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Steven Robinson

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Everything posted by Steven Robinson

  1. Humankind is a fragile and vulnerable thing, split between consuming urges and coaxing callings. Dawn’s cool understanding cradles shells that wander and yearn, while brittle without companionship and fear being so sternly exposed to the elements of life. Isolation can become an easy comfort, but when should it be sought and when should it be shirked? When does a person know when it's time to break free from the ties of indulgence and find the serenity in solitude? Maturity – true and lasting maturity – is learning how to detach from people and situations that fuel misery, no matter how scarce the light of joy feels in such an crushing nation. Temptation, clinging on tight with reckless abandon and aggressive motion, is the product of an unquenched need; it is the result of an inner emptiness that cannot be filled with material possessions or emotive affections. And yet, with self-reflection, humility and unbiased determination, a breach of the fetters of toxic binders can warmly embrace us in a surge of soft silken solace. Making a stand, requiring courage, fortitude and resolve, is often easier said than enacted. How can one comprehend the scope and nature of the situation, analyse and articulate their findings, draw conclusions and implement solutions that may outlast the lifetime they have formed? A cataclysmic fallout will always ensue following a setting of boundaries and a fierce marking of one’s personal sovereignties. Time fractures, shimmering and shifting around those brave enough to veer off course from the languid darkness of pleasure’s seduction and take shelter in the gentle shade of happy independence. Learning about yourself and your instincts, for better and for worse, throughout countless days, hours and moments of peace and storms, is a journey that begins with one single, profound choice. It can be hard to look away from the flames of attraction and blank temptations, shining and seductive in the night. The argument for reconciliation and rebuilding – for healing and forgiveness – may well inscribe itself in our psyches in pretty stories to tell, but is it really worth it? Even the best of defences don't eradicate scars completely, and some damage cannot fully be reversed. In the search for identity, we are all between the devil and the deep blue sea - ever risking attachment to the abyssal depths of obsession and cravings, with sanity being the still-calm junction between true aloneness and loneliness. Know that there is career in clearing the pathway to constancy by correctly accepting the right companions – ones who will move with you in balance along the rock-laden roadway – as well as ridding your soul of those who would try to trip you up and lead you back down into the warm waters of turmoil and trauma. Forging fiery bonds, with those willing to stay within the realm of the real and the sublime, just might be the key; the treasured flask of remedy to heal hysteria and disharmony. Maturity, at its core, is learning to be alone without feeling lonely and never going back to toxic people no matter how lonely you feel. It is placing your trust in the hands of fate, and taking destiny into your grasp. Stay firm and unflinching in the face of opposition, but open to the possibilities this life has granted unto you along the journey. Journey with your newfound inner strength, making choices for the betterment of your being, knowing that whomsoever endeavors to make sense of the world in their corner; it is their primary responsibility.
  2. When a relationship ends, it's normal to feel overwhelmed with emotions like sadness, anger, and confusion. But eventually, it’s time to move on and accept that new love can come into our lives. The amount of time needed to heal and let someone back into our hearts depend on many factors, including our own personality, the type of relationship we had, how long it lasted and of course, how much we loved the other person. One thing is for certain: no two breakups are the same. Some of us might need a few weeks or months to fully recover, others might take a year or more. The key is to take it one day at a time and find healthy coping mechanisms that help you heal from the pain and move on. One positive way to work through a breakup is to journal about the experience. Putting thoughts to paper allows us to organize our feelings in a productive way and can help us make sense of what happened. It can also be useful to talk to friends and family who can offer kind listening ears and words of encouragement. Sometimes, though, more help is needed. Reaching out to a mental health expert or therapist can be beneficial if you're feeling stuck and unable to cope. A therapist can provide you with objective support and tools to help you process your emotions, making it easier to overcome the breakup and accept new love down the road. Whatever coping strategies you choose, it’s important to give yourself plenty of time and space to heal. Only then will you be open to allowing love back into your life. Research suggests that self-care, such as taking up a creative hobby or going on a vacation, is paramount in the healing process. Allowing yourself to grieve naturally shows resilience and helps you begin to look forward instead of backward . It also helps to reflect on why the relationship ended. You may need to evaluate where things went wrong, so that you can avoid repeating the same mistakes in the future. This reflection process can involve forgiving yourself and the other person involved, even if you do not receive an apology. Forgiveness frees us from the hurt and sadness accompanying a missed goodbye. Regardless of how much time it takes to work through your emotions, eventually it’s important to make space for acceptance. Remember, love is endlessly available and will come when you’re ready for it. If you take the time to nurture yourself, honor your feelings and listen to what you truly want and need, you just might be surprised by the joy and love that comes your way.
  3. Have you ever had a deep yearning to feel connected and loved, but somehow it's always just out of your reach? Many of us have--it's the feeling of unrequited love. Whether it's romantic, friendship, or a familial relationship, it can be heartbreaking to constantly give your best and get nothing in return. It slowly erodes at your well-being, if left unchecked. But what happens exactly when there’s no love in a person’s life? Let’s explore this concept—and also how to move through it. Unrequited love is an emotion we don't often talk about, but its presence is felt almost universally. We all know the feeling of having a crush, or being passed over with a job opportunity, or being ignored by someone we'm caring for. If a person is living with these emotions constantly, it can take a remarkable toll on their physical and mental health. One of the most noticeable effects of unrequited love is depression. This common mental illness takes away a person’s enthusiasm for life and can result in a lack of self-worth. Constant rejection fosters a negative feedback loop, gradually worsening symptoms of depression such as insomnia and decreased energy levels. Fear of experiencing more pain in the future can add stress, making it difficult to come out of this cycle. Without treatment, depression can cause serious and long-term damage. Lack of love in one’s life can also affect a person’s ability to connect with others. It’s easy to become isolated, retreating into ourselves and our own thoughts. This gives rise to distorted thinking; we may start to believe that we are undeserving of love, leading to feelings of loneliness and helplessness. If a person doesn’t feel like anyone will ever understand them or that they don’t belong in any relationships, it’s easy to become withdrawn from social situations, resulting in fewer opportunities for forming meaningful connections. On top of depression and social isolation, people without love may find themselves wrestling with feelings of worthlessness and toxicity. Without love, it can be difficult for someone to accept compliments, create healthy boundaries, or practice self-care. Thinking in ways that are self-destructive can also manifest, leading to anxiety and rumination on past conversations, situations, and life experiences. All of these dangers need to be taken seriously; there is a real risk of placing oneself in hurtful situations, or developing coping mechanisms that lead to health issues such as alcohol and drug dependence. It’s true that life without love will eventually take a toll on a person’s mental and even physical health. But all hope is not yet lost; recovery is possible. The first step is to recognize the difficulty and reach out to an expert counselor or therapist who can assist on the journey of healing. It is also important to establish supportive relationships with friends or family members and create activities that bring joy and purpose. Remember, unrequited love can be a painful and damaging emotion, but with some help and intention, recovery is achievable. By building resilience and recognizing our own worth, we can strive for self-knowledge and create pathways for healthy relationships. With enough time and effort, you'll eventually find yourself bestowing and receiving love, warmth, and acceptance.
