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I went to high school with this girl. I GRADUATED with her. And she's a mother.


Women like this make me feel so fat BUT at the same time, so happy that I don't look like that.


I love her body... Was she always like this. I actually can see someone getting to this "body type" easily by cutting out "bad" carbs(eating mostly veggie and protein), lifting weights, and doing intensive cardio, and dance work outs.


I wouldn't look right with that body type though... I would look really weird. She doesn't make me feel fat, but she does make me want to work with what I have and get a much better "looking" body. Can't wait to start back working out and lifting weights next week.

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I love her body... Was she always like this. I actually can see someone getting to this "body type" easily by cutting out "bad" carbs(eating mostly veggie and protein), lifting weights, and doing intensive cardio, and dance work outs.


I wouldn't look right with that body type though... I would look really weird. She doesn't make me feel fat, but she does make me want to work with what I have and get a much better "looking" body. Can't wait to start back working out and lifting weights next week.


No, she had a good amount of meat on her bones in high school. I think it has to do with her working at Hooters. While it makes me self conscious at the same time I would never want ot look like that and am so happy CS doesn't want a woman like that.

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No, she had a good amount of meat on her bones in high school. I think it has to do with her working at Hooters. While it makes me self conscious at the same time I would never want ot look like that and am so happy CS doesn't want a woman like that.


How did she lose the weight? I'm very curious. It probably does have to do with her working at Hooters. But if she lost weight(and has a kid), it just goes to show that anyone can get the body they want if they put in the effort and want it bad enough. Honestly I can't wait until I lose these 16 pounds and get more toned up. I won't look like her--but I'll looked pretty d*mn good.


If I had a similar head as her(lol) and my body type was similar to hers I probably would want to look like her.


My boyfriend would find her^ very attractive. Interesting enough he likes all different types of body types. But me and him both would agree that I would look pretty crazy if I got as thin as she is. He actually has asked me to gain 10 more pounds--so I'm happy he enjoys my body the way it is. But because I hate the way I look right now, I guess it doesn't matter.


Do you wonder how she lost the weight?

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It's hard to see her body exactly because of the pose, which isn't particularly "natural", but to me she's not really skinny. She's got some fairly sizable cleavage, and has an hour-glass figure - can't see her bottom, but to me she has hips. To me she has a slim but curvy figure, and is not a starved-model. What I find unattractive about that picture is that she looks like a complete bimbo (given the pose and the outfit), but her body itself is pretty nice, IMO.

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It's hard to see her body exactly because of the pose, which isn't particularly "natural", but to me she's not really skinny. She's got some fairly sizable cleavage, and has an hour-glass figure - can't see her bottom, but to me she has hips. To me she has a slim but curvy figure, and is not a starved-model. What I find unattractive about that picture is that she looks like a complete bimbo (given the pose and the outfit), but her body itself is pretty nice, IMO.


I agree. She isn't thin. But a slim curvy--which looks nice. I wouldn't look right as "slim" as she is because I have a medium-thick body frame. But I still think her body is very nice. The picture looks a little photo-shopped and her face looks very "fake" and "bimbo-like" to me as well. But if I had a "small" body frame that is probably the "sort" of body type I'd want(not too thin, not too thick, still curvy, and toned).

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I'm guessing through working out is how she lost it. I could never have that body, I'd never want it. Even when I was skinny in high school I had a butt and hips at least.


I've never been particularly thin, just "small". And at my smallest since I am a curvy shape(most of my weight goes to my hips, butt and legs, and I have a flat stomach and average size chest) I still had a "bigger" bottom area. I could never have her body either. But it's pretty amazing what cardio, better dieting, and resistance training can do to a body.

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I don't mind her body. She does have the breasts and some curves so she's definitely not a stick. I think she looks good.


I'll admit, she looks a heckuva better than I do, or will. I'm getting weight loss surgery done and will work hard to lose 80-90 pounds. Its mostly to be healthy (my boyfriend doesn't care what I look like) but even then, I don't expect to be like "gorgeous". My skin is not flawless.

I'm not saying this to put myself down, its a fact of life. What others have in looks, I lack at times. I'm very plain Jane looking but I have my own set of strengths, looks just isn't one of them.

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I just know I'll never look that, nor do I want to. I suppose it just goes to show how we as a society (like myself) are pressured into looking a certain way because we think it's the 'norm'. A year ago I would have fallen apart looking at a picture like that of someone I knew, for real, in life because I looked nothing like that. I guess it shows how far I have come with my body issues since then that I only felt a mild fat moment before it didn't matter.


Yet another weird sleep schedule day. I woke up at 7 am this morning I believe to my sister and Tyler coming by. Playing with the baby some and ended up taking a nap with him on the couch from about 2:30-4 pm. Talked to CS a little bit today, we both ended up saying good night fairly early on as we were both tired. So I slept from 4:30-8:30 PM. 0.0 I have a meeting with a friend of mine on the xbox tonight to play a game together, so that's about midnight or 1 my time. I'll take a sleep aide and try to knock out about 3 or 4ish since CS won't be home tomorrow to talk to before work. He's meeting with his gran.


