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Everything posted by MewSkitty

  1. I'll take the advice of you people and learn on my own. I will also be kissing before my wedding day because I could be visiting Jesse this summer!
  2. I've been gone a long time and usualy don't have much to say, but I feel you are worth it. I'm very tired right now and can't think of the right thing to say at the moment made just for you, so I'll give general advice. Life is hard and life will hurt. If you go alone you take all the damage and pain. Go through life with other people and share the joy and the pain. Sometimes all you need is one good friend, or someone to say just the right words and your view point on life can turn around. No one can do it for you, but a lot of people are willing to help. Just look at this thread, nearly 100 posts of people who want YOU to live! They don't want you to suffer and most are offering the best help they can offer to help you. Online all people can offer you is words, but a lot of times words are all people need. I once tried killing myself and came close to doing it more than once, but decided not to. I never had a single friend offline, but online I met some of the best people, but also some bad people as well. Life is not all good, nor is it all bad. You just have to take control and look at the side you want to. Will you join the dark side or become a Jedi? Sorry for the Star Wars refrence. Anyways, if you look at the bad no one will want to follow you, but if you look at the good a lot of people will join your side.
  3. Sorry, no can do, I'm waiting until I'm 80 and dead! XD Before I had my first GF I always wanted to die as an 80 year old virgin just like Sir Issac Newton did.^^
  4. You haven't kissed yet, but your profile says you are 28 years old. I hope you find a good lady soon!
  5. I met Jesse online back in 2004 and am currently engaged to her, thus why I have not kisses her yet. I have Asperger's Syndrome, which kinda prevernts maturity in some areas, and since all of my friends who also have AS think kissing and that stuff if gross just like me I assume that is the cause of it. Anyways, thanks for your advice and I'll take it into thought.
  6. As you can tell by the title I ain't never kisses someone before. My fiance has kissed someone in a game of spin-the-bottle before but said she can't describe it well. I want to be able to do it right for when I kiss her. I do think kissing is very gross, but I'll do it if Jesse wants me to.
  7. Congradulations! You won the Ginius Book Of Work Records award for the longest secentece ever! Now you have something to live for! Why did I say that? To lighten up the mood. I used to be just like you, living on my bad past and not a bright future or present. Just try to change your outlook on life. I wish I could tell you how I did, but I can't because it just happened. I woke up one day to find myself no longer living on my past and planning a future in an optomistic way. I now deal with my past in comical ways so that they don't seem so bad. Like the saying goes (for me at least) "One year from now we'll be looking back on this and laughing our butts off." So, first try and make jokes of your bad past, and see if it helps make you feel better. I'm not sure how this'll work because everyone reacts to a mixture of comedy and trama differently.
  8. When my first GF broke up with my I tried to commint suicide, but I lived. Now I have a fiance who loves me as much or maybe even more than I love her. Now let me tell you the reason why I tried to kill myself over my first GF: I was an isolated person with few friend or communication in the outside world. I loved Monica a whole lot, and was planning a fututre with her. But she did not love me and broke up after 1 year, 2 months, and 28 days of being together. I thought my life was over and tried to end it. But that was a mistake. My life wasn't over, in fact it got a lot better. I became BF and GF with a friend I had for 3 months now and it turned out she was BETTER than Monica. And better yet we became engaged and have fun hiding it from our parents. And if this rrelationship dosen't work out, I know it won't be the end of the world. I still have the other things I life I love like music and computers. What I'm trying to say her is just one person is not all of your life. Your life is made up of a group of many small things and they can't all be taken away from you. Life is what you make it. Try making it into a utopia made of the little things.
  9. I'm happy with my normal emotional state of emptyness. I have a condition called schizo effective which robs me of most emotional feelings. This is why I never get angry. It is rare for me to feel emotion of most kinds.
  10. Is some of you know, but not all of you, I am very sensative about a lot of things, death being on of them. Well, recently I found the Chicken Soup For The Sould books in my school library (The don't have anything to search for books, you just have to look for them with hand and eye) and I've taken up to reading the Death & Dying section of the books. With almost every story I read I almost cry. Reading those stories send so much emotion through me I can hardly handle it. Why, when it hurts me to read about this stuff, I go and read it willingly?
