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He isn't. He was born two months early so he's had his fair share of problems. She did just text me, there was a 4 hour wait for the head scan so the doctor looked at it, said he didn't think it was a tumor and he wasn't running a fever so they sent him home. Our wonderful American health care working!


Oh my God I know that. 90% of the spills that occur in my room are from Jasper. No lie. The tower unit to my computer sits next to my bed and I have a coaster on top and that's where I sit my drinks. When he goes to jump on the bed he doesn't always clear it and ends up knocking the drink over or while I"m sleeping playing with whatever cup I fell asleep sitting there. He also has annoying habit of trying to lay down on my scrap book pages.


I was painting this ocean themed thing to hang in my room one time, and Jasper stuck his paw in the paint and then tried to LICK the paint. I almost had a heart attack....

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I know, the NHS is like the second reason I'm stoked to move to England, lol. It amazes me we, as America, have not adapted that policy yet. Just boggles my mind. I think it does take its toll on her. She is only 19 with a 4 month old baby who will always be prone to sickness and will never work (he has a heart defect) and married life. As much as I want kids I couldn't imagine having one when I was 19.

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Thanks Fudgie!



My mom is getting on my nerves. I'm sick and yes, it is only a cold, but dammit, I don't feel well. And yet she's trying to guilt trip me into going to nanny and papas tomorrow. My brother in law was suppose to drive my sister and nephew up but he's sick so my mom is like well, she can ride in your car. Um, hello, I don't know if I'll feel like going or not. Then she said well your sister can drive you car. Ummmmm. No. So pretty much my mom is saying 'ef how you feel (although my brother in law is too sick to come), you are driving you sister.'


Why is she so adament that I go? Because it's the first time every family member has been there. Well, there have been times my aunt has missed a family thing because she was sick or had to work, it's not going to be the end of the world if I miss it one time because I"m sick. Geez.

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So sorry to hear about your nephew.. I think its terrible they sent him home without doing all the proper checks in circumstances where he does have ongoing health problems because of his premature birth. That's really not impressive!


I think being treated like a child under thumb is one of the prices paid of still living with parents.. you must be looking forward to moving to England and being the lady of the house

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I think being treated like a child under thumb is one of the prices paid of still living with parents.. you must be looking forward to moving to England and being the lady of the house


God I am. It is so hard to go from living on your own, having your own place to yourself, to living with your mom who you never even actually lived with growing up. Living apart she and I get along great. Together, we clash a lot. Yet another way my ex ended up screwing me over...

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I kind of side with your mom on this one... family gatherings can really be a chore, but you ARE moving to England soonish, and on the rare instance where the entire family is together, it becomes super important for EVERYONE to be there. I know it sucks. I hated every minute of my grandma's 80th birthday party because everyone was a stranger pretty much, but it's an obligation thing. You should go unless you're really, really sick.

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Sherry- I can understand that point, but I"m not leaving for England realisitically until May 2013 probably (we are hoping sooner), so it's not like the last family function. I think she got the message I wans't feeling well this morning when she pocked her head into my room and asked me if I was going and I could barely breath. I have cleared up some but now I'm coughing like crazy. Gah...


So yeah, I didn't go. I have been in bed all day (minus getting something to eat earlier) and talking to CS via emial and a short webcam chat. I'm thinking of taking another nap here in a few minutes, I have to start my work week tomorrow and I want to try to be over this as much as possible before I have to go to work. Sucks this happened on my weekend off. I have been trying to scrapbook all weekend to get something productive done and it just isn't happening with me not being able to breath. I have mostly been lied in bed watching The Office and documentaries all weekend.

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Sadly no, CS has this thing with work, then we have a whole other issue with work, then we have the circumstances for the visa to meet... it's ridiculous really.



So my mom dragged out her Christmas stuff tonight. And me being a Christmas nut even while coughing my head off and being a little stuffy after a good 5 hour nap got up and helped her sort through the stuff. I'll post pics in a little bit. I'm putting the tree up after work tomorrow but I did grab a few shots of the chaos of stuff scattered around the living room. It kind of made me sad a little, because it'll be at least 2 more Christmas' before CS and I are physically together for Christmas.

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We are. The plan we hope to stick by is get married in Feb and me move over in Jan. 2012. If that happens we won't see each other during that time because we will be saving for the visa and house (and CS can't leave the country from April-Sept due to a work thing). However, the terms of the visa is the sponsor (CS) has to make x amount (which he currently makes) but he has to show he will have x amount every week to support me and not rely on the government for support. He can do this if we live in like what he currently lives in (a shared house where the rent isn't high) but if we have to get our own place he won't have that extra money and they refuse to budge from that SO we would have to wait until April 2012 to file because CS gets a raise that month and we would be able to have that x amount each week. If that happens we will set a trip up for me to fly over to England about Oct or Nov of 2012 to kind of split the time apart up. Still a long time but we wouldn't have been seeing each other between April-Sept anyway because of his work.


It's a whole heap of a mess really, lol. But yeah, we are still getting married in Feb. We are under the 80 day mark as well!

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Wow - that is really harsh!!


You don't want to do the shared living thing? It's not an ideal way to start a marriage off I guess but it might be better than being apart - worst case scenario - for a whole 2 years after you get married. Shared living might be less stressful for you both than that alternative?

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Oh no we are all for doing the shared living house (we would only have to do it until I found a job), we just aren't 100% certain we CAN live in a shared house with the terms of the visa (everything we have found only sates there has to be 1 bedroom for the couple but you know how immigration is) and if we could find a shared house that would allow a married couple to live there.

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An immigration lawyer should be able to clarify that for you and you can request a fee estimate before you sign a retainer .. that should ensure the fee doesnt blow out and it would probably be worth it? A lot of sharehouses here do allow couples so i think you can be hopeful about finding one that allows a married couple. Then you could move very soon after the wedding!

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I need to start working out, like REALLY doing it and not just saying I am. I just want to be able to go up a flight of stairs without giving out of breath. I'm going to see what I have to do to sign up for the gym at the hospital and seeing if there is a local park where I can start walking before work, even if it is for only 30 mins a few times a week. I have got to start exercising will power!

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Oooh misleading post on my part.. "Here" is Australia - I was just hoping the situation would be the same in the motherland ;-)


I have lived in England for 10 years though while growing up and I think you'll love it there.. once you get used to the weather.. its very much filled with culture, personality, life and history.. and beauty.. as the US is as well

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lol, I forget the Empire extends to other countries outside the tiny island itself.


I think I will too. I have always loved England, from their culture to the history. I don't lie when I say I know more English history than I do American history. Even if I hadn't met CS I always wanted to live there, so it's kind of life full filling a dream.

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