  4. Coming to terms with the pain of having a narcissistic parent can seem insurmountable. Sadly, far too many people suffer from the wounds inflicted by their parents’ damaging behavior. Whether through neglect, lack of empathy, gas lighting, or manipulation, narcissism can have lifelong implications for our sense of self. The path to recovery is both challenging and long but one that can lead to powerful healing. It is crucially important to define narcissistic behavior and the effect it has on children. A particularly useful definition comes from psychotherapist Wendy Behary who states: ”Narcissism refers to a set of behaviors characterized by grandiosity, entitlement, need for admiration, and lack of empathy and concern for others." At its most extreme, narcissistic behavior lays at the root of a personality disorder. But regardless of severity, it can still profoundly affect how we feel about ourselves in adulthood. The first step in healing is understanding that the problem lies within your parent and not with yourself. Trying to change their behavior is a fruitless endeavor so, ultimately, it’s best to focus on taking charge of your own life. To do so, you need to practice self-compassion and recognize the pain associated with your parent’s behavior without being consumed by it. A great way to do this is through finding a support network. When abused, it's only natural to seek comfort from those closest to us but this will rarely help in the long run. It's much better to find therapy or join support groups with those who have been in similar situations. Comparing experiences won't only make you feel less alone, it can also provide priceless insight on how best to heal. It's also important to have realistic expectations. Healing isn't a linear process and, no matter how hard you try, you may never completely undo the damage done. Rather than striving for perfection, learn how to let things go and give yourself permission to make mistakes. We are all imperfect creatures doing our best and being our own cheerleader sets us on path to accepting defeat and knowing you tried. When rebuilding your sense of self, consider reconnecting with activities you loved as a child. Uncovering lost passions or trying new ones can be an effective way to replenish depleted confidence. And don’t be afraid to explore things that challenge you. Every step forward, no matter how small, can make you stronger and cause positive ripples in one’s life. Learning to embrace your own needs will also play a pivotal role in the process. Many of us have a tendency to put others before ourselves. This takes away our sense of power and fill ourselves with guilt, so it's important to nurture our own needs from time to time. Whether it's having a quiet night in or going on a weekend trip, make sure that you take care of yourself. Lastly, you can use mindfulness to manage negative emotions such as anger and sadness. Being mindful helps tune out mental noise and ground oneself in the present moment. Not only will this bring more calm, it helps identify triggers that raise our emotional temperature. The road to recovery from the fallout of narcissistic parenting won't be easy. But by understanding the effects of narcissistic behavior and developing alternative strategies to cope with it, it is possible to break free from it. Giving oneself the chance to voyage into their strength and wisdom, eventually shaking whatever hold pain might have had on them. Then, and only then, can we find the happiness and contentment that was so cruelly denied by our oppressive childhoods. It may be a long process filled with bumps, twists, and turns but if something is worth valuing and it’s worth fighting for.
  5. Do you dread going out with your work buddy? Do you find it increasingly difficult to hide your resentment as they pull out their wallets or purse every time the bill comes? It’s understandable that in all likelihood, your feelings towards them and the situation are growing toxic. Having a friend at work is a great advantage in the long haul. Having a friend who insists on paying and demonstrating their generosity can seem like it’s doing more harm than good. If the situation starts to turn sour and the feeling of resentment grows, it's likely that it needs to be addressed sooner rather than later. In this article, we’ll discuss how to navigate through this sticky workplace situation an look for ways to move forward. It can help to ask yourself about the reasons behind the behavior: is your work buddy genuinely just being nice or do they have other motivations? Are they trying to put forth a status symbol, getting attention from others, or some kind of debt repayment? Understanding why they might be doing it can help you confront them in a productive manner. Exploring different ways to tackle the situation or come to a better understanding can possibly diffuse the atmosphere. First of all, it’s important to address the problem head-on. You need to speak up and let them know how you feel in regards to the financial situation. It should be done in the most honest and civil way possible. If there are any underlying issues that could be causing conflicts, these should also be addressed openly and in an appropriate manner. Also take the time to talk about what each of you expects from the social situations. Is it a simple repayment in kind such as splitting the bill? What is the purpose of these outings and expectations from both sides? Clarifying expectations and honest communication might be an effective way for both of you to move away from the casual acquaintance level and towards a deeper friendship. In some cases, it could be helpful to draw boundaries entirely. The two of you might get along in a workplace setting but not match up as friends outside of it. By shift the dynamics and expectations, your resentment may start to dissipate. When all else fails, it can be useful to remove yourself entirely from these social circumstances and spend time with other people. If you start to recognize that your feelings of resentment are coming out other places in your life then it’s absolutely important to take a deeper look into it. It’s alright to admit that you are struggling with this dynamic. It could indicate that it’s time to move on from your ‘work buddy’ and embark on more meaningful of friendships. Although it may seem like a difficult issue to face, it’s possible for both of you to come out of it feeling better about the outcome. By openly discussing the issue and coming up with solutions that work for both of you, there’s a chance for a brighter future between the two of you.
  6. Every relationship is bound to have its disagreements and arguments. It is crucial that couples know strategies on how to stop an argument in its tracks before it spirals out of control. Having effective communication skills can help create mutual understanding , aid decision-making, as well as maintain healthy relationships with each other. Firstly, it is important for couples to understand their individual views on the disagreement and to respectfully acknowledge each other's perspective. It is natural for people to be perplexed and have different opinions, which is why rather than arguing about the issues, it is best to try and recognize the viewpoint of your partner. Listening intently to each other and offering support will help put an end to arguments. In addition, try and focus on objectively dealing with the problem instead using hurtful words. Refrain from making personal attacks that may offend or agitate your partner. This is primarily important to help keep conversations calm and tame emotions. Thirdly, bring up the issue at a better time. Whenever arguments occur, things can get intense very quickly. In order for proper resolution, one must remain calm and collected. If you find yourself getting angry, tell your partner that the discussion can be continued at a later time. Taking a break allows for both parties to collect their thoughts and relax first. Fourthly, avoid invalidating or denying the feelings of your partner. Showing empathy to each other can prove to be vital in fostering effective resolutions. It is important to hear your partner out while also validating their feelings. Providing heartfelt compliments can help make your partner feel appreciated and respected. As a result, arguments can be stopped in its tracks without it escalating further. Last but not least, choose your battles wisely. It’s essential to be selective when expressing disagreements. Not all miscommunications need heated debates, some ongoing issues can take longer to resolve than others. Relationships should not be filled with conflicts. Figure out which debates are worth the effort and let go of those insignificant ones. Arguments occur naturally within any relationship. It is necessary for couples to comprehend how to effectively stop these arguments in its tracks so it does not affect the dynamic between them. Utilizing the ideas presented above, one can effectively manage these disagreements, learn to monitor their own behavior as well as grant the same courtesy to their partner.
