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Everything posted by Kwothe28

  1. And was I wrong? Is all of this you described not the mess? Really? Unlike people who dont want to tell you something they would routinely tell some new Forum member, I just tell you like it is. You created countless threads about your other messy ex(trans woman as I remember). And now about this polyamorous man. Again, maybe its some norm in California or wherever you live. But that screams "mess" to anyone who isnt in your circle of people. Biggest leftist streamer on Twitch also thought polyamory is a way to go. Got him to divorce and to his wife leaving him for another man. Because that is a mess by default. But you coping how "there are other successful poly relationships" is just that. Coping. Again, was yours successful or was it a mess that resulted in a break up and creating this whole thread? Was yours healthy relationship or just part of the statistics? Which I believe says how 90% of open marriages end up in divorce. And again, I dont even need your answer on that, you created at least 20 threads about your 2 relationships that prove they were exactly what I say. A mess. I believe you are blaming yourself for all the wrong reasons while absolving other side of it. While you dont have enough of accountability for the right reasons. Again, cut out the mess out of your life. And work on yourself so the next one wouldnt be a mess. Otherwise, this is all you would be getting. Him and his messy circle creating a mess in your life. So that you would need to "release the anger" somewhere. Again, maybe next time try to find someone who wouldnt make you do that. Just saying.
  2. I am sorry, but her actions dont match her words. Somebody who is aftering long-term relationship doesnt get tipsy and invites men in her home after first date. Somebody who is aftering sex is doing that. Dont expect loyalty from somebody like that. Because you wont find it there.
  3. For that kind of stuff, you need to alert police or social services. They will react and maybe do something about it. Dont think your dad abusing or maybe even killing your mom and you is prefferable from you getting deported. You need to know that if you dont do something about it now, you will at least be scarred for life. And at most, well, I already said it.
  4. Remember our talk about the mess and how you laughed it up? Well, enjoy that mess now. Just remember, this isnt his sister, his husband, or even his fault. Its directly yours by leaving that whole mess into your life. Unlike other people I think this is on you and you only. Until you get rid of him completely and work on yourself so the next one also doesnt be the mess, this will keep happening.
  5. By "doesnt trust you" do you mean that she hasnt slept with you yet? Because I can see why she needed to come clean if that is the case and that her lie would probably be exposed. Or did you just not noticed that during sex? I wouldnt appreciate lies like that. As well as just her thinking that she should continue the lie. Who could have been exposed very easily. Where you particularly fixed on her being a virgin? Was that the reason she hide it? Also, you really cant know. Or trust her when she outright did lie to you beforehand.
  6. Well she is living in a Switzerland so there is always a possibility that he holds his daughter in a dungeon while forcing her to father his 7 babies. Sorry Sindy, but its probably most famous "true crime" case from Europe. 😆
  7. Its something that happens. Very rarely you would find "true friends". I think that research shows that people have 2 or 3 of them at most. Everybody else are "situational" or acquintances. Meaning that they come and go. Structure of my friends changed a lot through elementary school, to high school(I went to a different city close to home), to college, and to now. Lots of things changed in meantime. For example one of my best friend in college married abroad. So we separated a lot. I made an effort to see her 2 years ago when she came to my country, but she doesnt even congratulates my birthday anymore so, eh. People change and so are the circumstances. They get jobs, relocate, marry, have kids etc. And that makes you not hang out as you used to. On the contrast my best friend from high school lives in a town far away. Got married and has kids. But we still hear from each other and see at least once a month. But cases like that are again, very rare. Anyway, I dont think its a bad idea to find somebody else to hang out. Being that your friends are not really interested in going out and finding somebody(since they already got that covered), it might be a good idea to find somebody who would.
  8. If they dont offer alternative date its a "No". Sorry buddy.
  9. Same. She broke up so he really doesnt owe her anything including him staying off dating apps. Though I do agree after hearing more about it, that its good they broke up.
  10. Well, not really. You work abroad. That means that you are well above some Bulgarian taxi driver(just an example lol). You maybe dont own Hotels, but perception about you is not the same as some local guy without a money. Quite the contrary, they would think you do have a lot of money. So that you could at least buy them gifts. Just saying what her perception might be. Anyway, when they tell you who they are, believe them. If you cant resist not to message her, block her on everything. "No contact" is good for that kind of stuff. You floating around thinking she would want you isnt really good for you.