I love Jasper but he's going nuts right now. I have no idea what his problem is. He's just tearing through the house at top speed, stopping every so often than taking back off again like something is chasing him, and it's not. :s


I'm so excited for next weekend with me going to my Uncle's. It's a bloody two hour drive almost but worth it. I'm hoping if I leave work and go on ahead it will cut some time off since the hospital is right next to the interstate. Just gotta see if my best friend is working or off that night (Friday) because I'm thinking of driving to her house which is about an hour away from here, staying Friday night with her and leaving early Saturday morning to my Uncle's which is only about 45 mins from my best friend's house that way I'm not doing the whole two hours in one get-go., We'll see.

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God what a long day...


Well, I made it through work without passing out from sleep exhaustion. Probably thanks to the two pots of coffee I had, mind you. On a good note though CS and I talked a fairly good bit today on Skype which we haven't been able to do lately due to our work schedules and the stupid time difference since he fell back an hour last week and I won't do it until tonight at 2 AM. 4 hours between us REALLY sucks. 5 is perfect. We talked for two hours before I went to work and on my 30 min lunch break. We also (knock on wood) haven't been fighting like we were right after he got back home. We always do our most fighting the weeks leading up to him visiting and the weeks following him leaving. I think it's just such a stressful time for both of us. On top of having to prepare for a trip accross the Atlantic ocean we are both just at that point before a visit that we are sick of phone and email contact, we just want to SEE each other, and that stress breeds fights easier than it normally would between us. Same for when he leaves. There is that adjustment period to not having him with me and it makes me ill. And emotional. And we all know how women get when those two are combined...


I couldn't find my book that I'm reading this morning so I ended up cleaning my room to try to find it. No luck. Was sure I had bought it in the house Thursday night so I checked my car before I left for work. Nope. Wasn't until about 8 PM tonight that I found it--in the top part of my cleaning cart at work. I think I'm slowly losing my mind to be honest....


I'm excited for this coming weekend at my uncle's. Be nice to actually go and DO something, and have the money to do it, even if it is a two hour drive. I'm going to miss talking to CS but we'll sneak some time in here and there through the weekend I'm sure, depends if he does any guy things since I'm busy.


I don't know if it was sleep deprivation or what but on the way home tonight I was daydreaming about nurseries (yes, my biological clock is ticking so loud Big Ben in London can hear it) and I think it makes me a complete dork that I already know how I"m going to decorate the nurseries when we have our kids. Or maybe it's the control freak in me, I don't know yet. Hahahaha

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It's chilly mornings like this that I miss my personal furnace, aka CS. Hahaha.


The man is literally always warmer than I am. I get cold fairly easily and when we are snuggled under the covers how can I not help but scoot over the warmer body? Not my fault he likes to sleep on the edge of the bed and when I scoot behind him he has limited space. The man should sleep more toward the middle. And than he has the nerve to call me a bed hog....


I do miss him though. It's hard sometimes to be in a relationship and yet be alone physically. The distance has taken it's toll on us, no doubt, but oddly enough neither of us have ever questioned being in this relationship. I suppose since we started out as an LDR and it's all we have ever known has made the reality of the fact he's 4,000 miles away for 90% of the year easier to swallow. I try looking at the small milestones in order to not go crazy. Like my favorite time of the year, even over my own birthday, is Christmas. I think it has to do with how my mom celebrated it with me growing up but I love everything about it. From decorating (and when I have my own place it would already have a tree up right now), the smells of the holiday-cinnamon, sugar cookies, candy cane, tress-, buying of presents, the cold, biting weather... everything. And it's 48 days until Christmas (yes, I have a countdown on my Droid for Christmas, lol).


Next milestone after Christmas would be CS actually coming which we are now in the double digits for. 99 days until he lands on Valentine's Day. 101 days until we are married.


After he leaves in Feb is going to be the toughest part of our relationship by far. For 10 months, maybe even 11 months, we won't get to see each other. CS can't leave the UK between April-Sept due to something for work so we were never going to see each other during that time frame because he couldn't take off from work either, there would have been no reason for me to fly over. Add on tot he fact we will be saving up for my visa application and the house and stuff, not seeing each other for almost a year is a small sacrifice we are going to have to make. And I think the reason we are willing to make it is because we know after those 10 months and I arrive in England, we'll never have to be that long apart every again.


Small price to pay for forever I believe.


Plus there is just so much that needs to be done. I have to close down my life here, get Jasper ready for the move (which includes vaccination, a microchip, blood tests, and a plane ticket as much as my own), put things in storage, pick what I can't and can live without for the immediate future in England (since the bloody airlines charge $50 per bag you have). I'm already guessing I"ll take 3 suitcases with me when I move over. That should be enough to hold clothes and a few things like scrap booking stuff. I imagine mom will be slowly sending me somethings over the next few years.


