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I can maybe see a small fever from the inflammation and discomfort and all. Definitely don't see the stomach bug being a part of teething though. Poor guy.


We have a nasty stomach bug going around on campus so I definitely know its "in season" for that...I don't know if he's been exposed to preschool or other kids but I used to get sick ALL THE TIME from school and bring home all the lovely germs with me, haha. Preschoolers aren't exactly the cleanest...well, same can be said for college students too. One kid in a dorm hall gets a cold and then before you know it, EVERYONE does. haha

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Virus's are going around down here too, especially in the nursing home.


Today was a okay day. Work wasn't bad, went by pretty quickly and didn't work myself to death. Even managed to plan out some more scrapbook pages on my breaks. Oh I'm so ready for my Hobby Lobby trip! My best friend and I are trying to plan a shopping date (or at least a lunch date) around my trip since I"m driving the hour to go shopping at Hobby Lobby (haha). I have the best future hubby in the world.


I had Arby's tonight on my way home. yes, I'm a fat pig, haha.


Tyler's temperature finally dropped but Brittney said he was acting funny. Come to find out the peditrician told her to give him Benadryl and she called the hospital because he was acting funny. Since he's a premiee AND has a heart condition, he's NOT suppose to be given to it and the doctor who told her to knew about his condition. My sister on the war path right now....

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From my college? 6 hours. It's soooo far when I'm at college.

Luckily, my car gets 35 mpg and I hook up my phone to Bluetooth and we call each other on the way there so he keeps me company.

I like driving so I don't mind it.


I hope you guys would get some personal time together

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My lower back is killing me. No idea what I did today at work but I moved wrong or something while I was mopping the dayroom and all of a sudden a sharp pain shot through my lower back. Now every time I move a certain way or bend down, the pain just radiates along my lower back. Ouch doesn't even describe it. I had mom rub some deep heating rub on it and she hit the perfect spot and OMG it hurt so bad I nearly clocked her by accident. I hate my lower back. >.


One more day of work then I'm off. Thank God. Brittney and Tyler are coming over tomorrow night and Tyler will stay with us until Wednesday. Yay, a teething baby! (said sarcastically).

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My brother has two of his friends spending the night and my sister is here as well. So I'm the oldest person in the room right now. :s And, a little weird, we are on the talk of sex, and I unfortunately just learned my 17 year old brother is not a virgin. I kind of figured that but it's one thing to think it and one to KNOW of it...

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I hope he was using protection...that's all I have to say...

Can't say much else because I was 18 (almost 19) when I lost mine so not that much different.


BTW, I agree...keep your name the same!


I hope so too. I didn't want to know that much detail, lol

Yeah, I was 14. All I can do is give my wisdom to the world to WAIT until someone special comes along. I regret how I lost mine.



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