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  1. Hello, all, I ask that you don't judge, as this situation is not only awkward for me, but very confusing, and I would appreciate some sound advice. Hello! I'm hoping you can help. I was recently let go from my job. (Long story.) That's not why I'm here. A woman with whom I've become acquainted, and would frequent my former place of employment, I believe is interested in me. It started with the little things--smiling whenever she'd see me and laugh whenever I'd tell a joke. A few times, she rubbed my upper arm and started hugging me more frequently. Once, she came to my house out of the blue and gave me some food because she thought I'd like it. I didn't think anything of it at the time, because I thought she was being nice. A while ago, we were having a conversation and she asks me about my relationship. (I was dating someone at the time.) I told her I was dating someone, but it wasn't working out. We left the conversation at that. The touching on the arm and hugging stopped after that, too. Now, that I've left my job, she texts me and asks if we could get together. I don't know if she just wants to say goodbye or is generally interested in starting a relationship. There is a 25 year gap between us (I'm 35, she's 60). What should I do about this? And, yes, she is VERY attractive, but I want to make sure I'm not overthinking things before I pursue anything.
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