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Everything posted by Kwothe28

  1. All in the line of work. You should see me with my freelance clients. Every once in a while there is some that would want changes every day. One took the better part of my whole week just on changes. Mind you that I cant charge extra hours and they demanded changes every day. I did the pitch, then they demanded changes on text, then after that different pictures, then to use their pictures etc. After a week of my head hurting, I had the luxury to just pass them to somebody else and not do that anymore. It happens in freelance work a lot. My friend had clients who wanted changes of the pictures "because people smile wrong". My other friend had a guy that called her once in a few hours to make some changes. Some clients are normal and you can work with them very nicely. But some are excrutiatingly painful for your mental health. And looks like you stumbled upon one of those. And again, its much better to just stop working for somebody like that. You did a very good job. And I would use that as a springboard for some future work. Lots of people needs exactly what you did here, to make some changes and modernize the business. Use that in some future projects. This one you can just leave if you cant handle the difficult clients demands.
  2. There is nothing to be sorry about. Your text, albeit not very fun and engaging, isnt bad and malicious so you need to apologize for it. The guy just fizzles out of it. Nothing you can do about that, we cant force people to talk to us. If he wants to, he will contact you again. Also, why are you seeking partners on friends app? Dating apps are for that, friends apps are for friends aka people to talk and do activities. And seems like you cant do neither with this guy.
  3. There are people who are not really socially adept. Its kinda easier for a women since they are the ones that are approached to. For a man, well, you need to take some initiative at first. Meaning that you at least need to approach and make contact. You are not a woman, nobody would approach you. Giving up on dating is for, I dunno, people who are really dissapointed in one. Like for divorced dads who dont want to date anymore want to just live their life. You havent even tried it properly. So, there is nothing to give up for now.
  4. Yeah, "I think you are hot" is way too forward. Introducing yourself and asking for a number so you would get to know her further is OK. But "I think you are hot" line maybe would just work on somebody who really, really also likes you physically. All others would just be weirded out by the line. I am not against you asking even complete strangers for a number. Just dont think your approach is the best way to do it.
  5. There is generally no need to be dissapointed over fizzled out conversation. Especially in online dating. In real life not a lot of conversations, even the ones for dating purposes, dont fizzle out that easily because you know each other and you might run into that person again so you watch out more. But in online dating, most of them are strangers you never would see in real life. So, its easier to just fizzle ouzt of conversation. I mean, you know your guy from school. But you are still, for all intentive purposes, a stranger. My point is, dont get your hopes up over stuff like this. Especially when most online conversations ends like this. It will just lead you to more dissapointment. You need to be more resilient if you are going to do online dating and dont let stuff like this phase you out. Glad you feel better now.
  6. Doesnt value you input in general or doesnt value your input in, for example, telling him how to do something and that he doesnt want to do that way? There is a difference in stating your opinion about something and demanding to be done that way. As well as whether your advice is really helpful in a situation or not. That is why bringing a few examples would show a bigger picture.
  7. Even she thinks its weird so its not just you. Also, as a man, yes, it is a weird one. Its not normal to mention the other person during sex. It means that he is thinking about her during yours intimate moments. It is hella weird. Next time you mention that you think about his friend and whether he has a bigger wiener. See if he would mind that lol. I mean he is literally wondering how is she during sex. Its really weird to see your friends in that way and you dont imagine them when you have sex unless you have a thing for them.
  8. Ah I see. Is this one closer to you? Meaning geographically where you are or not? Also, I dunno whether I wrote at start but didnt saw that I did, so I probably wrote on some other thread to somebody else: You need to have both standards and preferences. Standards- non negotiable things and deal-breakers. For example, shared values you mentioned. Preferences- negotiable aka things that arent "must have". Physical feautures, height, job etc. Its pretty clear that you dont share the same values and that you think of him as some naive yoko, so there is nothing to negotiate further.
  9. That is OK. People dont like other people from multitude of reasons. If you dont want to see him again its OK, especially since you are so far away so seeing him more would be an issue by itself. But in a future you should maybe refrain from "picking somebody apart". Perhaps why people think you are "too picky". I had a dates with a lot of ladies. And while some worked and some not, I never was keen on "picking them apart". Some of them were nice, some of them were not and that is it. While you have a whole list for this guy. How he is "being exploited by capitalist system and he doesnt want to admit", how he smells bad etc. Its fine that you dont like somebody. But seeking flaws is pretty easy and if you want to find them, you will. It wont do you any good in the long track. Its enough that you dont like hm and dont want to continue. No need for further development. Also its interesting that you mentioned the friend couple of times. That and comparing somebody(especially somebody who friendzoned you or you them) to your dates wont also do you any good.
  10. I never knew there was a name for that. Turns out English people made a name lol Yeah, could be plausible. Lots of people just uses a tissue or a sock(like in an American movies). But yeah, if he is a clean freak, condom might do as a better option.
  11. I thought that too and that its algorhytm thing, but subforum is literally called "Age gap relationship". So its just by default for that subforum as articles are also for that topic. Also, lots of those articles are very weird. Wouldnt recommend going there lol Also, happy birthday Nightmare. Hope New Year gets you good news about all of this.
  12. I mean, I assume that you are not dating your girlfriend anymore since you said that you were dating at the time. And that based on that you can pursue this. I think she was interested in you and that was pretty obvious. But now after some time, who knows. Get together with her, throw some compliment around and see how she reacts.
  13. She still has a thing for you? What is the allure in this? OK you maybe want a pen pal or something. But hearing with somebody every day suggests pretty big closeness. You never see each other so you just message every day? What are you getting out of this?
