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Everything posted by sweet_bebcho

  1. I know, the thought of two chavs having an offspring. But seriously this is sick, they need help. They will be so confused when they grow up if this continues. Tell her that what she's doing to her younger brother is sick. I cant even emagine doing anything with any of my brothers, not even distant family members. She needs help and fast!
  2. Hint! Hint! See my boner! He's definetely hintingwhat he wants to do next. Also sorry to tell you but we want is just as much as men do and even more, think about it all the time, touch ourselves etc.. However if you're not ready, make sure that he knows it, stand firm in your decision. When men think with the head between their legs they can be pretty sly and a bit pushy sometimes. Not all guys are like that though, but if you're not ready don't do it.
  3. Thanks for the advice and input from everyone. It really made me open my eyes and see what was really happeneing to me. After thinking long and hard I decided to break up with my bf. I didnt want to do it when we were along just incase he went crazy. I told him a few hours ago after I told him to meet me. He was very shocked and said that we could work it out and I told him that if he couldnt see that what he was doing was not normal and that its wrong then we couldnt be together anymore. To make a long story short I said what I had to say and just walked away even though he pleaded and stuff, I told him that it just wasnt gonna happen and that its over. I couldnt help him anymore especially when he doesnt seem t care about how I feel about what he's doing to me. I am also in the process of getting some councelling for myself. I think that if this is left not dealt with then worst will happen to me before I do anything about it. Thanks again you guys, you all really helped me see sense in all this.
  4. I know about his past with the women. its something we discussed when we got together abd we both got tested before we had sex and everything came back negative. I do have my views about the concellor as well. I think he's trying to make it look as if its my fault and that its something that I should just look over. I told him that my therapist (enotalone.com) and myslef view this as inappropriate. I thought that by going with him would make me feel better but it has only made it worse. i think that now I will have to leave him. I cant take it anymore. Thanks for your helps guys, you really helped me see the light and see what is right.
  5. Yesterday we went to councelling session together, cause I wanted to see for myself what sort or 'help' he said he was getting. We were asked what the problem was in our relationship and I began to tell the story. I said that he was basically raping me in my sleep and thinks that what he's doing is not rape and that its ok. To cut a long story short, he was asked about his first and past sexual relationships, encounters. He said that when he first became sexually active he found it really hard to caht up girls or get them interested in him so he began going to prostitutes. They did whatever he wanted and he just acted out every fanatsy he had and basically had his way with them. He says he knows what rape is but he'e never raped anyone and they all concented to what they did. When asked why he does what he does to me, he says that while I'm asleep he starts to have sex with me in the hope that I'll wake up and join in, he says its all he can do if I'm lying next to him half naked and he's horny. He says he wishes that I'd take 'control and do it to him sometimes, just 'take him while he's not expecting it. I know that when we have sex without his being stoned he's perfectly fine but when he does he turns into someone else. This went on for about an hour with the therapist saying that,'' in your boyfriend head he's not doing anything wrong, he just initiates that control of you that he wants you to take of him.'' Its like playing a game of do as I do. I do it to you so you'll do it to me. The difference is that you're asleep when he starts to play these games and of course he expects you to join in but you don't at which point it should stop. When asked why he doesnt stop at this point he says that when it happens, he's ' at the point of no return' and cant stop til its over. He says that I have np idea what he feels like when he's about to orgasm and I'm pushing him away. It makes him feel unwanted. He's asked what his state of mind is when he does it and says that he knows that he's quite not himself. Whenever we have an evening together we have sex, I fall asleep, he goes outside and smokes weed for an hour and comes back and tried to have sex with me withe me saying no to him. This had to be the most humiliating hour of my life. I cried the whole time. It finally ended with the councellor saying that because he's high at the time he's probably not himself and that he has control issues beacuse of past experiences. He says that he's not justifying or condoning his behavior but doesnt think that he's a rapist. Howver he says that he think that we should sleep separately for now and we shouldnt have sex while he' s under the influence of marijuana. I'm still trying to figure out if it makes any sense. the councellor said that its good that we seeked help together and if I didnt help him the he would have probably moved on and did it to someone else and not knowing exactly why. I'm just taking a well deserved break from him I finally start working againg tomorrow so we'll spend less time together so he'll sort himslef out. He still has to go to councelling twice a week for his problem. I dont know what I'll do about him. I love him but I' not sure if he'll change or he'll get better or worse.