  7. Low-self esteem can be dispiriting and draining, leaving you feeling useless and overwhelmed. The lack of confidence can have a rippling, negative effect on your relationships, career and other aspects of life. It’s time to fulfill your true potential by looking within and changing your outlook. The true transformative change comes with emotional stability. If you find yourself in this state, take some time away from everybody else and be present with yourself. Learn to disconnect from what the world says you should be and check in with who you actually are. When this disconnection occurs, it could mean that you’re not in touch with your morals, values or talents. You know yourself better than anyone; you possess a wealth of knowledge that you need to rely upon. Additionally, if you feel like you’re constantly battling external factors, such as an abundance of criticism or disapproval, it’s essential to form a meaningful relationship with yourself. Working on any preconceived notions that you may have and changing negative thoughts is pivotal in improving your self-esteem. By demonstrating that you believe in yourself, and believing in your unwavering strength and capabilities, you will be able to better understand and appreciate your strengths. Evaluating yourself independent of those opinions can bring many pros, such as clarity. With the ability to map out your achievements with no limitations, you can clearly see all of the self-love and appreciation that you have generated throughout your life. Having an understanding of yourself can provide clarity on what you stand for, who you are and what you believe in. It doesn’t stop there; by being present with yourself and embarking on a journey of self-realization against criticism, it can help you immensely in making decisions that will adhere to your morals and values. Setting boundaries, declining requests, and managing expectations all become easier when you place faith in yourself. This not only makes you capable of confidently selecting which situations are suited for you, but also makes it possible to learn how to adapt in unfamiliar situations. Lastly, it’s essential to give yourself permission to be happy. Every thought, personality characteristic and action that makes you unique needs to be celebrated, as this in turn builds a sense of pride and self-respect. Concentrate on becoming more mindful in thought, dialogue and lifestyle. Taking a step back and monitoring your behavior will allow you to recognize any trends that can refine your day-to-day decisions. The journey to fix low-self esteem and cultivate emotional stability can be daunting. However, it can bring a profound understanding of who you intrinsically are and your invaluable strengths. keeping faith in yourself and constantly working on reframing your thought process can promote positivity and generate everlasting self-love.
  8. When life presents us with its challenges, unfortunately it often does not come with solutions. This feeling of inadequacy and lack of insight of how to approach and tackle the situations that we are facing is one of the most common burdens of modern day living. We ask ourselves “What do I want to do?” “How am I going to do it?” and “Where do I go from here?” without being able to identify the answers. In this vulnerable landscape of emotions, confusion and hesitation, there lies an even greater mountain to climb; that of lacking direction. This is a familiar place for many of us and seeking therapy can be an important part of finding a way out. Through discussing our innermost insecurities and questioning how we currently feel or think about certain situations, together we create a foundation for understanding and look for concrete solutions to ensure growth has been made. Whether it is a discussion of our previous work experiences or ideas we once felt passionate about, exploring these notions can be crucial to discovering what we truly want to do. A key factor in a client’s progression during therapy is motivation; the groundwork needs to be layed and actions need to be taken, something which can be difficult when we have no idea where to direct these efforts in the first place. As the therapist our role is to help the client identify the obstacle in front of them and create a plan of attack. Instead of fumbling around aimlessly, taking small but calculated steps is often the best route to take. This is especially true when psychographically structuring tasks in order to keep focus and avoid any conscious decision fatigue during the process. It’s also fundamental to remain open to opportunity and embrace change, even if it involves taking risks or finding a completely different career path in life. This involves knowing how to make better decisions, or learning how to choose the best option for us rather than trying to hedge our bets. This could be anything from deciding to approach a situation differently, or exploring options that up until this point felt everything but suitable safely. Finding out what it is what we truly want from life isn’t easy, and it takes hard reinforced introspection in order to become aware of it. Through examining our attitudes and conversations surrounding these issues, a new perspective may arise and the journey towards success begins. It’s true that there will always be uncertainty in our lives, but this doesn’t mean there isn’t hope to find our place in the world - clarity can only be found once we choose to let go of our self-imposed restrictions, and instead pursue the future that our deep yearning desire aspires to.
  9. As we transition from adolescence to adulthood, managing our responsibilities, anxieties and obligations can take a toll on our mental and physical well-being. One trait that adults may often forget to cultivate is the sense of wonder. Working adults must grapple with mundane daily tasks or stressful deadlines, which can be difficult to offset with moments of delight and amazement. However, if adults make the effort to nurture their sense of wonder, they can experience a richer, more fulfilling life. Everyone has observed young children who are filled with curiosity and spend much of their day being amazed by the world around them. Adults, too, can nurture and live with the same level of enthusiasm. To cultivate wonder as an adult requires us to remain open to both the expected and unexpected, allowing ourselves to engage in the moment without worry or fear. Taking time away from our normal lives to try something new and unexpected can help create these moments of elation and pleasure. We can also search for beauty every day. For instance, positive self-talk can provide us with windows of joy in our minds and remind us of the purpose of life itself. As we become aware of our inner strengths and intuition –even more obvious qualities such as the sprouts of a sun-filled morning or the golden hues of a waning evening -- nature's beauty can become more real and tangible. By opening up to life’s wonderful elements, we can let our inner sparks of creativity and ingenuity exist in their purest form. Engaging in activities that unleash creativity also helps to nurture wonder in adults. Playful activities such as drawing, singing, dancing, writing or creative problem solving can quickly break through periods of boredom and bring a sense of joy and excitement. Consider singing out loud in the shower, or even inside outside the sound of traffic or other everyday sounds. Writing down your thoughts is a great way to vent and unleash your creativity. Dance to the beat of your own songs, then express those moves in an improvisational way. Create an unexpected lego structure and be surprised how it turns out. All these activities encourage a sense of unpredictability and a growing sense of adventure. Discovering the possibilities of the unknown through self-exploration can also cultivate and sustain a sense of wonder. A key part of being an adult is learning about ourselves and understanding our own capabilities, beliefs and boundaries. Becoming better acquainted with our individual interests, values and goals can empower us to have the courage to pursue paths less familiar. Through this self-discovery and experimentation, we can begin to realize our potential and find purpose in our lives. Surrounded by smartphones, TVs and tablets at our fingertips, it can be easy to keep our days busy with the abundance of digital entertainment and content out there. However, if we choose to embrace the present moment with awareness, appreciation and a sincere attitude, life's habits can become more meaningful. The experience of wonder can occur within a seemingly small moment of joy, curiosity or amazement. By cultivating this sense within ourselves, we can walk through our daily lives enthralled by life's marvels.
