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Everything posted by Kwothe28

  1. Again, you would still be semi- naked in front of him. Dont think he would care about anything else lol Also, it does seem its going nice for now. Good luck.
  2. I mean, whatever works for you. But people who arent comfortable with multi-dating just arent comfortable with it and there is not too much change there. Same with people who arent comfortable with monogamous relationships. They can even get married but that feeling that something is missing is still there. If you arent fine with dating multiple people, you just arent. No ammount of trying would make you that. But you are free to explore your options for sure. Since this is really going nowhere.
  3. You dont even carry a phone to a bathroom. Literally boomer behavior. 😜
  4. Its nothing but the truth. Dont let boomers without sense of humor tell you differently.
  5. I dont think its appropriate to call your boyfriend "an idiot". He has lower social inteligence, is probably introvert and doesnt understand some stuff regarding social situations. But calling him idiot would be like calling somebody who has development or mental issues an "R word". Really not too flatering way to describe somebody. Maybe a cultural or language issue though. Anyway, your boyfriend is as it is. Him being an introvert and lower social inteligence means that he wont pick up a social cues like his friends making fun of him or even trying to flirt with you. Nore that he would do some stuff like kiss you in front of his friends. There is no "cure" there even if you talk to him. If you want somebody who is more socially aware or more extroverted, I am afraid you would have to find somebody else.
  6. I mean I can see why you dont feel special on the day. But, as other things in life, if you dont put more emphasis on it, dunno why you expect other people would. For example, you never make a big deal out of it, probably dont talk about it, or make a big party for it. So, naturally, other people wont too. Again, I can see why you do it. But your expectataions should be adjusted accordingly for that reason. Also, do you make a big deal for somebody else birthday? Have you taken your ex to dinner or made her feel special for that day? Or you just expected to celebrate with her when she threws a party? Also, also, happy birthday to you!!!!
  7. From BB gun, to shoooting the guy in the face and then stealing the truck, that story goes worse every time its told. 4 more domestic violence charges? He racks them up like he plays poker with them lol. Look, one time you maybe can excuse it with him being a kid. And even that is debatable because a) 17 is not a kid anymore, in some states you are an adult with that age and can answer for your own actions in court b) BB guns can also kill people so he literally shot to kill somebody Multiple times and its a pattern. And sure, whole justice system relies on the notion how people will change behavior by punishment and be a changed person after they come through it. But the truth is, that rarely happens. Somebody who shots somebody in the face wont have some cathartic change later in life. Especially when they repeat the same pattern of behavior 4 times. Run from there as soon as you can. Also get away from vegans. Weird people and red flag by itself. Do you know who also was a vegan? Hitler.
  8. If he is working to stay together with you, he wouldnt cross boundaries again and set up a new profile for the game. While probably again giving some E Thot money and trying to bed her. But you already decided that kind of behavior is acceptable to you and that you wont punish him for it and kick him to the curb, so good luck lol
  9. Its too vague of a question. For example about a priority, people have various degrees of it. People will prioritize their family(some not even that lol) so if you are married and/or have kids you should be that but as far as just living together goes, some would consider it not a big deal. Roomates also live together as well and the only difference is that you dont sleep with your roomate(well some do but still, you get the difference lol). Same goes with obligations toward your partner. Its your responsibility to get up at certain time for work. Some would not be OK with playing Mommy/Daddy and worry about your concerns. And some would play "Mommy/Daddy" with you and do that.
  10. Are you attracted to "bad boy" types? Because running into a drug dealer one time is a coincidence, two times its already much more then that. Also yes, selling drugs to people, including probably children, should be a dealbreaker.
  11. I dunno what Ive said on another thread(if I wrote something). But, she is either a bore or just doesnt want to engage in a conversation. Let me explain: with somebody she would deem "right", she would probably try way more. Schedule dates, engage in a conversations etc. But you are a "safe option". Somebody where she doesnt need to try and you would still be there. So she does exactly that. Boot her to the curb and dont look back.
