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  1. Very positive and inspirational story, stay strong!
  2. I enjoyed your poem. It's about loving yourself, and being confident with who you are. If you change for everybody then you have no self-identity. Good Poem!
  3. Yeah, as Silversun suggested., I'd stick to the one closest to your home. Since the other one is moving to the US soon, that will make everything even more difficult. Good luck!
  4. I'm so sorry to hear this....I don't have the words, all I can do is pray for your strength and healing. God Bless.
  5. Yes you will be just fine....That's a positive attitude to have!
  6. Well, I lost my virginity when I was 26! I never had a boyfriend until I was 26! So hey, no worry guys, when the time is right, you will be fine. I used to think I was cursed, LOL, but hey, God sent me my True Love, I'm happily married, and if it happened to me, it can happen to you!!!! Please believe that it can happen to you. And another thing, I prayed for a good husband for 2 years. So pray, and your prayers will be answered, but only when the time is right. You have to be patient.
  7. Most of us have felt that way before, if not worse. You'll be fine, I think you're just going through a growth process, and when it's all over, you'll value yourself a lot more.
  8. If it's a good relationship, you can still experience personal growth. I'm a newlywed, and I've grown quite a bit in the past few months. My husband and I will grow together.... Good luck!
  9. I think everyone has a true passion in life, you just have to find it, but it is there. Good luck.
  10. WOW! I've been there before. That was powerful!
  11. I wouldn't put myself through asking her again. You said she's Clearly avoiding you even though she knew you were interested in her. But then again, maybe she's just shy? Good luck!
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