  10. Encouraging children to follow directions can be incredibly difficult. Children often want to rebel against the status quo and feel as if they are in control of their own destiny. To bridge the gap between parental guidance and kid autonomy, it is important to equip kids with the tools they need to follow directions. Here are three strategies that can be used to help kids follow directions. The Golden Compromise: One strategy is to create a reward system that will engage children in the process of following directions. Parents can work together with children to create a plan that rewards them for completing tasks. this allows kids to get the tangible benefits they are seeking while still complying with expectations. In order to create an effective reward system, establish set goals ahead of time, incorporate both small and large reward items, and make sure that each of these items is attainable and appealing to children. This golden compromise will give kids the freedom of choice without taking away the boundaries that parents must set in place for the child’s safety and wellbeing. The Face-the-Consequences Method: It is also helpful to equip kids with the mentality of ownership and accountability. For instance, when a child is not following directions, let them know what will happen if they do not change their behavior. Expressing consequences even before they occur helps to reinforce the idea that there are real repercussions to their actions. By making the future behavior of a child more predictable, parents can empower their kids to take responsibility from a young age. The Reward of Intrinsic Value: Finally, instilling kids with concepts such as pride and honor for following directions can be extremely rewarding for them. Teaching children how to appreciate the intrinsic value of simply doing what is expected of them can do wonders for motivating them to meet expectations. It is also important to emphasize the ways in which their behavior can help others, whether it is aiding in a family chore or listening to the advice of a teacher. Seeing their actions as meaningful helps them to take pride in what they are doing. These three strategies are effective tools to help kids learn to follow directions. They allow kids to have more control over their upbringing while also enabling parents to support their children in achieving their best selves. Through incentives and expectations of ownership, children can become accustomed to hearing and carrying out directions, allowing them to grow into independent and responsible adults further down the road.
  11. Crawling out of bed after mere hours of sputtering sleep, thrown into a blazing day of work and responsibilities, feeling a sense of impending doom, deep inadequacy, and often, post exhaustion burnout. It's 2020, yet this experience of pressure, leading to the intense fatigue known as Burnout, is an anthem for millions of people around the world, particularly among younger generations. A recent study published in The Lancet Health Journal concluded that burnout is becoming increasing prevalent among the modern workforce. It's been shown to disproportionately affect women and those under thirty. Sadly, the tensions that accost each day are within the norm. Gen Z, young millennials, and women bear a greater burden of stress in the face of curtailed job security, growing costs of living and life, and higher expectations of performance in most pursuits. It's understandable why stress is at an all-time high; given what we're exposed to on a daily basis. Social media, unforgiving standards of beauty, a rapid paced world, virtual multitasking, and a deluge of both discouraging news and aspirational lifestyle propaganda. No wonder why a single mundane act might seem overwhelming. Those under thirty in particular struggle with the sense of 'stuckness' that makes modern life that much harder. Being mobbed in career limbo, failing to check milestones off the list, and being sandwiched between the pressures of personal priority and family responsibility. That’s just to name a few stressors as education and finances remain two top sources of anxiety for the masses. Compounding all the pressures of societal participation is situations like pandemics and climate crisis, which are out of our hands. Even progress seems to bring more stress with it as anxiety has become part and parcel to a successful career and meaningful achievement. Are millennials and Gen Z unfairly targeted by external forces such stress? Or is some of the fault ours? Sure, quick changing trends, rapid tech advancement, and an ever-increasing cost of living have beckoned a new age of stress. But that doesn't mean it's impossible to manage this heightened level of strain or to work towards healthier and more sustainable relationships to address it. The tricky thing about stressors is they all look the same. Discouragement, mental pressure, concern or fear all fit the same bill, leaving us unable to tell the difference between irrational anxieties and authentic, high-stakes issues. So yes, stress is on the rise worldwide. Our responsibility—and privilege—is to dig through the mass of uncertainties and discern what necessary actions and conversations may need to be had without succumbing to the whirlwind of day-to-day anxieties. For example, taking breaks from social media, setting realistic expectations, and regulating workloads to name just a few suggestions. Our anxiety can be met with tactics of resilience, strength and empowerment. These are not aged ideas, but rather feats of movement to progress, find balance, and eventually lead to a more peaceful, less taxing life. Bear essential problems in stride, manage with healthy self-talk, reach out when needed and work towards developing valuable coping skills that can weather any storm. No matter the situation, the realities we must face are true yet ever changing. It is possible to use our personal histories and what we envision for ourselves going forward to create meaningful and lasting change. Stress is alive, but so are we—let’s strive to live strong and find joy in the ride.
  12. It’s a special moment when a person and their dog share a unique bond – one of complete trust and devotion. But how can you tell if your pup has imprinted on you? The following signs should help you distinguish if your four-legged friend has developed a strong emotional attachment to you, their human. If your pup is constantly happy to see you, then they’re likely attached to you. Whenever you come through the door, no matter how long you’ve been away, your pup will jump up and down in joy with a fabled wagging tail. If a classic greeting isn’t quite so classic anymore – it may be because your pup loves to welcome you home as soon as possible. When it comes to finding comfort, your canine pal will look towards you whenever they need a pick-me-up. Unfamiliar situations or experiences can be scary for pets, and your dog may let you know by cuddling up close or hindering onto your lap. Your presence can bring a calming reminder that everything will be okay – and that you’ll get through any challenging roadblocks together. Another surefire sign is attention-seeking behaviours. Although most of us believe our pets bark and whine for no reason at all, it’s actually a cry for companionship and love. Whether it’s for a walk, playtime, or just tender loving care, don’t be surprised to hear some vocal demands from your pup. After all, an inseparable bond means they’re not afraid to voice their desires. The strongest sign of bonding is loyalty. A canine cohort will continuously demonstrate their unwavering devotion, even when times are tough. This type of attachment won’t waver or die, even if you relocate, or grandma takes over the reigns of puppy duties on the weekend. With an intense sense of affection, although it’s mutual, it’s clear who the favoured pawsome companion is. When a pup has a strong bond and connection with someone, there is no limit for the unconditional love and devotion that it can give. If your fur-baby exhibits these signs then nature has done its job – it’s likely that your dog has imprinted on you! As a result, you both have formed a powerful human-animal bond – one that won’t ever break.