  6. Thanks for everyone's input on this. it really helped. I decided that I really needed to do something about the situation immediately. I sat my boyfriend down and told him that we couldnt carry-on like this. I told him that I really dodnt like what he was doing and that if he didnt stop then I'd have to get the authorities involved. He was quite shocked and said that he didnt think that his behavior bothered me to that extent. He claims that most of his other girlfriends got a kick out of it during sex including being tied up and things like that. I told him that he needed some kind of help cause I wasnt gonna stay with him like this. He says he loves me and doesnt want me to leave him. I've been sleeping at my house for the past few days. I went to see him yesterday and he said that he's been speaking to someone about his problem and that he never realized that what he's doing was so wrong. I dont feel that he's done enough so I tld him that we should take a break for him to sort himself out or then we should just call it quits.
  7. My boyfriend has sex with me on my sleep all the time. I dont know if this is strange or not. He says that he cant help himsef and that he just 'has to have it' Its getting to the point now where it happens almost every night. A few times he even ripped my legs open cause i decisided that it just wasnt gonna happen that night. he usually gets his way as He's much stronger than me and if I try to push him off he says to keep still. If I try to fight him he hold me down even more telling me that I like it. I talked to him about it and he always apologises but this time ended the conversation by saying 'WHATS THE BIG DEAL?' I was on my period and he insisted that we have sex even though we did the night before. I had a tampon in and he said he was gonna rip it out so he could have sex with me. A few days later I was asleep and I could feel hom coming between my legs, I tried again to fight him off, I didnt want to scream cause his brother was asleep in the next room. He then covered my mouthwith one hand while he held me down with the other. He finishes and goes to sleep. Morning comes and he acts like normal like nothing has happened. I bring it up and he laughs and says that it didnt happen that way and that we were both into it. He always says he's sorry and then it happens again. I dont think that he knows that waht he's doing is wrong. I dont even know myself. ui mean if it happened with a stranger that that would be rape but he's not a stranger, we've been together for more than a year now. He doesnt know this but I was touched up by a neighbour when I was little and I have never told a sole. I sort of blocked it out of my mind until he started doing this to me and it all came flooding back. It so bad now that whenever he does it I just keep silent and try not to fight him and pray for it to be over. I just really need some advice on what to do about it.
  8. This is the first I'm hearing of someone doing that. I watch alot of pron and I've never ever seen that. You should definetley talk to him or you'll continue to suffer in silence and then it all comes out really harshly one day, and he'll seen so shock. He'll probably say,''but you like it'' My boyfriend does stuff like that to me. Lastnight he we having sex and he stuck his penis up my butt for a few seconds, even though I told him before sex that I didn't want this. I said it to him afterwards and he went,'' no I didnt'' or the classic answer,'' I know you like it, that's why you never said anything. Talk to him NOW or he'll carry-on thinking that you enjoy it so much that he'll come up with something even more repulsive next time. ( and tell you that you like it.)
  9. My bf wont let me watch him and I am sooo curious. I've never gotten him off via a handjob so he always does it himself in my mouth. Whenever he does it when he's alone he tells me, but says he cant do it with me watching unless I'm sucking on his balls (blocking my view). I find it so silly that he likes to watch me but I cant watch him.
  10. At 16 with a 22 yr old gf, that's so cool! YOU MUST HAVE BEEN THE ENVY OF ALL YOUR FRIENDS!
  11. FWB never works out. My previous relationship started like that and then turned into something more, with him just using me of course. I was the benefit while his girlfriend was away for 8 months. As soon as she was coming back I was out of the picture and left with a broken heart. To make matters worse, we worked at the same place.
  12. My boyfriend is just like you. You've both got to understand that we need a break some times, just to sleep, cuddle and hold each other. You dont have to have sex to be just as close, you know what I mean?
