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They thought they were going to have to do a hysterrectimy (do) to stop the bleeding. They told her she could always have high risk pregnancys. I told her to just wait a year or two, not saying neve4 have another but give it time. Tyler has so many health problems and she weighs 96 lbs, the docs want her to concentrate on that.

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They thought they were going to have to do a hysterrectimy (do) to stop the bleeding. They told her she could always have high risk pregnancys. I told her to just wait a year or two, not saying neve4 have another but give it time. Tyler has so many health problems and she weighs 96 lbs, the docs want her to concentrate on that.


Yeah I would be really worried for her. She does need to concentrate on Tyler and get him healthy, poor guy.


Heck, my mom had a "high risk" pregnancy with my younger sibs and with them being autistic and all...it was enough to make think my ovaries were crap from a young age and I didn't want to have any of my own. I couldn't imagine going through something so traumatic on my own and then wanting to go back into it so soon. Especially when you don't know what causes such problems.


I'll tell you, by the looks of it, if she does get pregnant again, it's extremely likely that she will have major complications, the baby too. I hope for their sake that it doesn't happen though. It's a sad situation.

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Yeah Fudgie, they live with her father in law in a two bedroom house. Run down to. On top of that, the father in law drinks and holds tyler while drunk.


Sounds like my family friend with her married...errrr...almost divorced...boyfriend and their little boy.

That can't be good at all. I feel bad for Tyler. Hope he turns out ok.

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Wow, OG I love your E-ring. Congrats.


As for your sister I don't know what to say. Why isn't she working on gaining more weight--96 pounds is awfully skinny to be having another baby? How do they afford food for the baby, formula, diapers, etc? That just seems to incredibly expensive, especially if they add another baby to it...

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Wow, OG I love your E-ring. Congrats.


As for your sister I don't know what to say. Why isn't she working on gaining more weight--96 pounds is awfully skinny to be having another baby? How do they afford food for the baby, formula, diapers, etc? That just seems to incredibly expensive, especially if they add another baby to it...


Thanks everyone!


She has always been small, when she was first pregnant she had trouble gaining weight. Diapers they buy themselves I'm sure, formula you can get on WIC and food stamps, I think they have WIC because her husband makes too much for food stamps.

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Wow I really don't know what to say... I'm baffled that she wants another kid and plans on trying until she has a girl. Well like you said--she'll do what she wants. If I were you, I would just be happy not to be with a redneck living in your drunk father and law's home, while your hubbie brings home a walmart salary.

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To whichever ENA member who though it clever to send the link to this journal to OGs Sister, however you know her.


Your interferance is unwelcome, unwarranted, and we WILL find out who it was. I don't know who the H you think you are, but people use this site as a forum to resolve problems that could cause issues in familes and relationships. You've violated that trust and frankly dont deserve to be anywhere near this forum.


Your behaviour is appaling, and it's caused issues within a family and hassle to OG. Put simply, butt out, because it isn't, and never was, any of your business.

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Oh my...CS--how the H did they get access to her sister? Does her sister frequent on ENA, or something? If I was OG I would look into connections between this website and other websites where she is friends with the same people (i.e. facebook friends who are also friends on ENA). I'm really sorry that happened. I can imagine how angry her sister is. I wonder who did that?


OG I hope everything is okay.

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