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Everything posted by TheDMan05

  1. Yeah...just think how he feels. :sad:
  2. This sounds like me when I'm day-dreaming. Although I mostly just look at the table I'm sitting at. Sometimes I come out of the dream and realise that I was staring at the table for about a minute, completely unaware of things changing around me.
  3. A week before my 18th birthday my cat had to be put down. He was only a few weeks younger than me so he had always been there. Three years on and I still miss him. But I know he was in quite a lot of pain near the end so it must have been a relief for him. I'll never forget him.
  4. Good for him. 30 years ago my grandparents lived in council houses (they still do). My parents didn't have much going for them, especially when Thatcher came in and the working classes were being ground under the heel. My parents only managed to buy their council house a few years ago. I guess it's different when you have money.
  5. My parents were married at 18 and they're still together and happy, they're almost 50 now. Just because it's too young for you it doesn't mean it's too young for everyone.
  6. The shyer the better IMO , which is unfortunate because I'm probably one of the only people on Earth who has never met a shy girl.
  7. If you're shy, go to this site: It isn't a dating site. Many people there have never been in a relationship, but some have. They're all shy like you and me, so they can help.
  8. I just wanted to say this. I am very shy, I even find it hard to talk to people I know well, family included. I also have very little confidence in myself and have an avoidant personality, which means I am apprehensive in social situations, insecure and feel inferior. All of this makes it hard for me to get close to people and I literally fear those situations when I need to talk to people. Having said all that I feel that I really do need a close relationship. But if I was in that situation I would probably find it hard to communicate my feelings. NONE of this makes me a spoiled brat or selfish. I know you don't care about my opinions but I find some of your attitudes offensive.
  9. Don't go running! You will find it much harder to sleep. Exercise wakes your mind up, even though it tires your body out.#-o You might try having a bath before going to bed, and possibly having some warm milk. Also, your body has to cool down a couple of degrees for you to fall asleep, so if your room is hot it will be harder.
  10. If you really want to begin to understand her I would suggest that you search the internet for information on shyness, you might learn a thing or two. After you have done that, then you can talk to her about it. If you really understood what being shy was really like then you would realise that she is ALREADY showing you that she is interested in you. If you care for her in any way Do Not Give Up On Her Yet
  11. It sounds like you may have an avoidant personality. Read this, it's quite long but, if you recognise this in yourself you will be able to get the help you seek.
  12. In case you're interested I found this forum for shy people like me Check it out.
  13. I feel like this a lot, mainly because I'm shy and haven't got any friends. I also feel that I cannot talk to my family, I don't feel close to anyone. How I get through it is to remind myself that I am not alone in how I feel. Lots of people feel lonely all the time. Some come on sites like this, others join clubs and activity groups. One thing you need to realise is, people do care even if you think they don't. I was depressed for several years and believed that there wasn't anyone that cared about me, but they did and do still. It is low self-esteem that made me think what I did. There are ways to overcome it, look on Google or other search engines and you will find lots of stuff about it. On a side note, it seems that us lonely people have our ancestors to blame
  14. Thanks for your answers. Shyness is one of those things that can really mess your life up if it is strong, which it is for me. I am slowly getting over it but I am still fascinated by it, like all psychology. For some people it can be an asset, if it isn't strong enough to control your life. For others it is something that destroys you from within. People often view those of us that are shy as being weak, but really we have to be strong to cope with what we do everyday. I am sure that anyone that has never been shy will never understand what it feels like.
  15. I know what shyness is, for me at least. But I'm curious as to what other people think. This is really for people who aren't shy to answer, but I suppose if you are shy you can answer too. How do you 'view' shyness? Do you think it is something that can easily be put to one side by saying "Don't be shy"? Do you have some understanding of what a shy person goes through? If your perspective on this has changed then say what you used to think it was all about.
  16. Everyone is different, remember that. You can't be physically 'perfect' to everyone you meet. Sure, some would see you as the sexiest, most beautiful person they have ever met...but I'm afraid they won't all feel that way. It may be a long time before you can put your insecurities behind you but you do need to, otherwise it will rule your life.
  17. Try smiling at him, if you haven't already. I'm shy myself, so I know how difficult this might be for you. Don't get put off if he doesn't come straight over and start talking to you. Keep doing it whenever you see him and see what happens. If you get the confidence to say 'Hi' then do it.
  18. Well, several weeks ago my computer stopped receiving e-mails. We wouldn't have known about it if my aunt hadn't sent a few e-mails to my mum, which didn't get through. She called eventually. Had to get a new computer, don't know what happened to it. And just a thought, maybe he's insecure...it would explain his drinking and not calling. Just think about this.
  19. I used to have a phobia of wasps and still kinda have a phobia of spiders. It used to be really bad :shocked!: but what I did was to tell myself that I am not scared and to think of things that make me happy, whenever a wasp or a spider was around. Also just by imagining seeing one or even touching one helped. I am not saying this will help you but you could try adapting that technique to your phobia. Your mind can easily be fooled, even when you consciously do it yourself.
  20. You say you just want to be friends with her, but does she know this? You said she is a bit shy, maybe she is worried that you want more than friendship. Talk to her about this.
  21. If this is only happening at school then it looks like you're overreacting. Have you even tried talking to her, telling her it's creeping you out, without making threats? Does she have a reputation as an axe murderer? Is that why you are so scared?
  22. The reason there is blood and pain the 'first' time is because there is a thin piece of skin that partially covers the vagina, called the hymen, which is broken during sex. But it could easily have been broken if she had used tampons in the past, or even if she had used her fingers, or something else, to pleasure herself, you know what I mean.
  23. Thanks for all the replies. I'll talk to her tomorrow if I get the chance.
  24. Put yourself in this situation. You're in college and there is this really shy guy in your class. You don't speak to him very often, but you have a good idea that he is interested in you (you catch him looking at you every so often and he quickly looks away, etc.). You don't have a b/f. The question is, how would you react if, one day, he asked you out? I'm not saying this guy is me (although it is ), but I am looking for honest opinions here, not "Just talk to her" or "Take it slow" or anything like that. And I don't just want positive comments. By this I mean, if you don't think anything positive would happen then tell me that.
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