  13. I know what you mean. I used to live in Ottawa too and it used drop to about -35 in February, at that was the warm year of 2001. I moved to England and if it goes to 3 degrees, everyone is all coated up and stuff and I'm like I'm from Ottawa, you should visit there sometime in the dead of winter.
  14. I love that too , its my favourite! I remember one time though while we were in the position and my boyfriend tried out his ''new move'' on me. I can remember looking back and thing,' where the hell did he learn that?'' Instead of doggy style, we ended up forming out the capital L. See, you never forget the alphabet.
  15. Your boyfriend is a jerk for even saying that to you. If he was unsatisfied he could have suggested new techniques/ positions, but anything rather than blurt out,'' baby, you're bad in bed!'' I remember when I started getting lazy in bed, my boyfriend would ask me questions like,'' why I dont participate more, how am I feeling about the sex etc, which he was propbably thinking,'' she a lazy lover, but he never said it like that. He wanted to know what the problem was first. Time has passed now but if your boyfriend even remotely cared about your feelings then he wouldn't have gone about the situation that way.
  16. I still vaguely remember my first time. I was 19, its was early morning, he came over and we had decided to finally do it. Coldplay was on the radio. During it I can remember thinking, ''Is this is? '' My vibrator had usually done a better job. I think that means that I lost my virginity to my vibrator, but it was still much better than it was with the guy though.
  17. I had the same problem recently and it turned out that I had thrush. The nurse said that I got it cause I was taking too many long baths. If you sit in the tub with all the soap and stuff it will eat away all the natural cleaning stuff in your vagina and you wont be protected from bacteria anymore. It a sort of infection and if you take Candida, you can get at the chemist it goes away, or the recommended home remedy of putting yogurt on your vagina will help. I know cause I tried it. When I had thrush and we used to have sex it would be so painful, it was like loosing your virginity all over again. My vagina would feel so small everytime he'd put is penis in. You girlfriend should see her gyno and get some advice and a check up. It will help alot.
  18. I've been going through a rough time lately with being unemoloyed and stuff and I think its taking a toll on my sex life. I feel so down and depressed that i dont want to do anything , not even touch or kiss my boyfriend. Its as if everything has just spiralled out of control lately. First of all I lost my job, still havent found a new one, Ive been on numerous interviews and nothing yet. To make it worst I'm running out of money and my sister is treatening to throw me out by the weekend. I cant say I blame her. I found out last week that my Dad has diabetes, which he's known for years and havent told anyone. I'm really upset about that because when I was in my late teens I started showing signs of diabetis/ anaemia/ something with very low blood sugar and iron levels. Visited a doctor and when asked is anyone in my family has diabetis, of course I said no cause I didnt know. It ended up that they didnt test for it cause if a parent has it then I have it Anyway, they put me on a bunch of anaemia and irpn tablets which make me feel like crap, I can literally feel it coursing through my veins when its taking effect, and I'm always dowsy and tired. If I dont eat often I shake uncontrolable and end up having a sugar cube/ chocolate or something just to put my levels back up to stop shaking. This really took a toll on my job, which was field sales as I couldnt concentrate and felt as if I was gonna pass out most of the time especially in the sun. By the time I'd get home I'd be so tired. My boyfriend would want sex and I'd just have to brush him off and go to bed asap. He's not the time to give up easily when I'm lying there half naked next to him, his words not mine. We usually end up having sex while I'm half asleep and tired, then tomorrow comes and my body feels so messed up and I have to go through yesterday all over again Last week I was really depressed as its been 2 weeks since I've been out of a job with no money etc. I go to visit my boyfriend and sleep at his house, he tries to have sex with me and I decline, my body just couldn't take it. He gets really upset that I keep on saying no, stop dont, and stuff like that everytime he even tries to touch or kiss me, he starts to think that I dont wanna make love to him anymore etc. He rolls over and goes to bed, a few hours later I'm dead asleep and I feel him touching me I push him away which must have really gotten to him this time cause he began to pry my legs open, takes my clothes off and have sex with me, I try to fight him off and he holds me down and covers my mouth. I started to cry. When he finishes I turn to go to bed he asks whats the matter. I dont answer. The next few days I sleep at my house, I keep thinking did he just rape me or what? To make it even w orst my body is feeling worst every day. We have since discussed what happened bt I think he doesnt seem to realize that I'm depressed and its no that I dont wanna have sex with him, but that I just dont feel like it anymore, at all, He claims that he just lost control. Im just at the end of my rope. I dont know how much more of this I or he can take.
