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Everything posted by AnotherBrokenDoll

  1. heyz guyz! This one is really bad. I didnt work that much on it. You dont have to comment if you dont want! Im sorry for wasting space i just had 2 vent it!
  2. Its too late MG i have given up. Im lost in this world i need to get out. Im so broken im in so much pain. I cant make it stop. I just wanna make it stop! Cant anyone make it stop???
  3. When you left me, You left behind, All these broken promises, My heart torn apart. To think this soul used to be happy, Until you left me behind. Your words of kindness still play in my head, Dont you remember, You looked me in the eye, You promised to make me happy again, You swore you'd be different. You let me believe I'd never have to be alone again. But now i can see the truth, Now your stupid lies come out from behind hidden doors. At least now i know, You're just like everyone else. You tell me lies, You break my heart, You make me cry. Then you leave me all alone, Im left to pick up all the pieces you leave behind. Yet i could have sworn, When i looked into your eyes, Not only you were reflected, But a little bit of me was with you. You stole that piece of me, You still hold it in your hands, And you still own my heart. If you ever dare to return, I'll love you just the same. So until the day i next see you, Or until the day i die... Whichver comes first, I'll put on a mask, I'll create new scars, That i can hide benieth. No one ever needs to know, I'm broken without you, No one ever needs to see, All the scars you caused me. Maybe you'll never understand, When i tld you i couldnt live without you, That was no joke, That was the one time i truly opened up to anyone, The first time i really let someone get close. Why didnt you leave me be? I didnt need to find out you were the only one to understand me. Then have you leave me all alone... Once again im all alone!
  4. Ok firstly gud job for stopping for so long! And as people have said if you stopped before you can do it again! Id say that the reason it didnt help as uch as it used to or as much as you thought it would is because you got over that you no longer need that in your life! It doesnt need to help you! I hope you dont go back! goodluck!
  5. I believe you cant help who you love! Someone may see what they are doing to you but you wont! When i was going out with my ex he was walking all over me and i was acting "like his lapdog" but i couldnt see! My friends had to pooint it out! I had changed myself for him and even when he did things i didnt like i went along with it so i didnt disappoint him or loose him! I was so lost in my love for him i couldnt even see it! But looking back i do now and im glad my friends got me out of there and im glad i fell out of love cuz we are so much better off as friends but yeah
  6. Noway very unlikely trust me! He had a huge convosation about it (he knows a like him) and well he said he'd always love me but not in that way which is fair. I know i just sound like some jealous lil spoilt brat but its not just this once its all the time.... Still i know i should just be happy with the friendship...
  7. Talk to my friends.... No way im only really close enough to a few of them and i dont want to worry them. I cant hurt them again.
  8. Heyz well this is kinder shamefull... I was just wondering what do guyz find attractive in girls. See my best friend is drop dead gorgeous and almost every guy i like likes her. It really gets me down sometimes cuz i fell really hard for this guy and i mean really hard and he could never see me in that way, that hurt enough but then he met my best friend and he denys it but itsobvious he likes her! I dont wanna change myself but i just wanna be loved by someone i love. So what stands out in a girl?
  9. Well i dont think im looking for any particular person to love! I think love comes in the strangest forms and i dont really have a personal taste when it comes to guyz! True love is all that counts! Yeah i no i sound nieve but too bad its what i believe in! Saying this i do have a few things i prefer. 1. I love a guy who likes helping people out! someone who listens and actually cares about people. 2. Someone who will truly love me. 3. A guy that will never hurt me. 4. A person that makes me feel safe beyond belief. Thats all i want and need!
  10. I agree completely! Please just keep going you need help. Theres nothing wrong with that at all. Help is out there and waiting for people to find it! Please reconsider!
  11. I know im betryaing my friends! I hate it! I love them so much and all i do is hurt them! But i cant help it. Its the one thing that stops my pain. I want so much not to have to do this but i cant stop! I cant!!! Im so stupid i should be able to stop! I should be stronger then this. Im so weak... Im so pathetic...
  12. I feel really hypocritical writing this but i have to get it all out! I havent cut in ages i think its been almost a month but i cant help it im going to go back! Im so broken and torn and i just need a way to stop all this pain! I just need a way to get it all out and cutting does that! It stops my pain for at least a lil while! My friends will be disappointed and proboly hate me but what can i say. Im not as strong as i say i am. Sometimes i feel so happy! I really do, i am me for a little while! I love that side of me. When i get out there and joke around with everyone! When i can make people laugh (even when it is at me lol) when im the person they all turn to for help! But then something happens sometimes its caused by a fight or an argument or listening to mum go on again but sometimes its caused by nothing its like this big dark cloud falls upon me and i cant get out! It happens even at the best of times and suddenly i change from having a great time to feeling so down i just want to die! Only my best friend really notices the change because i fake being happy for the world! I dont want people to see im all depressed and sad! I want them to think good things. But when this cloud forms the only thing to stop it is to cut! sometimes i have to cut so many times just to get rid of it! Just to be happy again! But then as soon as im happy im back to me and off i go again smiling and jumping around! Whats wrong with me! Why all the sudden mood changes??? I just want to be happy and for people to see me! Please help me i dont want to go back but i ont see a choice! ](*,)
  13. Hey! Im sorry your life seems so bad right now! But i know you wont believe it but something good will pick you right back up again! Please dont kill yourself! People do care about you and people want you to get help! I once got told that when a person dies it kills all the people around them some physically and emotionally some just emtionally. If you left this world im sure your friends could never be quite the same again! On the outside they may walk and talk like others. They may even laugh and cry like others, but chances are that if you looked closer, you would that they would hurt for a long time to come! People say time heals all wounds i stronly disagree tme doesnt kill any emtional scars its only the person that can truly be strong! Please keep strong!
  14. Go you! Great job keep on going and you'll be there in no time!!!
  15. Hehehehe im de best friend! Ok proboly not the best solution but hey it worked!
  16. Hey look i know its hard but you really have to think of the baby here. You need help to stop this! I know you you dont want your parents to find out but isnt the safety of your child more important??? You know the answer to that. Wish you the best of luck!
  17. Cool thanks guyz! Rozzy- Rozi yeah pretty similar! lolz and dont worry i cry over adds to! Alabama good idea self evaluations i might start that! Antilove superstar yeah i used to journal all the time but i gave up because of lack of time but i might go back it does help!
  18. I was just wondering if anyone had any ideas on how to help me a bit, Im a very emotional person, very emotional. If someone says something to me i act like it doesnt matter but then i go to my friends for reassuence that im not what they say i am. I constantly need people telling me that im good enough and that im not hopeless, how can i stop this? It must annoy my friends as it annoys me! I also get jealous so quicky and im very self conscious! Just wondering if theres a way i can calm down a lil and not mind so much what people think???](*,)
  19. Well definitely anger, saddness beyond belief, knowing that im a mistake, having an argument with my best friends or knowing that people dont like me! Im so touchy when people dont like me cuz i just want to be loved and when i realise im not the only one who hates me it gets to me, ummm when no one understands, when i feel alone, when i hear my family fight, when i fight with my family... So many reasons so many scars but now the scars have healed but pain never ends.... why cut it doesnt really help... i cant stop!
  20. I love it keep up the good work! It expressed the feeling well
  21. my song is lyndsey lohans confessions of a broken heart! I love it!
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