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Everything posted by Jonboy582

  1. Well I accepted she did not want to be in the relationsip. And they say the first thing about love is knowing when to let go, so I did wat she wanted. I did cry when I saw her and all that but after 2 days was really reduced then after 3rd day was gone. Now all im worried about is telling all my mates. We are still ait too close though I think, abit touchy feely. (not that I mind)
  2. Give it time just hang in there. I could take up to a year to fully get over him. I was lucky when I broke up with my g/f as I was forced to get over her as I was at hers for afew days and was best friends with her. But as I dont know the siuation why you brokeup I doubt that is best course for you to go down. So just hang in there it will end up fine.
  3. haha think it started happening already. She dont love me anymore but she keeps flirting lol, and well ashamedly we wnded up having sex 3 days after we broke up lol. But yer she not ready for a seriouse relationship which is what it was turning into, so if she wants a lesser one I may comply I will just try to not get as emotionaly attached this time. But she assured me this was never going to happen again but hey her sex drive is too high for it not too unless she finds someone else lol.
  4. Slow movements with your head sorta around is head (sounds weird) but I mean sorta tease him a little. Make it look like you going to kiss him (move in slowly) then make ya lips almost touch them pass by maybe then kissing his neck softly or give it a small lick (not a big wet one). That alwasy works on me lol. Some people have a talent for just performing certain movements sexy like licking there lips and winking others just dont. So try them out and judge by his reaction if they work or not. Good luck.
  5. Just thought I would air my opinion on NC. I dont think it is always the best thing when breaking up (depending on the nature of the split). I just spilt up with my girlfriend who I loved with all my heart (funily enough was the reason for the split, as she did not love me as mcuh then got all guilty bla bla bla). Any way I had 4 days planned to spend time at her house, and we broke on the first day, and as I was in her shoes for 4 days I was devistated for like 2 always crying, third was easier and 4th was no trouble at all. I mean I almost toaly healed and we best mates now, with a special bond as we came sooo close to each other during our relationship. So really spending time with someone you best friends with and also person you spilt up with, means u have to face everything and you are left with no unanswered questions. But I also agree in some cases this isnt true, anyone lese share my view?.
  6. Basicaly you have to have to burn more callories than you eat. That and only that is how u can burn off fat. Try a calory controlled diet eat a minimum of 1900 calories a day (thanks thats right dont hold me to it). And try and burn off like 3000 a day on average, then in no time your weight will have dropped. Eat any less than that and your body will go into starvation mode and u will hold fat easier. edit: Just read your post more thouraly, the reason you gaining weight is cos of the fact YOU DID NOT EAT ENOUGH BEFORE. That means your body conserves every last bit of fat encase you start to starve again, thus you thought you were helping but you broke the golden rule of dieting, "not eating enough". Eventualy with a sensible diet say around 2200 calories your body should bring itself out of the "starvation mode" and then you can loose weight normaly.
  7. Ok, you are only 13 you willbe feeling may emotions right now, and the chances are you probably are not a lesbian. You just experiimenting. You have not yet said if you are actualy attracted to girls?. Also if you are a lesbian that is you and part of who you are, if/ when you let your parents know, make sure they know that fact. Tell then you have known for a year or so and you were no different then so why would u be any different now they know. And as I said just cos your not finding blokes attractive at themo doesnt mean your gay. When I was13 I did not really find many girls attractive, but I did not call my self gay.
  8. Are you feeling neverous when you are with him, cos that can stop you reaching a climax. Or do you feel you are getting close to an orgasmm with him but he finishes to soon. Then in that case he can practice certain techniques or use certain lubes to prolong the time it takes for him to cum. For example if you use condoms. Durex Performa have an anasthetic that delays his climax. finally there are many more positions you can try (dunno if you do already). When you are ontop you control sex and make it go just how you want so you may be able to reach your orgasm that way. Does not work for my g/f she likes me doing the work lol, but I hear t works for most others. Hope this has been of some help, and if you want to know bout these exercises and techniques post again and im sure I will reply.
  9. oooooh ouch, well I best not do it in the sea near me, its brown its soo dirty, but hey who knows I may go somewhere with a nice private swimming pool
  10. erm well great, glad to hear ya life is going well, and good luck in the furture. Thanks for the advice
  11. Twice, when I was going through a rocky patch with my girfriend and was getting paranoid.
  12. Im sorry this maybe considered bad advice (not really advice but a statement). I think your parents have gone too far, you are meant to enjoy yourself when your a teenager its an important step in developing into an adult and if this stage is crushed it may have long term reprecutions. To furthr this you say by her parents masking her to bad foods and such is protecting her. But as I know from experience with mor than one friend, after the curfew so to say has been lifted, the child/teenager is more likely to do the things the parents tried to stop, either to get thei own back or be rebeliouse or just because its something they never been able to do.
  13. wow that is over protective, I never heard of anyones parents as strict as yours, but they are doing it for your own oodd, or atleast they think thye are. Have you told them what a mess it is making your life? Other than that I really dont know.
  14. lmao hah thanks will be trying that the night of the 15th . And hey maybe I should bring my scuba gear, just invented a new sport there
  15. sorry to dig up this post again but I also have loads of excess skin down there, this is strange andif I pull it tight my six pack is very visible. Is the only way to get rid of this through surgery? If so I wont bother trying lol.
  16. I agree totaly there, apart from oral sex, we both agreed not to try that on her. (I mean she dont want me to give it and I dont particuarly want to ) so I would not know.
  17. Oops posted twice How do I delete this 1?
  18. hahaha ty cheers for you advice, I will say we will be trying it shortle. And well I will leave my norkle at home I think. And finally some good watersports (ones with sex in lol).
  19. ok that says use silicone lubricant to stop chlorine irritation in a pool, we want to do it in a normal bath (deep one) would we not need to bother for that.
  20. My girfriend really wants to have sex in the bath, but I said no cos I heard somewhere that it can be bad for you, because of all the water. Is this true or can we go ahead and do it.
  21. U can occasionaly feel it, when I dunno I feel it just tightens slightly, but 90% of the time my g/f climaxes (fortunately she is easy to please lol) I dont feel a thing.
  22. o right thanks all, and I do eat right, exercie right, and have a well tonned body Was just wodering cos, well I have a visible six pack but there still this thin layer of fat covering it, but I wont try getting rid of it as well it would just be nasty cos Im already a slim person. So any fat everywhere else would go first so not a good idea Ohh I do hate my genes.
  23. Is it possible to perform localised weightloss cos I hear some people say you can and others say u cant. I mean im not over weight but I would like to shed a thin layer of fat over my stomach to improve my six pack. Is it possible to loose weight on stomach and not else where on the body?
  24. thanks cheers, im glad to hear what I did whats not really classed as self harming. But yer I am really messed up at the moment, just so many thoughts going round my head, I am over analising everything and making mountains out of mole hills, I was thinking of seeing a shrink, what would u suggest?
  25. hehe I could imagine that would be rather amusing to watch every day for 2 years just 2 boys rubbing themselves on poles (no disrespect to you intended here) I just got some funny vision in my head that makes me chukle lol.
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