  13. People can often be hesitant to open up and reveal their true selves to the people closest to them. But the truth is that self-disclosure is not just important for human connection – it is essential for it. Self-disclosure boosts levels of intimacy between partners, increases feelings of trustworthiness, and strengthens relationships. Knowing when to make the decision to self-disclose and how to effectively do it can be a challenge, but doing so responsibly can help to establish an emotional bond with someone that exceeds any physical connection. Self-disclosure is defined as the act of voluntarily choosing to reveal information about yourself that you would otherwise prefer to keep hidden from other people. It could include anything from information about your physical and mental health, your opinions and beliefs, or family and past experiences. This type of communication involves sharing thoughts, feelings, needs and desires, and can help you develop deeper connections with others. Most importantly, self-disclosure is reciprocal, meaning it is something that must be done on both sides of a relationship in order to reap the most benefit. The benefits of self-disclosure can be found in all sorts of partnerships, whether it’s romantic relationships, friendships, family, or even our professional networking circles. While it’s certainly not required in every case, opening up and talking about ourselves can help us feel closer to the other person, which in turn increases feelings of trust and emotional investment. This can lead to better communication, understanding, and emotional connectedness. When done properly, self-disclosure can also serve to boost self-esteem and confidence. By allowing ourselves to share certain things about ourselves with another person, we can gain a newfound understanding of our own identity. Through this, we are able to see ourselves in a more positive light, and learn to accept ourselves for who we are and recognize our worth. However, it’s important to remember that self-disclosure is not without its risks. It’s possible to be too hasty with the process, and sharing deeply personal information before the right level of trust and intimacy has been established could lead to betrayal and hurt feelings. To avoid this, we must thoughtfully consider the timing, ensure that the information being shared is appropriate to the relationship, and have an open dialogue with the other person so that they can respectfully provide feedback and input as needed. While it may seem daunting at first, there are many advantages to be gained by self-disclosing to those closest to us. Not only can it bring people closer emotionally, but it can also be a powerful tool for self-growth and discovery. By opening up to someone, we allow ourselves the potential to form a deeper connection with them – one that is rooted in mutual understanding, trust and respect.
  14. Mental clutter is the silent enemy, eating away at our minds, leaving us with an unorganized and chaotic thought process. It occupies space, emotions, and time, without ever being addressed. It can prevent us from reaching our fullest potential – professionally, spiritually, and in our personal lives. The key to unlocking our true potential lies in decluttering our mind and becoming mindful of our thoughts and our environment. It takes a conscious and intentional effort to part with our mental clutter. We must create an action plan that focuses on reorganizing our thoughts and combating the chaos within ourselves. Here we will have to identify what inhibits our progress and what areas need improvement and overhaul. The first step to decluttering our mind is to recognize how the clutter makes us feel. This can be a daunting task as it requires us to confront some uncomfortable feelings and general malaise. Acknowledge that your feelings are valid and be honest with yourself; admitting and confronting conflicting emotions is the only way to begin to make progress. The next step is to ask yourself why the mess is there. Our mental environment is an amalgamation of our both conscious and subconscious thoughts and behaviors. We have to look honestly and gently at ourselves and understand where our anxieties, doubts, and self-interruptions stem from. Once we have identified the source, we can start to discard the unhealthy trends that stimulate and feed our behavior. Once we can clearly identify the source of our mental clutter, we can formulate a strategy to conquer it. Practicing mindfulness and healthy routines can help build a foundation of clarity. Start by slowly introducing small daily changes—like setting aside 10-15 minutes each day to dedicate to deep breathing exercises or increasing your activity levels, even if it’s just taking the stairs instead of the elevator. In addition to mindful moments, it can be beneficial to explore alternatives such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), hypnotherapy, talk therapy, yoga and meditation. All these techniques can help you to become more in tune with your thoughts, as well as help to keep anxiety and stress at bay. As an additional measure, practice positive self-talk. This means reframing negative beliefs by disproving them through facts, acknowledging personal accomplishment and recognizing your strength. These little acts of self-care can have a monumental impact on improving your mind power and mental clarity. Decluttering isn’t a one-time event; it’s a continuous effort. Reassess your progress regularly and be open to make changes and modifications when needed. Be forgiving of yourself and kind to yourself throughout this journey; your mental health is worth it.
  15. I’m twenty-six and I feel like I’m living in a state of limbo. On one hand, I’m told that I’m an adult; I have a career and I am expected to take responsibility for certain things. On the other hand, I still feel like I’m a kid; I’m still figuring out my life and feeling the stresses of growing up. I’m stuck in the middle, neither a kid nor an adult, so when will I stop being a teenager? Adulthood is a strange situation to find myself in. It can be both exciting and frustrating at the same time. I’m no longer beholden to my parents like I was as a kid and I have a chance to explore the world and make my own decisions. At the same time, I am painfully aware of how much I don’t know and it can be hard to accept that I can’t turn to anyone else to figure it out. The pressure to ‘grow up’ can be immense and there seems to be a never ending pressure to do more and do better. I have a career and a house, but are these really signs that I’m an adult? I still don’t feel like I’ve really made it into adulthood. I still feel like I’m just muddling through and trying to get by. The truth is that everyone’s timeline is different and there is no right or wrong answer to when we should all stop being teenagers. Some people seem to transition more seamlessly than others, but for most of us, it is a long and winding road filled with ups and downs, successes and failures. We learn and grow from our experiences, both good and bad, and eventually start to understand who we are and what we want from life. We may not be able to pinpoint an exact moment when we transition from teenager to adult, but over time, we begin to develop the wisdom, experience, and responsibility to understand that adulthood isn’t about having a title or achieving certain milestones; it’s about accepting life for what it is and making choices that reflect our values, beliefs, and sense of self. As we embrace adulthood and our unique paths, we gain a deep understanding of ourselves and the world around us.
  16. We get to hear a lot about different personality types, and how people may be classified according to their specific traits - but how accurate are such classifications, really? As it turns out, there are believed to be 6 core personality types, according to psychologists - and while there may not be one definite categorization that fits all, understanding these diverse personalities can really help us understand ourselves better. Although there are numerous ways to classify individuals, psychologists commonly recognize the existence of 6 core personality types. Researchers in the 'Big Five' model have identified Extroversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Neuroticism, and Openness to Experience as the five most essential characteristics - however, if we add Self-Control to this list, we get the six core traits that together create personality types. The way you react and act in many diverse situations is actually determined by the combination of these 6 core traits. Do you often find yourself feeling organized and reliable? That's 'Conscientiousness' - a personality trait typically marked by having strong attention to responsibility and order. If you put emphasis on being organized and ambitious, then you are demonstrating Conscientiousness. Extroversion, on the other hand, is characterized by the need to be in social situations, express your opinions freely and establish relationships with others. Other traits include Agreeableness, Neuroticism, Openness to Experience, and Self-Control. Your personality type is usually based upon a combination of these elements - understanding which ones apply to you, and how they interact, can provide vital insight into yourself and your mannerisms. For instance, if you exhibit traits of both Extroversion and Conscientiousness, then you are likely an organized, outgoing and friendly person. You may also possess an eagerness for fun and excitement, but still be mindful of having an orderly life. The six core personality traits can be extremely useful for self-understanding, aiding us in learning how certain backgrounds or lifestyles can influence the way we think and act. By recognizing the psychological dichotomy that exists within all of us, we can identify potential areas for progression and come to terms with our own idiosyncrasies. This knowledge helps us forge more meaningful connections within our souls and with the outer world, ultimately allowing us to lead more fulfilling and enriched lives. Of course, different personality types may also bring issues - while some traits, such as Openness to Experience, can be beneficial, others, like Neuroticism, might prove to be negative and limiting. If you feel overwhelmed, unbalanced or uncertain, the best advice is to seek professional help and take further steps to gain deeper understanding of your psyche. Maybe you have already found which personality type suits you best - or maybe you are still searching for the answer. Either way, it is important to remember that all personality types are valid - and all are essential components of the huge variety of human beings on our planet.
