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Everything posted by Kwothe28

  1. Not everyone is suppose to get married and have a relationships. I had a 96 year old neighbour that died few years ago. She never married and didnt had kids. When she retired, she found a companionship and moved to an elderly man home in a village close to Capital. But when he couldnt take care of himself anymore, his sons moved him to an elderly facility and she got back in my neighbourhood where she was until she died. Anyway, she was an extremely selfish person. The man who she was with, had a patience of the Saint. He wanted to surprise her on her birthday and his son took him from retirement home so he could come to see her. Anyway, you know what she said? "Why didnt you bring me pork roast? You know I enjoy pork roast". And she wasnt even joking about that, she was more annoyed that he didnt bring her favorite food then that she was happy to see him. Anyway, my point is, people like that shouldnt go for companionship in any form. As the other person, no matter how they try, is just a detriment to them. Who got used to live alone and do whatever they want. Other person is suppose to complement your life and adds value. And to people like my late neighbour, it did no such thing. I also think that mental and physical health get overblown sometimes. Yes, they are important. But you are not required to be perfectly fit or zen master so you would have a relationship. Its important that you dont be messed up so you wouldnt probably attract other messed up people. So its important to be in a good state of mind. But people often overblow that and use that as an excuse. Same for example with work and other issues. You are suppose to balance some stuff. And nothing ever is going to go that perfectly in order most of the times. So are you suppose to stay single forever then? So again, lots of people use that as an excuse not to put themselves out there.
  2. You can compromise on smaller things. On big ones, such as kids, career, where you want to live, its kinda futile to do so. For example, you can maybe wait for her for kids, but there is no guarantee she even wants them in future. Same with other stuff. Would you be happy in different country and big city? Those are all big changes and there are no compromises because one side always gets the poor end of the stick. It would be the same if she did it for you. As she doesnt see her future in small town, having kids with local. She wants career in big town and maybe in distant future to have afamily there if it happens. See why there is no compromises when it comes to those decisions? Unfortunately, you both see you futures very differently and want to go on different roads. And its best for both of you to go separately in your own way.
  3. More like 26 year old single mom wannabe Instagram models. And I have nothing against single moms, my mom was one. But she didnt go around chasing rich dudes to take care of her while her friends were telling her "Gurl, you got to manifest yourself a rich daddy with 650k a year income to take care of you". Was watching a youtube video with one of those. She literally used those words about "manifestation". And thinks her man should earn 650k a year while having no idea about average income of people. Which again I am fine if they can realistically go for that. There are very beautiful, very successful rich single women who can. But, very average, single mom wannabe Instagram model with small following can mostly hope one of those DMs her for sex when he is horny. That is about it. Lots of them are not realistic because due to dating apps and social media, the reach people have is larger and some of those men do ring them for sex. So they automatically think those men are in their dating pool and that they can pull those men and make them to marry them. But its not a realistic side of things.
  4. I am sorry, but he seems to be fizzling out. That has "break up" written all over it. 2 days and just "Have a good day" message? That is just disconnecting totally.
  5. If they dont work together that means there is no need to even keep contact. And yet he does. Ask yourself why is that and why does he need somebody who "stalked him" by his own words. Because I can guarantee you dont know the whole story there and that he lying through the roof. Also, I am glad heater is OK.
  6. So you didnt got the heater in the divorce because there was no divorce and he still hates the poor heater? That is dissapointing. Poor heater, I am worried about it. 😞 No loyal man would keep somebody like that in his life. Things are seemingly maybe better then before, but the fact he kept somebody like that in his life tells a lot about his character. OK maybe they work together. He still doesnt need to get personal texts from her.