  11. I was the romantic soul once. Believed that love has no boundaries and that if 2 people are really connected they would make it out somehow. Sadly the reality kicked in. And I discovered that I was the only one who thought that and that the other side didnt particularly care about me or my feelings at all. Oh well, live and learn I guess... Anyway, I would advice you against it. At the end of the day its just a fantasy. Sure, maybe some hot Latino speaking to you affectionately every day is nice. But you dont know that person. Until you spend some time with them, its pointless as some things you would find out just by that. And you cant see each other for quite a while so you are just losing time there. Time that you could spend by finding somebody that you could actually see.
  12. Did you already posted this before? Seems familiar story. Also, I am going to go against the grain a bit. While I dont think you did something admirable, I also dont think its that big of a deal. Especially after 7 years together. So if you want to tell her, do just that. Do you think she would be mad about it? Is that why you didnt tell her for 7 years?
  13. I think people take some things way too much to the heart. Them spreading rumors and saying nasty things about you is not a reflection on you, its the reflection on them. Just dont hang out with them. And maybe even find somewhere else to volunteer.
  14. Well yes, actions have consequences. By choosing what you did, you took the risk of losing both your family and your sisters family if things go awry. And now when things did go awry, you arent ready to take accountability for your actions. Even though you knew the consequences of it. Take accountability and confess to your husband. Even if it means that you will face the consequences of it. Its the right thing to do.
  15. I think "patterns" rarely change. Somebody who was comfortable with that kind of a behavior is going to need very strong will to restrain if it comes to the situation. Like an ex alcoholic if you offer them a drink. For example I have an acquitance. He was in a very "toxic" and abusive relationship with his ex wife with who he has a kid. Now he has a girlfriend that is pregnant with his kid. She did "domesticate"him a bit. Meaning that he is not who he was with his ex. But if she angers him I am not really sure he would restrain himself. People morale code works in a way that people draw the line in the sand that they dont cross. Once they do, that means that the line changed place to where they are now. And that its very hard to get back to the original line as they already crossed it. So I would advise very good caution there. Especially because you both have a history of abuse.
  16. "I got other plans" is enough. There is no need for further explenation. In fact I can almost guarantee that he pulled out "exclusivity talk" because he felt threatened by the competition. Avoid that kind of stuff. In this case, it got weird because of his insecurities, in some other men maybe wouldnt like that you multi- date so they will get cold etc. The same way you wouldnt like him to tell you how he has other dates besides you. Its maybe implied in some cases that you both are multi-dating as you arent in a relationship yet. But it doesnt need to be said.
  17. I read about case a bit. There is a "Lifetime movie" about it apparently. Will maybe check it out. But as I understand, he claimed in a diary that she injured herself and that he gave her "merciful death" like she is some animal. Very disturbed individual. Anyway, you never know with cases like that. My high school classmate was killed by her ex. He straight up murdered her and her cousin with the gun to the head. They were going back to home, he stopped them, they have gone somewhere else and started arguing. Then he murdered both of them. Even went out with a search party tomorrow. He was very peaceful individual by all accounts. Didnt drink, do drugs or even smoked cigs. But, by the looks of it, also very disturbed one. We dont have the killings in same number as Americans do. But every now and then, cases like that happen. Anyway, the kind of cases like domestic violence should be at least documented and reported. Hope you will never go through it again. But I do implore you to at least contact the police and authorities in case that you do. Even if they dont do anything about it it should still be documented. Also, I think this is maybe why the issues occure If you got used to a mess and abuse, that is the norm you would seek later through life. hope you explored this in a therapy so it wouldnt happen again.
  18. I am not saying you made a mistake because for all we know, you didnt. Just dont think his reasoning warrants a break up after 9 weeks. Ofcourse he would want to protect his kid first. Has there been other "red flags" aside of that? Are you sure you arent just scarred because it was going good? Because it seems way too abrupt to go from something that went pretty good to just breaking up in a few days.
  19. He just wants casual sex. He ghosted you because he had other options but now wants back because those other options probably run out so he wants back. Have a little more self- respect and dont allow that kind of behavior. Say "No thanks" and move on from the player.