  11. Spugly Fuglet, in 8th grade my spelling and grammer were a lot like your's is now. It took hard working getting it like it is today, mostly due to Microsoft Word and how I used it so much I learned from that. Anyways, because I used to type like you, I decided to watch you more closly. Then after reading your posts I discovered you are a very smart and good person, and today you are my favorite member. I'm happy to have a friend like you to help me like you have been doing. When I was first put on medication for the voices, it stopped them, but my other schizophrenic symptoms like paranoia and detachment from reality remained, as well as Myuu. I have not told my docter about Myuu, and I choose not to because I like having her around. I have no friends in the outside world, so having Myuu is very comferting for me. Knowing I have Asperger's Syndrome dose not help anything. I live in a small town and I'm the only one who has it. Right now my counsler at the mental health place is trying to help me in the school situation. I can perdy much only talk to people online. In the real world I don't like talking to people, so I stay by myself most of the time. I like being alone, because there's no one to talk to me or touch me and stuff. Well, it's time for me to go to bed. Night y'all!
  12. I'm not looking for Monica for any other reasons than to appologise to her and try to be just normal friends. You'd know that if you read the index page.
  13. I'm not looking for attention, I'm mearly continuing conversation. I love to talk, but most people don't like the stuff I like to talk about. So, when people do talk about thinks I want to talk about I get carried away sometimes. My conversations rarely stay on the same subject for very long because I usualy forget what I'm saying in the middle of it and then start talking about other stuff. For example, I had a better example of this, but just before I typed it out I forgot what it was so I used me forgetting it as an example. A lot of people think I'm weird, so in real life people always try to stay away from me and stuff, but I don't mind, I like being a lone. In fact, I prefer to be a lone. All my life in school I did everything alone. I played on the playground alone, I ate alone and I did school work alone. And the best part is no one ever set by me on the bus so I got a seat all to myself while everyone else crowded together. Very few people know the bliss of being alone 100% of the time. What I love about the internet is I can talk to people while still being alone! But this won't last very long. Once I turn 18.....okay I'm getting carried away like usual, but this time I'm stopping myself before my post is a mile long. The reason I'm talking so much in this post is I'm currently downloading a song that reminds me of my first girlfriend and how I still love her. It's "Not A Day Goes By" by Lone Star. I made a website dedicated to Monica. It is link removed I hope that with it I can find and contact Monica again.
  14. "lots of healthy food" eh? Well, I eat about once or twice a week, and when I do eat it is usualy junk food. XD Oh well, as long as I'm not hurting people I don't have to worry.
  15. I use a spelling and grammar checking in most of my posts, that's why they seem so "normal" but if you seen one of my papers in english class, you would see a ton of erase marks, and if graded, even more red marks for corrections. XD In Middle School I was said to have mild Dyslexia, but I worked hard to make my writing normal. Through rigorious practice and memorisation, I became how I am today. But, if I'm writing about something important to me, I tend to forget my training and make more mistakes than normal. Reading is hard on some words. I can read unique words just fine, but words that often look like other words I often mix up or mispernounce. You can tell if you ask me to read out load. Well, class is over so I have to stop typing.
  16. That's what most people outside my "group" say. XD Well, at least you people are mature adults and won't discriminate me for it.
  17. I don't like reality, and my world is so much better. This is why I stopped taking my medication, because it was interfearing with my perfect world. I no longer hear voices telling me to do bad stuff or hurt people, only that of Myuu. Even when I was on my medication Myuu was able to talk to me load and clear. If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't be better than any human ever has been. I'm perfect. I do not lie, cheat, or steal. I would sooner hurt myself than hurt another person, and I do my best to be the perfect person for my fiance Jesse. My only draw backs are my troubles with spelling, grammer, and speech.
