it when I was going to leave and was mentally ready to leave he held me back when he knew I was serious and this was a week ago and not only that we talked and laughed and got along great and then came the point of silence and out of the blue he looked at me and said you know I love you right why would he say such a thing and when he said it well it reassured me that he did I just actually got a feeling that he did love so whats going I wouldnt persue a relationship that I didnt think would work but in my heart I know it will I just dont know whats going on with me or him.
  7. Like I said Im sorry for what I said to him I was angry it was the first time I had ever said anything like that to him compared to the million things he said to me that I kept my mouth shut and didnt say anything and instead I say one thing and I even apologized to him unlike him I never get an apology and all I can do say Im sorry and be the best I can be to him just to let him see Im sorry I have nothing else I can do and besides this all started before I made my comment I got treated the same so I know it hurts our relationship more but its not the whole thing. Its not that I think the relationship isnt worth saving because I do want to save it and I have tried but Im the only one who seems to care about it and I still dont get nothing in return and I didnt speak last night because I didnt know what to say the thoughts of what he did ran through my head from the time I woke up until I went to sleep I was in a zombie mode just so fed up I didnt want to breathe I was tired of always feeling pain and thinking thoughts that brought me down I wasnt me I was a nobody who didnt want to be around anyone its not that I just didnt want to talk to him its I couldnt. Hes still in bed now and Im not sure whether to talk to him or not I dont know my brain says you need to but my heart is broken and I dont want to.
  8. Everyone tells me to talk to him and try to communicate and understand whats going on, about the sex they say spice things up change things make it more exciting, I have tried everything thats why I feel the way I do because NOTHING works in my eyes Im a failure because I was his first at first he was real shy but now hes completely open to me when it comes to living everyday life but never about our relationship or anything that has to do with it he just winds up getting angry at one point he said I dont be around you that much because everytime I am you want to talk about our relationship. Im a failure because he is the only man I have ever loved this way, when I look at him I see a beautiful person (sometimes he dont act like it) Someone I love that I want to be there for through good and bad times which is the reason I still stay even when he hurts me, I cant imagine him not being there it would kill me, I cook for him I clean for him I take care of him in any way, I would give my heart to him even if it just promised him one more day in this world the point is I love him and leaving is my last option one that Im scare to face. Im all out of ideas nothing seems to work and I dont think I can take much more mentally, I mean why shouldnt I feel like a failure I try to love him and do everything for him and still in the end I feel like I have to work for his love but no matter what I do nothing works Im useless......
  9. Okay Ive been with my bf for almost two years, we have been having problems for about 5 months now he has a bad habit of always putting me down or saying things to literally hurt me. When he first started this bahavior I always cried he even told me to quit crying he cant handle it and if I was going to cry then the relationship wasnt going to work. Onetime I even went as far as cutting on my arm with a razor blade I dont remember much all I can remember is I was crying and I wasnt really me when I done it I guess he had mentally drove me crazy because he always hurt me. Well to get to the point I wrote another thread the other day about my bf and what he had done, We hadnt had sexual intercourse for 3 days so I was thinking maybe we would that night but he apparently had other plans. I mean the first thing he does is use the bathroom before we ya know and that night he went to the bathroom and come in the bedroom just to tell me he was going to go play on the computer (watch porn and jack off) sure enough 10min after sitting down back to the bathroom again I guess to clean off. Laying in the bed knowing what he was doing I had this heavy feeling on my chest and it burnt I guess I was filled with anger and hurt because this always happens but I usually dont have to wait that many days. So now here I am last night was fairly easy I stayed gone all day because I didnt feel like I wanted to be around him he just totally disrespected me and kind of made the urge to have sex with him go out the door I mean I was chosen second imagine how bad it hurts. All the other times this happened the next night I would give it to him but last night I just didnt care anymore if we had sex or not I guess he has put me down for the last time. I cant say Im angry with him just mostly hurt because I love him so much. I left yesterday at 10:00am and didnt come back until 9:00 pm he was angry with me because I stayed gone so I got ready for bed and laid down not speaking to him and somehow the subject got brought up he asked me where Id been and I replied dont worry about it after what you did to me last night I just didnt feel like I wanted to be around you today I dont remember much because I went to sleep. I woke up this morning and I was sitting in the living room and he got up to use the bathroom but went straight back to bed no saying or even seeing where I was. My question is I love him with all of my heart but I feel so distant to him now and I dont understand why Im not crying over none of this like I normally would, I want to be with but I want us to have a decent relationship where I dont come second but then again I think I would be happier if I would just leave. What does anyone think I should do try to save the relationship or just move on because he will never change.