  17. Breakups can be emotionally taxing, especially after a long-term relationship. There are so many things to process and yet so few resources to get us through it all—it's no wonder people have difficulty getting over their exes. Apart from seeking professional help from a trusted therapist or psychologist, there are things we can do on our own to help move past the pain of a breakup. To that end, here are 10 things to stop doing if you want to get over your ex. 1. Stop Rebuilding Bridges - A common mistake people make when trying to get over an ex is rebuilding bridges. Whether it's trying to be friends with them again or searching for answers, by attempting to build bridges you become vulnerable to more hurt and heartache. 2. Stop Rehashing Past Arguments - Going over past arguments and scenarios, no matter how bad they were, will constantly remind you of them. Quit revisiting the past and trying to make sense of what happened. It's a dead-end. 3. Stop Referencing Future Possibilities - If you're still hoping for a possible future together, you'll never fully move on until you let go of that dream. As hard as it is, it's best to accept the relationship for what it was and exit the pity-party. 4. Stop Thinking in Black and White - Moving on from an ex means accepting reality—the good, the bad, and the grey—instead of trying to view the relationship in absolute terms. Think about all the moments in between, the imperfections and nuances that defined their character and your relationship. 5. Stop Keeping Score - Yes, there are always two sides to a story, but getting stuck in a cycle of blame keeps you in a negative headspace and results in nothing but bitterness. Working on forgiving, rather than forgetting, helps free up thoughts and creates space to heal. 6. Stop Going Over Old Texts - Trying to decipher old text messages and emails won't change what happened. Doing this turns your ex into an imaginary enemy and only reminds you of how things ended. 7. Stop Wallowing in Self-Pity - The breakup was a choice and so is healing. Taking responsibility for your emotions and acknowledging that the breakup was not one-sided frees up psychological energy needed for real progress. 8. Stop Searching for a Role Model - We often look for another couple to admire who could simulate our failed relationship, but this obsession overlooks the uniqueness of that relationship. Grieving takes time and patience, but idolizing other couples will only serve to hold you back. 9. Stop Marshaling Evidence Against Yourself - Self-doubt can lead down a dark and dangerous path, one in which we find fault in ourselves and blame our ex for everything. Instead of marshaling evidence against your ability to have a successful relationship, focus on the positive characteristics within yourself that attracted your ex in the first place. 10. Stop Shoving Your Feelings Away - Get used to the idea that uncomfortable feelings are unavoidable in times of grief. Rather than trying to stuff them away, confront each emotion head-on as it comes, then actively search for solutions to tackle it with optimism. The road to recovering from a breakup is filled with hardship and uncertainty, but it ultimately leads to growth and resilience. Make sure to actively practice self-care while avoiding the pitfalls listed above and you'll eventually come to terms with the situation and feel whole again.
  18. The love that once flourished without fail can now be only a distant, yet painful memory. Reunited with your former flame, you find yourself confused and vulnerable, afraid of the feelings that have re-emerged. What to do when you find yourself falling for an ex all over again? Age-old wisdom suggests you resist these emotions; that happiness lies in finding a new partner. But what if the thought is unappealing because you've never completely gotten over them? It's normal to feel a resurgence of those same confusing and conflicting emotions. After all, the two of you once shared something special, a connection that has been hard to find elsewhere. However, whether it is the right decision to pursue a renewed relationship or even give it another shot depends on how you and your ex have progressed after the breakup. Before you jump into anything, ask yourself: why have you decided to give it another go? Is this really a mutual decision, made out of respect and care for each other? Think hard about these questions and be honest. Have either of you moved on, or do unresolved issues remain? Reconnecting and giving it another try must be done with great consideration and a lot of introspection. It goes without saying that open and successful communication is absolutely key. You need to emphasize that your dedication to each other assumes you’re both willing to put in the work. Stay true to your principles, no matter how much you may desire the path of least resistance. It is also important to be kind and reasonable during this stage. Consider leaving the past where it belongs – behind you – rather than continuously rehashing pain and resentment. In addition, be sure to avoid all that third-party drama once and for all. Instead, focus on learning from past mistakes and making oneself a better, more mature partner. In the end, it's up to you to decide whether or not to succumb to the temptation and try your luck at love. Just remember that this time, there is no expiration date.
  19. We have all come across people who have an absolute lack of empathy for their fellow human. Their behavior may be misconstrued as callousness or neglect and it can be difficult to recognize how such people could thrive in society. Behind every seemingly ruthless individual lies a confusing paradox: they are equally oblivious to their own emotions and to the emotions of others. People with these personality traits have no idea what empathy means. These individuals may appear to enjoy autonomy and show no concern for anyone but themselves. They may compartmentalize their lives, refusing to share even their smallest problems. Teetering on a cliff between the physical and emotional realms, they possess an intangible quality that leaves them unable to move forward. Somewhere inside these people resides a deep fear that binds them from connecting emotionally with the world. It is easy to make judgments about those without feelings of compassion or understanding. But we must consider the possibility that these individuals have endured some form of processing that left them stranded in an inner world void of connectivity. It brings us to the ultimate question: Is a person born this way or does society create them in this manner? Being disconnected to one’s emotions can be dangerous and yet, surprisingly, some of those who lack empathy lead satisfied lives. It's almost like they set up boundaries that allow one foot to remain within the world of the heart and the other firmly planted in the world of indifference. Still, others may be unaware of their true nature until a profound experience forces them to confront their inner fear. A crisis such as the death of a loved one or a broken relationship may finally bring light to the darkness of emotion that has long been clouding their thinking. Once illuminated, it is up to them to take the necessary steps that will lead to diplomatic communication with others. Learning about empathy takes time and will not necessarily bring them closer to becoming a sympathetic person. However, understanding empathy can bring clarity to unresolved issues in their life and give them insight into the feelings and motives of the people they deal with everyday. It will also help them to identify the strengths and weaknesses in their personal relationships. If someone is interested in advancing their capacity to feel empathy and develop meaningful connections, it is important to pay close attention to the needs of others, practice open-mindedness, become a better listener, and cultivate an understanding of one’s self. Despite being difficult to achieve, these changes can help bring balance and joy back into their existence. In a world filled with prospects, it is easy to be overly consumed by selfish desires. Nevertheless, it is equally essential to recognize the importance of allowing ourselves to be human and feel genuine emotions. It is something that no amount of money, status, or success can provide. Empathy is a quality that is immeasurable, something which we all take for granted until it is gone.