  7. You are young and dont think you get how abusers are, as you didnt had much experience with them. Abuser would use any chance to abuse you. If you did the laundry then you wouldnt do the laundry good, if you get lower grade then you should get higher grade etc. Its not about the laundry or about the grade, ofcourse you should have maybe done better. But this is about the abuser taking any chance to abuse you. One of my friends was engaged to a guy and lived with his parents but in different parts of the house. She would do the laundry and hang it on the wire and his mom would put it differently on the wire because "she didnt do it properly". This isnt about you and what you do or not do. Its about your mother abusing you. You having guilt because of that is just a byproduct of abuse. And ofcourse there are way healthier ways for her to express her dissapointment in you then telling you that it would be better that you werent even born. That is just plain awful parenting and very abusive one.
  8. I dont think her remarks are necessery. My mom raised me as a single mom. Sure, she had my Grandma and Grandpa to help, but she also did 2 jobs in order for us to live decently and to put me through school. Also worked with me when I was in lower grades until middle school. She needed few exams to finish law school and she never did it because she married, divorced and then raised me. And she still never during her life said how she regrets to have me. That is way too cruel thing to say to a kid who she chose to have. So no, its certanly not justified to say that to a kid just because of bad grades. It just produces the opposite effect to a kid.
  9. I would warn you against trying to impress her with big dinner dates. As if things go awry, you could feel used. Its better to just go for coffee date or something smaller if money is your concern in any way. It washes that warry away, as you know that she isnt there for money or free meal. But in this particular case, it was you who suggested dinner date in order to impress her. So you, as a gentleman, should pay for it. If you wanted to show off then show off properly.
  10. All in the line of work. You should see me with my freelance clients. Every once in a while there is some that would want changes every day. One took the better part of my whole week just on changes. Mind you that I cant charge extra hours and they demanded changes every day. I did the pitch, then they demanded changes on text, then after that different pictures, then to use their pictures etc. After a week of my head hurting, I had the luxury to just pass them to somebody else and not do that anymore. It happens in freelance work a lot. My friend had clients who wanted changes of the pictures "because people smile wrong". My other friend had a guy that called her once in a few hours to make some changes. Some clients are normal and you can work with them very nicely. But some are excrutiatingly painful for your mental health. And looks like you stumbled upon one of those. And again, its much better to just stop working for somebody like that. You did a very good job. And I would use that as a springboard for some future work. Lots of people needs exactly what you did here, to make some changes and modernize the business. Use that in some future projects. This one you can just leave if you cant handle the difficult clients demands.
  11. There is nothing to be sorry about. Your text, albeit not very fun and engaging, isnt bad and malicious so you need to apologize for it. The guy just fizzles out of it. Nothing you can do about that, we cant force people to talk to us. If he wants to, he will contact you again. Also, why are you seeking partners on friends app? Dating apps are for that, friends apps are for friends aka people to talk and do activities. And seems like you cant do neither with this guy.
  12. There are people who are not really socially adept. Its kinda easier for a women since they are the ones that are approached to. For a man, well, you need to take some initiative at first. Meaning that you at least need to approach and make contact. You are not a woman, nobody would approach you. Giving up on dating is for, I dunno, people who are really dissapointed in one. Like for divorced dads who dont want to date anymore want to just live their life. You havent even tried it properly. So, there is nothing to give up for now.
  13. Yeah, "I think you are hot" is way too forward. Introducing yourself and asking for a number so you would get to know her further is OK. But "I think you are hot" line maybe would just work on somebody who really, really also likes you physically. All others would just be weirded out by the line. I am not against you asking even complete strangers for a number. Just dont think your approach is the best way to do it.
  14. There is generally no need to be dissapointed over fizzled out conversation. Especially in online dating. In real life not a lot of conversations, even the ones for dating purposes, dont fizzle out that easily because you know each other and you might run into that person again so you watch out more. But in online dating, most of them are strangers you never would see in real life. So, its easier to just fizzle ouzt of conversation. I mean, you know your guy from school. But you are still, for all intentive purposes, a stranger. My point is, dont get your hopes up over stuff like this. Especially when most online conversations ends like this. It will just lead you to more dissapointment. You need to be more resilient if you are going to do online dating and dont let stuff like this phase you out. Glad you feel better now.
