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Everything posted by Kwothe28

  1. I think that anything is possible. Its possible that he just wanted sex. But he didnt "ghosted" and actually checked on you so its also possible that he doesnt view it as "one and done". You can always try to schedule a date and see what he says.
  2. I dunno Invocana, we dont have that here. But Ozempic is widely known. And also used by non- diabetic people to lose weight. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/11/22/well/ozempic-diabetes-weight-loss.html From what Ive known its OK medicine. But just misused a lot. Also, if you maybe dont want to take medicine, did you thought about insulin shots? Maybe in your country its expensive(dunno about Canadian healthcare but heard bad stuff) but would maybe save a liver a bit more then taking medications. Once you start taking medications you need to do it whole life I think.
  3. She wants you to drive 40 minutes to clean for her for 7.50 US dollars? Again, you do know that you are losing money with that deal?
  4. Something I discovered is that its far better to be doing something else that is more profitable then to be doing remedial jobs where you would spent most of that money traveling or even paying for some other stuff like food(if the job is more hours and need to buy meal). For example you need to drive 40 minutes(considering you also need to go back home). That means you have to pay to have gas for that trips. You are literally losing money with that deal if she pays you only 7.50$ for a trip there.
  5. Wut? Also, narcissists are looking for worshipers, not relationships or even friends. If he has contacted you he misses you chasing him. He certanly doesnt miss you as a person. Dont fall for that and block him everywhere.
  6. Unless its something really gross I dont think he would care. Heck I dont think he would even notice since you would be pressumably in a swimming suit so his look would probably be elsewhere lol Go enjoy baths.
  7. I actually have a friend that has that kind of a relationship. His girlfriend is really ankward. For example we were at his brother wedding and she didnt want to even take a picture. Mind you, here brother/sister of a groom is also an important figure during weddings and has their own obligations as far as local customs go. So she seem really rude by not even wanting to have a picture with anybody. They date for years and live together for 3 years now. So she is also part of the family and is accepted by his parents as such. They solve that by just not attending together when she doesnt want to. Which is most of the times for her. She enjoys smaller gatherings and when she is at her home. While he goes socilizing with his friends. When they are at home they get along between themselves. I would suggest to you too. You are not obligated to go with him. You can stay home or organize something on your own if you are annoyed by his company. Telling him to leave is "nagging wife" routine that you should avoid.
  8. When? You do know the thread of the topic is mandatory tipping culture Americans like you have and support? You do know there is a difference between that and charity work or giving funds to charity? Delivery work is not charity. In fact, during Corona it was one of the works that thrived because of the whole situation. I called mandatory tipping culture insanity. Which it is according to many even here as it seems. Again, go protest and demand owners to pay proper wages. And if the delivery does good job, then put in some tip. Mandatory 15-20% for just doing its job is insanity.
  9. Exactly. It was your risk to have a casual sex with somebody who maybe just wanted that. If it went awry, it would also be a part of that risk. Dont really think others disagree with that. At least I am not. But again, I did said about how I think nobody does thinks that, if he did indeed "ghosted" her, he would be in the right and do good. And that ofcourse it would be way better if he was honest from the start or honest after that. I mean I am sometimes "literal" and harsher in my wording, but trully dont think "ghosting" is OK and that she somehow deserved it. Its just that, it was her who took the risk of that might happen after she invited him to her place and had sex. Without him(as far as we know) ever indicating that he wants more. Again, I would maybe have different opinion if OP clarified situation more and that it turns out that he promised her a relationship or something. Most she said is that she said to him that she wants a relationship. Which again is a classic case of OPs on Forum and thinking how just because they said they are not looking for a hookup, other person isnt looking for it either. And its sad that it happens. But that is why I am advocating for not taking so much risks with people who you dont really know. Because things like this happen a lot. Especially in a todays hookup culture.
  10. I dont think anybody argues that she doesnt have the right to feel dissapointed. Nore that what he did was a particullarly good thing. Just that she engaged in a casual sex activity and involved emotions into it. Which is a recipe for a disaster by itself.
  11. Again, that is all in the line of the work. There is really no need to involve egos and feelings. Clients are not your friends, they are business acquaintances. That means that you have a business relationship. If they are not happy with your work or you feel that you are in any way satisfied with how they treated you, you can break up that business relationship. I am saying you this because business world is pretty harsh sometimes. You are here one day and not there the next one. And you are alowed to be hurt by it. But if you are going to take multiple clients and work with people, you need to be way stronger then this. This kind of stuff is frustrating but something that happens fairly often in a freelance world. Again, just leave this one and find another client. But dont take all of this so personally because you need to move to next client, and next after that, and next after that. And it shouldnt bring you down like this if you are going to do this kind of work for multiple people.
  12. Sorry buddy, probably lost cause. Even though I am not into "emoji science", dont think they put heart with somebody if they are broken up. On the other hand, you can just, you know, ask her. You are on the good terms so you could just ask stuff like that.