  12. I dunno, I am an overthinker. For example my late Grandma told me that its more important what people think behind what they say and do then the actual words. And that you should always figure out that whether its a praise or critique of you. So I go by that. For example not every critique is coming from a bad place. Him "pestering" you to go to the gym is not bad as he clearly thinks you should do it so your ex and other would see that you are better without them. Same with social media. Posting gym membership is nothing. Posting results if going to the gym is something. So I dont think he is coming from a bad place. I can see how you are "offended" and its your feelings but dont think its justified. But its your life so if you think you are better without him, OK. Is it the same friend that saved you from suicide? If it is, dont you think he kinda cant be a bad friend by just that fact alone?
  13. Aside of your employer actually giving you salary through a bank and not avoiding paying taxes and all? Nothing. How does he pays you for benefits? Health insurance? Pension? Are you even receiving that or paying on your own? Are you even "reported" as a worker or does he avoids that too?
  14. But he is right. Its much easier to get sex if you are a woman. Its just how things go by default. Not saying 9/10 would say "yes" to any woman but at least a half will to at least average woman. While a man would be left hanging unless he is very handsome that he can pass with that line. Which does reflects on online dating too. Online dating wasnt what has been 10-15 years ago. Back then it was a "niche" thing. Where people who didnt had time for real life dating or were more introvert tried to find love. Now its a whole industry. With boom of social media, lots of things, including work, passed on the world wide web. And with Covid and all, even more. So now, lots of interactions are virtual instead of in real life. So, I think over 60% of people use dating sites now according to some poll. Trouble is that lots of them, especially women are there for social media engagement and not dating. So, Lost going over 60 days without even sniffing to a phone number or a date, is not at least surprising. And from what I know about Lost he is not some scrub. Has a job, takes care of himself, has a successful youtube channel and a dog. That is something that can attract ladies. So he either A) shoots high or has a bad approach(we dont know what he writes but from what he says its not that bad) B) he runs on the same problem the rest of men do. And that is that online dating isnt what it used to be And from what he wrote, it is option B. Women where conversation dies down after 2- 3 messages, women who dont even bother to answer etc. Dating sites are 75% men. Which means he competes with 2 other men for 1 Lady. But its not just those 2 men he is competing. Average woman gets 100+ likes/matches on a daily basis alone. Thats is 100 men who like her on a daily basis. Its easy to get lost there(no pun infended lol). As you need to be the top of the line to even sniff a date. And that is if the date is even on the line. As lots of them are just aftering social media engagement or are there for quick and easy fix of men. For example, Lost competition are 30 year old men in some of the cases. No matter if he is after 50 year old Lady. So again, on the Forum we get threads of men who get nothing from online dating. And women who get easy sex from the guys who are only after that as they have 20 others like her. That is the crux of a lot of Forum topics now. Because that is what dating sites have become in most of cases and most of dating has sadly spilled on dating sites and not in real life. So Lost paying for 2 months of paid dating site and having no luck, is really not a surprising outcome. And I really think he should use that time to try more in real life as it would probably yield him better results.
  15. I talked about it on some other thread. But, people like that will never have the money as even if they earn millions, they would still scrape by. I have the newest example of my colleague. He is a couple of years more on my job salary which is now quite nice for my country. And yet, he took credit to fix his house and buys new furniture(he already made a dent in his new leather chair with cigs), gives some money to his parents(he lives with them) and with the rest he cant make it because he spends on ciggarettes and other stuff. So he scraps by. To the point he becomes a cheapskate who cant even buy a coffee for a helping stuff to make us at work (200 grames of coffee is like 2-3 dollars and it last us for a week or two, its really not that big of a deal). Mind you, he is a 40+ year old man, not some kid. Anyway, my point is, your guy is like that too. What you see now wont change in future. No matter how much he earns. People who cant handle money are like that. And if you think about the future there as far as financial aspect goes, its bleak.