  20. Depends how you look at it. You had "nice" remedial job behind the desk. Kind of work you would have at McDonalds, as well as people who are the customers, as well as people you work with, are maybe not worth the hustle. For example heard "Waffle House" works 24/7 and that you literally need martial arts degree there. There is a very famous clip of a woman worker there stopping the chair thrown at her with her bare hands. Imagine a customer throwing a chair at you lol My friends girlfriend works in a bakery, even though she has a chemical masters. Very hard college but she cant get a job in her field in my town so she took the bakery job so she would at least work. She doesnt work with customers but her colleagues are all kinds of people(she works in production). So there is definitely a disparity. But I do agree there is nothing wrong with taking at least some job if you need to. And that is where we come to OPs problem. Her boyfriend doesnt work because he doesnt need to. She provides for him and allows him to not work so he can "pursue his passion" whatever that is, probably something like being a famous musician or something. While she bankrolls his life, including dates and going out. If he needed to work, maybe he would. But he simply doesnt need to. And when she tries to get him to do that he reaches for "Oh but I sacrificied a lot for you". Which might be true but that doesnt mean he shouldnt work. Which shows his very questionable work ethics. And that he would rather stay home and "pursue his passion" then do an honest work.
  21. Being that he doesnt deny it, it is the truth. I dunno why you are shocked though. You knew he is a "horndog" by your own admission and that he likes random women Instagram photos. Are you really shocked that he messages them and flirts with them as well? One goes with the other. "Crazy ex" is an other red flag. Always remember that, no matter how crazy she is, your boyfriend has been with her. That should have been a warning by itself. Being that you now even know that he openly flirts with other women, just dump the guy. This will continue, no matter if his ex is in the picture or not. He will still like other women selfies and send them DMs. MOs of people like that never change. Dont fall for him claiming how he loves you and stuff like that. He doesnt love you. Otherwise he wouldnt do stuff like this.
  22. Because partners are not gived based on our arbitrary opinions of ourselves. But mosly based on how others see us. For example, you mentioned gym and eating right but think you also mentioned before that you were over 100kg(220 pounds in silly American units). That is a severe disadvantage to a woman by itself. And sorry, but not something that is marketable as "attractive". You have to understand that most of that stuff you are doing for yourself. For your health, for you to feel attractive, to be a good person by your moral standards etc. That doesnt always translates in attracting others. Because, as Ive said, that doesnt mean you are presentable in a good way and that you will attract the right man. Dating is more about marketing then about anything else. Sort of "selling yourself" to others. Others cant really see all that stuff you tell us. You have to "market yourself" in order for them to do that. Also, I am sorry to be a bearer of bad news, but being jelly of your friends isnt really a good property. You can be happy that your friend is pregnant without sobbing how you havent found anyone and settled down. You are still fairly young. There is still decent time to do it.
  23. You maybe wont like what I have to say. But you have every right to be mad at the situation. Some guy she went out is a part of her company? That is an instant red flag. Further more him showing up to your face warranty that you never talk to him again and even say to your woman that she shouldnt do the same. Its disrespectful to you. And I would even maybe reacted way more agressive to some yoko going to my face. Further more, her even messaging him is another red flag. No boundaries at all. And further even from that, she has a problem with you not being comfortable with some ex of hers who has either slept with her or is trying to do it? And even is combatative about it? F that, boot her to the streets where she belongs. Let her and Bob(sounds like a Twin Peaks villain lol) do whatever they want. But without you in the equasion. Some people lack boundaries. And think you as their partner should be comfortable with that. Even though she would probably throw a ceramic plate at you if you paraded your ex date Megan in front of her and make her hang out with you as a couple. So again, just boot her to the streets. Trust me, you would be more happier with somebody who actually respect you.
  24. Do you think he just couldnt handle it? Your story reminds me on my family friend one. She married the guy, was pregnant and even had a baby. But sadly, the baby was weak, was on machines and died after 40 days. But her guy was very bad at handling that. He shut her down, close within himself and just go to work and be in his room after. So when she needed him the most, he wasnt there for her. So they separated. Tried to reconcile one time after that but just didnt work out. Your guy did way worse stuff to you. But cant imagine his journey has been smooth either. Though he really did extreme thing with cheating and all. Anyway, for what its worth, both my family friend and her guy found their own hapiness. Just not with each other. She found some guy and went with him in different town, they are doing fine. He encouraged her to pursue a good job and even to get a really nice promotion on it few months ago. And her ex husband found somebody else too and think they have a baby now, even though I heard his second wife had one miscarriage before that. So, I think you should maybe more look forward to the future. Rather then backward. As Ive said, lots of that stuff, including anger, can stop us from growing and moving forward. Which should be your ultimate goal. Especially with new thing going good.
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