  19. If a guy can make me laugh, histerically, the we'll take it from there. Lol Maybe its just me! I love to laugh
  20. I met my other half when he waltz into my work demanding to see my boss. He worked for credit card company and was going around advertising to businesses. Of course I turned him away like I was instructed to if any 'sales people' came knocking and then he started on me , long story short, won me with his charm, exchanged numbers, met after work, went to the park, shared first kiss, still together one year coming May 24, four day after my birthday. I tell people he was my belated birthday gift!
  21. I'm having a similar problem with my boyfriend. He still keeps in contact with his ex which he was with her for about 2/3 years. I know that they are still friends but it still bugs me that he hides it from me when he sees or talks to her. He usually tell sme that he going to see his group of friends in North London which I dont mind, they're a bunch of boys that grew up together and he only gets to see them once a week. On this occasion when he came back he doesnt say anything, which he usually tells me how it went and everything etc. When I asked he said Oh it was actually ( we'll call her Jane) Jane I went to see. I asked why he had to lie, he says that he knew that I would react that way and thats why he didn't tell me. I feel really bad cause its as if he doesnt trust me enough to says that I'm gonna see Jane today. Another time as when he bought a new phone and asked me to erase all the numbers from the old one cause he was gonna sell it on E-bay. Let's just say I got a bit curious and decided to scan everthing in the phone. I even stumbled upon pictures of the both of them together. I confronted him about it and he told me if I was looking close enough I woud have realized the date on the pictures which clearly states that they were taken before we met. He swore that nothing was going on and I should not feel threatened as he loves me and she has a bf ( as if that ever stopped anyone) and that she knows that I'm in the picture and np feelings between them, strictly friendship blah blah blah! Fine, that was months ago. Last week I slept over at his house, His boss called him in urgently to just fill in for someone for three hours. It was early morning and he woke me up and said he had to go in and that he'd call me when he finishes. I slept and woke up to find that he had left his phone, out of curiosity again I had a scroll through it. I saw a few pics of the Jane again, looked at the date this time to make sure and it said Jan 19, 2005 which if my memory serves me correctly we were together during that time so I have no idea how he's out that night with her taking pictures when he's supposed to be somewhere else. I haven't confronted him yet and I have no idea what to do. I'll let it lay dormant for a while I guess but I need advice .
  22. Its not a Julia Roberts movie so it wont have a happy ending. Let it go, dont break up a marriage, you have no idea how the people in it are gonna feel if it all falls apart because you shared your feelings. Wish her the best in the future and keep intouch, its the best you can do as a friend. It never works out, trust me, someone always gets hurt.
  23. I agree with Bella, I eventually got the same thing done only recently its called Depo Prevera, your girlfriend can get the one for 8 weeks or 12. The good thing is that its very good and my doctor said that its more than 99% accurate. The statistics are that less than 1 in 100 women will get pregnant in a year on this form of contraception. Nothing is 100% safe but my doc said that even if the guy ejaculates inside you then theirs nothing to worry about. If she gets it done she has to wait 7 days for it ot take effect in the body and you can start from there. Its very good and it works, try it, look it up and show it to your girlfriend.
  24. Bella's right i got it done but will write about it later, not much time now.
  25. I remember I was exactly like your girlfriend. I was complete;y terrified that with my bad luck that I would have sex and get pregnant. It was so bad that I waited until I was 19 before I finally did it. When I finally did it I was completey prepared with condoms, spemicides etc, you name it i got it. So as long as you guys protect yourselves properly then you should have nothing to worry about. You guys can go to your doctor together for some advice on the different birth control methods.
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