  13. As a non- American, I need to say it, your required tipping makes no sense. Tipping is for somebody who did extraordinary job. For example at the restaurant if the service is nice it would be nice to leave the tip. But to require tipping because some cheapskate owner doesnt pay them properly? Heck no! Chase the owner to pay them properly for their job. I shouldnt be required to give somebody the tip just because they have done their job. Example in question: He is already being tipped 20%. For just doing his work. That is just insane. He is already being tipped and you are feeling guilty for not giving him more? Why? Do you live in Himalayas and he had to climb to do it? He is already being tipped just for doing his job and is expecting more. Insanity. PS I am not against tipping and often round up the restaurant bill, for example, if the service was nice. But what you are doing is just pure insanity.
  14. "Used" implies you did something against your will. You invited a guy at your home and had consensual sex. Unless he promised to be with you if you have sex with him or something like that, you were not used. You just had sex with someone on your own free will. And now because you had sex and felt "connected"(lots of women even here on Forum say that thing, and how after sex they feel that since lots of women connect emotionally in order to have sex in a first place), you think you are somehow used because you involved those emotions into something that was maybe just pure physical thing. And I am sorry,but it maybe was just that for him. I mean its only 3 days, but he did detached right after he sleped with you. You will have to be more careful about stuff like that in the future if you want to date. Dont get emotionally attached about somebody who maybe will never call you again after he gets "the cookie".
  15. I dont like the term "unworthy". It suggests somebody is not worthy of your love. Which is a harsh thing to say about somebody who you, pressumably, spend a lots of times together. People are usually not inherently bad people. You spent years together so even if he is that bad, that reflects also on you for being with somebody like him. Its kinda a two way street. Instead, "incompatible" is a better term. Your partner is contempt in living life in the way he is. While you, from what you wrote, want kids, family and normal sex life. That is basic incompatibility. You just want different stuff. And that is OK, you deserve and are worthy of somebody who wants the same and your partner should have somebody who wants the same as him. And its clear you dont get what you want with him so both should seek different partners. By "seek different partners" I dont mean cheat. That is just a bad way of thinking about it and makes me wonder if somebody is already trying to give you the attention your partner doesnt. If you want different partner who would want what you want, break up and then seek it. Dont cheat just because you think your relationship is bad. It doesnt justify your bad actions. Same with "wasting your life" stuff. If you think in that way OK. But you are still fairy young, can find different partner, have a family and kids you want. Life isnt about who gets to a destination first. Its about who achieves the goals they want. And again you still have time to do that.
  16. It depends. A job is supposed to be a trade off. You almost never get to do what you love, perfect work environment, salary etc all in one. You almost always lack some things. For example, when I worked in a Hotel reception, The Boss and the work environment were horrible sometimes. On top of that lots of 3rd shifts messed with my sleep and everything. But it was my first big job so the money was good at the times. And because I didnt spend much at the times(working hours were also crazy so I didnt even had that much time to go out and spend), I even managed to save good money. So I had at least some satisfaction about it. My point is, if you dont see any satisfaction about it, you should leave. Dont think its reasonable to put the fate of the company on somebody new. Or at least to pressure you like the fate of the company is in your hand. And you already started to drink meds because of it and duck the working hours. So, its best for you to leave and find something else in time. It doesnt reflects good on you to leave with only a month there. But always remember that your overall health is way more important then the job.
  17. I dont get it. Why would you ask you roomate how long have they been there and what are they doing? When the question is why were they laying in your bed with an animal? Just say that your bed is off limits for them and that is it. Also, given the other situation that happened, I would say they always act in a same way you described about everything.
  18. Irrelevant after this Just because he is bored or wants sex doesnt mean he wants you to be with him. He literally told you that he doesnt.
  19. Also if your kid is acting like that, that means you have done a very poor job as a parent. Sure, kids arent solely decided on parents genetics and raising them. But most of the stuff comes from home.
  20. I dont like her emotional manipulations. But this is on both yours and hers bad communications. If you know that she has a problem with your fiance, why even bring him into a conversation? And why not reaching out to straight things up and going on the trip if it was OK for you? Because now it seems that she waited for you with grandkids and you didnt show up. Dont get me wrong, her communication also was awful. But yours should be way better as well. This could have been straighten out very easily with phone call. And now you have way worst situation at your hand. Where you turned out to be "the bad guy". Sometimes our principles shouldnt take a priority. For example when they hurt us in a long track. Sure, you stick to yours. And look at where it got you. Another thing is that with his side not accepting you and your side not accepting him, you have an uphill battle. That I am not sure its worth in the long track where your own family wont talk to you because of it.
  21. Never watched American Pie"? "MILF" is one of the most common porn categories now.
  22. Samaritans? Also, if her with somebody else brought you down that means you didnt get over her. Which is kinda silly considering its a crush. For example, one of mine got knocked up and married. I didnt act on it because I was a mess back then. So cant really blame her for finding somebody. Its a natural thing to do. Same with you and yours. You didnt act for it so she isnt obligated to wait for you to try anything. In fact, you should be glad that she is probably happy. And that you should maybe find somebody else to be happy as well.
  23. That sounds very OK. Doont overthink because she didnt put emojis there lol
  24. Damn you missed "What are the chances both of us are" comeback lol Sounds that it went really well. I have a question why you didnt drove her and you did go with separate cars? But OK, maybe she didnt want you to do that. And why you havent tried to ask about the second date after she sent the message after date? But that you can do next.
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