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Everything posted by Huntsman

  1. = This is the problem. She has set her value as much lower than yours. = You are a man. A hunter. For you there is no chase. = Keep her for sex and find a new challenge.
  2. what places are good for me to touch her to turn her on. = her groin. but you must seduce her mind before you take her body.
  3. This is excellent situation! Very exciting for me. If a girl hangs up on me - no I do not take any more calls from her. But the fact that they, and YOU!, will always call back afterwards, states you see the man's value as greater than your own! Chicks live on emotional highs in the moment. So they do stuff like slamming phones down. They must *earn* the right to have me be nice to them though afterwards! ;-)
  4. B had rejected me and said she was interested in just being friends = you have taken the role of woman in this relationship. sending lovey-dovey emails and talking about relationships. she wants to date a man! you should have sexed her the night you kissed. why do you think she goes and gets drunk in restaurant later with another man! she does not want relationship with a wussy! she wants sex with a man! I was going to visit her on the 28th. she called me on the 27th. = ha! her biology has told her another woman wants you so all of a sudden she wants to get her claws back in. Lugged myself 45 mins out there to pick her up = you are an idiot. the kissing was nice, a little aggressive but nice. But then the slight aggression turned to borderline violence - biting, slapping, pinching. = she is taking the role of man in this relationship because you are a woman! be more masculine and you will see any woman's natural feminine side unleashed. MISTAKE 1 - I should have been more stern = but you don't know how to be a man. That night I came home and wrote her an email telling her there was no way I could be with her. I was not interested. The next day I got on the plane and went to visit my friend. = much better! you were physically forced into acting like a man! While I was at my friend's place B would not stop calling me. = yes, she is sexually jealous and wants you to be like a man again. badgering me as to whether or not I had slept with my friend. = ha! this girl is so low-level chick! her games are so weak. I was really pissed off at all the badgering and I said yes, I had. = excellent! but don't get upset! just tell her straight. even smiling! She confessed her undying love for me, took my hand and put it in her shirt when I was drunk = this chick is desperate for you, but so low-value! She spent that night cleaning up my vomit off the carpet = awesome! 1) she was married = hahaha! husband not sexing her right! She had fabricated a whole story up = she has deep problems! too much to discuss here! = you did well to reject her but it only drove her attraction skyhigh After a week of my being back B and I met up again. This time we hit it off. = duh! really? We ended up making love all week long. = finally! On saturday there was a lesbian thing taking place. She asked me if I wanted to go with her. = she has taken control of you. everything is on her terms. I told her I didn't want to go and that she could go on her own and have a good time. = good reframe. BUT MAN! IT'S A LESBIAN BAR!!!!! Since she wasn't being honest to me I didnt think she deserved my honesty. So, I left it at that. = first you should have gone to the lesbian bar, but on your terms, you most def would've got a threesome. = second, you should tell B about the other girl EVERY TIME YOU SEE HER! it is an awesome tool in raising her attraction for you! Sometime in the second month before B admitted to seeing the other woman = duh... really?!? I found out who she was and went down to see what she looked like. I drove to where she lived. = what an idiot! this girl is playing you! All of my mistakes I eventually admitted to her, I told her I had never slept with my friend very early on, I told her I had lied to her about the conference about two weeks after it happened. I told her I had gone to see what her other girlfriend looks like. I told her I had sent her that email pretending to be someone else. = you are such a fool with women. She was being painted as the villian when in actuality she had no idea any of this was going on. = so B is playing her too! surprised? The fact that I had gone to see her other gf drove B insane. = yes. her web of lies collapses in her face. When we broke up for the first time she went running back into her other girlfriend's arms. Then we got back together again and that woman was gone. Eventually I left town and went away. = there is no replacement for a man. even though B is forced to use so much of her Yang, both with you and the other chick. B is still giving me crap about my friend accusing me of sleeping with her, = guilt transference. SHE IS CHEATING ON YOU. about the email I wrote her, about the fact that I went to see her other gf, that I met up with her, that I talked to someone else about our problems, that I lied to her. = tell her one thing only: "It's in the past, we've been through it, and I apologised. GET OVER IT, OR THERE IS THE DOOR." = you cannot maintain a woman's passion if she thinks there is no chance of losing you. she still finds it in herself to scream and yell about it at least once a week = she is sexually aroused at this point. the time to sex her. no joke. put me down, call me names, talk down to me and totally disrespect me. = because you don't sex her. I am so confused as to what to do with all this. = you will be this woman's slave forever. = furthermore she is a freak. = dump her now. with the next woman you meet, try to exude a bit more masculinity. in an attempt to make her understand that she isn't blame free. But it never works. She takes no responsibility and instead blames me for her mistakes. I cannot stand the crap she gives me and I don't know how to break the cycle. = LOOK MAN. You are using LOGIC on her. She CANNOT UNDERSTAND THIS! She is a WOMAN! She lives her life through EMOTIONS! You must learn - and I am not going to teach you - how to understand and communicate with women. Until you do this you will suffer so much what you already are and more. I use logic on you here: COMMUNICATE WITH WOMEN USING EMOTIONAL LANGUAGE. I do not mean be a little boy or be a woman like you are so often. Be a MAN who LOGICALLY uses EMOTIONAL LANGUAGE in order to communicate with a WOMAN. Is there hope? = no.
