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Everything posted by greendots

  1. Lovely day, great energy all around. Then, I get home looking forward to play an online board game with others. Couldn't load graphics. 😞 Energy goes back down. To top it off, my neighbours are blasting tunes that don't seem to change the beat or melody. Am I cantankerous right now, lol. This too shall pass. 🙂
  2. That guy you're dating seems to really likes you. Otherwise he wouldn't have shown up again on Wednesday with his friends at your workplace. Enjoy dating him and don't worry about what if's. This is the time to get to know him, see what happens, see if you're suitable. You're doing something I have done which is to overthink. What if it does work out? Wouldn't that be nice? 🙂 Have a great second date!
  3. Personally, not my cup of tea. Why not play the board game version? That way you guys can talk and interact with each other in person. 🙂 Otherwise a nice low-key coffee always works for a first meet. All the best!
  4. What the?! This constitutes harassment. Full stop. It's one thing when someone (politely) remarks (once) that you've gained weight. But what your colleague is doing is nothing short of appalling, outrageous, deplorable, abhorrent and the list goes on. All the best with HR.
  5. Congrats on the birth of your baby girl! Also, I hope things worked out with your stepfather.
  6. Oh man, that just cracked me up. 🤣
  7. To answer your questions, I will avoid texting people at night unless it is necessary or I know they don't mind / are awake / are night owls. Same for early morning texting. Out of respect, I do not call people really early in the morning or at night unless it was agreed on or is necessary (emergency, etc). My phone is usually on silent (only when I'm expecting a call / text it's on vibrate / sound), so it doesn't bother me when I receive texts / calls. I'll get to them as soon as I'm available. Except one friend who I tend to take some time replying back to, because otherwise they'll text you non-stop throughout the day. I don't expect a prompt response, unless the text is time sensitive. But I do appreciate people who reply back as soon as they are able to.
  8. Not everyone knows how to flirt via text ⁠— myself included. Don't dismiss her based on her texting ability / style. Get to know her in person, then decide whether she's worth dating. For future reference, unless you're purely interested in hooking up with someone, I'd choose to have a date at an earlier time.
  9. Howl by Allen Ginsberg. Hoping to figuring him out, lol.
  10. Life happens. Like when some people who used to post all the time on this forum suddenly go MIA due to whatever life throws at them. Since you haven't met in person, it's easier to disconnect without owing the other person an explanation. I loath ghosting but for some it's not a big deal and if you were to insist on an answer, they'd most likely feel hassled and you'd be very unlikely to hear from them again. Whereas, there's a higher chance of them contacting you if you let it slide. Time will tell you how important the friendship was to her. Time reveals everything.
  11. The Reds have qualified for the World Cup 2022. *happy dance* Never seen them play soccer before, so this will be interesting. ☺️
  12. A guy who's totally into you will not risk losing you.
  13. Yum! Man, it's impossible not to eat them all. ☺️
  14. I'm taking a gamble here: it seemed like you'd go to college, get a degree, then a full-time job, marry and form a family (or something like that). So, now you've deviated from this plan. I'm guessing she wanted something along those lines. Granted, no one likes ultimatums. However, she's most likely tired of waiting. The idea is that there used to be certainty in your life (and hers), now it's all up in the air. How does she generally cope with uncertainty?
  15. Playing board games and eating homebaked chocolate chip cookies! Oooh what a joyous feeling! 😍
  16. Great idea, Seraphim! Where do I even begin? On one hand, some people seem to worry more about who is going to win a reality TV show than life-altering current events. On the other hand, you've got the impromptu 'maestro'⁠—politologist, scientist, medical specialist, thanks to dubious social media posts — correcting well-versed professionals. No, dude. Watching a 60 second video on TikTok by another dude doesn't make you an expert. It's so easy (for many of us) to access information nowadays, but apparently making sure sources are reputable before re-posting is too much to ask. And actually opening a book to learn something new — unheard of. Spending countless hours watching a Fortnite livestream on Twitch is much more fascinating and enriching. *takes a deep breath* Disclaimer: I've got nothing against TikTok, Twitch, Fortnite or social media in general.
  17. Whether you're straight, bi-curious or whatever doesn't matter. You are in a monogamous relationship and were unfaithful, which you already know. No need to rehash that. Be honest with yourself, what do you actually want? Why would you risk a relationship that's seemingly so important to you by 'hooking up' with a stranger and actually feeling the desire to continue once you found out she was a transvestite? I'd reflect on this.
  18. Best feeling ever—when your neighbour blasts Pearl Jam at full volume in their car. 😁
  19. You are jumping to conclusions and making all sorts of assumptions. I've got friends who slept with their then boyfriends the first time they met. Their relationships lasted for a very long time. My point: Sleeping with someone on a first date doesn't make you 'desperate'. It does, however, make it more difficult to weed out men who are interested in you for more than sex. Whilst your fears are totally valid, aim to have them under control. A positive, uplifting attitude is more likely to delight him, whereas quizzing him about intentions will most likely make him run for the hills. I'd say if you really like this guy—wait for Saturday. Enjoy the date, be your best and look your best. You've got this! 🙂
  20. Have you actually forgiven him? I'd also ask myself if you feel like both made any progress in your relationship and then assess why you're so committed to be in a relationship that seems to be bringing you more confusion, uneasiness rather than joy.
  21. 😢 I'm also hoping test results will be negative. {{Big virtual hug to you}}
  22. That's good news! One day at a time 🙂 and, please, feel free to post here any time. limichelle: your post touched me. I can't imagine having to go through such a horrible experience. I'm glad to hear you're doing better. xx
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