  10. If she kept looking away she was probably wanting to ask you herself but was to shy to do so which is sweet by the way, I say next time the subject is brought up or even if its not brought up you bring it up and say "Well would you like to go out and do something with me?" I gurantee she will say yes, its never too late whenever you want something in life or you want to do something in life dont let anything hold you back because long after you will regret that you didnt at least go for it then by that time it is too late....Good luck and have fun Im sure its a definate yes in her eyes.
  11. It doesnt matter about the size its how you can use it...No need to be embarrased about it I mean you may like a girl who doesnt like a small penis and thats okay there is another girl out there that really doesnt care for the size just what you can bring with it. So toughen up and gain some self esteem with that issue theres no way to change it, its a part of you for life and if you have the attitude that you dont care then the people around wont care either.
  12. Okay as you know porn is definitely a subject alot of people have a problem with, I use to have a problem with it all the time because it seem like the only thing that interested my bf but when I felt my relationship start to change because of all of the emotions I was feeling over porn I promised myself I wouldnt let it bother me anymore and I thought I was finally over it I mean I was starting to at least respect myself not to compare to the women in them until tonight. I dont understand why my boyfriend even watches it in the first place but also why he tends to want to rub it in my face I dont know if he means to or what but it makes it hard to not get angry over it. Well we havent had sexual intercourse in a few days and the last time we did I literally asked him which didnt do much for my self esteem, so tonight I figured well maybe hes ready because I sure was, our typical night we both take a shower together, he goes to the bathroom and well you can take it from there but tonight he didnt want to take a shower with me and we laid there for a couple of hours and nothing happened just a little touching....after that was done and his movie went off he was ready to get online so I gave up I knew I was going to be second tonight if anything at all and sure enough whats the first thing he done was use the bathroom get online after about 10min back to the bathroom, now Im no genius but he just went to the bathroom well we all know what he did and not only did he do it but I got no lovin I was left to lay there and go to sleep which hurt so much you wouldnt understand but I just kept breathing to calm down. I dont understand why he has to rub it in my face I mean he knows how I feel about it and knows I try to deal with it but to rub it in my face and smile and laugh about it isnt good it makes me feel like a low life and just the thought of knowing I didnt get anything not even a thought from him hurts can someone give me advice? Ive done tried spicing it up but it doesnt work Im still left out.
  13. Easier said then done I know but bluntly let her go. Being faithful to your bf/gf is important it shows you love only one and its even more important in a marriage you should have been the only one and if you wasnt she should have not been a coward and told you before she cheated that way you could come to terms you two arent happy and it wouldnt hurt as bad as it does now. If you cheat once theres a chance you wont do it again but it will always be in her mind that she wants to and you deserve better. Now for your son its no worry if your a good dad now then you will be one if you arent with the mother it changes nothing and honestly your child will be happier if you are happy and will soon respect the fact you wasnt happy with the mother so you started a journey to hapiness nothing better than having your child smile and laugh when you feel down or heartbroken lean on them in time of need just dont bring them in the middle of the conflicts with your wife.
  14. A break out on the skin sounds like genital herpes I have a few friends that have this and its not treatable but can take medicine to keep it from spreading if it is herpes then rest assure that whenever you have sex make sure there is no break out and also use protection it can cause more major problems on a female then male it is actually more comforting if the two mates both have it together it sets their minds at ease just be careful it happens more than anyone thinks and be glad he trusted you enough to tell you I mean it could have been a secret which means you would be sick to also dont push the topic with him its very sensitive issue with people that have things like this I say only talk about it when he talks about.
  15. I read all of the members opinions and I dont see any of them lashing out on you I mean they are simply telling you what they see imagine how hard it is to help someone when they dont know the situation and dont live it, all of the members here tell you the truth thats why your here we arent here to break down on you so remember that. Honestly even though shes UGLY so you say you seem to give off the vibe you may be jealous of her I mean shes got a good man one that loves her unconditionaly no matter what her habits are or her looks you should respect that because we need more men like that all females deserve someone good whether ugly or not. I also know that if this is a situation where you may like this guy also then you need to keep the comments about her to yourself because it doesnt give you brownie points talking about another female especially his woman if anything it shows low class on your personality and it can be a turn off to him men hate it when another woman speaks badly about a woman it shows nothing but jealousy and being insecure. I say let them be happy if its working and you keep your comments to yourself it will help you in the long run and if I mean IF you like this guy then be friends with him but give the relationship hes got a fair chance good luck.
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