  5. and is about to have on me again after claiming he wants to sleep with other women and I should accept it...... = wow! he has a really strong frame over you. My situation is complex and complicated and I feel like an idiot for staying but, I also 'love him'...... = situation is simple. you hold his value way above yours. but, as time goes on I am destroying every part of myself......... = your self-esteem is lowering as a result. I am faced with a discision to put up with this or walk away.......... = he is a strong man, and that's why you're attracted to him. But, it hurts still the same..... = because on one hand you have dignity, on the other sexual attraction.
  6. it's not because of him, it's because I find it hard to trust anyone. = you don't trust yourself. we just both needed to step out of the relationship and do our own things for awhile. = sex with other people. Anyway, he was really wasted and forgot to call me when he got home like he promised he would. = probably with another girl. I went to his room and there was a girl in there. = yes, exactly. I am extremely upset that he did this. = you want his sex for yourself. I know he is sorry and that nothing like this will ever happen again. = it will happen over and over again. The thing is we're not dating. He's free; he can do whatever he wants. Then again, we're not broken up for good. We're just separated for the time being. = you are mismatched. you both see it as your right to explore your own sexuality. you both want a collection of sex buddies. you have become each other's sex buddies. but you want too much control over him. you are mismatched. So the question remains: should I be upset? = yes. you are a woman. find a weaker man to stay at home for you and continue to have sex with your sex buddies.
  7. he went out to a LAN party instead - I haven't felt the same way about him... this last week, when he kisses me and hugs me, I don't feel the same affection for him that I used to.. = he's probably sleeping with someone else. and scared of settling down. he displays this, and you sensed it. I still love him, but I don't know whether I still LOVE him... = we need to know more about your problems together. I guess they are sex based. he is looking for it elsewhere / you are losing passion. I think I have a bit of a crush on this guy that I have been online gaming with.. = you can smell other women on your man. you are setting up alternative options for yourself. natural. I don't know whether I want guidance or whether I'm just venting a bit, probably a bit of both.. = need to know about your sexual problems. sort them out or he'll leave you very soon.
  8. you could say guys like him don't date me. My boyfriend is the drop dead hottie with the amazing body and sparkling personality that every girl in his college wants to date. = you are setting your value too low. = you are setting his value high based on looks. in each others arms, we made love for the first time together and I gave my virginity to him... = that is awesome, baby. I'm in tears now because I'm scared of how amazing he is... I guess I'm afraid of him letting me go... or me not being good enough for him = based on evolution you see him as having superior genes to yourself. this excites you because you want to have his baby already (you gave him your virginity = nature knows nothing of contraception). you are worried he will run off with another girl, or at least sleep with someone else. he might. but if you want best chance to keep him, do the following: -build your self-esteem and have your own goals. -treat him well but do not worship the ground he walks on. -respect him only if he is giving you something worthwhile. -do the same and he will respect you. -now you've slept together give him good sex life = best way to keep a man satisfied.
  9. unconsciously you want to make him jealous, and create potential opportunities for yourself, as you are unsure if he has cheated on you while away. the best way to keep him is to go and sex him as soon as he gets back.
  10. She recently broke up with her boyfriend, but before that she talked to me via text every week or two. = she is setting you up as rebound. she wants sex. about starting a band for a while, so i asked if she'd like to play piano in it. She was extremely excited about it = of course. she wants sex from you. We've also been joking for a few days about her being in love with me, , and how when she's free she's going to sleep with me,. We joke about it all the time and she laughs a lot about it. = of course. she wants sex. This is when i realised how pretty and how interesting she really was. I would have never imagined myself attracted to her, but now suddenly i can't stop thinking about her. = chemistry. she didn't even like him. Then she was joking about how i should walk her home the next day from work to protect her from him. = wants you to be a man and give her sex. She said shell need to get changed = to look sexy for you. and she asked if i wanted to have dinner at her house with her family. = and sex after. but she seemed to notice everything i said and laughed even when no-one else did. = she is desperate for you. and she asked if still like her = sexual jealousy. She then said she has some work to do, = she got even more excited, but is insecure. almost over him (i think), i rekon she might not want another boyfriend yet. = true. but she does want sex. Please help me! = next time you are alone, have a nice talk, give her hugs etc, look her in the eyes, and ask "do you want to kiss me?" she will say yes and have sex with you.
  11. "Can't wait to see you on Sunday". In womanese means = can't wait for you to * * * * me. She is attracted.
  12. I use it all the time. It is excellent tool for raising a woman's attraction levels to you. If other girls want you she will be constantly wet for you.
  13. Do not worry. There are a small percentage of women who can never orgasm, a small percentage who come multiple times without much provocation, but on the whole, women need their clitoris to be stimulated by hand during penetrative sex. That is the way most women reach orgasm.
  14. She needs to be relaxed. So try having a glass of wine, giving her a massage, lots of affection, kissing her all over her body, then moving down to give her oral sex. She may not be comfortable with this if she is inexperienced, but it is the best way if she has problems reaching orgasm. During sex you could try stimulating her clitoris, or moving her hand there to do it herself. Otherwise if you want to do it just with your hand and not during sex, make sure she is comfortable as can be, by turning out the lights, holding her close and not pressuring her.
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