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  1. Dear eNotalone new dads, long-time dads, and expecting dads-to-be... With so much attention paid to the expecting mom-to-be, expecting dads are often standing somewhat on the sidelines and might feel they have to be an unwavering bastion of support. So wouldn't it be great to have a forum where you could express your own concerns, and/or give advice to new parents based on what you learned? We want to hear your take on the feelings and emotions you experienced when you learned you were going to be a father, or, if you're already one, about the first year or so after you had your child. New and expecting parents everywhere avidly await your responses!
  2. Dear eNotalone Members, This Members Sound Off addresses a specific segment of our audience that we recognize doesn't include everyone. However, we encourage all of our members to give their feedback on the subsequent discussion thread, as most of us have either gay friends, family, or acquaintances. As always, lively and provocative debate is welcome; disrespect and flaming is not.
  3. Hi enotalone members! It's time once again to Sound Off on a selected topic. This topic is sure to spark some lively discussion...and don't forget to take a moment to vote in the poll, too. Now, on to the topic: What do you think of the saying, "If you love something, let it go. If it comes back to you, its yours forever. If it doesn't, then it was never meant to be."
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