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  1. You feel guilty because deep down you do care about him, and you don't want anything to happen. But you shouldn't feel guilty because he needs to be a man and help take care of his children! I can't even imagine, going through a divorce must take a lot of strength. You also need to watch out for yourself though and make sure you can take care of your kids, so it's for the best that you went to court.
  2. well since your best friend doesnt even know if shes gay, then i would find out how she is really feeling. You said she has feelings for you but shes not gay, although having feelings for someone usually means they're attracted to you, thus making her gay/bi. Now onto your girlfriend-- is she still with her boyfriend, and if she is gay has she told him, or do you and her keep your sexual relationship private? If I were you I would stop all fooling around with your best friend. You say you love your girlfriend more than anything, so treat her like you do and don't cheat on her. Figure out if she wants to be with you or her boyfriend, and if she wants to be with you and you want to be with her then keep it that way. You have to make a decision on whether the feelings you have for your best friend are serious like the ones you have for your girlfriend. And if you know you love your girlfriend in a more stronger, serious way, then be with her.
  3. Tell her how you feel.. i don't think that would stress her out more, and even if she doesnt seem interested, then oh well atleast you tried
  4. aww thats soo cute! getting back together after all the trouble you both went through shows that you guys really are meant for eachother.
  5. This is exactly how my brother acted after a nasty breakup with his ex-girlfriend... and now his life is pretty * * * *ed up, he even dropped out of school. I really don't think you should do that though, it's not a wise decision, although i imagine it's tough for you to make any decision right now. Why don't you try talking to your ex again? (well only if things aren't extremely bad between you two) Do you know if she's even with anyone else now? If she is then it's going to be tough, but you really have to move on and realize that you will find someone else, because obviously she isn't interested in how she could be hurting you. Even though you don't want to think about being with anyone else because it hurts too much, things will get better trust me. There are plently of nice girls out there that you could get along with. Don't give up! Try being around your friends and family, just anyone that can cheer you up and take your mind off of your ex. Sometimes love can feel like the slowest form of suicide. Goodluckkkk
  6. why not give it a shot? try calling him at work if you want.. i mean what's the worst that could happen? ya he might get pissed, but then again he might not. Just tell him everything you feel, and how you still care about him. I don't think he has the right to be mad at you over dating a guy if he told you to start dating other people after the breakup. Maybe you could work things out. Goodluck
  7. It's not an easy thing to do, and it's normal for you to feel overwhelmed about going to planned parent hood to take the morning after pill. You may feel guilty because you feel like you're "killing" a baby by taking the pill, but you shouldn't feel bad because you did what was right for you. And especially because it wasn't even a baby yet. In the first week of pregnancy the seed is just getting fertilized, and i don't care what anyone says because it is not an actual "baby" with a heart beat yet... it's a fetus!! And it's not your fault the condom broke, atleast you were responsible enough to wear one. I hope you feel better, don't be too hard on yourself, because i was in your position once, but luckily the test came out negative so i was safe.
  8. you should definitely go see someone for help if you feel nothing then there is something wrong cutting yourself seems like the right solution, but it's not going to solve anything
  9. It probably just pissed your girlfriend off that another girl touched you and asked if you had a tan (who does that anyways?)it's pretty immature. If a girl did that to my boyfriend i'd tell her to f.uck off. But you should talk to your girlfriend about it. Tell her she shouldn't be upset over it because you didn't do anything
  10. That would make me feel pretty bad. Her friends boyfriend's could go but you couldn't? I think her not including you because one of her friends doesn't like you is pretty unfair and immature. So what if one of her friends doesnt like you, she should of brought you anyways and told her friend to deal with it. After all it's her birthday, and you're her boyfriend! She shouldn't have got upset when you told her you wanted to come, how can she blame you? Tell your girl how this made you feel. If she gets angry then she's being selfish.
  11. Your girlfriend sounds like a tease. Why is she all flirty with other guys if she has a boyfriend? That's just unfair to you. You shouldn't have to worry about where she is and who she's with when she's out, and she should respect you enough to not let other guys touch her. ("He was sticking his hands down the back of my pants a bit!") And I totally agree that she is testing you to see how jealous you'll get. She definetaly needs to cut the s.hit aren't doing anything wrong, it's normal for you to get upset over other guys and your girlfriend... you care about her and don't want her with anyone else! But yeah, talk to your girl about this and if she doesn't stop then find someone else that will treat you with respect.
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