I need to get up from here and get ready for work soon. Blah. I got a good nights rest last night, about 10 hours I'd say. At least I won't be nodding off at work today.

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You guys are going to make it. I just know it!


Poor kitty. I can't imagine flying with a cat (well my cat cries the whole way when he's in a box). You're flying british airways right? They are great. I've had excellent experiences with them.


Do you know what cell service you'd have over there? I've been to the uk a lot (I have family there) and I'm partial to tmobile but that's just me. They have 3G everywhere there!

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You guys are going to make it. I just know it!


Poor kitty. I can't imagine flying with a cat (well my cat cries the whole way when he's in a box). You're flying british airways right? They are great. I've had excellent experiences with them.


Do you know what cell service you'd have over there? I've been to the uk a lot (I have family there) and I'm partial to tmobile but that's just me. They have 3G everywhere there!


Thanks Fudgie.


Yeah, some vets recommend sedating the cat before the trip. I may have to end up doing that. I have the option to put the carrier underneath my seat on the plane and have him count as one piece of my carry on but the cat weigh over 10 lbs and Jasper weighs about 25. So Unless he goes on a kitty diet, he'll have to go in the hold of the plane and he HATES loud noises. They scare him so I can only imagine what the jets on a plane will do to the poor baby. I actually think I may be flying Delta, I'm not sure. I know we were looking at Delta stuff for Jasper.


I guess I'll have whatever CS has which, to be honest I don't know. I think it's the ewual to tmobile or AT&T over here.

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Yeah I was gonna say...why not just put the carrier under the seat? Guess he's too heavy though. Poor guy. You're right, I wouldn't put him down in storage either. You'd have one petrified cat when you arrive in the uk.


O2 isn't bad. Cell service over in europe is much better than the US, they are further along. You're in for a treat.

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We really dont have much option Fudgie. He is too big to stow under the seat so there are 2 choices, either in the hold with her when she flies or he's shipped as freight seperatly. Either way he's going in the hold. He'll be fine.


O2 is the only network I have ever really been on, I tried vodafone once, that was a mistake. O2 was the launch network for the iPhone, hence I havent moved from it in several years. I noticed that actually, I was surpriised for the most "plugged in" country in the world how poor the cel service is in some places.

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Well, if you're buying him a "ticket" that costs as much as your own, couldn't you put him (his carrier) on the seat next to you? Or does it not work that way? I'm sorry I haven't flown with animals. I don't know if they have rules against that.


Cell networks can be bad here. Step into a building and it can be gone. Verizon is cdma (no sim card) and they are crazy expensive too. I stick with tmobile myself.


Health coverage would nice. It won't be happening here, sadly.

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I didn't see anything with that option. It's pretty much a fee I believe to ship them. Would be nice if he could. I'm more than sure the vet will have him sedated.


Yeah I have Verizon. Down here its not too bad, you have places it won't pick up. I have always gotten lucky with phones and never had to pay the whole price. I got my Droid free on an upgrade.

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I.hate.American.football. With a passion.


This time of year all I hear on face book, the radio, tv, and by people is football, football, football, football. Makes me want to shoot myself honestly. I don't like the sport, I find it boring and dull. I can't keep up with the ball half the time, can't FIND the ball most of it, they stop every ten bloody secs, and overall it's not fun. I marched in high school and had to go to all the football games and i hated it then. I just don't understand how people can get so worked up over it. I suppose they couldn't understand why I giggle like crazy when I walk into Hobby Lobby but hey, ho...


And I have to defer between American football and football (socccer) because in dating an Englishman if I call his sport soccer, I'm guaranteed to not get any for a while. CS is a football nut but at least I can get on board with their football. I use to play their football so I understand the rules, I can find the ball, and it's a more engaging and interactive sport for me. CS rarely ditches talking to me for football though, I have to hand that to him. Like this past week he let me know ahead of time there was two games this coming Wednesday night and, thankfully, I'm off Tues and not Wednesday but I also know we won't talk during my lunch break because of said games.


So I get home from work and my brother has got something trapped beneath a blanket on the couch. I think it's Jasper and tell him to stop torturing my child and walk over there and what do I see? This:

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Apparenlty it's a kitten from down the road (my brother's best friend's house, actually) that either hitched a ride on mom's car or made it's way up here. Needless to say I fawned over it because it looks just like Jasper did as a kitten. Of course mom said no we werne't keeping it. I"m wondering how much lip poking I can do to keep him... hmmmm.

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When I first started watching football, I didn't like it either. I was used to basketball, and when I watched football, I got annoyed with how often the game stopped, then there were all these rules, and it was just... ughh...


But after getting used to watching it, watching other sports annoys me now! Football seems much more organized, the ball doesn't go all over the place, etc.

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