  15. Doesnt value you input in general or doesnt value your input in, for example, telling him how to do something and that he doesnt want to do that way? There is a difference in stating your opinion about something and demanding to be done that way. As well as whether your advice is really helpful in a situation or not. That is why bringing a few examples would show a bigger picture.
  16. Even she thinks its weird so its not just you. Also, as a man, yes, it is a weird one. Its not normal to mention the other person during sex. It means that he is thinking about her during yours intimate moments. It is hella weird. Next time you mention that you think about his friend and whether he has a bigger wiener. See if he would mind that lol. I mean he is literally wondering how is she during sex. Its really weird to see your friends in that way and you dont imagine them when you have sex unless you have a thing for them.
  17. Ah I see. Is this one closer to you? Meaning geographically where you are or not? Also, I dunno whether I wrote at start but didnt saw that I did, so I probably wrote on some other thread to somebody else: You need to have both standards and preferences. Standards- non negotiable things and deal-breakers. For example, shared values you mentioned. Preferences- negotiable aka things that arent "must have". Physical feautures, height, job etc. Its pretty clear that you dont share the same values and that you think of him as some naive yoko, so there is nothing to negotiate further.
  18. That is OK. People dont like other people from multitude of reasons. If you dont want to see him again its OK, especially since you are so far away so seeing him more would be an issue by itself. But in a future you should maybe refrain from "picking somebody apart". Perhaps why people think you are "too picky". I had a dates with a lot of ladies. And while some worked and some not, I never was keen on "picking them apart". Some of them were nice, some of them were not and that is it. While you have a whole list for this guy. How he is "being exploited by capitalist system and he doesnt want to admit", how he smells bad etc. Its fine that you dont like somebody. But seeking flaws is pretty easy and if you want to find them, you will. It wont do you any good in the long track. Its enough that you dont like hm and dont want to continue. No need for further development. Also its interesting that you mentioned the friend couple of times. That and comparing somebody(especially somebody who friendzoned you or you them) to your dates wont also do you any good.
  19. I never knew there was a name for that. Turns out English people made a name lol Yeah, could be plausible. Lots of people just uses a tissue or a sock(like in an American movies). But yeah, if he is a clean freak, condom might do as a better option.
  20. I thought that too and that its algorhytm thing, but subforum is literally called "Age gap relationship". So its just by default for that subforum as articles are also for that topic. Also, lots of those articles are very weird. Wouldnt recommend going there lol Also, happy birthday Nightmare. Hope New Year gets you good news about all of this.
  21. I mean, I assume that you are not dating your girlfriend anymore since you said that you were dating at the time. And that based on that you can pursue this. I think she was interested in you and that was pretty obvious. But now after some time, who knows. Get together with her, throw some compliment around and see how she reacts.
  22. She still has a thing for you? What is the allure in this? OK you maybe want a pen pal or something. But hearing with somebody every day suggests pretty big closeness. You never see each other so you just message every day? What are you getting out of this?
  23. Since there are people who are by their own confession in tripple numbers, 18 is unfortunately very tame in this sex obsessed culture. And you didnt even had sex with most of them. Kim Kardashian was married 3 times and she changed boyfriends ever week so dont think that was an issue lol. Unless you advertise it I doubt anybody would care that much. Its not something that shocking today. I can see your lack of an actual relationship experience as an issue though. In a meaning that, due to lack of it, you will have dificulties when an actual relationship comes along the way.
  24. I would check myself out if I read this. People dont seem to realize that its not about the cheating but about the integrity of the person. You can brush off that she talked to other people when you were basically strangers. That happens a lot today, lots of people on dating sites do that and dont focus on one person because also lots of people just fizzles out after few sentences or days talking. Or even dates. But the integrity of the person you date stays there. Somebody who reffers about the men who she met on a dating site as "Sugar Daddys", doesnt have a lot of integrity. And you can generelly expect stuff like(lying and cheating) that from somebody who really doesnt have too much integrity regarding that stuff. If she breaks up with you she probably has another "Sugar Daddy" who would message her. As you can see yourself. Bonus points for her sexually transmiting you a gross skin desease. Really stand up individual.
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