  14. Since there are people who are by their own confession in tripple numbers, 18 is unfortunately very tame in this sex obsessed culture. And you didnt even had sex with most of them. Kim Kardashian was married 3 times and she changed boyfriends ever week so dont think that was an issue lol. Unless you advertise it I doubt anybody would care that much. Its not something that shocking today. I can see your lack of an actual relationship experience as an issue though. In a meaning that, due to lack of it, you will have dificulties when an actual relationship comes along the way.
  15. I would check myself out if I read this. People dont seem to realize that its not about the cheating but about the integrity of the person. You can brush off that she talked to other people when you were basically strangers. That happens a lot today, lots of people on dating sites do that and dont focus on one person because also lots of people just fizzles out after few sentences or days talking. Or even dates. But the integrity of the person you date stays there. Somebody who reffers about the men who she met on a dating site as "Sugar Daddys", doesnt have a lot of integrity. And you can generelly expect stuff like(lying and cheating) that from somebody who really doesnt have too much integrity regarding that stuff. If she breaks up with you she probably has another "Sugar Daddy" who would message her. As you can see yourself. Bonus points for her sexually transmiting you a gross skin desease. Really stand up individual.
  16. I am sorry but it is immature. You, with 2 kids from a previous marriage, decided to date someody who was just using you because he couldnt be with his best friend. And after all the times he disrespected you, you dont decide to leave for good, but you also make another baby with a guy like that. I wont say that he is a nice man because he certanly isnt with that kind of behavior. But he was honest with you. And it was you who decided that kind of a man, is a prime specimen for dating. And not just for dating, to also have kids with somebody like that. Sometimes we need to get accountable for our own actions. And this one is on you and your choices alone. So you now have to live with the consequences of your choices.
  17. I dont like "self- diagnosis". Read something interesting yesterday. And how one woman said to therapist how she thinks she has autism. Therapist said how she is her 5th this week with autism. Do you know why? Because apparently Tik Tok is promoting stuff about autism so if you go into that algorhytm you can hear a lot of inaccurate informations about it. As less then 30% of it is factually true. If you have something you can go to medical professionals to establish it and get you into proper medical treatment. I am sorry your life is the way it is. But you need a proper medical opinion about it, not your speculations. We can discuss whether it is or isnt like that, but without a proper psychological tests, its useless.
  18. Typically, people go into unions and live together because it makes their life easier. Not just financially but also for other things. For example, if you live alone, you are not only paying all financial burden but doing all other stuff like chores around home, all alone. The value of your partner is not just financial, lots of people doesnt even work but takes care of a household instead. What I am trying to say is, if you dont see the value in your partner and think she is only a burden, to the point you want to live alone, you should break up. Also you sound like somebody who wants "single life" again. Meaning to live a bachelor life now when you are well financially without a partner to be a burden there. Which is fine. But again, break up first. She wont agree that you throw her out of the home and still be with you. That would be regressing, not progressing the relationship. And she would see it as a break up as well.
  19. It depends. For example, you dont just get into fight and get 3 months jail. You would need to do some serious damage. And I kinda doubt he, erm, found budhism in jail. So its a huge risk you are taking. You still have "rose colored glasses" and you are at the beggining so everything is peachy. But when the chips start falling down, that is where you would see the real him. And it maybe wont be a pretty site. Also, I am sorry, but as a survivor of domestic violence, you are not less, but more inclined toward somebody who is abusive. Subcontiously or otherwise. So I would suggest against it.
  20. Dunno how it is in other countries, but went in to check mine. It doesnt have a time table but says "long term" so could be couple of months indeed. The problem is proving it. There is simply no paper regarding it. So, in the event of you needing to inherit partners pension, they look at that you lived with them 3 years and/or have kids. It would probably be the same with other assets. In the event of separation, I imagine assets are divided through court if necessery. For example, I made fun of my politician friend that his ex fiance could have asked the half of his appartment because they lived together for 4,5 years. But it was his appartment to begin with so even in court she probably couldnt take that. But she could ask a compensation based on what she invested, for example. When she moved out, she just took some stuff and even marital bed(who she bought when she moved in) so I guess its a fair thing and no need for court. I know a few examples and they usually do it like that. Court processes are long and tedious and its a drag what you can prove or not. edit I found a part about dividing of assets. As Ive said, they go through court as marital spouses will do. And then court determines who brought what and divides based on evidence.
  21. Ok, since nobody mentioned I am going to say it: age difference is weird. He can be your father. He can almost be her grandfather. He is a perv with a fetish for younger women. Its weird and gross. He is just showing you who he is. Get rid of the perv and find somebody age appropriate who would commit to you instead of talking to you about wanting to have sex with barely legal women.
  22. Dont think others here understand, but yes, her parents would very much be a problem. Especially if you are not their religion. Expectations would be probably not something you would ever commit. Anyway, I dont think you owe her anything. Especially if she is freely going with other men to make you jealous but saying to you how "she wouldnt bear to see you with other girls". And I think you should do just that. Forget about this onr and chase some other more available girls. Because with this one you will never have a relationship you want. With others you maybe will.
  23. Why so much games? You already have sex and miss each other. You dont need 2 weeks to see if she wants to be with you again or not. It shouldnt be that hard especially with somebody you are already familiar with. Now, I can see the potential issue in both of you restarting things and both of you by your own admissions being ready for future commitment. So maybe you both shouldnt be together when its not clear that you both want commitment. But you both clearly want to be together in a relationship. So playing games, blocking/unlocking, having casual sex and other things, is not going to do you any favor. Just be open and see what future holds.
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