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Everything posted by Jonboy582

  1. He has not given youany reason to distrust him so don't. I have things in a box from my ex. But they are in a box away and I never look at them, just keep them. I could also not be any more inlove with my girlfriend.
  2. What you have to remember is all men are different. And alot of this thing about men loosing respect would be to do with your track record. If you have and if he knows of you doing similar things with other guys that will obviousely bias his decision. But there is no way for sure to know.
  3. I was once a poster there and didn't know whether to put this in relationships or break up, was kind of border line. Can't stop worrying about it beive i have abandonment issues and a fear of rejection. As for working things out, I willl try my best, thanks. Jon
  4. Yes I will talk to her, not worth letting it bother me, and perhaps escalate in severity. And thanks you were the only person who replied and your new here
  5. Im pretty sure she does, like if one or two weeks we spend alot of time together, everything is perfect. Just when I get to see her like once a week she seems distant when im with her. Could this be because she wants to take the relationship further, but the presant lack of contact means she is not sure that she wants to or not? hence her dilema. Would explain when we spend time together things are good and when we don't she questions the relationship.
  6. What do you mean work with me? And as for driving all the time, it costs a lot of money especially as fuel is so much here in England, but I would rather see her than have money. Although I would like her to come see me, im fine with it, I have to be there no real other alternitive.
  7. Well thing is she don't want me to see her in work, as she hates her uniform but I could always try. Also we live some distance appart so its not so easy seeing each other. I can drive there in 15min but for her to get to me takes just under 2 hours as she doesnt have a car and would need to get a train and a bus and I would have to drive her home anyway. So basically we have made a silent decision I do all the driving and traveling. Grrr this is soo frustrating, she the best thing to happen to me and its getting spoilt by things as petty as travel.
  8. I just received a text from my girlfriend after seeing her today which was most unexpected. Basically it said, sorry if she made me feel bad, just when we dont see each other much she wonders if we should be together she wants to be with me she loves me, just doesnt feel right when we havnt seen each other much. I see her as much as possible, just im either at Uni on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and work Saturdays. I would see her after college but she is usually working, and thursdays and fridays she usually works as well. This is hell, I really really want to see her but I can't. And now this text. Don't know what im expecting you guys to say just anything is cool. Thanks Jon
  9. Riiight never met someone who likes hobbits. As for mouths thats a new one I never heard either.
  10. Because its all about the breasts and people get bored about them, always flaunted on TV in papers and magazines after a while its just a breast. Ask me the same question 5 years aggo when I had not been subjected to such material or only on vary rare occasions, and I would have said breasts. But as you mature guess you also appretiate someone for what they are and there other qualities aswell. Besides in the write way you can do sexy things with breasts, and im sure with hands and feet too as many people have quoted, but I would like to see someone move there breasts independently without moving there body!
  11. wow never ever met someone into hands, I can see where your coming from though. Personaly im a leg man love my gf legs, although breasts are not far behind. Is the buttocks included within the leg section if so 100% legs.
  12. You sure you friend was not trying to rectify these problems you had with your sister? In my experience, I won't have best friends because others get jealous, and it will hurt more when one betrays you and there will always be a time in your life when this does happen. Also if there is something I want to tell someone I will not tell anyone at all if it can come back to me, hence why I post on this forum, and if I do tell someone I will make sure they have no link to the person i.e. I wont tell anyone who has a friend who knows the person in concern. As for your friend, I suggest discussing things with her, and in future don't put her in a situation where her interests between two friends conflict. Jon
  13. It happened to me before except I was the boyfriend Some of my girlfriends mates tried to set herupp with sum guy the whole night even theough she was happy and with me, I thought it wuite odd and rather offensive on there part as well they just talk to me now like nothing happened. Why people do it, I dunno.
  14. Don't worry my heart is most deffinately in it. I guess I just feel insecure that she will stay like she is and my feelings become deeper and I end up hurt like what has happened in the past. I think I will just go in with 2 feet and try and not think of the consequences, because at least the I will be more happy for possible ever or atleast until the end of the relationship, and if she doesn't end up feeling the same way and I don't know, atleast ignorance is bliss.