  20. “But aren’t we friends?” It’s a question all of us have asked at some point in our lives. We’re often so eager to label relationships, whether it’s romantic, platonic, or something else entirely. But what if the bond between you and another person transcends mere categories and labels? What if, in addition to being friends, you’re emotionally connected? The concept of emotional intimacy is an interesting one. It places emphasis on the level of mutual trust and understanding, rather than any kind of physical proximity. Those with strong levels of emotional intimacy feel comfortable enough with each other to be vulnerable, to take risks, and to forgive one another. So, how do you know if your bond with another person reaches that level of closeness? One sign to look out for is an increased level of communication. When two people share an emotional connection, they naturally communicate more frequently and openly. There is no need to put up walls; whatever is shared, stays between the two of them. They feel like they can talk about anything without fear of judgement. Showing care for one another is another indication that there is emotional intimacy present. You may find yourself doing little things for your significant other to make their life easier. This could be something as simple as making dinner for when they get home from work or picking up groceries for them without them asking. Similarly, those who have strong levels of emotional intimacy show appreciation for each other in more noticeable ways. In addition to communication and care, people in a relationship with strong emotional intimacy will be supportive of each other’s endeavors. They want to see each other be successful and achieve their goals, and they actively cheer each other on. They celebrate each other’s successes, both large and small. Finally, true emotional intimacy is evident in a lack of judgments or criticisms. Both people involved understand that mistakes will happen; however, they never use those mistakes to devalue the other person. They recognize the importance of a healthy give-and-take relationship, allowing them to address issues without accusation or confrontation. Recognizing the signs of emotional intimacy in your relationship can be difficult, but it is important to make sure that you and your partner are on the same page. While physical nearness might not necessarily be necessary to form an emotional bond, an understanding of each other’s wants and needs is. If you’re unsure whether or not your relationship has reached a point of emotional intimacy, ask yourself the questions above and reflect on your current interactions.
  21. Why do we sometimes laugh at jokes we’ve heard before? Why are expressions of love so treasured when they can often be found in romance novels or films? It could be that savoring life’s little joys requires moments of complete connection and bond with our experiences. This idea was further explored in recent research that focused on peace, contentment, and other uplifts found in daily living for introverts. The research revealed a complex aspect of introversion—that sometimes the inward focus that is so integral to the personality can block out recognition of the small joys of everyday life. Despite this lack of awareness, the results showed that introverts can find joy in their daily activities and moments just as much as extroverts can. One way introverts may be able to access these happy feelings is to use creative outlets and cognitive techniques. Mindful meditation and journaling can help us recognize emotional cues and experiences as well as enjoy them fully. Creative hobbies such as writing, pottery and drawing can help us to take satisfaction from our accomplishments and find appreciation for the beauty and pleasure of all kinds of experience. However, even arts and meditative practices only work if an introvert connects to their own inner truth. For many people, this means taking time to identify what they need in order to feel comforted and relaxed. Whether this means taking a break to read alone, going for a quiet walk in nature, or spending time with close friends can be individualized depending on the person. Allowing themselves permission to be still and be aware of their emotions can also be a powerful technique that can help introverts tap into a more conscious state rather than merely experiencing life through a fog of stress, worry and ambivalence. These unique approaches to finding joy in the small things can create a sense of kinship and understanding between introverts and extroverts that’s both meaningful and lasting. Whether by conducting scientific research or simply by introspectively acknowledging our experiences, everyone can learn to seek and discover uplift. Throughout the journey, being kind and gentle to ourselves should always be of utmost importance. In a world where busyness and fatigue often reign, finding small moments of joy in our daily lives can be the reminder we need to bring balance to our mental health. Though introverts may have difficulty pinpointing those moments of joy due to their inside focus, careful consideration of their individual needs can lead to remarkable discoveries about their own capabilities for happiness. By accessing their inner strength, introverts can better appreciate life’s small pleasures and use them to form healthy connections with the world beyond.
  22. It is so easy to think that all it takes is a few bubble baths and a night of yoga to get through times of overwhelm, fatigue or stress. But the truth is, faux self-care doesn’t always get you to where you need to be. That type of superficial solution tends not to provide the long-term fix necessary to help beat burnout and build true resilience. Spending time in activities that give us instant gratification, such as scrolling through our phone or watching Netflix or taking a bubble bath, while they are enjoyable places to retreat can become a mere distraction when we need to square up to our true needs and make lasting changes. In today's society many of us don't feel like we have the luxury to stop and take a break for more than a few moments. Our lives are dictated by an ever-spinning schedule of commitments and various demands from work, family, friends and ourselves. When this high level of overwhelm persists, it can be difficult to stay connected to our true selves and hear the still quiet voices of our inner spirits guiding us to what we need most. It can be hard to recognize when faux self-care has become an insidious cycle over genuine rest and renewal. To prevent this from happening, we must find more effective solutions which restore well-being in a way that is both lasting and empowering. Perhaps the most important part of reclaiming our well-being is creating boundaries between us and those things that stress us out. This could mean setting limits on work schedules or providing strict expectations for our family and friends so they know they cannot rely on us past certain times. Boundaries empower us to remain within our own limitations which, in turn, helps maintain a sense of stability and focus. Simply made appointments with yourself can do wonders in helping to keep priorities at the forefront, allowing for necessary and consistent recharging. Scheduling a few hours each week for yourself gives us the mental space to focus solely on our needs, and is something that should never bee underestimated. Another practice we can integrate into our daily lives is conscious breathing. Taking in deep, conscious breaths gives us the opportunity to pause, release, and centre into our truest selves before moving forward with whatever tasks may come our way. It can be difficult to make the internal shift in thinking, or come out of our automatic default mode of behavior. Adding elements like creative visualization, which can be implemented during moments of heightened stress and challenge us to see the world through a new lens, can help deepen contemplation and further facilitate personal growth. This type of activity allows us to creatively explore how various scenarios might play out and can offer a much needed perspective on how to approach difficult situations. Connecting with people who nurture and appreciate who you truly are helps protect your heart from disconnection, loneliness and pain. These relationships are invaluable and should be highly prized. Nameless faces can so often lead us astray because it’s easier to act impulsively and oppose a stranger’s opinion than someone’s we care about. Your tribe will provide safe space for feeling heard and held, and you will know that you are appreciated for just being you. The most important thing to remember when it comes to true self-care is that it is an art, one that requires regular practice and nurturing to reap the best benefits - no matter how painfully slow the process may seem. In order to cultivate true self-care, we must make time to recharge and rest, be patient with ourselves, and learn how to move forward with an open and gentle heart. We can all benefit from conscious strategies to move forward and alleviate burnout. We don’t need bubble baths to do it, but rather, an intentional approach to replace the ‘faux’ aspects of self-care. Before returning to the regular duties of modern day life, focus on the little bookends that can provide moments of renewal and the means to escape faux self-care.
