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first date, is she a clinger


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So had a coffee date at lunch. She was totally digging me. Locked eye contact, leaning in laughing etc... I had to go back to work so walked her to her car. She lingered, fiddled with the car stuff, etc so I kissed her. She prolonged the kiss, surprised a bit. All went well. I texted her shortly after...That was fun!

She then said yes asked me if I think we have chemistry, went on am I affectionate, am I ok with her being christian, Do I kiss good night and good morning, and on and on. I am getting a bad feeling that this is a clinger, or a rebound gal. No big long term relationships in her past so on the surface she should be clear.

We have another coffee date tomorrow.

Am I too jaded and looking for flaws or does this all seem a bit too much too fast?

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It sounds like she's just really bubbly and into you. Tbh, I'd wager that MOST women think those questions that she asked you after a very successful first date, because that's what happens when you're excited, but not very many actually verbalize it.


When I went on my first meet-up (we met through online dating) with my boyfriend, we talked for hours and it became clear to both of us that we wanted to see each other again. Not having children is a priority to me so I brought it up at the end of the date like "Hey, just so we are clear, I think you're great and I want to continue to see you, but I want to know that you're okay with the idea of not having children, because that's my #1 dealbreaker when I get serious with someone, and I don't want to waste your/my time" and I was really relieved to find out that we were on the same page.

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It'd be a red flag for me, personally. Not only because she's bombarding you with texts and questions the very same day of the first date, but also because she's not asking these kinds of questions in person.


If you like her, I'd feel her out still. Just do your best to filter her out if she is indeed clingy. One date a week for a few weeks, don't have text conversations inbetween, etc. If she can handle that fine, then it might be alright.

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You will know more tomorrow.


I found it easier to put a bit of time between early dates. At least a day. It gives both people a chance to not only sit with what happened on the date and how they feel, but to do other things as well. Space is a good thing. So if you still like her after tomorrow and want to see her again, I'd suggest not booking for the very next day. And yeah, keep the texting down to a minimum. If she's a huge texting, just let her know in a gentle way that you really like talking to her, but aren't big into texting, so she can ask you anything she wants on the next date.Or something like that. lol. I'm no pro either.

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It'd be a red flag for me, personally. Not only because of she's bombarding you with texts and questions the very same day of the first date, but because she's not asking these kinds of questions in person.


I agree with this. This would be a red flag for me. I find all these questions very overwhelming for a new person you're dating. And pointless, since you can tell her whatever she wants to hear and it would mean nothing, because it's just words, in text no less. Rather than actually going on dates and find out these things in person as a relationship develops, as a normal person would, she chose to bombard you with these questions in text after a first date. Not good. Seems like she needs the verbal reassurance more than anything. I smell possible insecurity.


Not saying don't go on another date, but do observe closely.

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I agree with give it another go, tomorrow. See how things go.

She may just be very bubbly/excited over you.


Too much texting isn't always a good thing. Being verbal helps things along more.


After tomorrow, give things a bit of time, as mentioned. Don't agree to be available every day etc.

Be honest & be yourself. Give her a chance.

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It'd be a red flag for me, personally. Not only because she's bombarding you with texts and questions the very same day of the first date, but also because she's not asking these kinds of questions in person.


If you like her, I'd feel her out still. Just do your best to filter her out if she is indeed clingy. One date a week for a few weeks, don't have text conversations inbetween, etc. If she can handle that fine, then it might be alright.


I dig that advice!

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My opinion (which might be off because I haven't dated in SO LONG), she is excited about you (probably after a string of failed dates) and is so glad one went well. Therefore she went home and ticked off a mental list about her, to see if you're even more compatible.


If you like her, or think she has potential, you can text back "that's a lot of questions i'd rather have a conversation with you in person because you deserve that "


Or something to that effect.

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I went on the second date. She asked me if I like her curves, let me feel her up, in the park, but no one was around. We kissed and she stopped me to tell me how to kiss her. This was odd and made me feel very self conscious. This has me wondering what else she will boss me around about, or again, am I too ready for something insane?

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It'd be a red flag for me, personally. Not only because she's bombarding you with texts and questions the very same day of the first date, but also because she's not asking these kinds of questions in person.


If you like her, I'd feel her out still. Just do your best to filter her out if she is indeed clingy. One date a week for a few weeks, don't have text conversations inbetween, etc. If she can handle that fine, then it might be alright.


I'm with j.man, I bailed on a girl like this...


she was cute, we got along...


Although I lasted till the second date...


I guess at least she talked about this stuff in person, but she was WAAAAAAAY too into me for just knowing me so short...and was talking about our future.


I figured I was just a fantasy she thought I could fulfill and just bailed after that...



I went on the second date. She asked me if I like her curves, let me feel her up, in the park, but no one was around. We kissed and she stopped me to tell me how to kiss her. This was odd and made me feel very self conscious. This has me wondering what else she will boss me around about, or again, am I too ready for something insane?


I've only had one girl tell me how to kiss her, and I adjusted and she liked it. I wouldn't take it as a dealbreaker. Usually I've been told I'm a good kisser, so I can thank all those books and videos I watched as a kid

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I don't see the telling you how to kiss her thing as a red flag. Depending on how she communicated it.


If she simply said "I prefer it like this", I see nothing wrong with that. There can be an adjustment in kissing style between two people when they first start dating.


If she said it in a bossy way then I might change my views.

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I don't see the telling you how to kiss her thing as a red flag. Depending on how she communicated it.


If she simply said "I prefer it like this", I see nothing wrong with that. There can be an adjustment in kissing style between two people when they first start dating.


If she said it in a bossy way then I might change my views.


I think she was rude about it. She said "Whoa! Hey Mr. Tongue, enough with that." Also before every kiss she would say in an ofd voice, "well hello" or "Ohh a kiss" and it was odd. She is out now. So it doesn't matter, except I do feel I spotted some issues right away.

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