  16. Nah, I think you are a good person. Unfortunately in a very bad relationship with somebody that doesnt appreciate you one bit. That does require reflection on your own and why you are letting somebody like that into your life. But as far as the whole situation goes, you should have left him there to pay and be done with him.
  17. You can perfectly discern that you shouldnt threat your husband that you would leave him. You just choose not to. Because people learn some pattern behaviors through life. You learned that its easier to threat and emotionally manipulate(because yes, what you do is an emotional manipupation) then to talk rationally about what you are experiencing at the moment. For example, whole earbuds argument could be avoided by you just asking him to take them off to talk. No need for "triggered" mode and you blowing it out of the proportion. I mean, we dont know what he says to you, but what you describe is nothing that big that cant be solved by talking. No, you are not "dumb". You just use that as an excuse not to work on yourself and you handling conflicts. Because you learned that emotionally manipulating him is easier to get what you want then to solve the conflict in a healthy way. You pout for few days, he gets concerned that you will leave and it resolved by him dropping the ball on the ground. And unfortunately it takes a lot of work to change those patterns. People literally go to school to learn that. Those kind of behaviors if they are missed by a family(which is a case in your example) and their education of you, are tried to "fixed" through school or even society in general in some cases. If not, they just persist. So I would suggest a therapy. Meditation and other stuff wont help you when your whole behavioral pattern is quite literally toxic.
  18. Good. As long as you know that you are going to hit your head against the wall on your own, its fine by me.
  19. How is your hapiness going to go when he "ghosts" you again? The way I see it you had 2 choices 1) You ignoring him and not send anything. Which would actually raise your confidence a bit as you would show yourself that you hold yourself in high regard and that you wont succumb to some dumb guy games 2) You responding to message, continuing all this and making your confidence low when he eventually does dissapear again Sadly you chose option 2. So enjoy the benefits of it. Just dont blame the guy after this because you didnt knew first time, but you know now how he is. And after that, all what happens is on you.
  20. What potential? He clearly isnt interested in what you are offering, otherwise he wouldnt barely fit you in for a date(probably because he has a dozen dates already) and would show up for your offer for a house visit. You did good by not playing his games and finishing all of this. Stay dignnified and dont contact him. Your ego will thank you for that later.
  21. Are you aware of the term "Dont stick your D in crazy"? Well, basically that. She literally flip- flops on daily basis about you and everything around her. I understand that you are a mess and that as such you found another mess. But you dont need somebody who is clearly out of her mind and needs professional help and who is clearly cheating on her boyfriend with you.
  22. I am sorry to sound harsh, but what kind of a respect you expect? At least porn stars have legitimate sex, regular health check ups, pay taxes and all. You are just selling yourself to highest bider. No matter what they want to do with you including raw sex and creampies. You take money, dont pay taxes on it and ignore your overall health so you wouldnt do hard work. You took an easy way out and turned to "Worlds oldest profession". Which is your choice. But dont expect others to be very understable regarding that choice.
  23. I remember you. You were the girl that escaped friendzone lol Anyway, there is this silly little notion of people identifying "value" with being unavailable. Meaning that lots of times, you get offers like that while being in a relationship because other people view you as something of value because somebody else chose you. In this case "friend" didnt think you would go for your boyfriend so he feels less values as you didnt go for him. I agree he is a crappy friend. Though I would maybe avoid telling boyfriend. It creates too much drama especially if you are a part of the same crowd.
  24. I would perceive her getting drunk with her girlfriends and canceling the date on the day of it as "red flag", sorry. Shows where her priorities are in the terms of dating. If she doesnt offer an alternative date just write it off.
  25. I dont believe he would date you and splurge money around holidays for you if he just wanted sex. I mean, as far as we know sex was maybe around New Year as well, but even if it is so, dont believe he would wait that much just for sex and then leave. It could be variety of reasons. From his work, to just meeting somebody else or just wanting to break up with you but not knowing how(many people use "ghosting" for that reason). Many relationships just fall apart after the initial passion. Especially in the first few months.
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