  23. The clouds were heavy, and the grey sky relentlessly bore down on the small home. One woman in particular was baring an intense weight of emotion - the first time in a long time she found herself alone after the sudden loss of her husband's long standing six-figure job. She was lost in her thoughts, she was left wondering what do when the future she carefully tailored seemed to vanish overnight. It was almost as if a charming illusion that gave the facade of luck and safety beneath them had faded altogether – the string of fate had snapped and with it the momentous notion of stability. The deed was done; her husband had been laid off and the secret of how to keep pushing forward was stirred in their minds with no solution to be found. As if time had stopped still for that moment after he break the news, she soon found her feet as she reassessed her new reality. Women today face loneliness, abandonment, and misberging emotions during or after a divorce. But she was determined not to move straight into despair and despair, but to search for something more. The lack of a financial foundation was initially concerning, but she soon realized that a man or a large career did not define her existence - she could take control and become self-determined. In times of darkness and turmoil, we can often be clouded by fear, anxiety, and sadness. It is essential to learn how to build yourself back up and redirect your thoughts to something more positive and productive. For starters, cultivating connections in the form of healthy relationships with family and friends may help restore a sense of purpose. Rediscovering hobbies and passions can work wonders too. Not only can these activities bring joy and productivity during tough times, but they also foster creativity, mindfulness and self-confidence. So rather than letting the situation bring her down and cowering into a corner, she refuses to give up her identity. Additionally, taking an educational course, attending events and seminars, or volunteering in your local community are priceless methods of self-growth, even if a hectic life schedule means you can only commit to a few hours each week. Moreover, normalizing the transition is important for recovery. Seeking out outside perspectives, such as professional counseling or health advice, can go a long way in helping you emotionally and mentally transit. Last but not least, cultivating a spiritual connection, whether through meditation or joining a faith-based organization,is a great way of gleaning appreciation for one’s self, even in hard times. This might include joining support groups and or reading articles online that addresses divorce matters, leaving room for compassion and understanding. Many roads will look uncertain and disruptive to one’s life when faced with a major transition such as a divorce. It is understandable to feel fear and distress, but strength comes in finding personal accountability as a new avenue to embrace. Taking this opportunity to relish new personalities, ideas and experiences can open our eyes to meaningful revelations on a path to true healing, fulfillment, and growth.
  24. The phrase “home is where the heart is” perfectly encapsulates the emotional aspects of having a home—it is the place that provides peace and comfort. Imagine then, when home is no longer a source of solace to a spouse whose husband works remotely. Working from home often means blurring the line between being on the job and off, so it can be difficult for partners of remote employees to know where to draw the boundaries in order to avoid becoming overwhelmed. When home is also your partner's workplace, the whole dynamic can easily throw you off balance. The work will always come first due to the fact that there is more riding on the employee’s professional performance than the wellbeing of the relationship. This can make those working from home more focused on themselves, which may allow certain problems that are already present in the relationship to fester without being addressed. It is important to find ways of coping in order to create a happy and welcoming home environment. Communication between partners is key to a successful marriage and both parties need to be transparent about their worries, hopes and dreams. If a spouse feels like her husband is not taking the time to listen to her feelings and concerns, then it is important for her to vocalize them despite possible resistance from him because working remotely could actually mean more demands instead of less. This can leave one partner feeling neglected or pushed aside and she needs to communicate her needs if her husband is to understand and be responsive to them. It is also necessary to create quality moments to reconnect on a regular basis. These moments should be like a little escape from the everyday struggles of life. This can range from planning regular get-aways to simply spending quality time together at home. Taking the time to bond over conversations, hobbies and interests, or simple activities like cooking together can help strengthen the connection between both parties and make life at home a bit more bearable. In order to keep a strong relationship while her husband works remotely, it is important that the spouse of the employee finds activities to occupy herself. This may include picking up new skills or hobbies, catching up with friends and family regularly, exploring an area of interest or developing a professional network. Self-care should also be prioritized through activities like exercise, eating healthy meals and getting enough sleep which will boost her physical and psychological health. In the pursuit of these goals, it is vital for a spouse to set boundaries and avoid becoming too dependent on her partner. Finally, spouses of remote employees should be aware of their own triggers in terms of overwhelm and stress. Relationships are full of give and take and learning to cope with each partner’s unique abilities and limitations is essential for a peaceful marriage. Acknowledging these things can give couples the tools to establish a successful home environment even in the most stressful times.
  25. It’s a heartbreaking reality: men have refused to marry their pregnant partners in order to “protect” their money. In cases like these, it can be difficult to know how to help them make the decision to do the right thing and marry their partner. In most cases, this situation carries serious implications for everyone involved. Most notably, the baby will lack the legal protection of having two parents present to care for and provide for the child. Emotional pain and fear for the future can mount for both partners when marriage is refused due to potential financial threats. Realizing that some men are facing such tough dilemmas can make it easier to approach the situation with an open mind and non-judgmental attitude as we explore options for what to do. At first, it can be helpful to gain an understanding of why the man is making this choice, which can often be related to cultural or religious beliefs. Even if the man only cares about protecting his money, it’s important to remember that he doesn’t have all the facts or the full scope of the situation. It’s important to provide him with accurate information about the various financial repercussions of both marriage and parenthood. Second, it’s important to provide emotional support if needed. Whether the man is considering marriage or is steadfast in his plan to avoid it, emotional support is essential in order to ensure the best possible outcome for everyone involved. This can include listening to his concerns, helping him to reduce stress, exploring resources, and providing assistance with decision-making. Third, understanding the laws can help to guide the way in this situation. Some countries will not recognize the parental rights of unmarried fathers and will make decisions regarding guardianship and custody based primarily on the mother’s marital status. In other situations, the laws may favor the married father's rights more. Fourth, explore options. There are a few possible options that could help to resolve the dilemma, such as having a legal agreement drawn up that outlines the responsibilities and rights of both parents, setting up a savings plan or trust fund to help prevent economic burdens in the future, or finding ways to reduce financial strain without marrying. It’s also possible to discuss the idea of marriage without implying it is mandatory, or perhaps there’s a way to negotiate both partners getting what they want. Finally, recognize the courage it takes to choose marriage as the right move. Marrying a pregnant partner can be scary and exhausting, but in the end, it’s usually worth the work, effort, and financial investment. the true cost of a man refusing to marry his pregnant partner is the loss of the baby’s security and protection that often comes from having two parents present.
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