  15. Yer I guess so people Im just being silly, its just trying to stop myself being silly that's hard As for any problems, I am amazed we have not had 1 niggle or anything no arguments just really really happy when I'm with her. But then that makes me worried I hear about people who brake up because everything is too perfect and they don't argue enough then they get bored. Or the fact we are soo similar, it won't be a case of opposites attract. Also, if I ever think something has been wrong between us or she has feelings for some bloke from the past that's all ended up good as well, what I thought were photos of her and an ex which she didn't want to show at first turned out to be something completely different (a sad story with a friend I will not mention). At the moment she seems like the perfect girl, all my friends have commented on this as well, there like, "she is soo in to you, when you go out to a club she doesn't even look at other guys" I would not mind really if she did, but that's a HUGE comfort to me as I get paranoid due to things that have happened before. Another thing she properly opened up to me last night when we were in bed, and it made me really happy (I actually cried a little because she shared a VERY SECRET problem with me, she could actually trust me enough). Was a happy tear but upset for her at the same time, kind of weird. Look at me sorry I'm going on loads, and I bet almost everyone hasn't bothered to read to the end (I know I would not have hehe)
  16. Hello, not really anything major but this feeling has been bugging me a bit lately. In my latest relationship, I have found a really really nice girl, who although we haven't been together for ages we have been officially "going out" for 4 months, but been together like 5 and a half. Well this girl, I love her to bits she is so amazing, and from what I can gather feels the same way about me and she says the cutest things that make me all warm inside, but that's besides the point. The problem lies, I want to get closer to her, and let my self grow more emotionally attached and to a certain degree I have BUT I know one day even if its 5 years from now something will change and I will end up getting my heart broken and this is pain I don't want to deal with. Then I just end up having conflicting emotions which just gets me down. I don't really know what I want people to say, just erm wanted to tell someone I guess and get feedback on the situation.
  17. Well I have started a new chapter in my life, I have a new girlfriend, and we have been going out for about 4 months now, who I love and makes me realise how unlucky I was getting with my ex because my current girlfriend is sooo much better in every conceivable way. In fact I haven’t really even thought about or spoken to my ex in a LONG time. As some of you said, it was bringing back sad memories, I didn't really remember anything, just suddenly went sad and tears came. I have 2 distinct memories of that song one happy, one sad. 1. We were listening to it alot on the way to Alton Towers theme park in the car. 2. I listened to it a lot after we had just broken up and I was all depressed. Of course not it was "Queen - Play the Game" Had to listen to the whole album to find which one it was but I knew when I heard it.
  18. Well its odd, I broke up from my ex about 9 months aggo (painfull for me). She has had a new bf I have a new gf who I love, so its not like im not over my ex. Well weirdest thing happened, I listened to a queen song which I assosiat with me ex, and for some reason became all sad and started crying. What I was wondering, is why did I cry, I had no reason, and am over my ex so why???
  19. Hey I don't mind. Would prefer her to just "go with the flow" lol.
  20. Well this is during sex. As for toilet stop before, it usually only like 30 min before maybe less, so well she should not need it again. Erm not trying to flatter myself or anything, but from the incidences it happens, its more likely that she was about to orgasm I would say. As well it occurs usually when she is enjoying it more, and she has gone to the toilet fairley recently prior to the event. One other thing, someone said certain positions could trigger this. Well it's only happened it bog standard mitionary position, and when she was on top. And cant really see how this would push on her bladder, but im not an expert so would not know. Thanks for all the replys people. Jon
  21. Hello there. Just was curious into a matter in my sex life. Basically, on a frequent basis when having sex with my girlfriend. She stops sex and says she has to go to the toilet. This usually happens when she is enjoying it a lot. What I want to know is why? Why does this happen? what does she have to go to the toilet Jon
  22. HAHA thats very funny, and put a brighter outlook on things to me. I have always got my girlfriend to buy them OR paid very high prices from public toilets or bought them off the internet. I really am not worried now about going into a shop. Although I will stick with trusted sites on theinternet myself, saves me a bundle. As for your penis size. I personally between ages of 16 and 18 saw no growth in length. But did see growth in girth. And the only thing to do with size that matters above a penis of like 4 inches is the girth really.
  23. hey glad I could have been of service. He is a bloke who sounds very much like me, except im not serbian but we can look past that. Well good luck with him and hope you work out when he gets back.
  24. Indeed that is true. For some odd reason my ex decided to have sex with me not telling me she was on her period, and failing to remove her tampon. So really I just ended shoving that inside her. Anouther time she had sex with me, and I looked at my penis, and I was like OMG and it was covered in blood. She again did not let me know she was "on". And now I experienced the bleeding myself. And as for the bosses daughter, thats a dangerous game
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