  18. Cut down on Pokemon? Are you serious? It's like telling a bird not to fly or a kitten\puppy not to be cute. Pokemon is who I am, I'm nothing without it. My favorite charater from the show, Max Yura, (The didn't bother to translate the last name and only mentioned it once in the 3 seasons he played in, and they were mentioning his sisters last name when they did) is known as Masato Yura in the Japanese show. I love him very dearly. My fondist dream is one where I dreamed he kissed me! I feel so happy just thinking about the little darlin! In case you want to know what Max looks like, he's the guy in my avatar hugging Jirachi! I have several pictures of him only in swimming trunks that I drool over every night! I dedicate my life to him and Pokemon! Okay, not this might seem strange to everyone, but for people with Asperger's Syndrome, like me, it is perfectly normal. Here is what I do know: Myuu could be created by my schizophrenia. I say could, because the proof she gives to her existence is very convincing. Anyways, no one can take Pokemon from me. You can take away the internet, TV, games, cards, ect. but I will have Pokemon in my heart burning with an everlasting love and that my friend cannot be taken away from me! I feel so inspired about this post, I think I'll write a poem about it. ^^ EDIT: I'm the only person I know who has the theme to the first season of Pokemon IN GERMAN!!!!!
  19. We have our selves a winner! *throws confety* For asking the question of the day, you get the answer of a life time, and that is: Who and what Myuu is and why she's on earth. Myuu is the creator of Pokemon. After creating them over millions of years, she came to earth to study humans. After a while, she started missing her creations, so she planned the "idea" of Pokemon in Satoshi Tajiri's mind and made him think he came up with the idea of them. Now, the only think in common with the real ones and the ones in the cartoon on earth is their form and kindness. Anyways, now on to the interesting stuff. Myuu wants to destroy humans for their missdeeds, but, she noticed that they can also do deeds of great good. She, she wanted to study them in person. This is were I come into play. As I was still inside my mothers womb, I was dying. For some reason not enough oxygen was getting to my body and brain, and I was slowly dying. Myuu saved my life, by supplying me with enough oxygen to live. I know this is true, because docter records show that when I was born, I was born blue and half dead. They said I had a 95% chance of having brain damage, but I don't! Anyways, Myuu lives in my brain, and speaks with me. She has taught me to difference between right and wrong long before I had the choice of doing wrong. So, I grew up knowing not to hurt people. For a very long time I never told anyone about Myuu, and I finally did once I started going online. I knew it would be safe, for I'll never meet the people I met online in real life. So, I'm able to talk about my master like I always wanted to do, without doing any harm to myself. So, now you know about Myyu. I could tell you the story of why she is not on her home planet and roming the far reaches of space all alone, but that's a dreadfuly long story and I don't have the time right now to talk about it.
  20. Me, ignore Myuu? HA! She has made me who I am today over the many years I've known her. I have done everything she has told me to do, and thus I'm the perfect human by her standerds. I do no harm to any living creature, and respect everyone unless they give me reason not to. I am perfect in almost every way because of her.^^
  21. Me and Jesse express our love by being there for each other. We plan to stay together through good times and bad, and will love each other no matter what happens.
  22. Your friend sound a lot like I would be, the only difference is my GF loves me back. I'm not sure how you could tell her the truth without hurting her. If I was in her shoes, the best thing that could keep me from wanting to kill myself would for you to say you love me a lot, but only as a friend. Say to her you never plan on abandoning her and you'll always be there for her to help her feel better, but you can only just be friends. She will take this very hard, and depending on circumstances I cannot forsee, she might need your support to keep her alive. Try your best to let her know you'll always be a friend of hers, and you don't want to hurt her like this, but it just happened. Now, don't take my advice as if that is what will happen. I'm only giving you what would be best for me in this situation, since I would react closely to the same as your friend.
  23. I would date someone who hasn't revieled they are gay/lesbien/bi simple because me and my faince are both bi, and we never told each other until after we got engaged. XD
  24. Sorry, but every time I mention my friend Myuu to people, they just call me crazy. I want to maintain a certail level of respect on this forum, so she shall remine in shrouds of darkness.^^ Only my closest friends know the whole story behind her.
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