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  1. Yes. Fortunately we’ve gotten past that after I posted this.
  2. He’s never had any issues opening up to me and being vulnerable, I’m just very confused at this specific moment. I’m thinking maybe it’s something really serious. Thank you for the response 🙂
  3. My boyfriend and I have been together for 2 months going on 3. We’ve known each other since high school and recently reconnected. From then, everything has been going great. We talk everyday and see each other every chance we can. The last time I saw him was when we spent new years together. But lately, I’ve noticed he’s been pretty distant. He doesn’t call like he used to or seems like he doesn’t have any energy to see me in person and we live less than 10 minutes away from each other. The last time he talked on the phone, he seemed stressed out and said that his year isn’t starting off great. Before our talk, I mentioned that he doesn’t call like he used to and I noticed that when I send him cute pictures of me, he doesn’t compliment me. I know he’s been pretty stressed out with school lately, but I’m not sure if I am apart of him being stressed out (even though I don’t feel like I am?). His last text to me was to ‘have a good day’ and I said ‘you too’. It’s been two days since that text and now I’m worried. This is the longest we haven’t talked. I really want to give him space to figure his problems out on his own, but at the same time I want to show him that I care as well. He knows I’m always there for him because I told him a while back, but he also doesn’t like to ask for help and is hyper-independent. I am not sure how to go about this situation.
  4. We both are 29. We are good as to having open communication and he’s been very open with me. We have been intimate for about 4 times since we have been together. He’s very good at expressing his emotions to me and how he feels, but at the same time I’m confused as to why he wants to engage in such content? He has opened up that he is insecure and feels like if a guy were to talk to me he’ll get jealous. I highly doubt he’s paying for onlyfans, he just chooses to follow large chested women accounts.
  5. My boyfriend and I have been dating since August and he asked me to be his girlfriend at the end of October. Lately, I’ve been having negative dreams about him (2 of them) and brought it up to him that maybe it reflects how he may be treating me in real life (i.e. cheating). I noticed then he became distant with me after I told him this and we talked about it later that night. He said that he would never hurt me in that way and that my dreams shouldn’t reflect how he would treat me in real life. I instantly became apologetic because I felt bad to accuse him. But lately, he’s been following onlyfans women with provocative pictures, so that may have been triggering me to “accuse” him, since he’s following random women he doesn’t know while he has a girlfriend. I want to bring that up to him, but I don’t want to make it seem like I’m projecting insecurities, but at the same time I want to know why does he need to follow such accounts while being with me? It came to a point where I had to distant myself from social media and deactivate my account because I felt like I was being too obsessive over who he’s following. His actions and words while we are together are always comforting and he’s never disrespectful to me. I feel like I can have healthy conversations with him and we can talk out our problems. I can tell that he really likes me a lot, but why would he need to seek out other women on social media if he claims I’m the only one for him? I also deleted my social media to get back into healthy habits like meditation, yoga, and reading more books to get back into a healthy state of mind. How can I build trust?
  6. Thank you I totally agree. This is not a kink of mine in any way. I haven’t sent any provocative pictures, only a couple of selfies and pictures we’ve taken together on dates.
  7. So I am dating a guy and we’ve been dating for 3, going on 4 months. We are still getting to know each other. I am in my late 20s and he is in his early 30s. One day we were chatting in his car and he showed me some random pictures of his dogs and then in his camera roll was a girl in her bra and provocative videos. He’s told me about his past relationships and that he had 8 girlfriends. I’ve only had one relationship before, but it ended shortly due to long distance. Other than that, I’ve been single and didn’t have time for a relationship due to finishing school. We were having a conversation one day and he brought up that he could tell that I’m inexperienced with being in a relationship and “courting” someone and I asked “how so?”. Then he brought up one of his ex’s and compared her to me. He said that she is younger than me and was more experienced than I was. He couldn’t give me a straight answer but brought up of her being “loving” and sending him pictures from time to time and that meant she was courting him. We get along great, but I need advice whether or not I should end it. We’re not exclusive and I’m not mad (just a little weirded out) that he has those pictures because he claims that he has over 3,000 pictures and forgets to delete them. But I’m not buying that. What I’m mad about is that he compared me to someone else when he doesn’t even know me and thinks he has me all figured out. Is it normal to keep pictures of your ex’s on your phone while dating other people? Should I be concerned if we were to be exclusive? Or should I just move on?
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