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  1. Oh well, at least I'll try. Love will always be a mystery full of hopes and disappointments.
  2. In person they're great. I don't understand how someone who's invested in person can't be decent over text.
  3. Alright, but she doesn't have to be into me to simply react to something I sent by her request.
  4. I didn't want to push her into anything. when I subtly asked about her situation on our second date she told me that she broke up with with her boyfriend of 3.5 years recently, but said that it's not really recent but it feels that way. So I took that as a sign that I must be as careful as possible with my advances. I also gave her space during the three weeks of her final exams, graduation and entrance exam to another faculty. I was flirty every time and she reacted positively, but I didn't openly state that I liked her. Our last outing was more akin to a real date, wine and jazz in the evening, trying each other's wine, going for a walk late at night. We agreed to see each other once I'm back in town, which is in a week. That's when I wanted to openly show my interest, I even got her a small gift, but I don't feel so sure right now.
  5. Well even if she only considers me as a friend it is still weird to ignore something she asked for instead of at least responding with "cool!" or "it's beautiful!"... We saw each other four times because we both had our exams, plus she was graduating and entering another faculty so she had to pass the entrance exam. The last time we saw each other really was like a date, we went to listen to jazz in the evening, drank wine together, laughed a lot and I saw the attention she put in her appearance. I gave her compliments, touched her multiple times, but I didn't push it since she's shy and introverted. We agreed to see each other when I come back from holiday, which is in a week. That's the moment when I wanted to escalate things, but I don't feel so sure currently.
  6. I (20m) went out with a girl (21) four times over two months and each time was amazing. We've been friends for three years before that and reconnected now and I really like her. And I also felt like she likes me too. However, her messaging pattern really bugs me. Sometimes she responds immediately, sometimes after a day, sometimes not at all until I message again and change the subject. For example, I told her about a beautiful place I was going to visit when at the seaside and she enthusiastically told me to send her pictures. I went there two days ago, sent her the pictures and told her how amazing it was and still no answer (even though she saw my instagram story the same day and has been online multiple times since then). Also note that our last convo was four days ago. How does that work? Why would she ignore the messages she herself asked for? She's on holiday at home and doesn't work so it's not a question of time. It seems difficult to text her anything else and change the subject, I can't simply ignore her ignoring me.
  7. Thank you 🙂 Yes, I messaged her twice or thrice over the last 15 days for very short focused convos and it seems like she didn't mind. She also sent me a post the other day about something we talked about last time we were out together. I think the balance is good and we'll quickly reconnect once she's free.
  8. Thanks, that's exactly what I was thinking about! I wouldn't text her because I need her attention, I would do it to show I care.
  9. Thanks. She didn't request anything specifically, only said that she can't hang out before things are done. I don't have the "urge" to text her in any way, I just didn't want her to think I don't care about her. But I'm leaving her alone, maybe I'll just wish her good luck the day before her final exam.
  10. A girl with whom I've been out a couple of times over the last two months and felt very connected to told me she needs space for her final exams so we can't see each other. She told me that she'd like to go out when all of it is over, in a bit less than a month. I completely understand her because she has a ton of responsibilities. So in the meantime, do I stop texting her entirely to let her do her thing and build more tension for our next date, or are occasional texts from time to time to show I care ok? Like sending a beautiful picture or a song, or even a meme to make her happy...
  11. Thanks. I didn't mean literally asking "do you want to be my girlfriend?", only letting her know that I like her and I'd like to start moving in the direction of dating if she feels the same. The thing you said about seeing her more often seems good too.
  12. I've spent a lot of time with her over those 3 years and I think we know each other pretty well, and I wouldn't literally ask her if she wants to be my girlfriend, I'd just tell her that I like her and I would love to move in the direction of dating if she feels the same. Thanks for the feedback!
  13. I've given her ample thougthful compliments last time (not too many, of course), but I'll do that again. We didn't touch that much but we did try each other's ice cream last time. Maybe I'll move it up a notch now. Thanks.
  14. I'm going out with a girl on Monday. We went out one month ago (didn't have time in between), it was great, she asked me tons of questions about the smallest details of my life. We texted a lot in the meantime, I also sent her a song I like and she replied "where have you been all my life?" (referring to my taste, but still not an everyday message). We've known each other for 3 years and we were always close, but this is our second time going out 1 on 1 just for the sake of it. I've liked her a lot even before, but didn't know if she felt the same and I also had two (unsuccessful) relationships in the meantime so I haven't tried anything. I really like her and I'm thinking about telling her about my intentions on building a relationship together, but I'm a little scared. I don't know how to read girls. Will it seem like it came out of the blue if I do it on our second date after not seeing her for a month (even though we've known each other for long)? I don't want to lose our amazing connection, she has invited me to an important event for her coming very soon and I wouldn't want to make it uncomfortable just before. How should I proceed?
  15. I appreciate your suggestion, I was just saying my thoughts. I don't have a lot of time either because of a lot of exams coming in two weeks, so a walk and ice cream would be the best I can do. I'll try that. Thanks.
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