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Everything posted by FleX

  1. I can certainly agree with Haji. She dumped you and went for someone she thought was better. It didn't work out and now she wants to come back? Seems like you've become the BBD. Who knows, maybe she's still with this guy and she wants to test your limit. Never settle for anything less. Friends are just friends, they don't hug and kiss. She paid the price. Let her feel the consequence and never look back. If someone was willing to drop you once, they have the power to drop you again. Don't hang around being the "friend" or doormat thinking that she will come to her senses and love you again. From your post you obviously like her. She knows that but how much does she really like you? I bet a lot less if she was willing to part in the first place. Have faith be strong, swallow your pride, and take this as a learning experience.
  2. NC is not childish if someone is feeling neglected and for a good reason.
  3. Finally... a woman who is able to walk away and say no. Good stuff! NC 2005!
  4. Can't live with him can't live without him. Don't let your emotions cloud your judgement...
  5. I say it's best to leave first. You will feel guilty but have some ego intact. Just say things aren't going the way it's supposed to be and give it some time off with NC.
  6. It's not sick to miss someone. You genuinely cared for this person even though you don't want them around. Maybe it's the comfort level.
  7. How long were going out with your Ex?
  8. NC... friendship are for chumps. It's all or nothing in the game of love.
  9. Mind games.... Simply put, she underestimated your willpower. Continue to stand for yourself (common sense) and don't give in. In this day and age where men and women are supposed to be equal... women still expect the guy to do all the chasing. Get real. It's 2005. Your doing everything right... don't make it too easy for her to get back with her. She'll lose respect for you. If u want to turn up the heat I suggest you let her go. Better yet start dating another girl. Be the better man. She dropped you like a fly and now she's trying to make you jealous. She's mad because her tactics have no affect on you. I guarantee she'll be the one chasing you in the end.
  10. Ouch... sex with neighbours suck if things go sour... esp if you see him around all the time. If your still not over your EX bf I suggest you take some time off. You were vulnerable and he capitalized on it. Sleeping with neighbours are no no's unless both of you want a FB.
  11. For dumpees out there I plead to you.... Why do you say I LOVE YOU to a DUMPER? They don't deserve to hear it. Keep the I LOVE YOU's for people who WANT TO BE WITH YOU. I love you's are used in the most intimate times to express your true feelings for someone who cares for you. It should only be used sparingly for the highest level of intimacy. Saying you care for them is more appropriate. Personally I think the phrase "I love you" is bastardized by people who misuse it because A) They say it too much B) They use it when they really don't mean it C) Used for getting back with an EX. It loses it's true essense and meaning. Please don't use I love you's with Ex's. It doesn't work.
  12. High fives Sizz813 and rich46! NC for 2005! People are confused about what? I have to admit she has alot of growing up to do. If they want you they want you. I'm surprised she's with a 48 yr old tho... that's kinda weird esp if he has kids 22 & 20. He's bascially using her vulneability and sex while she's using him for the $bling $bling. Very meaningful relationship if u ask me . Be glad very glad you didn't end up with her your entire life. Oh yea for the dumpees out there I plead to you.... NO I LOVE YOU's to the DUMPER. They don't deserve to hear it. Keep the I LOVE YOU's for people who WANT TO BE WITH YOU. I love you's are used in the most intimate times to express your true feelings for them. It should only be used sparingly. NC for 2005! Woo hoo!
  13. Awww.. that's the worst... the thought of my Ex shacking up with someone new or getting high for the new year really disturbes me. I spent my New years @ work. I'm a P/T security guard for a constuction site but I held a party there with friends. The best is having those close to you for the new years. My work didn't know about it so it was all good.
  14. I agree with Prosper just hang back and do let her come to you. Just do your own thing.
  15. she says she met someone, but not found someone else, which is weird, after I kinda pressure her more and express my feelings it was if she was trying to push me away Come on man... she wants best of both worlds. To seek out new people while keeping you on the side as backup. You made the mistake of saying I love you. NEVER say those to an EX in your attempt to get back with her. It just doesn't work. The three letter word is only used in the most intimate of moments when two people are together. If she's blocking you and unblocking you then you know she doesn't have the best of intentions. Like you said your getting weird vibes from this chick. She's pushing you away and when you withdraw she gets mad. Attention seeking? You betcha. It's not a bad thing but in the game of love it's all or nothing. Do you want to be her "friend" or do you want something more? Let the women come to you little grasshopper!
  16. Give yourself sometime to rebuild yourself. Never take him back!
  17. Dont worry your still young... eventually when u get the bike more chicks will dig ya. As for the girl take it as experience. It's better to have loved than to have never loved at all. Look at what mistakes you did, look at her mistakes and learn from them. At the moment I suggest you take some time off and rebuild your confidence. Getting back into a relationship will just mess you up further. In your case, being patient is good because it bought out the true side of your ex. Only fools rush into relationships without their heads first.
  18. Get yourself a six pack, then get yourself a motocycle and become every womans dream.
  19. Just cut her off... make yourself unavailable. You can only do so much. If she likes you she'll let u know. Don't hang around to be the chump unless you really want to be another friend. Like I said to everyone else smile and walk away. She'll come to you if she wnats to pursue anything further.
  20. She just wants someone there for the new year. DOn't fall into her trap. You can't change someone's attitude over one month. Like you said: she was become really mean and selfish to me and she said I dont have any feelings and Let your love free it comes back it meant to be..and due to her attitude with me I hurt badly deep inside and almost tears comes in my eyes 4 years... so waiting a couple more months would be the best way to test her out. WHat you did is right. Don't talk to her or email or msg her until then.
  21. I think you two are still seeing each other for the physical comfort. FB's are cool if you two are on the same level.
  22. The second guy is the one who lives here and who I also like ALOT. Be realistic. Relationships are supposed to be physical as well as mental. You current BF is holdin you back because he is not physically around. Meanwhile you have this guy that you like alot who can be there for you. Don't rush into it... It's not about being selfish. It's about making the right decision.
  23. Woah only month? Your moving too fast buddy... she's still evaluating you. IT usaully takes 2 months for her to fully accept you. In the meantime be a gentelman and don't scare her off. Let her do all the touching. Trust me on this one.
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