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Everything posted by PRSOV

  1. From what I remember the 2nd poster in the thread was questioning whether this was legal...
  2. I don't mind really only as long as they aren't anywhere visible where other people will see them.
  3. That just a minor detail?.. Why are you chasing after another guy if you already have a boyfriend?
  4. How can there be love if there is no physical interaction is my thought...
  5. I am sorry, I forgot that minor detail... I don't want to see you get hurt again, he is screwing you around because it happened to him in the past. Don't let it happen to you. If he wants to get together with you, let him get off his butt and do something about it instead of making messages on myspace. I am sorry but he needs to be more of a man than that.
  6. I don't think you can love. Love can only be developed by actually spending quality time with that person and getting to know them closely. Did you meet them online?
  7. That is such a well written poem, so much detail... I haven't seen a poem that graphic in a while. Thank you for sharing.
  8. In general I don't like it when anybody is covered in tattoos. I think it is important that if you are going to do that kind of thing that it is for yourself and not anybody else. Tattoos are a one way street, it is permanent and cannot be removed without expensive and painful laser surgery. Personally, I don't find women who are covered in tattoos attractive. This is not to say I don't think it is right and they should not do it, it is just something I do not like and I do not want to have a partner that is covered in ink. If I was in a bar and there was a young woman who was covered in tattoos, I most likely wouldn't bother striking up a conversation. Sure a small tattoo on the hip or on the lower back does look attractive, I just think large tattoos or people who have a lot of ink isn't appealing.
  9. Personally, I think you should disregard what he said when he was drunk. It is usually a bad idea to believe what people say when they are drunk... he probably had no idea what he was talking about, but then again it would depend on how drunk he was at the time. I think people tend to say anything that they know will give them tempoary comfort, even if it means being really nice to your ex. As far as the message on my space goes, I really don't know... It sounds a bit vague to me, it could be anyone... How sure are you that he is referring to you? Does he know that you read his myspace page so that you would be able to see the message he has posted up to try and get your attention? It could just be something in general that he has written. Give him some more time to think about things and what he really wants right now, he is pretty confused about what he wants from you so I am thinking that you wouldn't want to go jumping in too early and getting yourself hurt again. If he really wants to have a relationship with you he should be mature enough to talk things through rationally with you, rather than posting up messages and hoping you will initiate contact... if that is what his motives are. If he is really interested in getting back together with you, he should be man enough to intiate some kind of relationship when he messed you around in the first place, he at least owes you that respect and not to think he can jerk you around all the time because of his own insecurities.
  10. I don't generally have much time on my hands because I am flying all the time but I do have a few hobbies aside from that to take my mind off it: Sports - I regulary play soccer, cricket, tennis and football... I also like to go ten pin bowling every so often. I also Scuba dive in the warmer seasons of the year when I have enough money. Model making - Every now and then I sit down and make a model of some sort. I grew up doing this so I figured to keep it going. Reading - I find sometimes it is a good way to fill in time. Those are just a few of my hobbies, I hope you find what you can do to keep you active.
  11. You did the right thing for your kitten, you took away his pain. Don't blame yourself under the circumstances, it was just one of those spare of the moment decisions, nothing you could have done could have saved him because if you did I am sure you would have done it. Reflect on the positive memories you have of you and your kitty.
  12. You need to discuss with him how you feel, and why you are feeling this way before you make any big decisions. Why do you have such a strong feelings/instincts that he has been unfaithful to you?
  13. Hey there rimshot, I am sorry to hear about your situation, but it sounds as though you have a good handle on the situation. If you want to e-mail your ex to wish her a happy birthday. It can be short, sweet and to the point. You don't owe her anything so don't feel as though you have to. Make sure you keep to the point though and if she responds don't move onto any other subject. NC is for you... Sounds like you are making great progress. Good luck and keep us posted. PR
  14. If it is someone I don't like, that is when it makes me feel uncomfortable... Or if they are flirting, and I don't have any romantic interest to reciprocate...
  15. I think that everyone likes receiving compliments, it's just that not everybody reciprocates the thought back.
  16. Can I just ask why are you still with her if you don't trust her... and the fact that she has betrayed your trust more than once in the past. Is she really worth it? She definitely has issues and needs professional help.
  17. Personally, this is something I think you need to sit down and have a serious talk to her about. You can't just go along assuming that she is telling you the truth... She hasn't been completely honest with you so far. Whilst it is great that she is trying really hard to move on from what has happened I think you should consider asking her if some counselling would help. It doesn't appear that she is completely over what has happened.
  18. I brought that up before but there was no reply...
  19. Does she seem to still have issues from the past or do you think that she moved on from that stage of her life now?
  20. I think you shouldn't be blaming your bofriend so much, yes he did crash the car which I am sure he didn't mean to... but why weren't you wearing a seat belt, especially driving in such dangerous conditions? To me that just sounds crazy...
  21. It is a very good film, I saw it with the same intentions... to have a laugh and in the end I nearly ended up crying I found the ending to be quite sad, until he woke up on the bed in the department store It definitely makes you think twice about how much you appreciate your family. PR
  22. If she lied to you before how do you know she isn't lying now?
  23. I understand why she is doing this, she wants to feel loved. Unfortunately she is going the wrong way about things... If she wants to find love, sleeping with a number of men isn't going to help. Which in turn is probably why she has had so many sexual partners. There isn't anything you can do, she most likely needs professional counselling.
  24. I would say she does this because they give her the attention that fills the gap [from the abuse]. What kind of trouble has she had in the past?
  25. Depends over how long? At once then I think yes definitely!
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